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"International Conference on Racism and Child Abuse" and other conference scams
Occasionally we receive spam announcing international conferences that shows some of the telltale marks of Nigerian 419 spams, such as the use of free webmail accounts or MSN Personal Address domains. The emails inevitably trace to Nigeria or other countries in West Africa, sometimes also to European countries scheduled as the second conference location, but rarely to the country where the organizers claims to be based (which is usually the USA or Canada).
Typically these fake conferences are supposed to take place in two countries, the USA and another country (in Canada, Europe, Africa or the Middle East).
People who sign up for the conferences will be told to contact hotels, which almost always use Yahoo.com addresses. They will be told they can't get a visitor's visa for the US or another conference location without the hotel reservation. When they want to make a reservation they will be told to send cash as a downpayment via Western Union, the classic 419 scam payment modality.
NOTE: Western Union is NOT safe to pay anyone you only know via the Internet. NEVER send money by Western Union to anyone you don't know personally, NO EXCEPTIONS!
Below are some examples of emails from this type of scam.
- RACISM AND PREVENTION STRATEGIES / worldconference2005@teenmail.co.za
- Youths Conference AGAINST RACISM AND CHILD ABUSE June 25th-- 30th 2006
- Netherlands and South Africa
- RACISM and CHILD ABUSE (Ontario/Canada and Italy)
- Maryland, USA and Seville Spain (secretaryglobalyouth@yahoo.com)
- Georgia, USA (wccr_cd@yahoo.com)
- Montreal, Canada and Contonou Benin (secretaire_gyw@yahoo.fr)
- Les jeunes et le sida / Les travaux forcés des enfants (Quebec/Benin)
- Netherlands and Spain (smithydave111@excite.com)
- sar_grant04@yahoo.com
- USA and Italy (sargrant1000@gmail.com)
- Orlando/USA and Canada, December 2006 (yworeg88@yahoo.com)
- Orlando/USA and Canada, March 2007 (info_ywo_icoca2006@programmer.net)
- USA and Senegal, December 2006 (worldyouthforum.tripod.com)
- Dallas/USA and Oxford/UK, Feb/Mar 2007 (info-idf.togo@africamail.com)
- USA and Italy, February 2007 (usayf@usa.com)
- Quebec, 26 Feb-04 March 2007 (directrice_ja@yahoo.fr)
- uk_online_lotto@windstream.net
- Mrs Rebecca Aniston (mrs_rebecca_aniston02@hotmail.com)
- Conferences in Netherlands and Spain (mrcarolbrowz21@hotmail.com)
- Calgary/Canada, June 2007 (cwds.2007@yahoo.ca)
- Calgary 2007 (cwds2007@yahoo.com)
- Calgary, December 2007 (gwcd-cwds@consultant.com)
- Calgary 2007 (cwds_2007@yahoo.ca)
- infos.secretariat_gyw@yahoo.fr
- New York City and Cape Verde (hotelcananda@myway.com)
- USA and Spain (drbrownmcknight@yahoo.co.uk)
- California and Senegal (world_conference2007@usa.com)
- usa_youthregistry@yahoo.com
- USA and Guinea Bissau (yworeg2003@yahoo.com)
- Nancy Parkerson / Ricardo Da Costa (info_africaywo@yahoo.com)
- "European Health Psychology Society: Health Psychology and Society" (secretary.ehps2007conference@apennootje.nl)
- "Richard Dolls Foundation" (r.dollfoundation@consultant.com)
- USA and Senegal (aidsconference2007@consultant.com)
- USA and Senegal (info-sec@usa.com)
- Canada and Italy (worldyouthoutreach@myway.com)
- RICHARD DOLLS FOUNDATION (george.solomon@london.com)
- Richard Dolls Foundation (September 2007, London)
- intl.development.program@philadelphia.usa.com
- New York and Oxord, 2006 (idf.intl.applicant@usa.com)
- mysps.tripod.com
- USA and Italy, December 2007 (mkyjameslove@yahoo.ca)
- Houston and Cape Town (humanitarianaidsorg@secretary.net)
- Belize and Senegal (steffy_robinson@yahoo.com)
- Montreal and New York City (development.network@canada.com)
- Quebec / Dec 2007-Jan 2008 (dreamztatiana@gmail.com)
- May 2008 / Houston (aidshuman@secretary.net)
- Montréal / New York / Jan/Feb 2008 (development.network@canada.com)
- Anaheim California, Dakar senegal / January 2008 (worldconference2008@usa.com)
- Alberta Canada, 22-29 of December 2007 (rosline_jenny2007@yahoo.co.uk)
- Anaheim California / Dakar senegal, January 2008 (ella_dover@yahoo.com)
- alphatrustfoundations.org
- "RICHARD DOLLS FOUNDATION" (rdf2008@rock.com)
- UK and Dakar, Senegal/April 2008 (globalyouthwelfareorg@fmail.co.uk)
- jacobsoncorp_foundation@usa.com
- California and Senegal (aidsconference2008@california.usa.com)
- aidsconference2008@linuxmail.org
- GWCC 08 (conference@gwcc08.org)
- Julie Morgan (secretary_tomi@usa.com)
- Child Welfare (gwcd@beehive.org)
- info.conference@y7mail.com
- conference@wggwcc08.us
- ichapcal@usa.com
- yworeg@gmail.com
- gwcd.conference.org@gmail.com
- whoconference2009@mail2california.com
- Washington and Dakar, April 2009 (gho.conference.secretariatdesk@gmail.com)
- Dakar-Senegal, May 2009 (secretary.tcookman@gmail.com)
- Dakar, Senegal (registra.secretariat@usa.com)
- GWCCN 09, June 26-30, 2009 (conference@uku.co.uk)
- UN conference in June 2009 in London (un@unconference2009.org)
- GWCC 09 - London, UK, June 26, 2009 (unaidgwcc.com)
- USA and Italy, Aug/Sep 2009 (globaldeveloporg@mail2italy.com)
- New York and Dakar, Aug 2009 (secretary.aay.org@googlemail.com)
- cynthia.wilfrey@ceyhan.org
- Washington DC and Dakar, Senegal (wcarsecretary@usa.com)
- USA and Dakar, Oct 12-16, 2009 (danielleleonard.us@gmail.com)
- USA and Dakar, Feb 9-12, 2010 / Feb 15-19, 2010 (r.carter100@insing.com)
- Seattle and Burkina Faso, 8-10 Feb 2010 / 12-15 Feb 2010 (y.secretary@secretary.net)
- California and Dakar, 14-16 Apr 2010 / 21-23 Apr 2010 (ashantidaviss@hotmail.com)
- Washington D.C. and Dakar, 21-25 Jun 2010 / 28 Jun-02 Jul 2010 (secretary_wvo@insing.com)
- Athens, Greece, 21th Junly to 4th August 2010 (globalsymposium@europe.com)
- Atlanta, USA and Saint-Louis, Senegal, 21-24 Sep 2010 / 27-30 Sep 2010 (isabella_der@globomail.com)
- New York and Dakar, Senegal, 13-16 Dec 2010 / 20-23 Dec 2010 (gcofhrsecretary@globomail.com)
- London, 27-31 Jan 2011
- Washington D.C. and Dakar, Senegal, 21-24 Feb / 27 Feb-02 Mar 2011
- Anaheim and Kuala Lumpur (amandaeboney010@rediffmail.com)
- New York and Accra, Ghana, 6-12 Jun / 13-17 Jun 2011 (intlconferences.secretariat@gmail.com)
- New York and Accra, GH (6-11 Jun, 13-17 Jun 2011)
- New York and Madrid (18-20 Aug and 22-26 Aug 2011)
- Atlanta and Dakar (20-23 Sep and 27-30 Sep 2011)
- California and Senegal, 21-25 Nov, 28 Nov-1 Dec 2011 (wchtpsw_world_conf@mynet.com)
- Seattle and Burkina Faso, 30 Oct-3 Nov and 6-10 Nov 2011 (interworld.youthc@ymail.com)
- California and Senegal, Nov/Dec 2011 (wchtpsw_wor_conf@mynet.com)
- Seattle and London, 17-20 Jul 2012, 23-26 Jul 2012 (doris_walter@ovi.com)
- Boston and Birmingham (jobeverfounfation@gmail.com)
- Seattle/US and Lome/TG (yfmission@eml.cc)
- California and Senegal (DiamantYasmina@activist.com)
- Nov 24-29, 2014, Maryland, USA (secretarygro@aol.com)
- February 23rd–28th, 2015, California, USA (hroregistrationdesk@aim.com)
- California and Dakar, Jan 10-12 and Jan 17-19, 2015 (cwpho.sec@cwpho.org)
See also:
The following event is fake. It was announced to collect bogus registration fees from would-be participants. The street address of one of the supposed locations (1800 Pardee Rd, Taylor, MI 48180-6320, USA) does not exist. According to the US Postal Service, zip code 48180-6320 covers the even range of 14300 - 14598 Pardee Rd, but not 1800. There are no listed zip code for street addresses below 5800.
There are two versions of the scam, one message signed by a Florence Cole (see below), the other signed by
Lionel Gracia
Publicity Secretary GYWO
Both emails are equally bogus. Another version of the scam ran in 2004, see 419eater.com.
The following warning was found on Youthlink.org:
BE CAUTIOUS: Many scams invite people to register for a youth conference, and are meant only to collect registration fees. Please beware and only pay fees when you are certain it is a legitimate event. Common schemes include events taking place in both Guinea-Bissau or other countries and the USA.
These may be scams:
(1) National Awareness Program on HIV/AIDS
Supposedly to be held in Washington DC and London and organized by a Ms. Sophia Loren.
(2) International Youth Health Development Organization Conference (IYHDOC)
Supposedly to be held 9-13 November 2005, in Florida, USA and Madrid, Spain.
(3) International Conference on Racism and Child Abuse - Global Youth Welfare Organization, in USA and Italy, in December 2005.
Here is the scam invitation:
The International Conference on Racism and Child
Around the globe, people are sweeping aside old notions of how we learn and
develop, how to educate and to help, and what it is to build community -- by
developing new practices based in performance. In both theory and practice, a
new psychology that understands our ability to perform -- to pretend, to play,
to improvise, to be who we are and other than who we are -- as key to our
emotional, social and intellectual growth and well-being.
Organizing the International Conference on Racism and Child Abuse fights and
interrogates the growing social vices Child Abuse and racism taking place in
urban centers, towns and villages the world over. The conference will bring
together Youths, Youth Leaders, Performers, Educators, Artists, Scholars and
Researchers, psychologists and therapists, Health Professionals, Business
professionals, Youth workers, Activists, and Community organizers to showcase
what need to be done to win this war. These events are scheduled to commence
in Michigan, USA and come to an end in Napoli, Italy. It is a two-tied kind of
events in which all the participants and educators shall be happy to partake in.
Spend some unique days ...
Learning new ways to relate to human beings, to culture, to community, and to
social change. Meeting others like yourself; learning, teaching, inspiring and
being inspired. Exploring the potential of a performance approach to unleash
and nurture the human capacity to create, collaborate and change the world.
The events shall commence on the 28th of November 2005 and end on the 1st of
December 2005 at
Elvis Concert Hall
1800 Pardee Rd
Taylor, MI 48180-6320
While the second segment in Italy shall commence on the 5th of December and
end on the 8th of December 2005 at
Centro Giovanile
le Tecchio 10,
80125 Napoli,
We believe this is an incredible opportunity to network with like-minded
Individuals and organizations in the promotion and development of pro-active
youth associations and NGOs in our communities. These events are open to Youth
Organizations, Socio-Cultural Organizations,
performers, educators, artists, scholars and researchers, health
Organizations, Professionals and Business Organizations, Non Governmental
Organizations, Human Right Organizations,
Women Groups and persons that adhere to our principles. The Global Youth
Welfare Organization shall provide an all round flight ticket to all cities of
the events in U.S.A and Italy for every participant,
and also accommodation and feeding for all participants in U.S.A shall also be
provided. Participants will only take care of their accommodation and feeding
expenses in Italy.
All Interested organizations should forward the
following information about
their organization to our Secretary with
1) Aims and objectives of the Organization
2) Organization profile
3) Achievement so far
Participants MUST be a group of 5-10 persons to qualify for registration.
Registrations will be confirmed via a message to your designated e-mail
address after processing your profile.
La conférence internationale sur le racisme et l'abus d'enfant autour du globe,
Les gens sont de vieilles notions d'aparté rapide de la façon dont nous
apprenons et nous développons, de la façon instruire et aider, et ce qui est
elle pour établir la communauté -- en développant de nouvelles pratiques
basées dans l'exécution. Dans la théorie et la
pratique, une nouvelle psychologie qui comprend notre capacité d'exécuter --
pour feindre, au jeu, pour improviser, pour être qui nous sommes et autre que
qui nous sommes -- comme clef à notre croissance et bien-être émotifs, sociaux
et intellectuels.
Organisant la conférence internationale sur le racisme et l'abus d'enfant,
combat et interroge l'abus et le racisme sociaux
croissants d'enfant de vice ayant lieu aux centres urbains, aux villes et aux
villages le monde plus de. La conférence rassemblera des jeunesses, des chefs
de la jeunesse, des interprètes, des éducateurs, des artistes, des disciples
et des chercheurs, des psychologues et des therapists, des professionnels de
professionnels de santé, d'affaires, des ouvriers de la jeunesse, des
organisateurs d'activistes, et de Communauté pour présenter quell besoin
d'être fait pour gagner cette guerre. Ces événements sont programmés pour
débuter au Michigan,
Etats-Unis et terminés dans Napoli, Italie.
C'est un genre deux-attaché d'événements dans dans lesquels tous les
participants et éducateurs seront heureux de participer. Passez quelques
jours uniques... Nouvelles manières d'étude de se relier aux êtres humains, à
la culture, à la communauté, et au changement social.
En rencontrant d'autres aimez-vous; étude, enseignement, inspirer et être
En explorant le potentiel d'une exécution approchez pour lâcher et consolider
la capacité humaine de créer, collaborer et de changer
le monde. Les événements débuteront sur le 28ème novembre 2005 et
extrémité sur le 1er décembre 2005 au tailleur
1800 Pardee Rd,
MI 48180-6320
de salle de concert d'Elvis
tandis que le deuxième segment en Italie débutera sur le 5ème décembre et
l'extrémité sur le 8ème décembre 2005
chez Centro Giovanile
le Tecchio 10,
80125 Napoli,
Nous croyons que c'est une occasion incroyable au réseau avec les individus
semblables et les organismes dans la promotion et le développement des
associations et des O.n.g.s pro-actives de la jeunesse dans nos communautés.
Ces événements sont ouverts d'organismes de la jeunesse, d'organismes
Socio-Culturels, d'interprètes, d'éducateurs, d'artistes, de disciples et de
chercheurs, de santé Orgainzations, de professionnels et d'affaires
Organizationss, d'organisations nonnes gouvernemental, d'organismes de droit
de l'homme, de groupes de femmes et de personnes qui adhèrent à nos principes.
L'organisation globale d'assistance sociale de la jeunesse fournira un tout le
billet rond de vol à toutes les villes des événements aux Etats-Unis et en
Italie pour chaque participant, et également le logement et l'alimentation
pour tous les participants aux Etats-Unis seront également fournis. Les
participants prendront seulement soin de leur commodité et dépenses
d'alimentation en Italie.
Tous les organismes intéressés devraient expédier les informations suivantes
sur leur organisation à notre secrétaire avec
florence_cole@hotmail.com: 1) les objectifs et les objectifs des participants
d'accomplissement du profil d'organisation de l'organisation 2) 3) jusqu'ici
DOIVENT être un groupe de
5-10 personnes à qualifier pour l'enregistrement. Des enregistrements seront
confirmés par l'intermédiaire d'un message à votre
adresse indiquée de E-mail après traitement de votre profil.
TEL/FAX : + 1- 314-272-9426
Message headers:
From: "florencecole" <florencecole@curacaonet.net>
Reply-To: florence_cole@hotmail.com
Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2005 18:56:35 -0100
Message-Id: <20051002195635.M49192@curacaonet.net>
X-Mailer: Open WebMail 1.81 20021127
X-OriginatingIP: (florencecole)
WHOIS details for sending network (IP
inetnum: -
netname: INTELSAT-CUST-Timasy-NG
descr: Reassignment to Timasy customer, Nigeria
country: NG
admin-c: OO120-RIPE
tech-c: AO895-RIPE
remarks: *************************************************************
remarks: * *
remarks: * For issues of abuse related to this IP address block, *
remarks: * including spam, please send email to: *
remarks: * *
remarks: * osytao@yahoo.com *
remarks: * techsupport@timasy.com *
remarks: * *
remarks: *************************************************************
mnt-by: AS22351-MNT
mnt-lower: AS22351-MNT
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source: RIPE # Filtered
person: Osita Okeke
address: 8b Akerele Street
Surulere, Lagos State, Nigeria
phone: +234 7736477
e-mail: osytao@yahoo.com
nic-hdl: OO120-RIPE
mnt-by: AS22351-MNT
source: RIPE # Filtered
person: Anthony Onyeka
address: 8b Akerele Street
Surulere, Lagos State, Nigeria
phone: +234 1 891 1621
e-mail: tonyekas@yahoo.com
nic-hdl: AO895-RIPE
mnt-by: AS22351-MNT
source: RIPE # Filtered
"Coordinator Mr Emmanuel Dickson (Italy)"
Here the criminals demand money by Western Union, the payment method of choice of online scammers. The fax number for their office in Genoa (Genova) lists an 06 area code, which is the area code for Rome (Roma) while the real area code is 010. Conclusion: The postal address is fake, as is just about everything else about this conference...
Coordinator Mr Emmanuel Dickson,
Via C.so Europa 4975 Genova,
Liguria 66179 ITALY .
Fax Number:::00390680380080.
Dear Applicants,
It is our greatest pleasure to welcome you to this year's convention about Sexual Explotation and Prositution in Europe/ Chid labor. We are mandated to serve the youths of the world and put an end to child labor through dialogue and conventions in other to transform their lives and make them see the need why they should grow up to be responsible adults who would bring peace and tranquility to the entire world. The need of transformation is of vital importance. Together we share the quest of JUSTICE, PEACE, RECONCILIATION AND HEALING in a broken world.
We regard all people as created and loved by God, we act in ways that respect the dignity, uniqueness and intrinsic worth of every person- the poor, the donors, our own staffs and their families, boards and volunteers. We cebrate the richness of diversity in human personality, culture and contribution.
QUALIFICATION An applicant should at least be able to read and write in any of the following official languages: English, French and Spanish. Special preferences will be given to applicants that are fluent in English and French. Applicants should be within the age range of 18- 60years .Though this conference is free but, we ask each participant to pay a registration fee of 150 euro and for those that do not have their international passport and they are applying for the UN EMERGANCY TRAVELING CERTIFICATE should pay the sum of 75 euro for the processing of the ducument , as we need to send the air tickets and visa authorisation courier services like DHL and FEDEX for fast and safe delivery of their visa processing . You should try to reach us with your fees through western union in the name of MR KENNEDY ANDERSON
Because of poor banking system in the third world countries, we are not receiving payment through our bank account . For Good result and effectiveness we are only receiving payment by western union money transfer agents. We do not accept payment by credit card or any other method apart from the western union Money Gram because we have lost a huge amount of money to fraudulent people in the past .In order to reach you with the confirmation of your registration fees as soon as possible,You Should forward half or full payment of your total fees by western union in your country to our Cashier MR KENNEDY ANDERSON .If the western union money transfer bank in your country do not send payment to outside countries, then you should forward your payment to our accountant from any of your nearby country that pays to out side countries. Please note that no registration is successfully made without half or full payment.We can only send the official confirmation to you when we receive your payment.please here is the contact address of our cashier: MR KENNEDY ANDERSON . Via C.so Europa 4975 Genova, Liguria 66179 ITALY . Fax number:::00390680380080 .
you forward your half or full payment to our accountant from the western union money transfer bank either in your country or from another country, you should reach us by e-mail with the following information to enable the accountant to cash the payment from the bank without any delay or confrontation.The needed information are as follows:
Here is the registration form download and print out and filled it surmit it along with your western union payment reciept .
NOTE::: Make sure that afrter you may have send the registration fees in the name of my cashier MR KENNEDY ANDERSON and reach us with the payment information you should also reach the seceretary with the payment information as a prove that you have accuatlly made your registration payment to us here in Italy through this
fax no::- 001- (615) 694-0709 .
Thanks Chief Coordinator Mr Emmanuel Dickson.
Via C.so Europa 4975 Genova,
Liguria 66179 ITALY .
Fax Number:::00390680380080 .
Yahoo! Mail: gratis 1GB per i messaggi, antispam, antivirus, POP3
Message headers:
Received: from [] by web26202.mail.ukl.yahoo.com
via HTTP; Wed, 26 Oct 2005 12:32:49 CEST
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2005 12:32:49 +0200 (CEST)
From: MICHEAL DICKSON <africeurochiefcoordinator@yahoo.it>
inetnum: -
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organisation: ORG-FA7-RIPE
org-name: Fastweb
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address: Via Caracciolo 51
address: 20155
address: Milano
address: Italy
phone: +39 02 45451
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admin-c: ER1255-RIPE
mnt-ref: FASTWEB-MNT
mnt-ref: RIPE-NCC-HM-MNT
source: RIPE # Filtered
role: IP Registration Service
address: Via Caracciolo, 51
address: 20155 Milano MI
address: Italy
remarks: trouble:
remarks: trouble: In case of improper use originating from our network,
remarks: trouble: please mail customer or abuse@fastweb.it
remarks: trouble:
admin-c: GR417-RIPE
tech-c: AL510-RIPE
tech-c: DP4556-RIPE
tech-c: MP5673-RIPE
nic-hdl: IRS4-RIPE
source: RIPE # Filtered
abuse-mailbox: abuse@fastweb.it
Here's another email that was part of this scam, this time with a different phone number to go with the same (presumably fake) New York postal address. Number 1-734-448-4156 is not a New York number but is located in Ypsilanti, Michigan.
From: "SECRETARY INTER.CON.R.CA" <internconca@yahoo.com>
Dear delegates,
I wish to inform you that your request has been granted. You are to send the names and passport numbers of your delegates. Only groups and associations are eligible to attend our events and you should either form your group made up of people that share our philosophy and ideals which is focused on Youth development and empowerment. Send in this information on or before the 16th of November 2005.
Only groups or associations involved in fight against human rights violations, child and women abuse, racism, and genocide. Others interested to join in the ideals are also encouraged to apply .A minimum of five (5) persons maximum number of ten (10) persons are eligible to apply as a group We normally process visas for our delegates
We only pay for all round trip flight tickets for all delegates and their hotel reservations here in USA, all delegate must pay for their hotel bills in Italy.
Contact our Italian Protocol Office for the details of the two recommended hotels with protocollo_di_gywo@yahoo.it Be informed that only hotel reservation confirmation from either of the two recommended hotels shall be accepted. We normally process the visa authorization of our intending conference participants who require a US visa to enter into the territories of USA.
Our immigration lawyers shall handle that issue. They are involved in the arrangement of interview sessions in conjunction with our Embassies all over the world. If you require visa to Italy contact our Protocol Office there with protocollo_di_gywo@yahoo.It Come forward with the names and passport numbers of your group today for proper registration.
TEL/FAX : +1-734-448-4156
Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.
This is one of a whole series of spams stealing the identity of UNAIDS and using the name "Sophia Loren". It's quite bizarre:

BY OCT/NOV. 2005
WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION (WHO), UNITED NATIONS POPULATION FUND( UNFPA) top Excecutives disscused about the pandemic disease (HIV/AIDS) in the world confirmed that, everyday more than 8,000,000 people die from AIDS and every year another five million (5,000,000) people become infected with the Virus. Since July 2004 only 260,000 new patients have benefited from Anti ritroviral Vascine(ARV) therapy in developed countries.Treatment expansion is moving at a snail pace.
From the perspective of a medical/ humanitarian organization working, resource-poor countries are find it difficult to get aid for treatment of HIV/AIDS, the global picture is bleak. Are you aware of the up coming NATIONAL AWARENESS PROGRAM 2005 that will be held in AMERICA(WASHINGTON DC.) and
ENGLAND(LONDON) This program is to enlighten us about HIV/AIDS and the introduction of newly manufactured drugs (MIROBICIDES)which are used to reduce de transmission of the Deadly Virus
The good thing about this program is that everything about it has been made free including your visa and flight ticket (to and fro).Congratulation! This is not just an opportunity for you to own an AMERICAN and LONDON VISA for free.
Applicants will be given the Anti-Retrovirus Vascines (ARV) free.It might also interset you to know that at the cost of attanding this great program, if you can give any useful suggestion/ Ideas that might lead to the treatment of HIV/AIDS, you will go home with the sum of ONE HUNDRED THHOUSAND US.DOLLARS($100,000) on that day.And also, The WHO will appoint You as the General Overseaer of HIV/AIDS programmes in You country.And
hence, the WHO will take care of you welfare and pay the sum of THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS($300,000) per Month.
Send your application Letter to the Organiser of this Programme in person of the UNITED NATIONS SECRETARY GENERAL, Mr Kofi anaan] CHAIRMAN). Via the Email: unaids@mail2american.com
Stating the following: 1 Name and
2 Country
3 phone number It will our pleasure to have you sugestions, Ideas and critics. Sophia Loren; I am a 45yrs old German lady,
There are job opportunities for USA applicant as regards to the up-coming National Awareness program.
National Awareness program are searching for representatives who can help them establish a medium of getting to our VIP's in the Canada/America as well as making payments through you to us. We receive cheque every week from our sponsor. We need you to help us in clearing this cheque's and 10% of each cheque we be for you. If you are interested please send an application letter to the vice-coordinator National Awareness Program is name is Dr David Hook
(through drdavidhook101@mail2american.com). I wish you lucky. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER
Message headers:
Received: from by by15fd.bay15.hotmail.msn.com with HTTP;
Mon, 05 Sep 2005 18:29:14 GMT
X-Originating-Email: [sophialoren@internationalworldwideprogram.net]
X-Sender: sophialoren@internationalworldwideprogram.net
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 05 Sep 2005 18:29:15.0818 (UTC) FILETIME=[B886A0A0:01C5B247]
From: "sophia loren" <sophialoren@internationalworldwideprogram.net>
Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2005 18:29:14 +0000
WHOIS registration details for domain "internationalworldwideprogram.net":
Request: internationalworldwideprogram.net
connected to whois.melbourneit.com [] ...
Domain Name.......... internationalworldwideprogram.net
Creation Date........ 2005-08-25
Registration Date.... 2005-08-25
Expiry Date.......... 2006-08-25
Organisation Name.... sophia loren
Organisation Address. 200 Kerry St
Organisation Address.
Organisation Address. Lafayette
Organisation Address. 37083
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Organisation Address. UNITED STATES
Admin Name........... sophia loren
Admin Address........ 200 Kerry St
Admin Address........
Admin Address........ Lafayette
Admin Address........ 37083
Admin Address........ TN
Admin Address........ UNITED STATES
Admin Email.......... sophialoren@internationalworldwideprogram.net
Admin Phone.......... +1.6156667198
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Tech Phone........... +1.4258828080
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Name Server.......... pdomns2.msn.com
Here are the headers of a related spam with almost identical message body:
X-Originating-IP: []
X-Originating-Email: [sophialoren2@worldwideaids.net]
X-Sender: sophialoren2@worldwideaids.net
From: "sophia loren"
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 11:40:41 +0000
WHOIS details for sending network (IP
inetnum: -
netname: RCNG-NET-NG
country: NG
admin-c: OEK1-RIPE
tech-c: SOB14-RIPE
remarks: ---------------
remarks: T-IP-20041101
remarks: ---------------
mnt-by: TAIDE-NOC
source: RIPE # Filtered
person: Osaheni Ekhator
address: 9 Aburime Street, New Benin
address: Benin City Edo State, Nigeria
phone: +234 8035444930
phone: +234 14976887
fax-no: +234 14976886
e-mail: osajbruce@yahoo.com
nic-hdl: OEK1-RIPE
source: RIPE # Filtered
person: Soji Abraham
address: 9 Aburime Street, New Benin
address: Benin City Edo State, Nigeria
phone: +234 8035444930
phone: +234 14976887
fax-no: +234 14976886
e-mail: sojiabraham@hotmail.com
nic-hdl: SOB14-RIPE
source: RIPE # Filtered
% Information related to ''
descr: TAIDE-NET
origin: AS5377
mnt-by: TAIDE-NOC
source: RIPE # Filtered
Another set of headers:
Received: from by by16fd.bay16.hotmail.msn.com with HTTP;
Wed, 10 Aug 2005 11:07:28 GMT
X-Originating-Email: [sophia@lorenceworld.com]
X-Sender: sophia@lorenceworld.com
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 10 Aug 2005 11:07:28.0543 (UTC) FILETIME=[B237F2F0:01C59D9B]
From: "sophia loren"
This was sent through an AKAMAI proxy, as was the "Florence Cole / Child abuse - racism" spam.
Mrs. Jane Anderson Smith
Dear Colleagues,
It is with great enthusiasm we are the members of WORLD CONFERENCE AGAINST RACISM AND DISCRIMINATION.(WCARD)/ NATIONAL PEER HELPER ASSOCIATION (NPHA) in United States invites organizations, youths and youth-focused organizations to take an active role in the forthcoming International conferences taking place in the United States and in U.A.E (Dubai). The first international conference which was formerly schedule to take place on 8th to 11th October,2005 at Washington D.C,With The Topic National Crime Prevention Council(www.ncpc.org <http://www.ncpc.org/>) will take place from 7th to 11th November,2005. at Seattle, Washington D.C USA. while the second phase of the conferences, which will take place in United Arab Emirates U.A.E (Dubai) on Racism and Discrimination,LEARN AND PREVENTION and STOP HIV/AIDS INFECTION NOW/ STUDENTS AGAINST DESTRUCTIVE DECISION and STOP VIOLENCE - TRY MEDIATION. Wipe Out Smoking Month Visit (www.s
add.org <http://www.sadd.org/>) are also on the topics. This conference will begin on to 14th to 18th November,2005. We believe this is an incredible opportunity to network with like-minded individuals and organizations in the promotion and development of proactive youth involvement and healthy environment in our communities. I am the Publicity Secretary of the above coming events. We picked your e-mail address from the website forwarded to us by the Arabian and African Students Association in the U.S. Our independents donors will finance all round flight tickets, feeding and accommodation throughout the conference in the United States for all participants. The organizing committees will process U.S visas for all participants requiring visas to the United States. The visa will be processed and authorized in the United States by the U.S Bureau of citizenship and immigration services, a Bureau of U.S Department of Homeland security. The confirmation will be se
nt by fax to the U.S Embassy in your country and a copy will be also faxed to the participants. We are only giving rooms for existing and active organizations to participate in these events as chance are limited. We therefore ask your organization if they will participate to forward the following informations about their organization 1) Aims and objectives of the Organization. 2) Organizations profile. 3) Achievements . Send your response to the secretary organizing committee to apply for participating in these events. Only four or five members will be allowed to participate from each of the selected countries. Individuals who do not belong to any organization but are interested to participate should form a group of five people and forward their names and passport numbers to organizing committee email address.
noys_org@z6.com/ <mailto:noys_org@z6.com/> noys_org@washingtondc.usa.com <mailto:noys_org@washingtondc.usa.com>
This is powered by: noys organization: you can visit our Web-site through our link below www.noys.org <http://www.noys.org/>
Your Faithfully,
Mrs.Jane A. Smith.
(Pub Sec)
Message headers:
Received: from [] (helo=ab17c2933.com)
by vmx01.prolocation.net with smtp (Exim 4.44)
id 1ETeIy-0005UF-IF
for emailaddress; Sun, 23 Oct 2005 13:46:31 +0200
From: "Mrs. Jane Anderson Smith" <jane11234@hotmail.com>
Reply-To: jane11234@hotmail.com
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2005 15:46:54 +0400
Subject: Special Invitations
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2919.6900 DM
WHOIS details for sending network (IP
inetnum: -
descr: P.O. Box 91079, Dubai, UAE
country: AE
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source: RIPE # Filtered
person: ANY ONE
address: P.O. Box 91079, Dubai, UAE
e-mail: skylight@eim.ae
phone: +971 4 2737973
fax-no: +971 4 2286122
nic-hdl: AO1148-RIPE
source: RIPE # Filtered
% Information related to ''
descr: Emirates Telecommunications Corporation
descr: P.O. Box 1150, Dubai, UAE
origin: AS5384
source: RIPE # Filtered
Email history for IP address:
RACISM AND PREVENTION STRATEGIES / worldconference2005@teenmail.co.za
Dear Participant,
We hereby commemorate you on your recommendation to partake
on the forth-coming conference, which would due to commence
2nd to 5th July 2005 in California,USA and 16th to 19th
July, 2005.in Nigeria West Africa.
This conference is not on air or advertised to draw the
attention of the public. But we are only accepting you as a
partaker because you are been recommended by our
colleague(s) You are been giving the opportunity to
participate on this International Conferences program on
RACISM AND PREVENTION STRATEGIES scheduled to take place in
Disneyland Covention Center Anaheim CA. come 2nd to 5th
July,2005 United States. The second conference on WAR
AGAINST CHILD ABUSE will take place at the Royal convention
Hall 16th to 19th July,2005.Nigeria (west Africa) in
The theme of the forth coming International Conferences is
to teach humanity on the need to avoid Racism & Child Abuse
which led to hatred which is increasing every day among
the Youths, Key to this Education is to enlightens humanity
to deceit from this kind of attitude.
The Forth coming International Conferences is been
Organized and sponsored by the UNITED WELFARE ORGANIZATION
(U.W.O) in United States. This conference is dedicated to
all our beloved Brothers and Sisters who is under Slavery
and human abuses. The Organizations Database describes
national organizations that focus on Child abuse and
neglect on Child welfare issues not to deceit and have a
significant child abuse and neglect/child welfare
component, or have a related primary focus that can provide
some information to the field.
Child Abuse/Racism is a crime that may carry a lasting
social stigma as well as serious legal consequences. In
some states, the laws governing this crime have become more
rigid, and the punishment for a conviction can often be
quite severe. Because of this, it is extremely important
that you entrust your attorney with a strong history of
winning Racism Child Abuse cases. Doing so is the best way
to keep yourself free.
Recommended participants are entitled to participate in
this coming International Conferences regardless of your
Religion or belief.
Only minimum of five (5) or maximum of ten (10) people
expected to participate together as a group or organization
from your Country and none of them will be less than
eighteen years, they must participate in both Conferences.
It does not necessary mean that you must belong to an
organization before you can attend this event. You can
build a group of five (5) or ten (10) persons from your
country. They should be in position of their international
passports to enable them participate in this conferences.
Then you just contact and inform us that you are been
recommended to participate along with your group. You
should read and follow the instruction been given to you
immediately.You are to forward the names and passport
numbers of your group to us as soon as possible as all
participants visa request will be forward to the U.S Bureau
for Immigrant Affairs for visa Authorization that same
day.Any group visa request not forwarded on that same day
will miss the visa assistance.
Only 5 or 10 members are accepted to participate as a group
from the selected countries.You should reach us with the
following information about your group:-
(1) Names
(2) Passport numbers
(3) Name of your country of resident and code number
Our independent Donors and the Sponsors will take care of
your entire flight tickets, including your feeding and
accommodation throughout your stay in United States. You
are only responsible for your hotel reservation in Nigeria
(Africa) where the second conference is scheduled to take
place. If you are interested to participate in the
forth-coming International conferences, send your names
together with Country of origin, through our E-mail:
We will open your participation file as soon as we receive
your names. You will receive the conference Participation
forms, we would direct you to our Africa Co-Coordinator as
soon as your names reach us He would be the one to put you
in line with the Hotels in Africa where you will make your
reservation. Your Africa Hotel reservation confirmation
will only prove to us that you must go to Africa after U.S
We would give you more directives as soon as your names
reach us.Please,note that we are not in position to
authorize your visa, but we are working with the directives
from the U.S Bureau for Immigrant Affairs, the authority
that is in charge of authorization of group visa.We cannot
add or reduce any given requirements for the authorization
of participants visa participating in this events.And as
such all requirements must be met by participants requiring
the U.S Visa assistance into the U.S.
Remember to forward your names and passports number as soon
as possible in order to open a file for your group.
Best regards
Mrs Mary Hopkins
Message headers:
Received: from [] (account worldconference2005@teenmail.co.za)
by mail01.infosat.net (CommuniGate Pro WebUser 4.1.8)
with HTTP id 785906865; Fri, 10 Jun 2005 03:55:07 +0200
X-Mailer: CommuniGate Pro WebUser Interface v.4.1.8
Message-ID: <web-785906865@mail01.infosat.net>
From: "Mary Hopkins" <worldconference2005@teenmail.co.za>
WHOIS details for sending network (IP
inetnum: -
descr: Links/LAN segments for DVB access platforms 1 and 3
country: DE
admin-c: IRA4-RIPE
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remarks: * *
remarks: * For issues of network abuse, including spam, please send *
remarks: * email to Intelsat at: *
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remarks: * abuse@intelsat.com *
remarks: * *
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source: RIPE # Filtered
role: Intelsat RIPE Technical Contact
address: Intelsat Global Service Corporation
address: 3400 International Drive, NW
address: Washington, DC
address: 20008
address: USA
e-mail: abuse@intelsat.com
e-mail: tac@intelsat.com
e-mail: bgp@Intelsat.com
e-mail: Nene.Diallo@Intelsat.com
e-mail: Augustin.Traore@Intelsat.com
admin-c: IRA4-RIPE
tech-c: nd776-RIPE
nic-hdl: IRTC1-RIPE
From: "UN MAIL DELIVERY" <unaids_pginfo@hotmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, 09 November, 2005 23:56
Subject: © Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) 2005
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
© Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) 2005
WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION (WHO), UNITED NATIONS POPULATION FUND( UNFPA) top Executives discussed about the pandemic disease (HIV/AIDS) in the world and confirmed that, everyday more than 8,000,000 people die from AIDS and every year another five million (5,000,000) people become infected with the Virus. Since July 2004 only 260,000 new patients have benefited from Anti-retroviral Vaccine(ARV) therapy in developing countries. Treatment expansion in these countries is moving at snail pace.
From the perspective of a medical/ humanitarian organization working, resource-poor countries are finding it difficult to get aid for the treatment of HIV/AIDS, the global picture is bleak. Are you aware of the up coming NATIONAL AWARENESS PROGRAM 2005 that will be held in AMERICA(WASHINGTON DC.) and ENGLAND(LONDON)? This program is to enlighten us about HIV/AIDS and the introduction of newly manufactured drugs (MIROBICIDES) which are used to reduce the transmission of the Deadly Virus and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
The good thing about this program is that everything about it has been made free including your visa and flight ticket (to and fro) UNITED STATES AND LONDON under the strict supervision and Care of the WHO and UNO . Congratulation! This is not an opportunity for you to own an AMERICAN and LONDON VISA for free but Also to get you acquainted with the Global fact that HIV is real and YOU should Help Spread the Awareness...
Applicants will be given the Anti-Retrovirus Vaccines (ARV) free. It may also interest you to know that if you can give any useful suggestion/Ideas that can lead to the treatment of HIV/AIDS, you will go home with the sum of ONE HUNDRED THHOUSAND US.DOLLARS($100,000) on the day of the conference . And also, The WHO will appoint You as the General Overseer of HIV/AIDS programmed in Your country. Hence thus, the WHO will take care of your welfare and pay the sum of TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND US DOLLARS ($250,000) per Month
Send your application Letter to the Organizersof this Programmed in person of the UNITED NATIONS SECRETARY GENERAL, Mr Kofi anaan(CHAIRMAN). Via this Email:
Stating the following:
1 Name and
3 phone number
It will be our pleasure to have you suggestions, Ideas and critics.
It will be my pleasure to receive your replies on how to apply For more info. Via this :
Message headers:
Received: from by by12fd.bay12.hotmail.msn.com with HTTP;
Wed, 09 Nov 2005 14:56:39 GMT
X-Originating-Email: [unaids_pginfo@hotmail.com]
WHOIS details for sending network (IP
OrgName: Akamai Customer Care
OrgID: ACC-221
Address: 8 Cambridge Center
City: Cambridge
StateProv: MA
PostalCode: 02142
Country: US
NetRange: -
NetName: LVLT-ACC-221-209-247-153-128
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Parent: NET-209-244-0-0-1
NetType: Reallocated
RegDate: 2005-04-26
Updated: 2005-04-26
OrgTechHandle: MM2768-ARIN
OrgTechName: Michelle, Mersereau
OrgTechPhone: +1-888-421-1003
OrgTechEmail: ccare@akamai.com
The following spam was sent through an open proxy in Mexico:
UNAIDS/UNITAR Aids Competence Programme.
The United Nations
Institute for Training & Research(UNITAR) http://www.unitar.org
conjuction with the (UNAIDS),organises a one week training programme
in PARIS,from 10th -17th Dec.2005,to develop the human capacity to
respond to HIV/AIDS with the aim of developing AIDS competent societies,
AIDS competence means that we as
people of families,communities,in
organisations and in policy making;
acknowledge the reality of HIV and
AIDS,act from the strength to
build our capacity to respond,reduce
vulnerability and risks,learn
and share with others and live out our
full potential.
Participants stand the chance to be employed as UNITAR
HIV/AIDS representative
in their countries.
Intending participants
should send their details as follows,to unitasemi@hotmail.com
Phone number
Direct mailing address.
Message headers:
Received: from pswm19.cp.tin.it ( by vsmtp12.tin.it (
id 43623E870021E5D7; Tue, 1 Nov 2005 08:37:40 +0100
Message-ID: <5348877.1130830664099.JavaMail.root@pswm19.cp.tin.it>
Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2005 08:37:44 +0100 (GMT+01:00)
From: <seminar2@virgilio.it>
Reply-To: <seminar2@virgilio.it>
To: seminar2@virgilio.it
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;charset="UTF-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Another fake conference to take place in two countries:
Hello my new friend,
Compliment of the season, and a happy get-together with Vivan Reagan, I am 25yrs old girl leaving in Tukwila Washington. Let not race or nationality inch your mind, for this has being the key mother of the day. I decided having you as a pen pal friend knowing fully well that is an act of one expressing or sharing view with another or people around the world, which has to do with honesty, above all faithfulness. Freindship is like swallowing hot chocolate before it has cooled off. It takes you by surprise at first, but keeps you warm for a long time. Yes,friends are like stars;some afar and others around,but just need a favourite one.My dear,guess you could make my favorite. Reach me faster for a better talk through :- vivan_reagan4love@yahoo.com My regards to all your folks. Have a blissful moment and do keep in touch. In fact i will be travelling to Africa by MARCH, as a member of the organizing comittee of a combined conferences for RACISM and CHILD ABUSE taking place in the U.S first on the 20th to 23th MARCH,2006 at the Conference Hall Center St Lucie Orlando Florida State. and later in GUINEA-BISSAU(West Africa) on the 26th to 30th MARCH 2006.
Thanks Vivan,U.S.A.
Another email:
Thanks for your letter,first let me say compliment of the season to you. Sometimes, life certainly can feel that way.... and what better shelter from the storms and trials of daily life than friendship and to know that there is someone out there you can fall back on. Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be but when you lock eyes with them, you know that every moment they will affect your life in some profound way.And sometimes things happen to you at the time that may seem horrible, painful and unfair, but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, will power or heart. Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck. illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. Safe and comfortable but dull and utterly pointless-the people you meet affect your life. The successes and downfalls that you experience can create who you are, and the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones. So if you're seriously looking for a friend to get to know,You have found me. I am glad to meet you too. Like as I have already informed you in my previous letter about my job.I am Living alone at my own apartment given to me by my father. I am the First child of my parents. My parent have three children, two girls and a boy by name DAVID as the Last child, JENNY is second to me .The name of my father's is REAGAN LIN and my mother's name is JULIET REAGAN LIN .My father is an ex- diplomat to the United Nations while my mother is one of the senior personal of US department of education New york. I am single and haven,t marry once. My hobbies are reading,watching movies, listening to soft musics, long driving, swiming and travelling.I hate delay, that is slugglishness and procrastinating, I hate lies. I love some one who is trustworthy and does not smoke nor drink.I love nature and sometimes I wish I owened a house in the country not far from a city.You wake up to fresh mountain air,gaze the green senery,see green veges growing in your little garden and so much more. Kind of boring right? No, imagine I am with my sweetheart in those quite surroundings.well,I leave it to your own imagination what will hapen Some times I am always busy with the job activities during the Refugee resettlement program.I have travelled to many countries arround the globe in our course of visiting some refugee camps in other countries .I will be attending a combined conference in Africa by MARCH 2006. The conference is scheduled to hold in US first and follow by the one in Africa. I am one of the organisers of the forth coming youth combined conferences taking place in the US from MARCH 20th to 23th of MARCH and in Guine-Bissau,West Africa from MARCH 26th to 30th of MARCH,2006. We are inviting five delegates from each the selected countries arround the world. In our request to invite youths from the selected countries, I went in search of e-mail on the website as a means of contacting youths and organisations in these countries . I picked your e-mail from a penpal website. You will assist us in relating to one of the existing youths organisation in your country to contact the conference secretariat in the US through this fax +01-253-648-0430 or through this e- mail, (yworeg2006@florida.usa.com )But before they could be considered for participation in this most esteemed event, their organisation will have to forward to the above address the following requirement. (1) The organisation profile (2) The Aims and Objectives of the organisation (3) Their achievements so far. With this information put into consideration by the organising committee , They will be officially invited to participate in this .Our independent donor will take care of all their flight tickets and their accommodation throught their stay in the US and the organising committee will process the US visa for all participants requiring entry visas to the US . Participants will only take care of their accommodation during the other event in Guine-Bissau. As one of the organisers I knew not of anybody from your country. Hence my writing to you is to gain assess to any youth organisation in your country. If you are interested to participate and wants to represent your country, you should contact the secretary to the organiser for detail information on registration procedures and inform the organiser that I recommended you.You will need not to forward the above requirement for your group or organisation , hence I will give your recommedation to the secretary.You are to contact the organiser as soon as possible as all participants visa request will be forwarded to the US Bureau of Immigrant Affairs for Authorisation the same. Any group visa request not forwarded on that same day will miss the the visa assistance. I am looking forward to seeing you. Please download for my photograph attached to this e-mail.
Thanks,Vivan Reagan.
Another one:
It is my pleasure to convey to you on behalf of Y.W.O general secretariat members, my warmest greetings and compliments. In accordance with the humanitarian principles which we believe, especially with what the United Nations and the International Summit on child held in New York on September 1990. Bearing in mind that the need to extend particular care to the child has been stated in the Geneva Declaration of the Rights Of The Child OF 1924 and in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child adopted by the General Assembly on 20 November 1959. Will are hereby inviting five delegate from each countries to participate in the fort coming combined conferences on AGAINST RACISM AND CHILD ABUSE holding first in the U.S
at Global Youths welfare convention Hall, 3074 St Lucie Orlando Florida State U.S.A. Fax. (+01-253-648-0430) on the March 20th to 23rd 2006,and later in Guinea-Bissau (West-Africa) on the 26th to 30th March 2006 respectively. Please contact the secretary to the organizers through this address: yworeg2006@florida.usa.com for further information's regarding the conference and do inform the secretary that i recommended you.
Yours faithfully, Vivan U.S.A
Message headers:
Received: from [] by web37114.mail.mud.yahoo.com
via HTTP; Fri, 13 Jan 2006 12:52:23 PST
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 12:52:23 -0800 (PST)
From: reagan vivan lin <vivan_reagan4love@yahoo.com>
And this one:
May the peace of the lord be open you.
Please like as I have informed you,I have an important part to play as one of the organizers,this has kept me very busy.This is why I cant communicate you always.I am glad you are progressing.I know that with you as the leader, your group will meet up before the visa processing is forwarded to the US Bureau of Immigrant Affairs.You should handle the issue of your reservation seriously.The US Bureau of immigrant Affairs have asked all participants requiring the US visas for this events, to make their hotel reservation in Guinea-Bissau.This will convince the US Bureau of Immigrant Affairs that all participants attending the US conference will go down to Guinea Bissau after the conference in the US.Without your accommodation in Guinea Bissau the US Bureau of Immigrant Affairs will not authorizes group visas .You must try all possibilities to book your hotel and get the confirmation,and you shall receive your flight tickets at the airline branch office in your country.
Thanks, Vivan U.S.A.
Message headers:
Received: from [] by web37105.mail.mud.yahoo.com
via HTTP; Thu, 02 Feb 2006 01:12:27 PST
Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2006 01:12:27 -0800 (PST)
From: reagan vivan lin <vivan_reagan4love@yahoo.com>
WHOIS details for sending network (IP
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Email history for IP address: |
2005-04-26 20:31:20 UTC | hotelomin_tourist@yahoo.ca |
2005-04-26 20:32:22 UTC | hotelomin_tourist@yahoo.ca |
2005-04-26 20:31:20 UTC | hotelomin_tourist@yahoo.ca |
2005-04-26 20:32:22 UTC | hotelomin_tourist@yahoo.ca |
2005-04-26 20:31:20 UTC | hotelomin_tourist@yahoo.ca |
2005-04-26 20:32:22 UTC | hotelomin_tourist@yahoo.ca |
2005-06-07 22:26:09 UTC | infocruiseshipjobs@yahoo.ca |
2005-06-07 22:26:09 UTC | infocruiseshipjobs@yahoo.ca |
2005-06-07 22:26:09 UTC | infocruiseshipjobs@yahoo.ca |
2005-06-07 22:26:09 UTC | infocruiseshipjobs@yahoo.ca |
2005-06-07 22:26:09 UTC | infocruiseshipjobs@yahoo.ca |
2005-09-20 20:27:28 UTC | monicawilliems@fnbmail.co.za |
2006-01-05 08:40:21 UTC | vivan_reagan4love@yahoo.com |
2006-01-13 20:52:23 UTC | vivan_reagan4love@yahoo.com |
2006-01-30 18:52:58 UTC | vivan_reagan4love@yahoo.com |
2006-01-31 08:12:20 UTC | info_africaywo2006@yahoo.com |
2006-01-13 20:52:23 UTC | vivan_reagan4love@yahoo.com |
2006-02-02 09:12:27 UTC | vivan_reagan4love@yahoo.com |
2006-02-10 17:32:41 UTC | lambasca_hotel@yahoo.com |
2006-01-05 08:40:21 UTC | vivan_reagan4love@yahoo.com |
2006-01-30 18:52:58 UTC | vivan_reagan4love@yahoo.com |
2006-01-13 20:52:23 UTC | vivan_reagan4love@yahoo.com |
2006-02-02 09:12:27 UTC | vivan_reagan4love@yahoo.com |
2006-02-10 17:32:41 UTC | lambasca_hotel@yahoo.com |
2006-04-02 13:52:04 UTC | cruises_shipingjob@yahoo.ca |
2006-02-13 07:49:29 UTC | tina_abraham2004@yahoo.com |
2006-03-31 17:00:11 UTC | tina_abraham2004@yahoo.com |
2006-06-20 22:46:34 UTC | hotels_canadianss@yahoo.com |
2006-06-20 22:46:34 UTC | hotels_canadianss@yahoo.com |
2006-06-20 22:46:34 UTC | hotels_canadianss@yahoo.com |
2006-07-13 20:01:48 UTC | hotels_canada@yahoo.com |
2006-07-13 20:02:06 UTC | hotels_canada@yahoo.com |
2006-07-13 20:01:48 UTC | hotels_canada@yahoo.com |
2006-07-13 20:02:06 UTC | hotels_canada@yahoo.com |
2006-08-15 16:34:43 UTC | lili2006_lilia@yahoo.ca |
2006-08-17 10:52:07 UTC | lili2006_lilia@yahoo.ca |
2006-08-17 10:52:16 UTC | lili2006_lilia@yahoo.ca |
2006-08-17 10:53:02 UTC | lili2006_lilia@yahoo.ca |
2006-08-19 15:59:26 UTC | rose_brown_ominihotelsinc@yahoo.ca |
2006-08-19 16:02:18 UTC | rose_brown_ominihotelsinc@yahoo.ca |
2006-08-19 16:03:13 UTC | rose_brown_ominihotelsinc@yahoo.ca |
2006-08-19 16:05:19 UTC | rose_brown_ominihotelsinc@yahoo.ca |
2006-08-19 15:58:45 UTC | rose_brown_ominihotelsinc@yahoo.ca |
2006-08-19 16:00:32 UTC | rose_brown_ominihotelsinc@yahoo.ca |
2006-08-19 15:59:26 UTC | rose_brown_ominihotelsinc@yahoo.ca |
2006-08-19 16:02:18 UTC | rose_brown_ominihotelsinc@yahoo.ca |
2006-08-19 16:03:13 UTC | rose_brown_ominihotelsinc@yahoo.ca |
2006-08-19 16:05:19 UTC | rose_brown_ominihotelsinc@yahoo.ca |
2006-08-19 15:58:45 UTC | rose_brown_ominihotelsinc@yahoo.ca |
2006-08-19 16:00:32 UTC | rose_brown_ominihotelsinc@yahoo.ca |
2006-09-26 19:10:42 UTC | lamine_gerald@yahoo.ca |
2006-09-27 18:03:10 UTC | lamine_gerald@yahoo.ca |
2006-09-26 19:10:42 UTC | lamine_gerald@yahoo.ca |
2006-09-30 11:03:15 UTC | lamine_gerald@yahoo.ca |
2006-09-30 11:05:39 UTC | lamine_gerald@yahoo.ca |
2006-09-30 11:06:50 UTC | lamine_gerald@yahoo.ca |
2006-10-03 10:00:40 UTC | lamine_gerald@yahoo.ca |
2006-10-14 16:29:04 UTC | shahirah_fhussain@yahoo.com |
2006-10-17 09:47:58 UTC | lamine_gerald@yahoo.ca |
2007-01-05 16:51:37 UTC | steffybbs@yahoo.com |
This is another fake conference. Apart from the similarities with other fake conferences, take a look at the address of the US conference. Zip code 93309 is no New York zip code. Anaheim is in California, not New York. Area code 484 is in Pennsylvana, yet another state. Nothing matches up.
The object of the scam is to get would-be participants of the conferences to send cash for the hotel reservations in Guinea to the crooks who run this scam.
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 06:53:19 -0800 (PST)
From: "JANICE SCOTTCH" <uwo_infoconference@yahoo.com>
To: victimname
Dear participants,
We hereby commemorate on your urge to participate in the next
conference, holding on 21st to 23rd APRIL 2006 in New York USA.and 27Th to 30Th APRIL 2006 in Guinea Republic Conakry West Africa.
The conference is meant for N.G.Os
and other related organizations , we are only accepting you to
participate because you were recommended by one of our colleagues.
You are hereby given the opportunity to register and participate in this Youth
events on RACISM AND ITS EFFECTS scheduled to take place at Fountain Hall
New York as from the 20Th of APRIL 2006 in the United States.
The second conference on WAR AGAINST CHILD ABUSE will take place at the
Amical Cabral convention Hall 27Th to 28Th APRIL 2006 Guinea Republic Conakry (west
Africa) in Africa.
The aim of the forth coming Youths Conferences is to teach humanity on
the need to eradicate Racism/Child Abuse. There are need to Re-Educate
and enlighten humanity so as to create a very conducive atmosphere for
living for all. The Forth coming International Conferences is been
Organized and sponsored by the GLOBAL YOUTH WELFARE G.Y.W in United
This conference is dedicated to all our beloved Brothers and Sisters
who fell under and are still under Slavery and human abuses.
Recommended participants are entitled to participate in this coming
Youth s Conferences regardless of their Religion , Culture , Nationality
, Color nor Belief as long as they satisfy the requirements of the
Organizing Committee.Only a minimum of five (5) and maximum of ten (10)
persons are expected to participate together as a group or organization
and none of them will be less than eighteen years, they must
participate in both Conferences. It does not necessary mean that you must belong
to an organization before you can attend this event. You can just form
a group of five (5) or ten (10) persons from your country. They should
be in position of their international passports. Just forget looking
for or joining an organization to enable you participates in this
You should read and follow up the instructions given to you immediately.
You are to forward the names and passport numbers of your group to us
as soon as possible as all participants visa request will be forwarded
to the U.S Bureau of Naturalization and Immigration for Authorization .
Only 5 to 10 members accepted to participate as a group from one
selected country.
You should reach us with the following information about
your group.
(2) Passport numbers
(3) Name of your country of resident and code number
Our independent Donors and the Sponsors will take care of your entire
flight tickets, including your feeding and accommodation throughout your
stay in United States.
You are only responsible for your hotel
reservation in Guinea- Republic Conakry (Africa) where the second conference is scheduled
to take place.
If you are interested to participate in the forth-coming
Youths conferences. We will open your participation file as soon as we
receive your application.
You will receive the conference Participation
forms, the conference event manual and other necessary documents. We
hereby direct you to contact our Africa Co-Coordinator with
as soon you get your file numbers. He would be the one to put you in
line with the Hotels in Africa where you will make your reservation and
other things as the case maybe.
Your African Hotel reservation confirmation will only prove to us that
you must go to Africa after U.S Conference. We would give you more
directives as soon as your names reach to us.
Please note that we are not in
position to authorize your visa, but we are
working with the
directives from the U.S Bureau of Naturalization and Immigration , the
authority that is in charge of authorization of group visas.
We cannot add or reduce any given requirements for the authorization of participants visa
participating in this events.
And as such all requirements must be met
by participants requiring the U.S Visa assistance into the U.S.
Remember to forward your names and passports number as soon as possible in order
to open a file for your group.
When you make your reservation in any of this hotel, you should ask for
confirmation letter, as you will need to send the confirmation to the
organizers in the U.S for the processing of your documents.
Mrs. Janice Scottch,
Conference Secretary,
Fax +1-484-784-0926.
263 Kevin Avenue,
Anaheim, New York City 93309,
Fax: +1-484-784-0926
United States
New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC and save big.
Here's an email from the "coordinator". By sheer coincidence ;-) all hotels use Yahoo.com addresses. They were created on 2004-09-08 (linco_hotel@yahoo.com), 2005-06-15 (lincohotel2005@yahoo.com) and 2004-09-04 (olynpic_hotel@yahoo.com). By another remarkable coincidence the email address of the "coordinator" was created the same day as one of the "hotel" addresses: 2005-06-15 (uwo_infoconference@yahoo.com). The age of the fake hotel accounts shows that this scam has been going on for at least 1 1/2 years by now. It involves criminals based in the United States, as demonstrated by the source IP address of the following email and the US phone numbers used in the scam.
Dear Participants,
Thanks for your information there are two approved hotels in Africa , kindly contact them now with the following address below,
linco_hotel@yahoo.com or lincohotel2005@yahoo.com
Kindly forward the payment reservation confirmation receipt to the conference secretary for your Visa approval from the U,S, Bureau office of the immigration immediately.
Sec ,Email, uwo_infoconference@yahoo.com
Mr, Samual Willson,
African And Asian,
Fax + 19283959736
Message headers:
Received: from [] by web31203.mail.mud.yahoo.com
via HTTP; Fri, 24 Mar 2006 03:30:39 PST
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 03:30:39 -0800 (PST)
From: SAMUAL WILLSON <africanasiancoordinator@yahoo.com>
Subject: African and Asian Coordinator.
To: liksol@yahoo.com
Sending network (IP address
Address: 105 EXECUTIVE DR
StateProv: VA
PostalCode: 20166
Country: US
RegDate: 2005-05-12
Updated: 2005-05-12
NetRange: -
NetHandle: NET-67-151-234-0-1
Parent: NET-67-151-0-0-1
NetType: Reassigned
RegDate: 2005-05-12
Updated: 2005-05-12
RAbuseHandle: ABUSE741-ARIN
RAbuseName: Abuse
RAbusePhone: +1-877-340-2600
RAbuseEmail: abuse@paetec.com
RTechHandle: IP43-ARIN
RTechName: IP Administrator
RTechPhone: +1-877-340-2555
RTechEmail: ipadmin@paetec.com
OrgTechHandle: IP43-ARIN
OrgTechName: IP Administrator
OrgTechPhone: +1-877-340-2555
OrgTechEmail: ipadmin@paetec.com
Youths Conference AGAINST RACISM AND CHILD ABUSE June 25th-- 30th 2006
Another fake set of conferences by the same gang.
Compare this letter with this one. It's got the same peculiar 01- long distance prefix habit as that one.
From: youth CONFERENCE <info_youthforum2006@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 01:59:23 -0800 (PST)
Madam Grace
PO Box
; Now
; United States of
Tel/Fax +01-814-680-5640..
Peace and love to you all the days of your life.The forth coming
Youth's Conferences is never under advertisement.It is not open for every body
to Participate,We can only accept participants under recommendation,But
since your recommendation comes from one of our colleagues ,I will give you
the opportunity to participate in the forth coming Youth's Conferences.The
forth coming Youths Conference (AGAINST RACISM AND CHILD ABUSE ) is
scheduled to take place on June 15th- 20th ,2006 at Global Youths welfare
convention Hall, 3074 New York , US. The second conference
on (CHILD ABUSE) will take place at Armical Cabral Hall Independence
Square in west africa, senegal daker between June 25th-- 30th 2006.
The theme of the forth coming Youths Conferences is to teach the youths on the need to avoid recial discrimination and also to condemn child abuse which is
increasing every
day among youth the all over the world. The Forth coming Conferences
are being Organized by the Youths Welfare Organisation in United States and being sponsor by our dependent donors.
The conference is dedicated to all our beloved Brothers and
Sisters who lost their precious lives during the september 11th Terrorist
attack in New York,Washington and the recent attack in Kenya,East Africa .Every
body is entitled to Participate in the forth coming Youth's Conferences
regardless of your Religion or belief.Only four or five Youths
are expected to participate together as a group from each Country and none of them
will be less than eighteen years,they must participate in both
Conferences.The independent Donors and the Sponsorers will take care of your entire
flight tickets,including your feeding and accomodation throughout your stay
in United States. You are only responsible for your hotel reservation in
dakar(Africa) where the second conference is scheduled to take
place.If you are interested to participate in the forth coming Youths
conferences,you should send your names, passport numbers
together with the Country of your origin and resident through the
following fax number,+01-814-680-5640.or you can send the names
through our e-mail. We will open your participation file as soon as we recieve
your names along with the passport numbers and other required information
.Youwill recieve the conference Participation forms ,we will also
direct you to our Africa Coordinator as soon as your name sreach to us. Our
African Coordinator will only direct you to Hotels in Africa where you
will make your reservation.Your African Hotel reservation confirmation will
only prove to the US Bureau of Immigrant Affairs that you must go to Africa
after U.S.Conference.I will give you more directive as soon as your names
reach to us.Please note that we
are not the US Authority authorising your visas
but we are working with dates directives from the US Bureau of Immigrant
Affairs, the authority that is in charge of authorisation of group
visas.We can not add or reduce any given requirements for
the authorisation of participants visas participating in this
events.And as such all requirements must be met by participants requiring the US
Visa assistance.Remember to forward your names,passports number ,name of
country or Originand resident as soon as possible in order to open afile for
your group. You will choose four other persons from your organisation or
find four other persons from your country to apply with you as a group from
your country. When you apply as a group from your country, your visas will
be easily authorised. But if only you apply,then it is you will have to
face the Embassy alone for personal visa. You will have to go to the
embassy on your personal efforts without
no assistance from the organisers and
our US Immigration Advocates. then you we have to pay the some of 300$ when you apply personaly.but When you apply as a group from your country.
The US Bureau of Immigrant Affairs will now believe that you have a motive to
come to the US. The US Bureau of immigrant Affairs have asked all
participants requiring the US visas for this events,to make their hotel reservation in senegal dakar. This will convince the US Bureau of Immigrant Affairs that all participants
attending the US conference will go down to senegal after the conferenc in
the US.Without your accommodation in senegal the US Bureau of
Immigrant Affairs will not authorise group visas . You must try all possibilities
to book your hotel and get the confirmation to be faxed along with your
conference registration forms.To Begin with, you have to forward the
names and passport number of your five delegates by e-mail or by
fax as soon
aspossible. Registration deadline is on the 20Th April,2006.You
should endeavour to contact the management of the below selected hotels in
senegal. Please note that we can not open group participation
file with names forwarded without the passport numbers.
CONTACT E-MAIL : hotel_de_royal@yahoo.com
Point to note, when you make your reservation in any
of this hotel,you should ask for confirmation by fax
to as you will need to fax or send by email,the confirmation to the
organisers in the US for the processings of your
documents.For more information
and assistance as
regard the selected hotels in Dakar Senegal you can
reach the secretary to the organising
committee Sr
Williams Costar.through this e-mail:
Your sincerely.
Madam Grace McGoff.
Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone Calls using Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.
Fake international conference in the Netherlands and South Africa
The following spam announces a fake conference in two countries. It was sent via an insecure PHP mailer, a spam sending modality heavily used by Nigerian fraud gangs. Please contact us if you have received related emails.
From: "HEAD OFFICE" <unicef_youth_cordinator@yahoo.co.uk>
To: <unicef_youth_cordinator@yahoo.co.uk>
Sent: Sunday, 09 April, 2006 17:32
I am Carol Bellamy, an Executive Director of UNICEF.
I love making Friends from all around the world, most especially
honest individuals. I saw your ID in www.penpals.com.
I work in my organisation as a Youth director and also for the U.N.H.C.R
as Staff in the refugee department, and also served the World vision as
director to Canada two years ago. I Would love to meet you in person so
that we can uplift the plight of children and youths in the less developed
countries such as Africa and Asia and see how best we can make the world
a better place to live in.
It is my pleasure to tell you that there is a youth Conference coming up
soon both in the Netherlands and South Africa respectively.
This conference is Free; the Sponsors will be responsible for your air ticket,
both in the Netherlands and South Africa and the Conference committee
will also fax a letter to the Netherland embassy in your country-so do
not worry about Visa. This conference is sponsored annually by
UNICEF, USAID, WHO,UNESCO, the United Nations Security Council and First
Ladies of Presidents of United Nations. All you have to do is to apply to the
conference Office telling them that you want to attend the youth Conference that will be
taking place in both the Netherlands and South Africa.
Send your applications to:
Larry Lawson
Email: global_youths_alert@yahoo.co.uk
Telephone: +447031958533
Tell them that I recommended you.
I would love to see you there.
God bless you. Have a nice day!
carol bellamy.
Message headers:
To: unicef_youth_cordinator@yahoo.co.uk
From: HEAD OFFICE <unicef_youth_cordinator@yahoo.co.uk>
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: RLSP Mailer
Message-Id: <20060409083221.C3384E5B2C@mile.com.tw>
Date: Sun, 9 Apr 2006 16:32:21 +0800 (CST)
The following reply by the supposedly UK-based organizers was sent from Nigeria:
Head Office
Global Youths Centre
97A Plumstead High Street
Plumstead London SE04,United Kingdom
DV.33716 Woolwich. Tel: 447031846967 ,
Email: global_youths_alert@yahoo.co.uk
Dear Firstname Lastname
Peace and love to you all the days of your life. we received your email of interest in the International Youth Convention With pleasure. The forthcoming Youth's Conferences is never under advertisement. It is not open for every body to Participate. It was organised in South Africa and Germany February 2004 where thousands of youth participated. We can only accept participants under recommendation, but since your recommendation comes from one of our Colleagues, I will give you the opportunity to participate in this forthcoming Youth's Conference. The forthcoming Youth Conference on Terrorism and Child Abuse are scheduled to take place at (Global Youth's Welfare Convention hall) in Armsterdam between JUNE 15st-20th and the second conference on HIV/AIDS will take Place at Laguna Beach Hotel Conference Room South Africa, between JUNE 26th-30th.
The theme of the forthcoming Youths Conference is to
teach the youths on the need to avoid Terrorism and prevent HIV/AIDS, and also to condemn Child Abuse which is increasing every day among the youths all over the world. The forth coming Conference is being organized and sponsored by the UNICEF, WHO, USAID, UNESCO, FAO, UN and the United Nations Security Councils and wife of the First Ladies of Presidents of the United Nations who are the dependent donors.
The conference is dedicated to all our beloved Brothers and Sisters who lost their precious lives during the September 11th Terrorist attack in New York and Washington. Everybody is entitled to Participate in the Forthcoming Youth Conference regardless of your Religion or Belief. Only four or five Youths are expected to participate together as a group from your Country and none of them will be less than eighteen years. The Independent Donors and the Sponsors will take care of your entire flight tickets including your feeding and accommodation throughout your stay in the Netherlands.
You are only responsible for your hotel reservation in South Africa where the second conference is scheduled to take place. Please Check the end of this letter to know how to make reservations in your home country. If you are interested to participate in the forth-coming Youths conference, send your names and contact email address together with the Country of Your origin to the following address:
Global Youths Centre
97A Plumstead High Street
London SE04
United Kingdom
DV.33716 Woolwich
Tel: +447031958533
Email: global_youth_centre@yahoo.co.uk
We will open your participation file as soon as we receive your names and You will receive the conference Participation forms, we will also direct you to your country Coordinator as soon as your names reach us.
Your country Co-ordinator will only direct you to a Hotel in South Africa where you will make your reservation. Your African Hotel reservation confirmation will only prove to us that you must go to your country after the Netherland Conference. I will give you more directive as soon as your names reach us.
Please note that we are not the Netherland Authority authorizing your visa's but we are working with dates and directives from the Netherland Immigration Services, the authorities that are in charge of authorization of group visa's. We cannot add or reduce any given requirements for the authorization of participants visas participating in these events and as such all requirements must be met by participants requiring the Netherland Visa. Remember to forward your names as soon as possible in order to open a file for your group. You will find four other persons from your country to apply with you as a group from your country.
When you apply as a group from your country, your visas will be easily authorized. But if you apply alone then it is your personal visa. You will have to go to the embassy with your personal efforts without no assistance from the organizers and sponsors. When you apply as a group from your country, the Netherland Immigration Services will now believe that you have a motive to come to Netherland.
The Netherlands Immigration Service has asked all participants requiring the Netherlands visa for this event to make their hotel reservation in South Africa. This will convince the Netherland Immigration Service that all participants attending the Netherlands conference will go down to South Africa after the conference in the Netherlands. Without your accommodation reservation in South Africa, the Netherlands Immigration Service will not authorize group visas
You must try all possibilities to book your hotel and get the Confirmation. To Begin with, you have to forward the names of your five delegates and their e-mail as soon as possible. Just to help you and other participants, we advice you to contact the Zonal coordinator in charge of African participants.
We are informed that reservations for accommodation in South Africa are made through the coordinator. UNICEF in Africa(one of our sponsors) subsided the total cost of accommodation to $70.00 .
Please contact the African coordinator for your accommodation details through the following address for more details on this.
Yahoo! Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail
Message headers:
Received: from [] by web27407.mail.ukl.yahoo.com
via HTTP; Mon, 10 Apr 2006 20:31:18 BST
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 20:31:18 +0100 (BST)
From: THE YOUTH CO-ORDINATOR <global_youths_alert@yahoo.co.uk>
WHOIS details for sending network (IP
inetnum: -
descr: Spipett Wireless Internet
country: NG
admin-c: JH3783-RIPE
tech-c: JH3783-RIPE
mnt-by: C2C-MNT
mnt-lower: MACH6-MNT
mnt-lower: C2C-MNT
source: RIPE # Filtered
person: Jacob Hakvoort
address: Mach6 BV
address: Duit 7
address: 8305BB
address: Emmeloord
address: The Netherlands
phone: +31(0)527 688 366
fax-no: +31(0)527 624 455
e-mail: jhakvoort@mach-six.com
nic-hdl: JH3783-RIPE
mnt-by: MACH6-MNT
source: RIPE # Filtered
Another set of two fake conferences in two countries. The street address in the email below ("Global
Youths welfare convention Hall, 3074 West Lake Avenue,Peoria City,Illinois State ,U.S.A.") appeared in another fake conference scam three about years ago. Just like in the "UPCOMING YOUTH EVENTS IN USA/ITALY" scam the US street address of the supposed convention center can not be found on any sites on the Internet not connected to the scam, which would be highly unusual for a public place such as a convention center.
The way the phone number is written shows ("01-309-...") is a give-away that the person who sends out these emails is no US resident at all, since the US long distance dialling prefix is simply "1", not "01". The write presumably lives in a country where the long distance prefix is "0" and assumed the "1" to be an area code, like 01 for Lagos/Nigeria from other areas within Nigeria. Also, no American would write "Illinois State" in the postal address instead of just Illinois or IL. The usage "... State" is common for Nigerian addresses however.
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 08:57:03 -0800 (PST)
From: tina abraham <tina_abraham2004@yahoo.com>
To: emailaddress
Hello !
Hi,It is not my intention to praise myself
but, I just tried to explain my behaviours,
generally am an open minded, religious, mercyful,
loyal, and above all, respect mankind. Currently am
single and am looking for friendship or more. Am
interested in meeting someone with the same
qualities. Peace and love everywhere. Am waiting to
here from you. I'm a friendly, down-to-earth,
non-conformist female,age 26, with a good sense of
humour, who is hoping to make a few new friends
around the globe. I`d love to hear from people with
some what similar interests, I love to hear from
people down there in AFRICA, EUROPE as well as ASIA,
though all are welcome! Ideally, I am looking for
genuine long lasting friendship in which we can be
ourselves. I guess I'm looking for a friend who is
willing not only to share the everyday stuff that
goes on in their lives (both good and bad), but
their thoughts, feelings, and ideas too. I'd like to
think of myself as being very open-minded to varying
opinions and beliefs and have been told by friends
that I'm a good listener. Please, NO prisoners,
chain or religious mail, I do apologize for the
restrictions, but I've had some BAD experiences in
the past. In fact i will be travelling to Africa by
May this year as a member of the organising
comittee of a combined conferences on SUICIDE
in the U.S on the 12th---16th May,2006 at the Global
Youths welfare convention Hall, 3074 West Lake
Avenue,Peoria City,Illinois State ,U.S.A. and later
in GUINEA-BISSAU(West Africa) on the 19th---23rd
May, 2006.
Thanks Miss Tina Abraham.
Introduction mail from the secretary of the organizing comittee for the conference:
The email address for the hotels were created on 2004-08-16 (hotel_devasco2004@yahoo.com) and 2004-04-27 (hotelsandomingo@yahoo.com). Like all hotel addresses in these conference scams they are yahoo.com addresses. The address of the organizing comitte was created on 2004-05-01 (icocl11@yahoo.com). The "Tina Abraham" address was created on 2005-08-22 (tina_abraham2004@yahoo.com). See here for more fake hotel email accounts. In total this scam has been going on since at least February 2003.
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 03:27:38 -0700 (PDT)
From: Monica Woodgate
To: emailaddress
Office of the secretary Global
Youths Welfare
Madam Monica Woodgate,
2456 West Lake
P.o.box 1034.
Peoria City, 62516
United States
Telefax 01-309-422-9916
Dear Participants,
Peace and love to you all the days of your life.The
forth coming Youth's Conferences is never under
advertisement.It is not open for every body to
Participate,We can only accept participants under
recommendation,But since your recommendation comes
from one of our colleagues ,I will give you the
opportunity to participate in the forth coming
Youth's Conferences.The forth coming Youth's
scheduled to take place on
May 12th --16th ,2006 at Global Youths welfare
convention Hall, 3074 West Lake Avenue,Peoria
City,Illinois State , US.The second conference
on?CHILD LABOR?will take place at San Pedro Lopes
conference Auditorium in Bissau city, Guine-Bissau
between 19th--23rd May,2006.The theme of the forth
coming Youths Conferences is to teach the youths on
the need to avoid Suicide and also to condemn child
labor which is increasing every day among the all
over the world. The Forth coming Conferences are
being Organized by the Global Youths Welfare in
United States and being sponsor by our dependent
donors.The conference is dedicated to all our
beloved Brothers and Sisters who lost their precious
lives during the september 11th Terrorist attack in
New York,Washington and the recent attack in Kenya,
East Africa .Every body is entitled to Participate
in the forth coming Youth's Conferences regardless
of your Religion or belief.Only four or five Youths
are expected to participate
together as a group from each Country and none of
them will be less than eighteen years,they must
participate in both Conferences.The independent
Donors and the Sponsorers will take care of your
entire flight tickets,including your feeding and
accomodation throughout your stay in United States.
You are only responsible for your hotel reservation
in Guine-Bissau (Africa) where the second conference
is scheduled to take place.If you are interested to
participate in the forth coming Youths
conferences,you should send your names, passport
numbers together with the Country of your origin
and resident through the following fax
number,+01-309-422-9916 or you can send the names
through our e-mail. We will open your participation
file as soon as we recieve your names along with the
passport numbers and other required information .You
will recieve the conference Participation forms
,we will also direct you to our Africa Co-Ordinator
as soon as your names reach to us. Our
African Co-Ordinator will only direct you to Hotels
in Africa where you will make your reservation.Your
African Hotel reservation confirmation will only
prove to the US Bureau of Immigrant Affairs that you
must go to Africa after U.S.Conference.I will give
you more directive as soon as your names reach to
us.Please note that we are not the US Authority
authorising your visas but we are working with dates
directives from the US Bureau of Immigrant Affairs,
the authority that is in charge of authorisation of
group visas.We can not add or reduce any given
requirements for the authorisation of participants
visas participating in this events.And as such all
requirements must be met by participants requiring
the US Visa assistance.Remember to forward your
names,passports number ,name of country or Origin
and resident as soon as possible in order to open a
file for your group. You will choose four other
persons from your organisation or find four other
persons from your country
to apply with you as a groupfrom your country. When
you apply as a group from your country, your visas
will be easily authorised. But if only you
apply,then it is you willhave to face the Embassy
alone for personal visa. You will have to go to the
embassy on your personal efforts without no
assistance from the organisers and our US
Immigration Advocates.
When you apply as a group from your country the US
Bureau of Immigrant Affairs will now believe that
you have a motive to come to the US. The US Bureau
of immigrant Affairs have asked all participants
requiring the US visas for this events, to make
their hotel reservation in Guine-Bissau . This will
convince the US Bureau of Immigrant Affairs that all
participants attending the US conference will go
down to Guine-Bissau after the conferenc in the
US.Without your accommodation in Guine-Bissau the US
Bureau of Immigrant Affairs will not authorise group
visas . You must try all possibilities to book your
hotel and get the confirmation to be faxed along
with your conference registration forms.To Begin
with, you have to forward the names and passport
number of your five delegates by e-mail or by fax as
soon as possible. Registration dead line is on the
28th of April,2006.You should endeavour to contact
the management of the below selected hotels in
Guine-Bissau .Please note
that we can not open group participation file with
names forwarded without the passport numbers.
CONTACT E-MAIL : hotel_devasco2004@yahoo.com
CONTACT E-MAIL: hotelsandomingo@yahoo.com
Point to note, when you make your reservation in
any of this hotel, you should ask for confirmation
by fax as you will need to fax the confirmation to
the organizers in the US for the processing's of
your documents and you may contact the secretary to
the organizing committee in Guinea-Bissau for
contact information on hotels in Guinea-Bissau
through the
below e-mail address: icocl11@yahoo.com
Thanks and may God bless you
From, Madam Monica Wood gate
Agenda for the fake YSAPS2006 conference (from http://ysaps006.tripod.com/id1.html)
The proposed international conference has the following objectives:
1. To build International Understanding and Solidarity among the youths of the world.
2. To explore the potential of Youth in Development
3. To share the International Experience
4. To establish network and Co-ordination
5.To create Job opportunities for the youths in need.
We anticipate that about 2000 participants from different countries will participate in this conference. The intended participants are youth working in education, health, environment, information and communication technology, governance, and different fields of development and trade.
The Out-come of the conference will be the conference declaration and conference report/ proceeding. We will provide a complementary copy of the proceeding/report to each registered participants.
International Youth Conference on Youth, Leadership Development, Racial discrimination and Crime prevention.
Organized by International Youth Co-ordination Council of America and European youth Foundation.
Travel Benefits.
All registered participants will be sent international round trip airfare coupon which will enable them obtain round trip flight tickets from any aita approved travel agent nearest to them. Officials of Euusa will be at the airport to welcome all participants.
Regarding visa: The organizing committee represented by Mr Martin Ronald Sec Gen Email-: register_in_ysaps2005@freedom.usa.com assist all intending participants with every necessary documents that would enable them get visa within this period at the nearest American embassy to their country while Bissau ,Guinea Bissau visa would be issued in the united states.
Please, make your hotel reservation at any of the designated hotels and forward the receipt of your reservation payment to us for registration on time;
This will facilitate the processing of the group's visa, without delay.Hotels e-mail addresses:
CONTACT E-MAIL : hotel_devasco2004@yahoo.com
CONTACT E-MAIL: hotelsandomingo@yahoo.com
Please choose and write one of the hotels.
Conference Location/Venue ; Paradise Holiday Suites and Convention Center is Conveniently situated within a comfortable distance to many of Fort Smith's attractions it is three miles from the Ben Garen Park and five miles from the Fort Smith Convention Center. Within a seven mile radius, guests can visit Miss Laura's Visitor Center, Ole Train Deport, Old Fort Museum and Andrews Field. Fort Chaffee and the Forsgren Field are both situated six miles from St Lucie, Ysaps secretariat.
Conference program
19th May, 2006
12:30 - 16.30 Registration
16:45 - 18:30 Welcome Reception with cultural
Introduction of the Organizing Committee.
20th of May, 2006
09.00-10:00 Inaugural Session
Prof mario van peno President African Youth Foundation Bissau
Inaugural program
Dr.David Wynn Director General Rt.Rev. Daniel Alison President, International Youth Co-ordination Council of America
Welcome Address: Dr.Julian Solomon,Secretary General, Africa Youth Foundation
Highlight on the objectives of the Conference: Nicholas Canfield
Inauguration of the Conference by: Rt.Rev.Daniel Alison. President International youth coordination council.
Address by : Mr Martin Ronald Secretary general organizing Committee
Keynote Address:
Barrister lawrence Hands,Miss Bridget marshall , Miss Tina Brown Paula Baker ,Janet Hellstrom Miss Jessika Adams and Miss Monica Kimberley. Inaugural Address: Rev.Daniel Alison,.Mrs Sandra Wilson
Vote of thanks: Prof.Paul Simon Macdol, President, Africa youth Foundation
21st May, 2006
11.00-11:30: Refreshment 11:30-12-30: 1st Business Session (Presentation will be followed by questions and answers)
Theme: Youth and Leadership Speaker: Dr. Ashok Patel Rapporteur: 1) Mrs.Philomena Samson
2) David Wynn
12:30 - 13:30 Theme: Youth and Development Speaker :Prof. Paul Simon Macdol Rapporteur: 1) Dr.Julian Solomon
2) Dr. Fernandez Lopes
13:30 - 15:00 LUNCH Theme: Youth and Information Technology Speaker :Rev. Daniel Alison Rapporteur: 1) Mrs Sandra Wilson
2) Dr. Ashok Patel
16:00 - 17:00
Theme: Youth and Environment Speaker :Dr.Mrs Marylene Sawford Rapporteur: 1) Rt.Rev Daniel Wilson
2) Mrs Philomena Samson
17:00 - 18:00 Theme: Youth and Governance Speaker : Prof. Paul Simon Macdol Rapporteur: 1)Rev. Daniel Alison
2) Dr. Fernandez Lopes
18:00 - 18:30 Refreshment 18:30 - 19:30 Theme: Youth and Human Rights Speaker : Rt.Rev Daniel Alison Rapporteur: 1) Dr. Julian Solomon
2) David Wynn
22nd of May, 2006,
08:00 - 10:00: Breakfast 10:00 14.30 Visit to youth projects in Bissau Lunch at Kitchen Cafe, A youth project in Bissau (Hosted by Bissau youth Org.I)
4:30 - 15:00 Arrival at Hotel Santos 15.00 - 17:00 Theme: Youth and Networking & Youth and Education Speaker : Dr. Julian Solomon Rapporteur: 1) Mrs. Sandra Wilson
2) Dr. Ashok Patel
17:00 - 17:30 Refreshment 18:00 - 20:00 Dinner & Cultural Programme
0930. Departure to the airport
23rd of May,2006.
Office of the secretary Global Youths Welfare
Madam Monica Woodgate,
2456 West Lake
P.o.box 1034.
Peoria City, 62516
United States
Telefax 01-309-422-9916
Mrs.Arlene Douglas (iwf@consultant.com)
551-409 Granville St,Vancouver,
BC.V6C 1T2.Canada.
Telefax number : +1-801-760-6814
E-mail :iwf@consultant.com
Dear Participants,
This letter is a formal acceptance to your application.The forth coming Youth's Conferences is never under advertisement.It is not open for every body to Participate,We can only accept participants under recommendation,But since your recommendation comes from one of our colleagues ,I will give you the opportunity to participate in the forth coming Youth's Conferences.The forth coming Youth's Conference on " RACISM " is scheduled to take place on August 16TH - 20TH ,2006 Global Youths welfare convention Hall, 5017 N. Dupont Highway,Kingston, Ontario, Canada. The second conference on " CHILD ABUSE " will take place at San Pedro Lopes Conference Auditorium S.maria Formosa Castello 8240 / I 9172 Napoli-Italy between August 22 ND 26 TH ,2006.The theme of the forth coming Youths Conferences is to teach the youths on the need to avoid racism and also to condemn child abuse which is increasing every day among the all over the world. The Forth coming Conferences are being Organized by the Canada Youths Welfare Foundation in Canada and being sponsor by our donors.
The conference is dedicated to all our beloved Brothers and Sisters who lost their precious lives during the september 11th Terrorist attack in New York,Washington and the attack in Kenya,East Africa .Every body is entitled to Participate in the forth coming Youth's Conferences regardless of your Religion or belief.Only a maximum of ten Youths are elligible to participate together as a group from each Country and none of them will be less than eighteen years,they must participate in both Conferences.The independent Donors and the Sponsors will take care of your entire flight tickets,including your feeding and accomodation throughout your stay in Canada. You are only responsible for your hotel reservation in NAPOLI( ITALY) where the second conference is scheduled to take place.If you are interested to participate in the forth coming Youths conferences,you should send your names,together with the Country of your origin and resident through the following fax Number - 0018017606814 or you can send the names through our e-mail. We will open your participation file as soon as we recieve your names.
Your ITALIAN Hotel reservation confirmation will only prove to the Canadian Bureau of Immigrant Affairs that you must go to ITALY after Canada.Conference.I will give you more directive as soon as your names reach to us.Please note that we are not the Canada Authority authorising your visas but we are working with dates directives from the Bureau of Immigrant Affairs, the authority that is in charge of authorisation of group visas.We can not add or reduce any given requirements for the authorisation of participants visas participating in this events.And as such all requirements must be met by participants requiring the Canada/Italy Visa assistance.Remember to forward the following ;
1.Your Name
2.Country of Origin and Resident
3.Date/place Of Birth
Foreward the above as soon as possible in order to open a file for you.The Bureau of immigrant Affairs have asked all participants requiring the Canada visas for this events,to make their hotel reservation in ITALY. This will convince the Bureau of Immigrant Affairs that all participants attending the Canada conference will go down to ITALY after the conferenc in the Canada.
Without your accommodation in ITALY the Bureau of Immigrant Affairs will not authorise visas . You must try all possibilities to book your hotel and get the hotel reservation slip to be faxed along with your conference registration forms.To Begin with, you have to forward your name by e-mail or by fax as soon as possible.You should endeavour to contact the management of the below selected hotels in ITALY.
Via Palestro, 44 - 80100
CONTACT E-MAIL : hotellibero@libero.it
Via Cavour, 213/M - 80100
CONTACT E-MAIL: belizhotelsandrestaurant@europe.com
Point to note, when you make your reservation in any of this hotels, you should ask for your hotel reservation slip as you will need to send your hotel reservation slip to my desk by email for the processings of your documents.
Your sincerely
Mrs.Arlene Douglas
Next email by Mrs.Arlene Douglas (iwf@consultant.com)
551-409 Granville St,Vancouver,
BC.V6C 1T2.Canada.
Telefax number : +1-801-760-6814
E-mail :iwf@consultant.com
Hello Participants,
It is with pleasure that I write to tell you that you have been recommended to participate in the forth coming Youth's Conference on " RACISM " scheduled to take place on August 16TH - 20TH ,2006 Global Youths welfare convention Hall, 5017 N. Dupont Highway,Kingston, Ontario, Canada. The second conference on " CHILD ABUSE " taking place at San Pedro Lopes Conference Auditorium S.maria Formosa Castello 8240 / I 9172 Napoli-Italy between August 22 ND 26 TH ,2006.In order not to delay the processing of your documents, you should send your hotel reservation slip made in ITALY without further delay. Please note that we have to reach the Canadian High Commission with your hotel reservation slip in Italy for authorised visas and your official invitation before you go to the Canadian High Commission for the visas, If your visas are not processed and authorised by the Bureau of Immigrant Affairs we can not reach the Canadian High Commission for your visas. In this regard we advise that you return all your hotel reservation slip before time. You should endeavour to contact the management of the below selected hotels in ITALY .They are as follows:
Via Palestro, 44 - 80100
CONTACT E-MAIL : hotellibero@libero.it
Via Cavour, 213/M - 80100
CONTACT E-MAIL: belizhotelsandrestaurant@europe.com
We are working day and night for the forth coming Youths Conferences.Your name are is with us.We have opened your participation file and your particpation file number is YCRC/CA0086/ICOCLC09/02GB. The file was opened with the following name.
1.Firstname Lastname
2.Firstname Lastname
3.Firstname Lastname
4.Firstname Lastname
5.Firstname Lastname
You should join the list of participants from different countries whose documents are already on process by forwarding your Hotel reservation slip of your hotel reservations made in ITALY to us. We have just few number of participants left to complete the required number.
We need to forward your hotel reservation slip in ITALY to our CANADA Immigration Advocate for the processing and authorization of the CANADA visas in advance.The processing of your documents will start as soon as we recieve your ITALY hotel reservation slip which each and every participants will fill and fax it back to us through this fax number 0018017606814.
All your documents will be processed here in CANADA before your visit to the Canadian High Commission.You will get your six months visa from the Canadian High Commission at
We will forward your documents to The Ambassador for endorsement,you will get your visa through the Consular Section.We will send your Visa Forms as soon as your ITALY hotel reservation slip has been received.During your visit to the Canadian High Commission,You have only three questions to answer which will be revealed to you after the processing of your documents.You will travel with Air france airline,You will get your tickets from Airfrance Agent in your country through our directives after the processings of your documents.I will get in touch with you as soon as you fax your ITALY hotel reservation slip which will prove that you will go down to ITALY for the second conference after the CANADA Conference. The Hotel will provide your hotel reservation slip.
Point to note, when you make your reservation in any of this hotel, you should ask for your "HOTEL RESERVATION SLIP" as you will need to send your reservation slip to my desk by either fax or email for the processings of your documents
Your sincerely
Mrs.Arlene Douglas
Maryland, USA and Seville Spain (secretaryglobalyouth@yahoo.com)
Another fake conference scam. The phone number with the New York address is a Washington number, thousands of km away. The sending IP address belongs to a broadband satellite provider in Israel with many customers in West Africa. The IP has been the source of numerous "419" scams before.
We are informing interested participants to forward applications for our upcoming International Youth Conference/Events which shall hold in USA/Spain.
This conference/event, brings Youths, Leaders, Educators, Artists, Scholars, Reseachers, Psycologists, Therapists, Health professionals, Business Professioanls, Activists, Community and Social workers the opportunity to join ideas on how to stop racism and abuse in our global society. These event is scheduled to commence in Maryland, USA and come to an end in Seville Spain. It is a two-tied event.
Spend some unique days ... Learning new ways to relate to human beings, to culture, to community, and to social change. Meeting others like yourself; learning, teaching, empowering and being empowered. Exploring the potential of performance approach to unleash and nurture the human capacity to create, collaborate and change the world.
First event shall commence in Baltimore Maryland U.S.A on the 6th of June 2006 and end on the 9th of June 2006 at.
Bolger Center 9600
Newbridge Drive
Baltimore, MD 20854-4436 USA.
While the second segment in Seville Spain shall commence on the 12th of June and end on the 15th of June 2006 at.
Palacio de Congresos
c/vincente 7833
Sevilla 41002
Who Will Participate: These events are open to Youth Organizations, Socio-Cultural Organizations, Non-profit organizations, Educators, Scholars, Researchers, Health Organizations, Professionals, Business Organizations, Decision makers in the public & private sector,Representatives of governmental and Non-governmental organizations (NGO'S), Religion organizations, Human Right Organizations, Women Groups and Individuals that share our ideaology.
Global Youth Empowerment Organization shall provide an all round flight ticket to all cities of the events in U.S.A and Spain for every participant, and also, only accommodation and feeding for all participants in U.S.A shall be provided. Participants will only take care of their accommodation and feeding expenses in Spain. All interested organizations should forward the following information about their organization to our Secretary: secretaryglobalyouth@yahoo.com
(1) Aims and objectives of the Organization (2) Organization profile Participants MUST be a group of 5-10 persons to qualify for registration.
Registrations will be confirmed via a message to your e-mail address after processing your profile. Send your application to the secretary:
Mrs. Susan Donely
Office of The Secretary
Global Youth Empowerment Organization.
17 East 94th Street
New York, NY 10128
Tel/Fax: +(1)-360-483-1785
Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min.
Message headers:
Received: from [] by web37515.mail.mud.yahoo.com
via HTTP; Wed, 17 May 2006 02:02:27 PDT
Date: Wed, 17 May 2006 02:02:27 -0700 (PDT)
From: Global Youth Organization <secretaryglobalyouth@yahoo.com>
To: secretaryglobalyouth@yahoo.com
WHOIS details for IP address
inetnum: -
netname: GILAT-SATCOM-BLOCK-31-32-40-46-53
descr: Gilat-Satcom
remarks: For abuse issues related to Gilat, email abuse-gilat@012.net.il
country: GB
admin-c: GS3350-RIPE
tech-c: GS3350-RIPE
mnt-by: AS9116-MNT
mnt-lower: AS9116-MNT
source: RIPE # Filtered
role: Gilat Support
address: Gilat Satcom
address: 21D Yagia Kapaim st. Petach-Tikva, Israel
phone: +972 3 9255000
fax-no: +972 3 9217938
admin-c: DR5299-RIPE
admin-c: GE2074-RIPE
tech-c: DR5299-RIPE
tech-c: GE2074-RIPE
remarks: trouble: abuse-gilat@012.net.il
nic-hdl: GS3350-RIPE
mnt-by: AS9116-MNT
source: RIPE # Filtered
abuse-mailbox: abuse-gilat@012.net.il
% Information related to ''
descr: Goldenlines
remarks: For addressing issues, email lir@linux.goldenlines.net.il
remarks: For abuse issues, email abuse@012.net.il
origin: AS9116
mnt-by: AS9116-MNT
source: RIPE # Filtered
419 spam email addresses associated with IP address |
2005-08-02 08:19:46 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-02 08:19:56 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-02 08:20:16 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-02 08:20:59 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-02 08:21:20 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-02 08:23:48 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-02 08:24:28 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-02 08:24:44 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-02 08:25:02 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-02 08:25:25 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-02 08:56:50 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-02 08:57:08 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-02 08:59:14 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-02 08:59:50 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-02 09:00:08 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-02 09:00:23 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-02 09:00:43 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-02 09:01:00 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-02 09:37:54 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-02 11:14:36 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-02 12:19:58 UTC | rubenmoussa2@virgilio.it |
2005-08-04 09:43:13 UTC | drmcmartins@zipmail.com.br |
2005-08-04 09:49:06 UTC | gkcg48@latinmail.com |
2005-08-04 14:38:22 UTC | jgkallon2000@yahoo.co.uk |
2005-08-04 23:20:19 UTC | gkabila@latinmail.com |
2005-08-05 15:45:05 UTC | assisthabebe0@yahoo.fr |
2005-08-05 18:00:00 UTC | anyango1977@volny.cz |
2005-08-06 01:45:30 UTC | vsprivate@pochta.ru |
2005-08-06 11:32:58 UTC | gkcg48@latinmail.com |
2005-08-06 12:27:15 UTC | patrick.mankou@virgilio.it |
2005-08-06 12:59:57 UTC | jgkallon2000@latinmail.com |
2005-08-06 13:10:19 UTC | patrick.mankou@virgilio.it |
2005-08-08 18:45:10 UTC | patrick.mankou@virgilio.it |
2005-08-08 19:31:09 UTC | patrick.mankou@virgilio.it |
2005-08-09 10:04:00 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-09 14:09:52 UTC | michealadamz260@yahoo.fr |
2005-08-09 14:10:43 UTC | michealadamz260@yahoo.fr |
2005-08-09 14:11:11 UTC | michealadamz260@yahoo.fr |
2005-08-09 17:37:37 UTC | h71mh@eresmas.com |
2005-08-09 17:38:31 UTC | h71mh@eresmas.com |
2005-08-10 01:18:26 UTC | johnd2730@yahoo.fr |
2005-08-10 16:08:14 UTC | jgkallon2000@latinmail.com |
2005-08-10 16:11:53 UTC | jgkallon2000@latinmail.com |
2005-08-11 15:57:09 UTC | drwmoose@plasa.com |
2005-08-12 08:54:08 UTC | erikaabata@myway.com |
2005-08-12 11:28:55 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-12 11:32:10 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-12 11:50:47 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-12 20:46:46 UTC | b_eyadema@latinmail.com |
2005-08-12 20:47:40 UTC | b_eyadema@latinmail.com |
2005-08-13 10:42:05 UTC | paulderreumaux002@volny.cz |
2005-08-13 10:48:12 UTC | paulderreumaux002@volny.cz |
2005-08-13 19:13:57 UTC | victormensah@virgilio.it |
2005-08-13 19:14:15 UTC | victormensah@virgilio.it |
2005-08-13 19:17:25 UTC | victormensah@virgilio.it |
2005-08-14 20:19:45 UTC | georgekabila48@volny.cz |
2005-08-14 22:54:33 UTC | georgekabila48@volny.cz |
2005-08-15 15:23:31 UTC | mrkumba@plasa.com |
2005-08-15 15:23:51 UTC | mrkumba@plasa.com |
2005-08-15 15:24:18 UTC | mrkumba@plasa.com |
2005-08-15 18:54:00 UTC | frankrubben1@latinmail.com |
2005-08-15 19:11:24 UTC | frankrubben1@latinmail.com |
2005-08-16 02:19:04 UTC | tonyajavon@virgilio.it |
2005-08-16 08:06:34 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-16 09:22:00 UTC | desmondduke@latinmail.com |
2005-08-16 09:28:42 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-16 09:35:09 UTC | m_b_e2net@latinmail.com |
2005-08-16 11:17:59 UTC | serge_kargbo@latinmail.com |
2005-08-16 16:39:11 UTC | mrkumba@plasa.com |
2005-08-16 17:40:51 UTC | anyango1977@volny.cz |
2005-08-17 00:02:51 UTC | ruben_moussa@latinmail.com |
2005-08-17 02:40:31 UTC | georgenorbert3@e-apollo.lv |
2005-08-17 02:53:00 UTC | georgenorbert3@e-apollo.lv |
2005-08-17 10:43:43 UTC | ruben_moussa@latinmail.com |
2005-08-17 10:45:57 UTC | ruben_moussa@latinmail.com |
2005-08-17 16:07:57 UTC | ruben_moussa@latinmail.com |
2005-08-18 16:46:09 UTC | lawrence@lawrence.com |
2005-08-18 17:13:56 UTC | lawrence@lawrence.com |
2005-08-18 19:53:57 UTC | tetegig@myway.com |
2005-08-19 01:10:17 UTC | georgenorbert5@yahoo.fr |
2005-08-19 09:34:23 UTC | sankoh1116@latinmail.com |
2005-08-19 09:38:00 UTC | sankoh1116@latinmail.com |
2005-08-19 09:38:19 UTC | sankoh1116@latinmail.com |
2005-08-19 09:39:59 UTC | sankoh1116@latinmail.com |
2005-08-19 09:40:36 UTC | sankoh1116@latinmail.com |
2005-08-19 09:41:02 UTC | sankoh1116@latinmail.com |
2005-08-20 18:46:43 UTC | paulderreumaux002@volny.cz |
2005-08-20 20:06:13 UTC | paulderreumaux002@volny.cz |
2005-08-20 23:13:59 UTC | vs_229@latinmail.com |
2005-08-21 14:59:21 UTC | kabila_george@latinmail.com |
2005-08-22 16:48:17 UTC | elladargbo85@yahoo.co.uk |
2005-08-22 18:04:52 UTC | patrick.mankou@virgilio.it |
2005-08-23 15:18:21 UTC | ruben_moussa@yahoo.com.au |
2005-08-23 19:12:00 UTC | favoredgroup@latinmail.com |
2005-08-24 12:31:22 UTC | ruben_moussa@yahoo.com.au |
2005-08-24 12:52:10 UTC | ruben_moussa@yahoo.com.au |
2005-08-24 12:54:13 UTC | ruben_moussa@yahoo.com.au |
2005-08-25 00:48:52 UTC | georgenorbert5@yahoo.fr |
2005-08-25 09:37:29 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-25 10:11:22 UTC | vicent_mike@yahoo.fr |
2005-08-25 10:59:55 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-25 11:13:37 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-25 11:18:53 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-25 11:35:46 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-25 11:37:08 UTC | andrekoffi@virgilio.it |
2005-08-25 13:27:24 UTC | anyango1977@volny.cz |
2005-09-13 16:04:47 UTC | simon.akuvi@zipmail.com.br |
2005-10-17 13:28:31 UTC | mcmartinsokri@virgilio.it |
2005-10-21 08:58:08 UTC | andrekoffi@ntecbenin.com |
2005-10-21 09:02:38 UTC | andrekoffi@ntecbenin.com |
2005-10-21 09:20:50 UTC | andrekoffi@ntecbenin.com |
2005-10-21 09:42:22 UTC | andrekoffi@ntecbenin.com |
2005-10-24 14:01:09 UTC | ruben_moussa1@hotmail.com |
2005-10-24 15:34:28 UTC | ruben_moussa1@hotmail.com |
2005-10-24 23:05:29 UTC | ruben_moussa1@hotmail.com |
2005-11-01 09:45:04 UTC | andrekoffi@ntecbenin.com |
2005-11-01 10:44:45 UTC | andrekoffi@ntecbenin.com |
2005-11-01 10:51:20 UTC | andrekoffi@ntecbenin.com |
2005-11-01 10:55:05 UTC | andrekoffi@ntecbenin.com |
2005-11-05 13:04:40 UTC | andreamoussou@virgilio.it |
2005-11-05 15:30:15 UTC | andreamoussou@virgilio.it |
2005-11-05 15:46:06 UTC | andreamoussou@virgilio.it |
2005-11-12 02:56:23 UTC | johnd2730@yahoo.fr |
2005-11-13 00:32:19 UTC | mrdkumba@hotmail.com |
2005-11-13 00:32:32 UTC | mrdkumba@hotmail.com |
2005-11-13 00:32:45 UTC | mrdkumba@hotmail.com |
2005-11-17 11:27:44 UTC | amoussouandre2001@caramail.com |
2005-11-17 14:00:05 UTC | patrickmankou@virgilio.it |
2006-01-20 14:35:49 UTC | drpetersege2@msn.com |
2006-02-07 09:29:17 UTC | amoussou.andre1@virgilio.it |
2006-02-07 09:30:48 UTC | amoussou.andre1@virgilio.it |
2006-02-19 08:52:41 UTC | george_kabila1@virgilio.it |
2006-02-21 16:28:23 UTC | george_kabila1@virgilio.it |
2006-02-27 16:39:48 UTC | frankkelly@plasa.com |
2006-02-27 17:58:53 UTC | frankkelly@plasa.com |
2006-03-13 14:32:53 UTC | patrick.mankou8@virgilio.it |
2006-03-18 09:03:05 UTC | nikkyboni@virgilio.it |
2006-03-18 17:39:03 UTC | petersege11@virgilio.it |
2006-03-20 20:59:20 UTC | petersege12@virgilio.it |
2006-03-23 16:47:24 UTC | patrickmankou1@virgilio.it |
2006-03-23 19:57:35 UTC | petersege001@virgilio.it |
2006-03-24 16:18:57 UTC | patrickmankou2@virgilio.it |
2006-03-27 11:15:01 UTC | petersege003@virgilio.it |
2006-05-02 13:55:20 UTC | petersege15@virgilio.it |
Georgia, USA (wccr_cd@yahoo.com)
This supposed professor with a US phone number sends his spam email from Guinea Bissau in West Africa:
REF:// 03052006_5718
Dear Sir,
The World Centre for Conflict Resolution wish to request your kind support in finding possible speakers and youth to attend the 2nd conference on conflict resolution and anti-racism skills for young people scheduled as from Monday, July 24th to Thursday, July 27th 2006 Georgia-United States of America.
Could you inquire through your wide contacts whether there are some of your colleagues planning to attend the conference .Among them, I would like;
1) To know if there are young speakers who might be interested in making a brief statement during one of the sessions, where about 2,700 participants would gather together, and
2) To inform the participants you may contact about this important events concerning young people.
It would be, of course, ideal if you are yourself planning to attend the conference. If so you are cordially invited to join the list of speakers. Please contact me at this mailing address if you find any body I can communicate with on this matter. If you have access to some mailing list and e-groups I would be grateful to you if you could pass on this information.
Thanking you in advance, I am Sincerely yours
Prof.Kenneth B.Norman
Co-Director World Centre for Conflict Resolution
Phone: 1-765-382-1172
E-mail: wccr_cd@yahoo.com
Message headers:
Received: from [] by web35709.mail.mud.yahoo.com
via HTTP; Fri, 19 May 2006 10:04:42 PDT
Date: Fri, 19 May 2006 10:04:42 -0700 (PDT)
From: WCCR Co-Director <wccr_cd@yahoo.com>
OrgName: Sitec
Address: Caixa Postal 268
Address: Bissau,
Country: GW
NetRange: -
NetHandle: NET-216-147-159-0-1
Parent: NET-216-147-128-0-1
NetType: Reallocated
RegDate: 2004-05-25
Updated: 2004-05-25
RTechHandle: AS1181-ARIN
RTechName: Sila, Abdulai
RTechPhone: 245-254-254
RTechEmail: lai@mail.bissau.net
OrgTechHandle: AS1181-ARIN
OrgTechName: Sila, Abdulai
OrgTechPhone: 245-254-254
OrgTechEmail: lai@mail.bissau.net
Montreal, Canada and Contonou Benin (secretaire_gyw@yahoo.fr)
This conference spam in French was sent from Benin, West Africa instead of Quebec, Canada as claimed.
5706 Monkland, Montréal,
Québec H4A 1E6 canada
Tél/fax. : +1.413.669.5332
. Tu sais, chez nous, l'amitié est très précieuse.
La rencontre d'une personne vous apporte toujours quelque chose de nouveau.
C'est donc une très grande expérience pour moi de communiquer avec d'autres au
bout du monde.d'origines différentes et aussi de différentes réligions.
Alors, si tu est une personne sérieuse qui cherche une fille sérieuse,saches
que tu m'as trouvé. J'ai 27 ans j'habite dans mon propre appartement que mon père m'a offert au quebec (montréal).Je suis la première fille à mes parents.Ils ont trois
enfants mon petit frère Raymond et ma petite soeur Rosemarie et moi. Mon papa, Mychael WILSON est diplomate et ma maman, Rebecca Landoucelle, est un personnel du département de l'éducation de Montréal. Je suis célibataire à cause des
multiples trahisons que m'ont fait vivre les garçons.J'aime lire, la musique,
la conduite sur de longues distances et surtout les voyages.Je déteste
beaucoup la moindre mensonge. J'aime la nature et je rêve un jour d'avoir ma propre
maison en campagne pour sentir l'air fraiche de la montagne et de l'herbe
fraiche et surtout, planter dans mon propre jardin avec un grand espace. ce
qui m'empèche pour le moment de me distraire suffisament est le fait que je suis
très occupé pour le moment surtout avec le ressencement des réfugiés.J'ai beacoup
voyagé en Europe surtout pour visiter des camps de réfugiés pour noter comment
ça se passe ailleurs.
Je suis actuelement en attente des conférences des jeunes du monde organisée
par une organisation non gouvernementale dont je fait partie la "GYW"qui se
portera sur: "Les jeunes et le sida" qui se tiendra au Quebec et "Les travaux
forcés des enfants" en Afrique . Nous devons inviter dix délégations de
l'Afrique.Tu pourrais surement m'aider en me mettant en contact avec une
organisation de jeune de ton pays qui aimerait participer à ces réunions qui
aurons lieu au Quebec au Canada et plus précisément à Montréal du
02 au 30 juillet 2006 et à Cotonou au Bénin du 02 au 28 aout 2006.Tu pourras leur
dire que s'ils veulent participer à ces conférences ils devront contacter le
sécrétaire à cette adresse: secretaire_gyw@yahoo.fr et s'ils veulent que
leurs demandes soient prisent en considération,ils doivent présenter les noms de
leurs représentants qui seront aux forums(9 personnes au plus).
Après la reception de ces informations, le commitée d'organisation dont je
fait partie prendra en considération votre demande et vous invitera officièllement
à participer aux évènements.Nos sponsors prendront la charge de vos billets
d'avions et de l'hébergement et tout leur séjour au Quebec jusqu'a votre
retour dans votre pays d'orrigine après la deuxième conférence de Cotonou. Le comité
d'organisation se chargera aussi des demandes de visas pour tout les
participants pour le Canada en contact avec notre ambassade dans votre
pays.Les participants ne prendront soin que de leur hebergement de deux journées à
Cotonou d'ailleurs très bref où aura lieu la deuxième conférence. Si tu es
intéréssé personnellement, tu peux former un groupe de neuf personnes au plus,
vous pouvez être de nationalité différentes si vous voulez mais vous devez
être dans le même pays pour l'obtention facile de votre visa de groupe mais il
serait préférable que vous soyez de même nationalité.
Vous pouvez contacter tout de suite la sécrétaire de la "GYW" et lui adrésser
une lettre de présentation de votre organisation ou de votre groupe sous forme
de demande de participation en lui précisant que c'est moi qui vous ai fait
part des activités de la "P.S" J'espère que tu me donneras l'occasion de te
rencontrer en accélérant tes démarches comme je te les ai prescrites.
Ps: Je m'escuse pour mon français mais je m'exprime mieux en anglais et mon
rêve est de perfectionner mon français et j'aimerai que tu m'aides à le faire
en m'écrivant exeptionnellement en français.
Marre d'une boite pleine de spams ? Adoptez le tout nouveau Yahoo! Mail et son son filtre anti-spams perfectionnés.
Découvrez le nouveau Yahoo! Messenger : appelez vers des téléphones en France et à partir de 0,012 euros/minute ! Téléchargez la version beta.
Message headers:
Received: from [] by web27308.mail.ukl.yahoo.com
via HTTP; Thu, 25 May 2006 18:31:56 CEST
Date: Thu, 25 May 2006 18:31:56 +0200 (CEST)
From: jesica wilson <wilson_jesica@yahoo.fr>
Subject: invitation a une conference
IP address
inetnum: -
country: BJ
admin-c: TH1814-AFRINIC
admin-c: LA212-AFRINIC
tech-c: FD331-AFRINIC
notify: ril@intnet.bj
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notify: prosper.gnimadi@pharaon-telecom.net
mnt-by: OPT-NTIC-MNT
mnt-lower: OPT-NTIC-MNT
changed: agbaholou@intnet.bj 20050727
source: AFRINIC
parent: -
person: Louis Agbaholou
address: Office des Postes et Telecommications (OPT)
address: Reseau Internet
address: B.P. 5959
address: Cotonou (Rep. du Benin)
phone: +229 31 4990
fax-no: +229 31 3843
e-mail: agbaholou@intnet.bj
e-mail: agbaholou@opt.bj
mnt-by: OPT-NTIC-MNT
nic-hdl: LA212-AFRINIC
notify: agbaholou@opt.bj
notify: ril@intnet.bj
changed: agbaholou@intnet.bj 20020727
changed: hostmaster@afrinic.net 20050205
remarks: data has been transferred from RIPE Whois Database 20050221
source: AFRINIC
person: TAHIROU Herve
address: www.pharaon-group.com
address: 01 BP 6234
phone: +229 33 85 71
fax-no: +229 33 86 19
e-mail: herve.tairou@pharaon-group.com
nic-hdl: TH1814-AFRINIC
notify: agbaholou@intnet.bj
notify: ril@intnet.bj
mnt-by: OPT-NTIC-MNT
changed: agbaholou@intnet.bj 20050203
changed: hostmaster@afrinic.net 20050205
remarks: data has been transferred from RIPE Whois Database 20050221
source: AFRINIC
person: Franck Dossou
address: Office des Postes et Telecommications (OPT)
address: Reseau Internet
address: B.P. 5959
address: Cotonou (Rep. du Benin)
phone: +229 31 8888
fax-no: +229 31 3843
e-mail: dosfrk@intnet.bj
nic-hdl: FD331-AFRINIC
notify: agbaholou@intnet.bj
notify: ril@intnet.bj
mnt-by: OPT-NTIC-MNT
changed: agbaholou@intnet.bj 20020722
changed: hostmaster@afrinic.net 20050205
remarks: data has been transferred from RIPE Whois Database 20050221
source: AFRINIC
Les jeunes et le sida / Les travaux forcés des enfants
Québec H4A 1E6 canada
Tél/fax. : +1.413.669.5332
Tu sais lamitié est très précieuse.
La rencontre d'une personne vous apporte toujours quelque chose de nouveau.
C'est donc une très grande expérience pour moi de communiquer avec d'autres
bout du monde.d'orrigines d'ifférentes et aussi de différentes réligions.
Alors, si tu est une personne sérieuse qui cherche une fille sérieuse,saches
que tu m'as trouvé.
J'ai 27 ans j'habite dans mon propre appartement que mon père m'a offert au
quebec (montréal).Je suis la première fille à mes parents.Ils ont trois
mon petit frère Raymond et ma petite soeur Rosemarie et moi. Mon papa,
Crepwell est diplomate et ma maman, Rebecca Landoucelle, est un personnel du
département de l'éducation de Montréal. Je suis célibataire à cause des
multiples trahisons que m'ont fait vivre les garçons.J'aime lire, la
la conduite sur de longues distances et surtout les voyages.Je déteste
la moindre mensonge. J'aime la nature et je rêve un jour d'avoir ma propre
maison en campagne pour sentir l'air fraiche de la montagne et de l'herbe
fraiche et surtout, planter dans mon propre jardin avec un grand espace. ce
mempèche pour le moment de me distraire suffisament est le fait que je suis
occupé pour le moment surtout avec le ressencement des réfugiés.J'ai beacoup
voyagé en Europe surtout pour visiter des camps de réfugiés pour noter
ça se passe ailleurs.
Je suis actuelement en attente des conférences des jeunes du monde organisée
par une organisation non gouvernementale dont je fait partie la "GYW"qui se
portera sur: "Les jeunes et le sida" qui se tiendra au Quebec et "Les
forcés des enfants" en Afrique . Nous devons inviter dix délégations de
l'Afrique.Tu pourrais surement m'aider en me mettant en contact avec une
organisation de jeune de ton pays qui aimerait participer à ces réunions qui
aurons lieu au Quebec au Canada et plus précisément à Montréal du 17 au 21
août 2006 et à Cotonou au Bénin du 15 au 20 septembre 2006.Tu pourras
dire que s'ils veulent participer à ces conférences ils devront contacter le
sécétaire à cette adresse: greiners@mail2blake.com et s'ils veulent
que leurs
demandes soient prisent en considération,ils doivent présenter les noms de
leurs représentants qui seront aux forums(9 personnes au plus).
Après la reception de ces informations, le commitée d'organisation dont je
partie prendra en considération votre demande et vous invitera
participer aux évènements.Nos sponsors prendront la charge de vos billets
d'avions et de l'hébergement et tout leur séjour au Quebec jusqu'a votre
dans votre pays d'orrigine après la deuxième conférence de Cotonou. Le
d'organisation se chargera aussi des demandes de visas pour tout les
participants pour le Canada en contact avec notre ambassade dans votre
participants ne prendront soin que de leur hebergement de deux journées à
Cotonou d'ailleurs très bref où aura lieu la deuxième conférence. Si tu es
intéréssé personnellement, tu peux former un groupe de neuf personnes au
vous pouvez être de nationalité différentes si vous voulez mais vous devez
être dans le même pays pour l'obtention facile de votre visa de groupe mais il
préférable que vous soyez de même nationalité.
Vous pouvez contacter tout de suite la sécrétaire de la "GYW" et lui
une lettre de présentation de votre organi sation ou de votre groupe sous
forme de demande de participation en lui précisant que c'est moi qui vous ai fait
part des activités de la "P.S" J'espère que tu me donneras l'occasion de te
rencontrer en accélérant tes démarches comme je te les ai prescrites.
Ps: Je m'escuse pour mon français mais je m'exprime mieux en anglais et mon
rêve est de perfectionner mon français et j'aimerai que tu m'aides à le
en m'écrivant exeptionnellement en français
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
Message headers:
Received: from [] by web37001.mail.mud.yahoo.com
via HTTP; Thu, 15 Jun 2006 08:57:29 EDT
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2006 08:57:29 -0400 (EDT)
From: christinia davidson <christinia_davidson@yahoo.ca>
Subject: Bonjour
WHOIS details for IP address
inetnum: -
country: BJ
admin-c: TH1814-AFRINIC
admin-c: LA212-AFRINIC
tech-c: FD331-AFRINIC
mnt-by: OPT-NTIC-MNT
mnt-lower: OPT-NTIC-MNT
source: AFRINIC # Filtered
parent: -
person: Louis Agbaholou
address: Office des Postes et Telecommications (OPT)
address: Reseau Internet
address: B.P. 5959
address: Cotonou (Rep. du Benin)
phone: +229 31 4990
fax-no: +229 31 3843
e-mail: agbaholou@intnet.bj
e-mail: agbaholou@opt.bj
mnt-by: OPT-NTIC-MNT
nic-hdl: LA212-AFRINIC
remarks: data has been transferred from RIPE Whois Database 20050221
source: AFRINIC # Filtered
Netherlands and Spain (smithydave111@excite.com)
I'm Carol Brown, born in England, lived in Amsterdam, Netherland.I
love making Friends from all around the world, most especially
Christians. I saw your ID in PENPAL.Am a Youth
director and also work for the U.N.H.C.R as Staff in the refugee
department, and also serve the World 0vision as director to Canada two
years ago. I Will like to meet you in person so that we can up lift
The name of Christ Jesus and see why best we can Promote the Gospel in
There is a youth Conferences coming up soon both in Netherland and
Spain respectively.This conferences are Free, the Sponsors will be
responsible for your air ticket, both in the Netherland and Spain and
the Conference committee will also fax a letter to the Netherland
embassy with in country,so do not worry about Visa, these conferences
are sponsored annually by NICEF, United Nations Security Council and
First Ladies of Presidents of United Nations.
All you have to do is to WRITE AN APPLICATION LETTER to the conference
Office telling them that you want attends the youth Conferences that
will be taking place in both the Netherland and Spain.This is the
email to Apply : smithydave111@excite.com . MR DAVID SMITH is the Name
of man handling the application just tell him that I recommended you
to him so that your application can be given an attention.
Pease dont forget to include my name and email address when writing
your application. this is my email address: carolbrown_47@msn.com
I will love to see you there.I shall be away till next weekend ,i hope
to read your message when am back.
God bless you. Have a nice day.
Dont just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!
Message headers:
Received: from by by115fd.bay115.hotmail.msn.com with HTTP;
Thu, 29 Jun 2006 12:11:23 GMT
X-Originating-IP: []
X-Originating-Email: [carolb_46@msn.com]
X-Sender: carolb_46@msn.com
From: "CAROL BROWN" <carolb_46@msn.com>
Subject: message
WHOIS details for sening IP address
inetnum: -
netname: IWAY-NOC
descr: Afsat Communications Ltd
country: KE
admin-c: HN274-RIPE
tech-c: JN669-RIPE
source: RIPE # Filtered
person: Heinrich Nothnagel
address: P O Box - 1462
address: Sanlamhof
address: South Africa
phone: +254 2 608617
fax-no: +254 2 602826
e-mail: hnothnagel@iwayafrica.com
nic-hdl: HN274-RIPE
source: RIPE # Filtered
person: Job Ndege
address: P O Box - 27554
address: Nairobi
address: Kenya
phone: +254 2 608617
fax-no: +254 2 602826
e-mail: jndege@iwayafrica.com
nic-hdl: JN669-RIPE
source: RIPE # Filtered
% Information related to ''
descr: HOT Telecommunications GmbH
descr: DirecPC-EU - PROVIDER
origin: AS12440
source: RIPE # Filtered
From: "sarah grant" <sargrant4000@gmail.com>
To: <undisclosed-recipients:>
Sent: Friday, 07 July, 2006 23:05
This is a call for Papers and applications for
participations in our upcoming Youth Events, which
shall hold in USA/ITALY.
The conference will bring together Youths, Youth
Leaders, Performers, Educators,Artists, Scholars and
Researchers, psychologists and therapists, Health
Professionals, Business professionals, Youth workers,
Activists, and Community organizers to showcase what
need to be done to win this war. These events are
scheduled to commence in Miami Florida, USA and come
to an end in ITALY.
It is a two-tied kind of events in which all the
participants and educators shall be happy to partake
Spend some unique days ...
Learning new ways to relate to human beings, to
culture, to community, and to social change. Meeting
others like yourself; learning, teaching, inspiring
and being inspired. Exploring the potential of a
performance approach to unleash and nurture the human
capacity to create, collaborate and change the world.
The events shall commence on the 1st till the 5th of
August 2006 at
CMA Hall,
596 Stamets Road,
Milford, NJ 08848
While the second segment in Spain shall commence on
the 8th of August and end on the 12th of August 2006
Centro di Gioventù di Gypsie
Via Principe Amedeo 76,
Rome, Roma, Italy
These events are open to Youth Organizations,
Socio-Cultural Organizations, performers, educators,
artists, scholars and researchers, health
Organizations, Professionals and Business
Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations, Human
Right Organizations, Women Groups and persons that
adhere to our principles. The Global Youth Welfare
Organization shall provide an all round flight ticket
to all cities of the events in U.S.A and ITALY for
every participant, and also accommodation and feeding
for all participants in U.S.A shall also be provided.
Participants will only take care of their
accommodation and feeding expenses in italy.
All Interested organizations should forward the
following information about their organization contact
us with this box sar_grant04@yahoo.com
1) Aims and objectives of the Organization
2) Organization profile
3) Achievement so far
Participants MUST be a group of 5-10 persons to
qualify for registration. Registrations will be
confirmed via a message to your designated e-mail
address after processing your profile.
Sarah Grant (Mrs.)
C'est un appel pour des papiers et des demandes de participations à n
os événements prochains de la jeunesse, qui se tiendront dans
USA/ITALY. La conférence rassemblera des jeunesses, des chefs de la
jeunesse, des interprètes, des éducateurs, des artistes, des disciples
et des chercheurs, des psychologues et des thérapeutes, des
professionnels de professionnels de santé, d'affaires, des ouvriers de
la jeunesse, des organisateurs d'activistes, et de Communauté pour
présenter quel besoin d'être fait pour gagner cette guerre. Ces
événements sont programmés pour débuter à Miami la Floride, Etats-Unis
et terminés en ITALIE.
C'est un genre deux-attaché d'événements dans lesquels tous
participants et éducateurs seront heureux de participer po. Passer
quelques jours uniques
Nouvelles manières de étude de se relier
aux êtres humains, à la culture, à la communauté, et au changement
social. En rencontrant d'autres s'aimer ; étude, enseignement,
inspirer et être inspiré. En explorant le potentiel d'une exécution
approcher pour lâcher et consolider la capacité humaine de créer,
collaborer et de changer le monde. Les événements débuteront sur le
1er jusqu'au 5ème de l'août 2006 à CMA Hall, Route de 596 Stamets,
Milford, NJ 08848 LES Etats-Unis. Tandis que le deuxième segment
en Espagne débutera sur le 8ème août et l'extrémité sur la 12ème de
l'août 2006 à Di Gypsie de Centro di Gioventù Par l'intermédiaire
du Principe Amedeo 76, Rome, Roma, Italie
Participants ;
Ces événements sont ouverts d'organismes de la jeunesse, Organismes
Socio-Culturels, interprètes, éducateurs, artistes, disciples et
chercheurs, santé Organismes, professionnels et affaires Organismes,
organisations nonnes gouvernemental, organismes de droit de l'homme,
groupes de femmes et personnes qui adhèrent à nos principes.
L'organisation globale d'assistance sociale de la jeunesse fournira un
tout le billet rond de vol à toutes les villes des événements aux
Etats-Unis et en ITALIE pour chaque participant, et également le
logement et l'alimentation pour tous les participants aux Etats-Unis
seront également fournis. Les participants prendront seulement soin
de leur logement et dépenses de alimentation en Italie. Tous les
organismes intéressés devraient expédier les informations suivantes
sur leur organisation nous contactent avec sar_grant04@yahoo.com
1) Objectifs et objectifs de l'organisation
2) Profil d'organisation
3) Accomplissement jusqu'ici Les participants DOIVENT être un
groupe de 5-10 personnes à qualifier pour l'enregistrement. Les
enregistrements seront confirmé par l'intermédiaire d'un message à
votre adresse indiquée d'E-mail après traitement de votre profil.
Sarah Grant (Mme)
USA and Italy (sargrant1000@gmail.com)
From: "sarah grant" <sargrant1000@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, 11 July, 2006 19:11
Subject: Call for Participation/Application to Attend conference in USA/Italy/Réclamer la participation/application pour suivre la conférence dans USA/Italy
Call for Participation/Application to Attend conference in
USA/Italy/Réclamer la participation/application pour suivre la
conférence dans USA/Italy
USA/Italy for a groundbreaking meeting of the international youth
movements and other related NGO's, where as many as 200 participants
will convene to learning new ways to empower themselves and how to
adhere to social norms. And also to meet others like yourself ;
learning, teaching, inspiring and being inspired. Exploring the
potential of a performance approach to unleash and nurture the human
capacity to create, collaborateand change the world.
What are the objectives of this meeting? The meeting will provide a
space where youth & women's rights advocates from diverse backgrounds
and working on different issues can engage with each other and with
like-minded donors, in order to:
Provide quality prevention of abuse of the youth and women.
Frankly discuss how NGO's and women's organizations and movements can
work together
Develop creative and innovative strategies to fight these social ills
Advance child protection development through innovative projects
What will the program look like? Unlike other events of GYWO ,
instead, an international planning committee which is headed by Prof.
Steve Robbins will design a comprehensive program and select speakers.
The program will include:
Thought-provoking plenaries;
In-depth breakout sessions for strategy-development;
Simulation games to fast-track learning;
Capacity and skills-building sessions; and
Debates to stimulate discussion.
In addition to the main program, the meeting will also host book
launches, artistic and cultural activities and, as with all GYWO
events, plenty of space and opportunity for informal networking and
All plenaries and selected breakout sessions will have interpretation
into English, Spanish and French.
Who can participate? What happens if more than 200 apply? Anyone who
is a member of an NGO or progressive youth or women's organization or
community based organization can apply to participate. If more than
200 people apply (as we anticipate), a global selection committee will
select a representative 200 from among the applicants. This committee
will ensure that the participants at the meeting are truly
international and represent a diverse range of interests, issues, and
regions. Preference will be given to organizations working for youth &
women's rights from the Global South East Asia, Latin America and
VENUES AND EVENT DATES? The events shall commence on the 12th till the
15th of September 2006 at
CMA Hall,
596 Stamets Road,
Milford, NJ 08848
While the second segment in Italy shall commence on the 19th and end
on the 22nd of September 2006 atCentro di Gioventù di Gypsie
Via Principe Amedeo 76,
Rome, Roma, Italy
I can't afford the cost - Can you help? GYWO has set up an "Access
Fund" to support the travel costs and hotel room bills for
participants who are unable to raise sufficient funds on their own.
All participants, however will be expected to fund raise for their
hotel bills in Italy, which will not be waived. This will help ensure
that only those who most need and want to be at the meeting will be
there. Applicants who need assistance can apply to the Access Fund at
the same time they apply to participate.
Are there Airport Pick-Up and Drop-Off?
The Protocol Officers of these events shall be on ground to Pick-Up
and Drop-Off delegates and these are transportation are free. The days
between 15th and 19th September shall be used to fly delegates to
How do I apply, and what is the deadline? All Interested organizations
should forward the
following information about their organization
Aims and objectives of the Organization
Organization profile
Achievement so far
Participants MUST be a group of 5-10 persons to qualify for registration.
Contact me with this box sar_grant02yahoo.com for more details , the
deadline for application is as set by the Organizing Committee.
Sarah Grant(Mrs)
Réclamer la participation/application pour suivre la conférence dans
GYWO VOUS INVITE à SES ÉVÉNEMENTS le 12 au 22 septembre 2006 de la
JEUNESSE dans USA/Italy pour une réunion d'inauguration des mouvements
internationaux de la jeunesse et d'autres O.N.G.s relatives, où autant
de car 200 participants s'assembleront à apprendre de nouvelles
manières de s'autoriser et comment adhérer aux normes sociales. Et
rencontrer également d'autres s'aimer ; étude, enseignement, inspirer
et être inspiré.
En explorant le potentiel d'une exécution approcher pour lâcher et
consolider la capacité humaine de créer, changement de collaborateand
le monde. Quels sont les objectifs de cette réunion ? La réunion
fournira un espace où les avocats de droites de la jeunesse et des
femmes des milieux divers et travailler à différentes questions
peuvent engager dans les uns avec les autres et les donateurs
semblables :
Fournir la prévention de qualité de l'abus de la jeunesse et des
femmes. Discuter franchement comment les O.N.G.s et les organismes
et les mouvements des femmes peuvent fonctionner ensemble Se
développer des stratégies créatrices et innovatrices pour combattre
ces défectuosités sociales Avancer le développement de protection
d'enfant par des projets innovateurs À quoi le programme
ressemblera-t-il ? À la différence d'autres événements de GYWO, au
lieu de cela, un comité de planification international qui est dirigé
par prof. Steve Robbins concevra un programme complet et choisira des
haut-parleurs. Le programme inclura : session plénière de
Pensée-provocation ; Sessions détaillées d'évasion pour le
stratégie-développement ; Jeux de simulation à l'étude de
rapide-voie ; Sessions de capacité et de compétence-bâtiment ; et
Discussions pour stimuler la discussion. En plus du programme
principal, la réunion accueillera également des lancements de livre,
des activités artistiques et culturelles et, comme avec tous les
événements de GYWO, abondance de l'espace et occasion pour la gestion
de réseau et l'alliance-bâtiment sans cérémonie.
Toutes les session plénière et sessions choisies d'évasion auront
l'interprétation en anglais, Espagnol et Français. Qui peut
participer ? Que se produit si plus de 200 s'appliquent ? N'importe
qui qui est un membre d'une O.N.G. ou d'une organisation progressive
de la jeunesse ou de femmes ou d'une organisation basée par communauté
peut s'appliquer pour participer. Si plus de 200 personnes
s'appliquent (pendant que nous prévoyons), un comité de choix global
choisira un représentant 200 à partir parmi les demandeurs. Ce comité
s'assurera que les participants lors de la réunion sont vraiment
internationaux et représentera une gamme diverse d'intérêts, des
questions, et des régions. La préférence sera donnée aux organismes
fonctionnant pour des juste de la jeunesse et des femmes le Sud-est
asiatique global, d'Amérique latine et d'Afrique.
LIEU DE RENDEZ-VOUS ET DATES D'ÉVÉNEMENT ? Les événements débuteront
sur le 12ème jusqu'au 15ème du septembre 2006 à CMA Hall, Route de
596 Stamets, Milford, NJ 08848 LES Etats-Unis.
Tandis que le deuxième segment en Italie débutera sur le 19ème et
finira sur le 22ème des Di Gypsie de di Gioventù d'atCentro du
septembre 2006 Par l'intermédiaire du Principe Amedeo 76, Rome,
Roma, Italie
Je ne peux pas me permettre le coût - pouvez-vous aider ? GYWO a
établi des « fonds d'Access » pour soutenir les coûts de voyage et les
factures de pièce d'hôtel pour les participants qui ne peuvent pas
soulever les fonds suffisants sur leurs propres. Tous les
participants, toutefois sera prévu pour placer l'augmenter pour leurs
factures d'hôtel en Italie, qui ne sera pas écartée. Ceci aidera à
s'assurer que seulement ceux de que les la plupart ont besoin et
veulent pour être lors de la réunion seront là. Les demandeurs qui ont
besoin d'aide peuvent appliquer à l'Access les fonds en même temps
qu'ils s'appliquent pour participer. Y a-t-il ramassage et
descente d'aéroport ? Les dirigeants de protocole de ces événements
seront sur la terre à ramasser et les délégués et ce de descente sont
transport sont libres. Les jours entre les 15 et 19 septembre seront
employés pour voler des délégués en Italie. Comment est-ce que
j'est-elle m'applique, et que la date-limite ? Tous les organismes
intéressés devraient expédier informations suivantes sur leur
organisation Objectifs et objectifs de l'organisation Profil
d'organisation Accomplissement jusqu'ici
Les participants DOIVENT être un groupe de 5-10 personnes à qualifier
pour l'enregistrement. Me contacter avec la boîte
sar_grant02yahoo.com pour plus de détails, la date-limite pour
l'application est comme place par le Comité d'organisation.
Sarah Grant (Mme)
From: Nancy Parkerson <yworeg88@yahoo.com>
To: victimemailaddress
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2006 05:22:48 -0800 (PST)
Madam Nancy Parkerson,
PO Box 3321,
St Lucie, Orlando Florida,
United States of America.
Tel/Fax +01-763-431-7035
Dear Participants,
Peace and love to you all the days of your life.The forth coming
Youth's Conferences is never under advertisement.It is not open for every body
to Participate,We can only accept participants under recommendation,But
since your recommendation comes from one of our colleagues ,I will give you
the opportunity to participate in the forth coming Youth's Conferences.The
forth coming Youths Conference (AGAINST RACISM AND CHILD ABUSE ) is
scheduled to take place on Decemer 11th-15th, 2006 at Global Youths welfare
convention Hall, 3074 St lucie Orlando Florida state , US. The second conference
on (CHILD ABUSE) will take place at Armical Cabral Hall Independence
Square in Canada between December 18th -- 22nd, 2006.
The theme of the forth coming Youths Conferences is to teach the youths on the need to avoid recial discrimination and also to condemn
child abuse which is
increasing every day among youth the all over the world. The Forth coming Conferences are being Organized by the Youths Welfare Organisation in United States and being sponsor by our dependent donors.
The conference is dedicated to all our beloved Brothers and
Sisters who lost their precious lives during the september 11th Terrorist
attack in New York,Washington and the recent attack in Kenya,East Africa .Every
body is entitled to Participate inthe forth coming Youth's Conferences
regardless of your Religion or belief.Only four or five Youths
are expected to participate together as a group from each Country and none of them
will be less than eighteen years,they must participate in both
Conferences.The independent Donors and the Sponsorers will take care of your entire
flight tickets,including your feeding and accomodation throughout your stay
in United States.You are only
responsible for your hotel reservation in
CANADA . where the second conference is scheduled to take
place.If you are interested to participate in the forth coming Youths
conferences,you should send your names, passport numbers
together with the Country of your origin and resident through the
following fax number,+ 01-763-431-7035 can send the names
through our e-mail. We will open your participation file as soon as we recieve
your names along with the passport numbers and other required information
.Youwill recieve the conference Participation forms ,we will also
direct you to our Canadian Coordinator as soon as your name sreach to us. Our
Canadian Coordinator will only direct you to Hotels in CANADA where you
will make your reservation.Your Hotel reservation confirmation will
only prove to the US Bureau ofImmigrant Affairs that you must go to Canada
after U.S.Conference.I will give
you more directive as soonas your names
reach to us.Please note that we are notthe US Authority authorising your visas
but we are working with dates directives from the US Bureau of Immigrant
Affairs, the authority that is in charge of authorisation of group
visas.We can not add or reduce any given requirements for
the authorisation of participants visas participating in this
events.And as such all requirements must be met by participants requiring the US
Visa assistance.Remember to forward your names,passports number ,name of
country or Originand resident as soon as possible in order to open afile for
your group.You will choose four other persons from your organisation or
find four other persons from your country to apply with you as a group from
your country.When you apply as a group from your country, your visas will
be easily authorised. But if only you apply,then it is you will have to
face the Embassy alone for
personal visa. You will have to go to the
embassy on your personal efforts without no assistance from the organisers and
our US Immigration Advocates. When you apply as a group from your country.
The US Bureau of Immigrant Affairs will now believe that you have a motive to
come to the US. The US Bureau of immigrant Affairs have asked all
participants requiring the US visas for this events,to make their hotel reservation in CANADA .This will convince the US Bureau of Immigrant Affairs thatall participants attending the US conference will godown to Canada after the conferenc in
the US.Without your accommodation in Canada the US Bureau of
Immigrant Affairs will not authorise groupvisas . You must try all possibilities
to book your hotel and get the confirmation to be faxed along with your
conference registration forms.To Begin with, youhave to forward the
names and passport number of your five
delegates by e-mail or by fax as soon
aspossible. Registration deadline is on the 25th of November,2006.You
should endeavour to contact the management of the below selected hotels in
Canada.Please note that we can not open group participation
file with names forwarded without the passport numbers.
Vancouver, Canada
CONTACT E-MAIL :caphotel2000@yahoo.ca
Point to note, when you make your reservation in this hotel,
you should ask for confirmation by fax to as you will need to fax the
confirmation to the organisers in the US for the processings of your
documents.For more information and assistance as regard the
hotels in Canada you can reach the secretary to the organising
committee Mr.Tim Kings through
this e-mail: info_canadaywo@yahoo.ca
Thanks, Your sincerely.
Madam Nancy parkerson.
From: Nancy Parkerson <yworeg88@yahoo.com>
To: victimemailaddress
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2006 10:48:33 -0800 (PST)
Hello Participants,
Greetings and compliments from United States to you We
are working day and night for the forth coming Youths
Conferences.Your names are here with us.We have opened
your participation file and your particpation file
number is YWO/US0086/ICOCA09/02GB.
The file was opened with the following names
You should join the list of participants from
different countries whose documents are already on
process by forwarding your conference registration
forms and confirmations of your hotel reservations
made in Canada to us. We have just few number of
participants left to complete the required number.
We need to forward the forms and confirmation of the
hotel reservation in Canada to
our US
Immigra-tion Advocate for the processing and
authorization of the US visas in advance.The
proces-sing of your group documents will start as soon
as we recieve your Canada hotel reservation
confirmation with the Inter-national Youths Conference
Participation form,which each and every one of you
will fill and fax it back to us. All your documents
will be processed here in United States before your
visit to the U.S Embassy in your Country .You will get
your six months visa from the US Embassy in your
country at
U.S. Embassy,
Barclays Plaza - Loita Street P.O Box 30143,
We will forward your documents to The Ambassador for
endorsement,you will get your visa through the
Consular Section. Any information which is in your
Passport is what you will use to fill your visa form
which We will provide to you.We will send your visa
forms as soon as your Canad hotel
confirmation with the International Youths Conference
Participation forms reach to us.During your visit to
the Embassy, One person will lead the entire group,You
have only three questions to answer which will be
revealed to you after the processing of your
documents.You will travel with Air france airline,You
will get your tickets from Airfrance Agent in your
country at 1st Floor, 20th Century Plaza Nairobi,Kenya
through our directives after the processings of your
documents.I will get in touch with you as soon as you
fax the forms together with your Canada hotel
reservation confirmation which will prove that your
group will go down to Canadafor the second conference
after the U.S. Conference.
The Hotel will provide your Reservation Confirmation.
You must be together with your fellow Youths as soon
as we process your Documents.
Please view the attachment and print out the forms
each of the Participants in your group.In order not to
delay the processing of your documents, you should
fill and return by fax all forms in group along with
the confirmation of your hotel reservation made in
Canada on or before the 18th of November,2006.
Please note that we have to reach the Embassy with the
confirmation of your authorised visas and your
official invitation before you go to the Embassy for
the visas, If your visas are not processed and
authorised by the US Bureau of Immigrant Affairs we
can not reach the US Embassy for your visas. In this
regard we advise that you return all forms and the
confirmation of your hotel reservation before time.
You should endeavour to contact the management of the
below selected hotels in Canada .They are as
Vancouver, Canada
TEL/FAX: 1-720 -269 -1827
CONTACT E-MAIL : caphotel2000@yahoo.ca
Point to note, when you make your reservation
at this hotel, you should ask for confirmation by fax
as you will need to fax the confirmation to the
organisers in the US for the processings of your
documents and you may contact the secretary to the
organising committee in Canada for contact
information on hotels in Canada through the
below e-mail address info_canadaywo@yahoo.ca
Thanks and may God bless you
From, Madam Nancy Parkerson
Madam Nancy Parkerson,
PO Box 3321,
St Lucie, Orlando Florida,
United States of America.
Tel/Fax +1-208-694-5892,
Dear Participants,
Peace and love to you all the days of your life.The forth coming
Youth's Conferences is never under advertisement.It is not open for
every body
to Participate,We can only accept participants under recommendation,But
since your recommendation comes from one of our colleagues ,I will give
the opportunity to participate in the forth coming Youth's
The forth coming Youths Conference is
scheduled to take place on March 15TH -- 18TH March,2007 at Global Youths
convention Hall, 3074 St lucie Orlando Florida state , U.S.A.All participants will live the U.S on 18TH ARRIVE 19TH.The second conference
on (CHILD ABUSE) will take place at, 226 Argyle Avenue
Ottawa ON K2P 1B9,
in Canada between March 20TH -- 24TH 2007.
The theme of the forth coming Youths Conferences is to teach the youths
on the need to
avoid recial discrimination and also to condem child abuse which is
increasing every day among youth the all over the world. The Forth
coming Conferences
are being Organized by the Youths Welfare Organization in United
States and being sponsor by our dependent donors.
The conference is dedicated to all our beloved Brothers and
Sisters who lost their precious lives during the September 11th
attack in New York,Washington and the attack in Kenya,East Africa
body is entitled to Participate in the forth coming Youth's Conferences
regardless of your Religion or belief.Only two or ten Youths
are expected to participate together as a group from each Country and
none of them
will be less than eighteen years,they must participate in both
Conferences.The independent Donors and the Sponsored will take care of
your entire
flight tickets,including your feeding and accommodation throughout your
in United States. You are only responsible for your hotel reservation
Canada where the second conference is scheduled to take
place.If you are interested to participate in the forth coming Youths
conferences,you should send your names, passport numbers
together with the Country of your origin and resident through the
following fax number (+1-208-694-5892)
or you can send the names
through our e-mail. We will open your participation file as soon as we
your names along with the passport numbers and other required
.You will receive the conference Participation forms ,we will also
direct you to our Canadian Coordinator as soon as your names reach to us.
Canadian Coordinator will only direct you to Hotel in Canada where you
will make your reservation.Your Canada Hotel reservation confirmation
only prove to the US Bureau of Immigrant Affairs that you must go to
after U.S.Conference.I will give you more directive as soon as your
reach to us.Please note that we are not the US Authority Authorizing
your visas
but we are working with dates directives from the US Bureau of
Affairs, the authority that is in charge of authorization of group
visas.We can not add or reduce any given requirements for
the authorization of participants visas participating in this
events.And as such all requirements must be met by participants
requiring the US
Visa assistance.Remember to forward your names,passports number ,name
country or Origin and resident as soon as possible in order to open
a file for
your group. You will choose two or ten other persons from your organization
find two or ten persons from your country to apply with you as a
group from
your country. When you apply as a group from your country, your visas
be easily authorized. But if only you apply,then it is you will have to
face the Embassy alone for personal visa. You will have to go to the
embassy on your personal efforts with out no assistance from the
organizers and
our US Immigration Advocates. When you apply as a group from your
The US Bureau of Immigrant Affairs will now believe that you have a
motive to
come to the US. The US Bureau of immigrant Affairs have asked all
participants requiring the US visas for this events,to make their
hotel reservation in Canada . This will convince the US Bureau of
Immigrant Affairs that all participants
attending the US conference will go down to Canada after the
conference in
the US.With out your accommodation in Canada the US Bureau of
Immigrant Affairs will not authorize group visas . You must try all
to book your hotel and get the confirmation to be faxed along with your
conference registration forms.To Begin with, you have to forward the
names and passport numbers of your two to ten delegates by e-mail or by fax as
as possible. Registration deadline is on the 10th of January,2007.You
should endeavour to contact the management of the below hotel
Canada .Please note that we can not open group participation
file with names forwarded with out the passport numbers.
Maclab Hotel,33 Nicholas Street,
K1N 9M7 Ottawa Canada.
Code 0979
Point to note, when you make your reservation in this hotel,
should ask for confirmation by fax or by e-mail to as you will need to fax the
confirmation to the organizers in the US for the processing of your
documents.For more information and assistance as regard the selected
hotel in Canada you can reach the secretary to the organizing
committee Edward Halliwell through this e-mail: (info_ywo_icoca2006@programmer.net)
Thanks, Your sincerely.
Madam Nancy parkerson.
Message headers:
From: "nancy parkerson" <yworeg2006@florida.usa.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 13:17:37 -0500
Received: from [] by ws3-2.us4.outblaze.com with http for
yworeg2006@florida.usa.com; Mon, 18 Dec 2006 13:17:37 -0500
Here's another variant of the scam, found at http://worldyouthforum.tripod.com:
Youth-Forum is a socialist youth organization. We are against capitalism and the war, racism, exploitation and alienation it creates. We are socialists - we want to abolish capitalism and replace it with a planned economy. But we do not believe that the capitalist elite will allow their wealth and privilege to be voted out of existence. We believe it will take force to take the power and property away from the few and redistribute into the hands of the many - that means a Youth-forum!
We want to organize young people across the world in this fight for a classless society built on the basis of equality and human freedom.
We want to leave the borders and divisions of nations behind and move forward to a truly global and united humanity, without bigotry, war and class division.
We stand shoulder to shoulder with our sisters and brothers in the Third World struggling to break free of the trillion dollar debt, the IMF, WTO and NATO. We fight alongside anyone we share a goal with. And we organize for youth-forum the only solution to the worlds woes.
A socialist society would be based on direct democracy, collective ownership and democratic planning of the economy for human need, not private greed. Thats what we stand for. If you want to help, you can join us today.
YOUTH-FORUM is owned and controlled by its members. There are a wide range of different views, ideas and interests in YOUTH-FORUM everyone can have a say and we make all our decisions democratically.
Summary & Comment:
An opportunity to attend conference on Racism and Child Abuse in New York (USA) and in Dakar Senegal(Africa).
Dear Members/Intending Participants,
The Youth Forum Organization wish to inform all our members all over the world and intending participants that we shall be holding our fourth conference on (Racism And Child Abuse) in United States at:
New York United States this Year 2006. The second section of the Conference is schedule to take place In Dakar Senegal, Africa.
Provisions has be made for our participants. You must put many things into consideration before taking the decision to participate in this event. Provisions have been made for participants. All round flight tickets, feeding and accommodation in the USA will be taken care of by our sponsors.
Delegates will take care of their own Hotel reservation in Senegal for the second conference, as our sponsors did not make provision for that.
The delegates who need the authorization of the USA visa to participate in this event must pay for their Hotel reservation in Senegal, while the GWA and it's Sponsors shall pay the Hotel bills for all delegates in the USA.
If you have considered this, then you should give us the go ahead by reaching the particulars of your delegates to the "US Bureau of Immigrant Affairs" to open your visa file, you should do this by sending an e-mail to us with the participants' names and passport information as soon as you have verified their participation
The Youth-Forum 2nd International Delegate Conference
Prague December 2006.
Youth-Forum groups world wild ought to attended our second delegate conference in Prague between 1st to 8th December 2006 At GWA conference hall in NC Fayetteville New York United States.
The second conference on (the international conference on Political, social, economical problems faced By Africans and war affected children (ICOWAC) will take place at Hotel Le Meridien hall Ville in Dakar Senegal, between 10th to 17th December 2006.
Contact Us:
United States Of America Youth Foundation (usayf@usa.com)
Date ; 10 January 2007
109 East 50th Street,New York,NY 10022
Telephone /fax number : +1 206-202-1502,+1-604-357-1397
E-mail :usayf@usa.com
Hello Participants,
Peace and love to you all the days of your life.The forth coming Youth's Conferences is never under advertisement.It is not open for every bod y to Participate,We can only accept participants under recommendation,But since your recommendation comes from one of our colleagues ,I will give you the opportunity to participate in the forth coming Youth's Conferences.The forth coming Youth's Conference on " RACISM " is scheduled to take place on 18th - 21st, february 2007,at the Global Youths welfare convention Hall, 5017 N. Dupont Highway,new york,usa and follow by the one taking place at San Pedro Lopes Conference Auditorium S.maria Formosa Castello 8240--I 9172 Napoli-Italy, between 18th - 21st, february 2007.The theme of the forth coming Youths Conferences is to teach the youths on the need to avoid racism and also to condemn child abuse which is increasing every day among the all over the world. The Forth coming Conferences are being Organized by the United States Of America Youth Foundation and being sponsor by our donors.
The conference is dedicated to all our beloved Brothers and Sisters who lost their precious lives during the september 11th Terrorist attack in New York,Washington and the attack in Kenya,East Africa .Every body is entitled to Participate in the forth coming Youth's Conferences regardless of your Religion or belief.Only a maximum of ten Youths are elligible to participate together as a group from each Country and none of them will be less than eighteen years,they must participate in both Conferences.The independent Donors and the Sponsors will take care of your entire flight tickets,including your feeding and accomodation throughout your stay in U.S.A. You are only responsible for your hotel reservation in NAPOLI( ITALY) where the second conference is scheduled to take place.If you are interested to participate in the forth coming Youths conferences,you should send your names,together with the Country of your origin and resident through the following fax Number - 001-604-357-1397 or you can send the names through our e-mail. We will open your participation file as soon as we recieve your names.
Your ITALIAN Hotel reservation confirmation will only prove to the Bureau of Immigrant Affairs that you must go to ITALY after U.SA.Conference.I will give you more directive as soon as your names reach to us.Please note that we are not the U.S.A Authority authorising your visas but we are working with dates directives from the Bureau of Immigrant Affairs, the authority that is in charge of authorisation of group visas.We can not add or reduce any given requirements for the authorisation of participants visas participating in this events.And as such all requirements must be met by participants requiring the U.S.A/Italy Visa assistance.Remember to forward the following ;
1.Your Name
2.Country of Origin and Resident
3.Date/place Of Birth
Foreward the above as soon as possible in order to open a file for you.The Bureau of immigrant Affairs have asked all participants requiring the U.S.A visas for this events,to make their hotel reservation in ITALY. This will convince the Bureau of Immigrant Affairs that all participants attending the U.S.A conference will go down to ITALY after the conferenc in the U.S.A. Without your accommodation in ITALY the Bureau of Immigrant Affairs will not authorise visas . You must try all possibilities to book your hotel and get the hotel reservation slip to be faxed along with your conference registration forms.To Begin with, you have to forward your name by e-mail or by fax as soon as possible.You should endeavour to contact the management of the below selected hotels in ITALY.
Via Cavour, 213/M - 80100
CONTACT E-MAIL : hotelsonline@gmail.com
Via Cavour, 213/M - 80100
CONTACT E-MAIL: hotelpalmroyal@yahoo.it
Point to note, when you make your reservation in any of this hotels, you should ask for your hotel reservation slip as you will need to send your hotel reservation slip to my desk by email for the processings of your documents.
Your sincerely
Mrs.Laura Fitton
Message headers:
From: "United States Of America Youth Foundation" <usayf@usa.com>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2007 14:35:16 -0500
Subject: Office of Mrs.Laura Fitton
Received: from [] by ws1-1.us4.outblaze.com with http for
usayf@usa.com; Wed, 10 Jan 2007 14:35:16 -0500
steffy Robinson (steffybbs@yahoo.com)
Dear friend,
Greetings of peace.Has it really be since will have holiday,since will last wrote to earch other?
Things have been quite busy in my country US for the exmax and New Year.
Will have already preparing for the 2007 seminal,hope you are walking hald for the 2007 seminal.
Please like as I have informed you,I have an important part to play as one of the organizers,this has kept me very busy.This is why I cant communicate you always.I am glad you are progressing.I know that with you as the leader, your group will meet up before the visa processing is forwarded to the U.S Bureau of Immigrant Affairs.You should handle the issue of your reservation seriously.The U.S Bureau of immigrant Affairs have asked all participants requiring the U.S visas for this events,to make their hotel reservation in Canada.This will convince the U.S Bureau of Immigrant Affairs that all participants attending the U.S conference will go down to Canada after the conference in the U.S.With out your accommodation in Canada the U.S Bureau of Immigrant Affairs will not authorizes group visas.You must try all possibilities to book your hotel and get the confirmation,and you shall receive your flight tickets at the airline branch office in your country.
Message headers:
Received: from [] by web58302.mail.re3.yahoo.com
via HTTP; Fri, 05 Jan 2007 08:51:37 PST
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2007 08:51:37 -0800 (PST)
From: steffy Robinson <steffybbs@yahoo.com>
The email originates was sent by the same gang as the
RACISM and CHILD ABUSE (Florida / GUINEA-BISSAU) / Vivian Reagan scam from the saem IP address in Senegal ( This IP address also shows up in various job scams featuring hotel and cruise ship jobs.
The same IP address is the source of the "hotel" emails in this scam:
MACLAB HOTEL (maclabhotel@canada.com)
Dear Clients,
It is our pleasure welcoming you to our country on this special event "the international conference on "RACISM AND CHILD ABUSE" taking place here in Canada, The 108 Resort - including the Clubhouse Restaurant and Lounge - makes a perfect setting for conferences, retreats, weddings and honeymoons, reunions and individual family vacations. As for your request ,we still have rooms available.Thanks for patronizing our service. Below are the available rooms and the official rate for ICOCA participants.All price are in USD and are listed as a guide only.
Price List:
Single Room 59.00usd for one person for a night
Double Suite 109.00usd for two persons for a night
Family Size Suite 280.00usd.
This is inform of a living apartment that can contain up to 6 persons. Each of this suites has a standby car and driver .
All suites and rooms has the following modern facilities
In-Room Movies
Safety Deposit Box
Outdoor Pool
Free Continental Breakfast
Cable TV
Jacuzzi / Hot Tub
In-Room Microwave
In-Room Refrigerator
Guest Laundry
In-Room Coffee Maker
Fitness Center
Iron & Board
Telephone w/ Data port
Voice Mail
your payment covers the use of all this facilities but damage of any facilities will be reimbursed by the client before leaving the hotel. From the above price list you should make your choice and let us know immediately. We shall reach you with our method of payment information and our refund policy when you make your choice of reservation known to us. You should inform us with the number of rooms, type of room and the number of days. The booking instruction given to us by the ICOCA organizing committee is that we should always make bookings from a day before the conference ( which is the date of arrival being 19Th of March to the last of the conference being 24Th of March.
Address : 33 Nicholas Street
Hotel code : 0979
fax (1)801-881-7413
Thanks,Hotel Management.
Mr Rafael Ballester.
Message headers:
From: "maclabhotel" <maclabhotel@canada.com>
To: victimemailaddress
X-Mailer: Quality Web Email v3.1n, http://netwinsite.com/refw.htm
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 00:13:25 -0800
Quebec, 26 Feb-04 March 2007 (directrice_ja@yahoo.fr)
This fake conference email traces to an IP address of DigitalSkys, a broadband satellite ISP based in Dubai.
This IP address has been the source of many other 419 scams.
That probably means the email really from an Internet cafe in West Africa that is a customer
of the satellite ISP.
The same scam was documented in
a blog in November 2006 using email addresses na_lidvyne@yahoo.fr / secretariat_gyw01@yahoo.fr.
Je m'appelle MARTINS Mary, j'ai 25ans. Je te souhaite une bonne et heureuse année avec mes voeux de santé, de paix et surtout de bonheur. j'habite dans mon propre appartement que mon père m'a offert au Québec (Canada).Je suis la
première fille à mes parents .Ils ont trois enfants
mon petit frère Richard et ma petite soeur Sylvie
et moi. Mon papa, Raymond Martins est diplomate et ma
maman, Michelle Martins, est un personnel du département
de l'éducation du Quebec. Je suis célibataire à cause des multiples trahisons que m'ont fait vivre les hommes .J'aime lire,la musique(snoop dog ,nate dog .ect..,) la conduite sur de longues distances et surtout les
voyages .
Alors, si tu es une personne sérieuse qui cherche une
amie sérieuse, saches que tu m'as trouvé.
Je déteste beaucoup le moindre mensonge. Aide moi alors a retrouver le vrai amour mon chér. J'aime la nature et je rêve un jour d'avoir ma propre maison en campagne pour sentir l'air fraîche de la montagne et de l'herbe fraîche et surtout, planter dans mon propre jardin avec un grand espace .ce qui mempêche pour le moment de me distraire suffisamment est le fait que je suis très occupé pour le moment surtout avec le réssencément des réfugiés .
J'ai beaucoup voyagé en Europe surtout pour visiter
des camps de réfugiés pour noter comment ça se passe ailleurs. je suis actuellement en attente des conférences des jeunes du
monde organisée par une organisation non
gouvernementale dont je fait partie la "Jeunesse Active"
qui se portera sur: "Les travaux forcés des enfants"dont l'initiative vient de certains pays africains comme le bénin en particulier, qui se tiendra au Québec .
Nous devons donc inviter quelques délégations de l'Afrique qui aimeraient participer à ces réunions qui aurons lieu au Canada et plus précisément au Quebec du 26 février au 04 mars 2007,soit une semaine de sejour au canada. Si tu es intéressé personnellement, tu peux former soit un groupe de dix personnes au plus, soit seul. Vous pouvez être de nationalité différentes si vous voulez ou de même nationalité; mais vous devez être dans le même pays pour l'obtention facile de votre visa de groupe mais il serait préférable que vous soyez de même nationalité.
Tu devra contacter la directrice général et présidente du comité
d'organisation à cette adresse:
Vous devez contacter tout de suite la directrice générale de la
"Jeunesse Active" et lui adresser une lettre de présentation de votre
groupe (noms, prénoms, âges et professions) sous forme
de demande de participation en lui précisant que c'est
moi qui vous ai fait part des activités de la J.A. Je ne pourrais t'écrire tous les jours parce que je suis très prise par les préparatifs et je te prie aussi de t'efforcer à m'écrire concernant tes démarches en attendant qu'on se connaisse assez pour parler de nous deux lorsque
nous serons ensemble ici.Je préfèrerai que tu te concentre
plus sur l'obtention de ton visa et toi et moi ferons
connaissance ici même.C'est pour celà que je t'écrirai pas trop
sur moi mais sur les conférences. Nous, nous aurons tout notre temps.
Saches aussi que si je ne t'écris pas pendant deux ou trois jours, je
suis en mission ou j'ai beucoup de travail mais je ne couperai jamais les ponds sans t'en avertir. Pour toutes questions concernant la conférence, veuillez vous adressez à la DG elle vous donnera toutes les réponses.
Je te redonne son adresse: directrice_ja@yahoo.fr.
J'espère que tu me donneras l'occasion de te rencontrer
en accélérant tes démarches comme je te les
ai prescrites.
Ps: Je m'excuse pour mon français approximatif mais je m'exprime
mieux en anglais et mon rêve est de
perfectionner mon français et j'aimerai que tu m'aide
à le faire en m'écrivant exceptionnellement en français.
Bisou !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ps Le mini site web de notre ONG à consulter
Je t'ai parlé de moi pour que tu saches qui je suis déjà.
Dans ta prochaine lettre,
j'aimerai que tu me dises clairement le sens des démarches pour ta
venue ici.
Actuellement, je suis très prise par ces préparatifs que je ne
pourrait allez plus loin dans une relation que lorsque nous nous serons rencontré.
Informes moi donc dès que tu sentiras que tu ne pourras pas remplir
les conditions au fur et à mesure qu'avanceront les démarches ou rassure moi pour que je te prépare une arrivée digne.
Ne t'étonnes donc pas si tu ne reçois pas de reponse à certaines de
tes lettres. Ce serait causé par mes déplacement infinis en vu des
préparatifs de ces conférences.Soit donc régulier pour suivre l'évolution de tes courriers !!!
Message headers:
Received: from [] by web28115.mail.ukl.yahoo.com
via HTTP; Sat, 03 Feb 2007 16:51:19 CET
Date: Sat, 3 Feb 2007 16:51:19 +0100 (CET)
From: mary martins <marymartins31@yahoo.fr>
Subject: Correspondance !!
To: kennedyokafor007@yahoo.com
I'm Dr Brown Mcknight, born in Texax,live in England.I love making Friends from all around the world, most especially honest individuals.I work in my organisation as a Youth director and also for the U.N.H.C.R as Staff in the refugee department, and also served the World vision as director to Canada two years ago.. I Would love to meet you in person to know how best we can uplift the plight of children and youths in the less developed countries such as Africa and Asia and see how best we can make the world a better place to live in.
It is my pleasure to tell you that there is a youth Conference coming up soon both in the United State and Spain respectively. .Theme-"anti-terrorism and child labour".This conferences are Free,the Sponsors will responsible for your air ticket, both in the United State and Spain and the Conference committee will also fax a letter to the America embassy within your country,so do not worry about Visa, This conference is sponsored annually by UNICEF,USAID, WHO,UNESCO, the United Nations Security Council and First Ladies of Presidents of United Nations
All you have to do is to WRITE AN APPLICATION LETTER to the conference Office telling them that you want attends the youth Conferences that will be taking place in both the United State and Spain.
Send your application to the conference Application office EMAIL:gyc_2007_application@excite.com
Phone:+44 703 191 7703
:+44 701 429 7313
MR DAVID SMITH is the Name of the man handling the application just tell him that I recommended you to him so that your application can be given an attention.
Please dont forget to include my name and email address when writing your application. this is my email address:
I will love to see you there.For any enquiry please contact me via my
God bless you. Have a nice day.
+44 703 184 0190
Mrs Rebecca Aniston (mrs_rebecca_aniston02@hotmail.com)
I'm mrs Rebecca Aniston, born in England, lives in Amsterdam,
Netherland. I
love making Friends from all around the world. I saw your ID in the
Am a Youth director and also work for the U.N.H.C.R as Staff in the
department, and also serve the World vision as director to Canada
two years ago.
There are youth Conferences coming up soon both in Netherland and Spain
respectively.This conferences are Free, the Sponsors will be
for your air ticket, both in the Netherland and Spain and the
committee will also fax a letter to the Netherland embassywithin your
country,so do not worry about Visa, these conferences are sponsored
by UNICEF, United Nations Security Council and First Ladies of
Presidents of United Nations.
All you have to do is to WRITE AN APPLICATION LETTER to the conference
application Office telling them that you want to attend the youth
Conferences that will be taking place in both the Netherland and
is the email to Apply : registrar_gyc_2007@excite.com . MR C. B. BROWN
the Name of the man handling the application; just tell him that I
recommended you so that your application can be given an attention.
Please dont forget to include my name and email address when writing
application. This is my email address:
I will love to see you there.
I shall be away till next weekend ,i hope to read your mail when I am
God bless you. Have a nice day!
Mrs Rebecca Aniston
Conferences in Netherlands and Spain (mrcarolbrowz21@hotmail.com)
I'm Mrs Carol brownz, born in England, lived in Amsterdam, Netherland.I love making Friends from all around the world, most especially Christians. I saw your ID in YAHOO MEMBER DIRECTORY.Am a Youth director and also work for the U.N.H.C.R as Staff in the refugee department, and also serve the World 0vision as director to Canada two years ago. I Will like to meet you in person so that we can up lift The name of Christ Jesus and see why best we can Promote the Gospel in your country.
There is a youth Conferences coming up soon both in Netherland and Spain respectively.This conferences are Free, the Sponsors will be responsible for your air ticket, both in the Netherland and Spain and the Conference committee will also fax a letter to the Netherland embassy with in country,so do not worry about Visa, these conferences are sponsored annually by NICEF, United Nations Security Council and First Ladies of Presidents of United Nations.
All you have to do is to WRITE AN APPLICATION LETTER to the conference Office telling them that you want attends the youth Conferences that will be taking place in both the Netherland and Spain.This is the email to Apply : global_youthcenter2007@yahoo.de MR DAVID SMITH is the Name of the man handling the application just tell him that I recommended you to him so that your application can be given an attention.
Please dont forget to include my name and email address when writing
your application. this is my email address:mrcarolbrowz21@hotmail.com
I will love to see you there.I shall be away till next weekend ,i hope to read your message when am back.
God bless you. Have a nice day.
Carol brown
Global Welfare and Child Development (June 2007, Calgary/Canada)
This scam email was senty from an IP address in Senegal, West Africa:
Global Welfare and Child Development
947 18Th Avenue,
Calgary T2E 7T8,
Telex. +1506322943
We would like to extend to you a personal invitation to attend the 2007 CWDS Canada Conference in 947 18Th Avenue, Calgary T2E 7T8 Canada.
This conference is an excellent opportunity to network with child welfare and related child abuses, and professionals from Canada, the United States and around the globe. Please take a moment to review this final announcement on the great educational and networking of child welfare and development strategies opportunities planned especially for you! If you believe education and training are important for broadening your skills, gaining new clients and prospering in your institutions, Ngos, individual and general public, the 2007 CWDS Canada Conference is the event to attend.
The CWDS Canada Conference promises to provide education and motivation so you can lead your organization to a new level of success. It is packed with the highest quality of educational and Child welfare opportunities to match your interests. The Canada Conference occurs every year and includes great development strategies to industry, speakers as well as accomplished inspirational speakers. In addition, Calgary is a city rich in history and culture, offering your guests popular avenues for entertainment and relaxation.
Whether you are attending the educational sessions or visiting with vendors in the Exhibit Hall, this event is all about helping you learn and grow. I know you will leave the 2007 CWDS Canada Conference more effective in your job, institutions ,with increased skills and more valuable in the Development planning about child welfare. I urge you to register today for this important event. I look forward to seeing you in Calgary, Canada For Further information and participation in the CWDS 2007Conference Canada Contact the Secretary Organizing Committee at
cwds.2007@yahoo.ca or Telex :- +15016322943
The CWDS Canada conference commencing on the 1st - 7Th June,2007.
We therefore welcome and see you joining us in our fight to making the world a safer place.
God bless you.
Secretary to the Organizing committee.
Chers participants.
Nous avons été informé de votre demande de participation aux forums par l'une de nos membres (CAROLLE). Vous avez de la chance parce que nous n'offrons pas à qui veut l'opportunité de participer
.Puisque vous êtes déjà un ami, nous allons vous informer de ce que vous devez faire pour être des nôtres.
Pour y participer vous devrez avoir entre 18 et 60 ans mais comme votre demande de participation est exigée par le secrétariat. Veuillez nous envoyer votre nom (intégrales), âge, profession, et nationalité et numéro de carte d'identité nationale ou passeport et votre photo d'identité.
Tout ce que vous auriez à faire comme dépense, c'est de payer vous même une nuitée de votre réservation de chambres dans l'hôtel de Cotonou au BENIN (c'est le pays où aura lieu la première réunion).
Vous trouverez le contact du chargé des réservations à la fin de ma lettre .Cette réservation de chambre est une preuve de votre motivation que les affaires de l'immigration canadienne qui donneront l'ordre à votre agence Visa Express de vous délivrer les visas qui ont été exigées et ce n'est que d'une nuitée symbolique puisque notre organisation se chargera de tout le reste de votre séjour. Mais une somme de (150 euros) par personne d'une nuitée de réservation comme prévue avant l'obtention de ces documents de voyage à l'agence Visa Express. Et dès que vous serez dans notre responsabilité, vous n'aurez plus rien à dépenser jusqu'à votre retour dans votre pays à partir du Canada et du Bénin bien sûr.
En résumé, voici ce que vous avez à faire:
1-Présentation (nom, âge.....).
2-Nous rassurez que vous pouvez réserver une nuit de votre chambre vous-même.
Cette réservation qui ne sera qu'une façade qui nous
permettra de prouver aux affaires de l'immigration que nous repartirons ensembles au Canada après le forum du Bénin(AFRIQUE) et que d'ailleurs vous y avez déjà réservé votre chambre . Cela nous permettra d'obtenir plus facilement votre lettre d'invitation et votre visa que vous retirerez à l'agence Visa Express lorsque nous vous aurons une lettre d'audience par le net qui vous permettra de rencontrer le Directeur de l'agence Visa Express le lendemain de votre règlement.
3- Vous envoyez votre numéro de passeport et si vous nen avez pas, Vous nous envoyez votre demi photo passeport ou votre numéro de carte d'identité nationale sous forme scannée afin que nous puissions créer des carnets de voyage délivré par les affaires de l'immigration et y cacheter votre visa que nous vous envoierons par l'agence Visa Express.
4-Preparer votre carnet médical que vous présenterez,
vierge au médecin de l'ambassade avec un seul vaccin (pour les pays où on ne les délivre qu'avec un vaccin à l'avance), au médecin de l'agence Visa Express qui se chargera de votre vaccination et d'autres examens.
Donc vous n'avez pas besoin de vous vacciner maintenant.
Si vous pouvez faire tout cela, alors sachez que serez des nôtres. Dès que vous aurez remplit toutes les conditions demandées,nous allons vous envoyer a l'avance une lettre d'invitation que vous ferez l'effort d'imprimer avec une imprimante a jet 'couleur pour ne pas supprimer les logos et les macarons .Puis nous conduirons votre dossier aux affaires de l'immigration avec le reçu de votre transfert que le chargé des réservations nous aura envoyée afin d'obtenir facilement votre visa que nous vous envoierons le même jour a l'agence visa express et nous vous enverrons le lendemain ensuite une lettre d'audience dans votre boîte que vous présenterez à l'agence Visa Express afin de rencontrer très vite le Directeur de l'agence Visa Express et entrer en possession de tous vos documents de voyage après être dirigé vers le médecin qui se chargera de vos vaccins et une identification qui permettra de savoir que le nom est vraiment le vôtre. Nous attendons votre réponse le plus vite possible pour qu'on puisse vous fichier pour votre immigration qui sera négocié à partir d'ici au Canada. Ce n'est donc pas votre agence visa express qui décidera de vous octroyer les visas mais il recevra plutôt l'ordre des affaires de l'immigration canadienne et vous
délivrera automatiquement vos visas après rencontre et
vérification par un diplomate canadien de chez vous.
Je voudrai aussi vous préciser que vous serez logé dans nos locaux ici au Canada, c'est pour cela que vous ne payerez pas de réservation ici.
NB: N'oubliez pas que les places sont limitées et que les
premiers seront favorisés .Nous ne prenons pas beaucoup de personnes par pays pour nous rassurer au moins que vous serez prêt à remplir ses conditions rapidement et sera retenu parce que nous avons besoin de temps pour tous vos préparatifs. Nous organisons aussi des conférences hors du forum où il sera question de financez votre ONG si vous en avez lors de votre retour pour que vous soyez notre représentant dans votre pays et aussi de décider qui accueillira la prochaine réunion après celui du Bénin comme le Canada qui aura lieu trois mois après celle ci.
Paul Dimitri
604 rue des dalles des grès
Québec groie 2Po
Tel: 01 514 987 9908
(Heure d'ouverture du lundi au vendredi de 03 heures à 15
heures T.U.)
Je vous donne donc l'adresse de Mr SENOU Judas le
chargé des réservations que nous avons dépêcher pour l'Afrique afin de servir de correspondance et pour les réservations de l'hôtel :
ville: COTONOU
pays : Bénin
EMAIL: charge.reservation_gyw@yahoo.fr
PS : Notre site web est en pleine reconstruction et
sera opérationnel dans peu de temps, nous vous
mettrons au courant. www.orgsites.com/ca/gyw
vous pourriez quand même essayer.
Je vous prie de prendre la peine de lire les conditions
et de me répondre et en fonctions, je vous donnerai un
aperçu sur le thème en pièce attachée à ma prochaine
pour que vous ayez une idée sur le thème du forum
NB:Apres la réception de cet information vous avez (3) jours pour contacter le (DG DES RESERVATIONS DES CHAMBRES à COTONOU) Sacher que avant de contacter le DG il Faudrait que la somme demander sois prête.
Découvrez le blog Yahoo! Mail : dernières nouveautés, astuces, conseils.. et vos réactions !
Message headers:
Received: from [] by web23303.mail.ird.yahoo.com
via HTTP; Sun, 13 May 2007 21:17:12 CEST
Date: Sun, 13 May 2007 21:17:12 +0200 (CEST)
From: secretariat gyw <infos.secretariat_gyw@yahoo.fr>
Subject: information
To: infos.secretariat_gyw@yahoo.fr
New York City and Cape Verde (hotelcananda@myway.com)
Hello Sweet,
Thanks for your mails and all it sweet content but meanwhile i will apologies for my lateness in replying your mail due to you know my present condition as a final year student who is preparing for it,alot of things and project to cover up before the D-ady of my exams,all this have kept me far from my computer but all the same i will try to be in regular comminication with you okay.
How is you and your people over there?As for me is fine and everybody here we are ok. To start with, i am happy for your ability to have contacted the org cos that will make every process commence without much delay, but pls try to make sure you send all there requiremnets as soon as they reply your mail ok.
Dear, you know that to err is human. I might write something which you do not like or which hurts you. Please tell me as soon as possible so that I can change. I don't want to loose this sweet relationship with you. Its so expensive to get after my last experiance with my ex-boy friend in State. What we have to do is to accept what The Lord gives us.
Lets hope that all will go well and one day we will be together. I can't just guess what it can be like. will have good time I know. Once again thanks so much for your love and everything. Don't forget you are too expensive to get so, take care!
I will stop here while expecting to hear that every things have been completed and send to the organisation as they will deamnd,extend my greetings to all members of your family and friends over there,
I offer you
the flower of my heart.
It's always growing and
searching for perfection,
always reaching for the
sparkling rays of the sun,
but only you can give it
the care and nourishment
it needs to thrive.
Love it.
Treasure it.
Keep it safe.
Give it your light.
And it will bloom
Take care and God bless you for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lots of love and kisses from Mary!!!!!!!!!!
Email from the "organizers" of the "conference":
No 157 West 47th
Street New York,
NY 10036
Dear Participant,
The Forth coming international Conference is designed to achieve a certain purpose(eliminate violence among our youths, educate mindsand eradicate terrorism within our societies and the importants of national economic integration ).It is not open for everyone to Participate,We can only accept participants under recommendation But since your recommendation come from one of the students participants.we will give you the opportunity to participate in the events,Youth Transworld Affairs Conferences. The Conference is scheduled to take place in Youth Transworld convention hall NYC New York,United States from 11th of JUNE to 15th JUNE 2007 and the second conference POLITICAL, SOCIAL ECONOMIC PROBLEMS IN AFRICA AND WAR AFFECTED CHILDREN AND HIV/AIDS INFECTION will take place at The AMERICA HOTEL HALL CAPE VERDE in West Africa .while the third conference will be held in QUEBEC CANADA.
The first Conference will take place in New York, NY USA, while the second Conference is scheduled to take place in CAPE VERDE ISLAND (West Africa.)The aim of this Conferences is to impart on our youths the need to avoid Street Life, Violence and Gangsters, which is on the increase today among the Youths. The importance of education in every human life,Bad Leadership and its effect in the society. Sponsored by YOUTH TRANSWORLD AFFAIRS Relief in United States in memory of those who lost their lives in the World trade centre bombing of the September 11th in New York and Washington DC.
Every one is entitled to Participate in the coming Youth's Conferences regardless of your Religious believe. you can attend alone or Only minimum of Four ( 4 ) or maximum of Seven ( 7 ) is expected to participate together as a group from one Country and none of them will be not less than eighteen years of age. they are advised to participate in both Conferences. It does not necessary means that you must belong to an organisation before you can attend this event. A group of persons with a minimum educational background could be invited to represent their countries. Any group or participants are allowed to come with their own agenda or suggestions during the event.
You are advised to follow the instruction immediately. You are to forward your name and passport number if you don't have any group or the names and passport numbers of your group to us as soon as possible as all participants visa request will be forwarded to the U.S Bureau of Immigrantion and naturalisation for their Visa process. Any group visa request not forwarded on that same day will miss the visa assistance. We also require that you include your country of origin and the country's code number.
The independent Donors and the Sponsors will take care of your entire flight tickets from the participants home country or country of residence to US and from US to CANADA, CAPE VERDE ISLAND and back to the participant home country or country of residence, accommodation and feeding throughout their stay for the conference in the United States.
You are only responsible for your hotel accommodation in CAPE VERDE ISLAND (West Africa) where the second conference is scheduled to take place.the participant will only book for their accommodation in one of the chosen these hotels either the hotel in CAPE VERDE OR HOTEL IN CANADA by the organisation during the other event in CAPE VERDE ISLAND West Africa.
The organisation have chosen this HOTEL IN CAPE VERDE ISLAND AND CANADA HOTEL for the participants reservations. we have discussed with the hotel management to give all our participants an official rate which the organisation will pay some part of the money and the participant will not have to pay their normal customer's rate. The rate in which the any of these hotels that participant will be attached to book with them will give to the participant is the official rate which includes your three squire meal and the Standby Car to take you to the conference venue and to also bring you back to the hotel at the end of each day.If you are interested to participate in the conference,we will like you send the following information:
Your name/s.
Date of birth.
Place of birth.
Passport numbers.
Country code number.
Country of origin.
Country of residence .
We will open your participation file as soon as we receive your name/s and You will receive the conference Participation forms. We will now direct you to Hotels in CAPE VERDE ISLAND OR CANADA where you will make your reservations.
Your Hotel reservation confirmation receipt will only prove to us that you must attend the Africa stage after the U.S.Conference. Please note that we are not the U.S Authority authorising your visas but we are working in connections directly from the U.S Bureau of Immigration and naturalisation, the authority that is in charge of issuing visas. We cannot add or reduce any given requirements for the authorisation of participants visas participating in these Events.And as such all requirements must be met by participants requiring the U.S Visa and CANADA visa assistance. We remind you to forward your informations immediately in order to open a file for you or if you are in group.You should endeavour to contact the management of the hotels below .
126 Saint-Pierre
Quebec, QC G1K 4A8 Canada,
P O BOX 75,
E-mail (hotelamericapr@yahoo.com)
Phone Number +238-9855-029
FAX + 238-9836-637
Point to note:when you make your reservation in any of these hotels, you should ask for confirmation receipt for your booking as you will need it to send the confirmation receipt to the organisers in the U.S for the processing of your documents.
Yours Sincerely,
Madam Cynthia Brandy,
Secretary General
Dr Brown McKnight (drbrownmcknight@yahoo.co.uk)
From: "INVITATION ~LETTER" <nauno7@bellsouth.net>
To: drbrownmcknight@yahoo.c.uk
Subject: Hello !
Date: Sat, 5 May 2007 21:29:20 -0400
I'm Dr Brown McKnight, born in Texas. But live in England. I love making Friends from all around the world, most especially honest individuals. I work in my organization as a Youth director and also for the U.N.H.C.R as Staff in the refugee department, and also served the World vision as Director to Canada two years ago. I would love to meet you in person to know how best we can uplift the plight of children and youths in the less developed countries such as Africa and Asia and see how best we can make the world a better place to live in.
It is my pleasure to tell you that there is a youth Conference coming up soon both in the United State and Spain respectively. Theme: "anti-terrorism and child Labor". This conferences are Free, the Sponsors will responsible for your air ticket, both in the United State and Spain and the Conference committee will also fax a letter to the America embassy within your country, so do not worry about Visa, This conference is sponsored annually by UNICEF, USAID, WHO, UNESCO, the United Nations Security Council and First Ladies of Presidents of United Nations All you have to do is to WRITE AN APPLICATION LETTER to the conference Office telling them that you want attends the youth Conferences that will be taking place in both the United State and Spain.
Send your application to the conference Application office EMAIL
:gyc_2007_application@excite.com : globalyouthsconference_007@yahoo.co.uk
Phone: +44 703 191 7703 : +44 701 429 7313
MR DAVID SMITH is the Name of the man handling the application just tell him that I recommended you to him so that your application can be given an attention.
Please dont forget to include my name and email address when writing your application. This is my email address: drbrownmcknight@yahoo.co.uk
I will love to see you there. For any enquiry please contact me via my Private email:
drbrownmcknight@yahoo.co.uk God bless you. Have a nice day.
+44 703 184 0190
Calgary/Canada, June 2007 (cwds2007@yahoo.com)
Global Welfare and Child Development,
947 18th Avenue,
Calgary T2E 7T8,
Telefax. 15016414476
Dear Applican,
We welcome you to this year conference on Child Welfare and Development Strategies(CWDS) that is due to commence from 23rd 30th June 2007. This conference is out to employ people from all works of life, ranging from Government Parastatal, NGOs and like minded individuals. Though applicants are only accepted on recommendation, hence youve falling into this Category; we are giving you the opportunity to participate. Normally our conferences is open up to interested applicants in group and not more that 10(ten) persons. There is also room for single applicant. Attach to this leaf in the Brochure on Child Welfare and Development Strategies (CWDS), Form and our Certificate of Authorization. Do fill the form,send it to us and a copy to the Canadian Immigration and Citiziship via email gov_ca@yahoo.ca
Application Procedure?
Interested applicants putting in for this 2007 Conference on Child Welfare and Development Strategies (CWDS) are expected to reach us with the following,
Column (1)
a) Your Group Names(if any).
b) Delegate/s Back and front page of your 6(six) months valid traveling passport, (if any).
c) Delegate/s information
d) Organization abstract which must reach us 2 weeks before the conference program.
Column (2)
Applicant without International passport,-
Provision for UN Emergency Traveling Certificate is made available to those without traveling Document; you are expected to contact the Canadian Immigration and Citizenship with address below and make your plight known to them.
Group / Organization are expected to fill the (CWDS) form and send it to us with 48hrs of received so as to enable us open a paticipation for endorsement.we would reach you with your participation fill number after your final compliance.
Traveling Procedure
Visa and Tickets
Organization living outside Canada are expected to contact the Canadian Immigration and Citizenship at
Fax 1-267-430-1157 for visa procurement and please inform them that you`re applying in respect to this program.Meanwhile applicants visa/ticket is been taking care of by our donors. All above requirement are needed so as to enable us open-up an official group file and start processing your document to enable you obtain your valid Canadian group-visa to enter Canada , including Your Round-Trip air-tickets to join us and other eligible contingent already set for the conference program. Other information will simultaneously reach you on daily basis as you advance in your preparations. Our independent donors will finance all round trip tickets. Throughout the conference program.
GWCD organizing committees will process Canada visas for all participants requiring visas into Canada . The visa will be processed and authorized in Canada by the Canadian Immigration and Naturalization/ Department of Homeland security. The confirmation will be send by fax to the Canadian Embassy in your country of residence. A copy will also be faxed to participant/s with your fax information giving to the Canadian Immigration authority.
We are only giving rooms for existing and active organizations to participate in these events, as chances are limited. All participants must respect and act according to the guiding rules by the Canadian Immigration Services for visa eligibility.
We were strongly warmed by the Canadian Department of Homeland Security (CDHS), not to allowed applicant book Hotels outside the recommended one, as will enable them monitor the number of Delegate that comes in and out of Canada . in this regard, Gamma Delta Hotel and Quantico Hotel were put aside for this year conference program. Do contact them for your reservation booking via the information below
Hotel Gamma
2487 39th Avenue NE, Calgary,
Alberta T2E 8V8, Canada
Email,- gd.hotel@yahoo.com
Telefax,- 16107443367
Hotel Quantico
708 80th avenue SW Calgary,
AB T2P 1H2 , Canada
Email,- hQuantico@mail.com
Fax- 12674802672
Be informed that we are in charge of your visa and Ticket and not your accommodation. Reservation booking is participant responsibility.
We are using this opportunity to extend our greeting to Donors that made it possible for this conference setting to come into existence, especially our top officials in the Immigration Sector as they are hand-hand working with us for visa authorization and issuance.
Note, Applicant below the age of 18 is not allowed to participate.
We therefore welcome and see you joining us in our fight to making the world a safer place.
God bless you.
Secretary to the Organizing committee.
The December 2007 version of the scam (invitations in October) is almost the same:
Global Welfare on Child Development <gwcd-cwds@consultant.com> wrote:
Dear Colleagues,
It is with great enthusiasm we the members of GLOBAL WELFARE ON CHILD DEVELOPMENT of Canada, invites Welfare organizations, youths and youth-focused organizations to take an active role in this forth coming International conferences taking place in the Canada. This conference will take place from 3rd to 10th December 2007 and have its theme as CHILD WELFARE AND DEVELOPMENT STATAGIES, (ASSAULT), CHILD PROSTITUTION and STOP HIV/AIDS INFECTION NOW are also on the topics. This conference will commences from 3rd to 10th December 2007. We believe this is a colossal opportunity to network with like-minded individuals and organizations in the promotion and development of pro-active NGOs involvement in around the globe.
Im among the organizing committee of the above coming events. Your e-mail address was gotten from the website forwarded to us by the African/Asian Students Association here in Canada. Our independents donors is in accord to cover over 70% of all charges, e.g., Finance all round trip tickets, visa issuance throughout the conference in Canada for all participants.
The organizing committees will process the Canada visa for all interested participant requiring visa to Canada. The visa will be processed and authorized in Canada by the Canadian Immigration and Citizenship in-conjunction with the Canadian Department of Homeland security. Confirmation will be sent by fax to the Canadian Embassy in your country and a copy to delegate via fax.
We are only giving rooms for existing and active organizations to participate in these events as chances are limited. We therefore look forward for your favorable compliance with the following information from your organization.
1) Aims and objectives of the Organization.
2) Organizations profile.
3) Achievements.
4) Abstract inline with the topic.
Send your response to the secretary organizing committee for endorsement and participation. In this event, Group from any organization is allowed to participate from each of the selected countries. Like-minded Individuals are also welcome along with their names and passport
Contact the secretary.
Email; - cwds2007@yahoo.com
Téléfax ;- 15016414476
Our Regards
Hon. Forrest Bishop
Reply from cwds2007@yahoo.com (IP, Gambia)
All scam emails in this series were sent from The Gambia, even the "Canadian Immigration official" emails.
Dear participant,
A group file number CWDS/152/CA/GY/2007 was opened with your data information received from you, and endorsed on section 24 of Child Welfare and Development Strategies (CWDS) for participation. With respect to this, you are expected to contact the Canadian Immigration and Citizenship at gov_ca@yahoo.ca for visa procurement and authentication. Also send your file number to them as inline with the obligation.
Below this leaf is participant/s recommended hotels for reservations. Do contact them and request a booking.
Hotel Gamma
2487 39th Avenue NE, Calgary,
Alberta T2E 8V8, Canada
Email,- gd.hotel@yahoo.com
Telefax,- 16107443367
Hotel Quantico
708 80th avenue SW Calgary,
AB T2P 1H2 , Canada
Email,- hquantico@mail.com
Program Overseer
Message headers:
Received: from []
by web59015.mail.re1.yahoo.com via HTTP; Fri, 26 Oct 2007 17:05:45 PDT
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 17:05:45 -0700 (PDT)
From: CWDS Conference program <cwds2007@yahoo.com>
Subject: Registration file number
To: cwds2007@yahoo.com
Mail from gov_ca@yahoo.ca /
Attention pls,
We recieved the requirement needed of you execpt for the Hotel Reservation payment Reciept.We are however giving you 96hrs to comply so as to enable your Visa prrocurement.
Good Day
Immigration Services
Message headers:
Received: from []
by web59008.mail.re1.yahoo.com via HTTP; Thu, 01 Nov 2007 00:10:00 EDT
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2007 00:10:00 -0400 (EDT)
From: Canadian Immigration Services <gov_ca@yahoo.ca>
From the fake hotel (gd.hotel@yahoo.com /
Dear Client,
We have our laid out procedure! Visit COINSTAR MONEY TRANSFER, 5 minute transfer and receiving funds Services. Click on their website www.cmtmoney.com to search their agent close to you in your country of resident. Go to their office and effect your payment with the below information to us. Moreover, we dont accept credit Card due to our past experience.
Names of our accountant VIVIAN ESOTHER
Address Money Send to. Canada
Control Number of fee sends__________________________
Senders names____________________
Secret Question of fee sends ____________
Secret Answer of fee sends______________
Message headers:
Received: from []
by web59110.mail.re1.yahoo.com via HTTP; Tue, 30 Oct 2007 15:24:22 PDT
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 15:24:22 -0700 (PDT)
From: Gamma Delta <gd.hotel@yahoo.com>
Subject: Our Policy
Jennifer Gilbert (world_conference2007@usa.com)
Date: 5/25/2007 10:15:32 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: invitation_conference@yahoo.com
Reply-to: info_conference1@myway.com
Dear Friend,
My name is Jennifer Gilbert, female, working with (WORLD
a global youth combined conferences taking place from August 7th-9th
2007 California in the United States and in Dakar Senegal from August
14th-16th 2007.
our request to invite people from various countries around the world,
I went in search of e-mails on the web site as a means of contacting
youths and organizations . As a result, I picked your e-mail from an
N.G.O`s website.
If you are interested to participate and want to represent your
country,you may contact the secretariat of the organizing committee for
details and information. You should also inform them that you were
invited to participate by a friend of yours (Jennifer Gilbert), who is a
member ofthe American Youths 4 Peace and a staff of (WORLD YOUTHORGANIZATION FOR HUMAN WELFARE).
I believe that we may have the opportunity to meet if you may be willing
to participate in this event. You can also inform youths &NGOs in your
country about these conferences. The benevolent donors of the Organizing
Committee will provide round trip air tickets and accommodation for the
period of participants Stay in the U.S.
If you are a holder of passport that may require visa to enter the
United States you may inform the conference secretariat at the time of
registration, as the organizing committee is responsible for all visa
arrangements and travel assistance.
Below is the contact address of the conference secretariat:
By Tel ;+1-206-984-0659
Fax: 1-425-671-3781 or
by email: world_conference2007@usa.com
You get back to me with this mail ; info_conference1@myway.com
Jennifer Gilbert.
Madam Meg Tobias.
1400 19th Street,New York.
Suite 102,Washington,D.C.20068
United State of America.
Tel/Fax +01-814-680-5640..
Dear Participants,
Welcome to youth forum 2007,The forth coming Youth's Conferences is never under advertisement.It is not open for every body to Participate,We can only accept participants under recommendation,But since your recommendation comes from one of our colleagues,I will give you the opportunity to participate in the forth coming Youth's Conferences.The
forth coming Youths Conference (AGAINST RACISM AND CHILD ABUSE ) is scheduled to take place on AUGUST 15Th- 20Th 2007 at Global Youths welfare convention Hall, 3074 New York , US. The second conference on (CHILD ABUSE) will take place at America Cabral Hall Independence Square in Barcelona Spain,between AUGUST 25Th-- 30Th 2007. The theme of the forth coming Youths Conferences is to teach the youths on the need to avoid racial discrimination and also to condemn child abuse which is increasing every day among youth the all over the world. The Forth coming Conferences are being Organized by the Youths Welfare Organization in United States and being sponsor by our dependent donors.The conference is dedicated to all our beloved Brothers and Sisters who lost their precious lives during the September 11Th Terrorist attack in New York,Washington and the recent attack in Kenya,East Africa .Every body is entitled to Participate in the forth coming Youth's Conferences regardless of your Religion or belief.Only four or five Youths above
are expected to participate together as a group from each Country and none of them
will be less than eighteen years,they must participate in both Conferences.The independent Donors and the Sponsored will take care of your entire flight tickets,including your feeding and accommodation throughout your stay in United States. You are only responsible for your hotel reservation in Barcelona Spain (Europe) where the second conference is scheduled to take place.If you are interested to participate in the forth coming Youths
conferences,you should send your names, passport numbers together with the Country of your origin and resident through the following fax number,+01-814-680-5640.or you can send the names through our e-mail. We will open your participation file as soon as we receive
your names along with the passport numbers and other required information,You will receive the conference Participation forms ,we will also direct you to our Europe Coordinator as soon as your name reach to us. Our Europe Coordinator will only direct you to Hotels in Europe where you will make your reservation.Your Europe Hotel reservation confirmation will only prove to the US Bureau of Immigrant Affairs that you must go to Europe after U.S.Conference.I will give you more directive as soon as your names reach to us.Please note that we are not the US Authority authorizing your visas but we are working with dates directives from the US Bureau of Immigrant Affairs, the authority that is in charge of authorization of group visas.We can not add or reduce any given requirements for the authorization of participants visas participating in this events.And as such all requirements must be met by participants requiring the US/Europe Schengen Visa assistance.Remember to forward your names,passports number ,name of country or Origin and resident as soon as possible in order to open a file for your group. You will choose four other persons from your organization or find four other persons from your country to apply with you as a group from
your country. When you apply as a group from your country, your visas will be easily authorized. But if only you apply,then it is you will have to face the Embassy alone for personal visa. You will have to go to the embassy on your personal efforts without no assistance from the organizers and our US Immigration Advocates. then you we have to pay the some of 300$ when you apply personally.but When you apply as a group from your country.The US Bureau of Immigrant Affairs will now believe that you have a motive to come to the US. The US Bureau of immigrant Affairs have asked all participants requiring the US visas/Europe Schengen visa for this events,to make their hotel reservation in Barcelona Spain. This will convince the US Bureau of Immigrant Affairs that all participants attending the US conference will go down to Spain after the conference in
the US.Without your accommodation in Spain the US Bureau of Immigrant Affairs will not authorize group visas . You must try all possibilities to book your hotel and get the confirmation to be faxed along with your conference registration forms to Begin with, you have to forward the names and passport number of your five delegates by e-mail or by fax as soon as possible. Registration deadline is on the 20Th JULY,2007.You should endeavor to contact the management of the below selected hotels in Spain. Please note that we can not open group participation file with names forwarded without the passport numbers.
Avenue Rambla Catalunya, 36, 08586
Barcelona (Spain)
Tel. +34.95.3210059/667037359
E-mail, hotel_de_jardin@spainmail.com
Cam? Ral, 654 8912 Barcelona - Spain
Point to note, when you make your reservation in any of this hotel,you should ask for confirmation by fax to as you will need to fax or send by email,the confirmation to the
organizers in the US for the processing of your documents.For more information and assistance as regard the selected hotels in Barcelona Spain you can reach the secretary to the organizing committee Sr Williams Costar.through this e-mail:
Yours sincerely.
Madam Meg Tobias.
USA and Guinea Bissau (yworeg2003@yahoo.com)
Hi ,
Thanks for your letter, first let me say compliment of the season to you. Sometimes, life certainly can feel that way and what better shelter from the storms and trials of daily life than friendship and to know that there is someone out there you can fall back on. Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out whom you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be but when you lock eyes with them; you know that every moment they will affect your life in some profound way. And sometimes things happen to you at the time that may seem horrible, painful and unfair, but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, will power or heart. Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. Safe and comfortable but dull and utterly pointless-the people you meet affect your life. So like I told you b4 that i will be attending a combined conference in Africa by AUGUST 2007. The conference is scheduled to hold in U.S first and follow by the one in Africa . I am one of the organizers of the forth coming youth combined conferences taking place in the U.S from 20th -24th AUGUST, 2007, in Guinea-Bissau , West African from 27th -31st AUGUST, 2007. We normally invite five delegates from each of the selected countries around the world. In our request to invite youths from the selected countries. But am inviting you now because I fail in love with you as if you are an organization, because that is what am going to tell them here in the office to enable them register you ok. So all I want you to do now is assist us in relating to one of the existing youths organization in your country. If not then form a group of five your self then contact the conference secretariat in the U.S through this fax +01-419-593-8078, or through this e-mail, yworeg2003@yahoo.com . when you write tell them i invited you give them my name, ( MISS GRACE MICHAEL) because i have given them your as the leader of your group then you will be the one to give the names people to them for them to know that you people are really group ok. But before they could be considered for participation in this most esteemed event, their organization will have to forward to the above address the following
1) The organization profile
2) The Aims and Objectives of the organization
3) Their achievements so far. With this information put into consideration by the organizing committee, they will be officially invited to participate in this .Our independent donor will take care of all their flight tickets and their accommodation throughout their stay in the U.S and the organizing committee will process the U.S visa for all participants requiring entry visas to the U.S. Participants will only take care of their accommodation during the other event in Guinea-Bissau. As one of the organizers I knew not of anybody from your country. Hence my writing to you is to gain assess to any youth organization in your country. If you are interested to participate and wants to represent your country, you should contact the secretary to the organizer for detail information on registration procedures and inform the organizer that I recommended you. You will need not to forward the above requirement for your group or organization; hence I will give your recommendation to the secretary. You are to contact the organizer as soon as possible as all participants visa request will be forwarded to the U.S Bureau of Immigrant Affairs for Authorization the same. Once this is done then let me know and I will fight the rest for you ok. Any group visa request not forwarded on that same day will miss the visa assistance. I am looking forward to seeing you. Please download for my photograph attached to this e-mail. Thanks,
Grace Michael.
Next email:
Nancy Parkerson / Ricardo Da Costa (info_africaywo@yahoo.com)
Madam Nancy Parkerson,
PO Box 3321,
St Lucie, Orlando Florida,
United States of America.
Tel/Fax +01-419-593-8078.
Dear Participants,
Peace and love to you all the days of your life.The forth coming
Youth's Conferences is never under advertisement.It is not open for every body
to Participate,We can only accept participants under recommendation,But
since your recommendation comes from one of our colleagues ,I will give you
the opportunity to participate in the forth coming Youth's Conferences.The
forth coming Youths Conference (AGAINST RACISM AND CHILD ABUSE ) is
scheduled to take place on August 20th-24th, 2007 at Global Youths welfare
convention Hall, 3074 St lucie Orlando Florida state , US. The second conference
on (CHILD ABUSE) will take place at Armical Cabral Hall Independence
Square in Bissau city,Guine-Bissau between August 27th -- 31st, 2007.
The theme of the forth coming Youths Conferences is to teach the youths on the need to
avoid recial discrimination and also to condemn child abuse which is
increasing every day among youth the all over the world. The Forth coming Conferences
are being Organized by the Youths Welfare Organisation in United States and being sponsor by our dependent donors.
The conference is dedicated to all our beloved Brothers and
Sisters who lost their precious lives during the september 11th Terrorist
attack in New York,Washington and the recent attack in Kenya,East Africa .Every
body is entitled to Participate inthe forth coming Youth's Conferences
regardless of your Religion or belief.Only four or five Youths
are expected to participate together as a group from each Country and none of them
will be less than eighteen years,they must participate in both
Conferences.The independent Donors and the Sponsorers will take care of your entire
flight tickets,including your feeding and accomodation throughout your stay
in United States. You are only responsible for your hotel reservation in
Guine-Bissau (Africa) where the second conference is scheduled to take
place.If you are interested to participate in the forth coming Youths
conferences,you should send your names, passport numbers
together with the Country of your origin and resident through the
following fax number, +01-419-593-8078 can send the names
through our e-mail. We will open your participation file as soon as we recieve
your names along with the passport numbers and other required information
.Youwill recieve the conference Participation forms ,we will also
direct you to our Africa Coordinator as soon as your name sreach to us. Our
African Coordinator will only directyou to Hotels in Africa where you
will make your reservation.Your African Hotel reservation confirmation will
only prove to the US Bureau ofImmigrant Affairs that you must go to Africa
after U.S.Conference.I will give you more directive as soonas your names
reach to us.Please note that we are notthe US Authority authorising your visas
but we are working with dates directives from the US Bureau of Immigrant
Affairs, the authority that is in charge of authorisation of group
visas.We can not add or reduce any given requirements for
the authorisation of participants visas participating in this
events.And as such all requirements must be met by participants requiring the US
Visa assistance.Remember to forward your names,passports number ,name of
country or Originand resident as soon as possible in order to open afile for
your group. You will choose four other persons from your organisation or
find four other persons from your country to apply with you as a groupfrom
your country. When you apply as a group from your country, your visas will
be easily authorised. But if only you apply,then it is you will have to
face the Embassy alone for personal visa. You will have to go to the
embassy on your personal efforts without no assistance from the organisers and
our US Immigration Advocates. When you apply as a group from your country.
The US Bureau of Immigrant Affairs will now believe that you have a motive to
come to the US. The US Bureau of immigrant Affairs have asked all
participants requiring the US visas for this events,to make their hotel reservation in Guine-Bissau . This will convince the US Bureau of Immigrant Affairs thatall participants
attending the US conference will godown to Guine-Bissau after the conferenc in
the US.Without your accommodation in Guine-Bissau the US Bureau of
Immigrant Affairs will not authorise groupvisas . You must try all possibilities
to book your hotel and get the confirmation to be faxed along with your
conference registration forms.To Begin with, youhave to forward the
names and passport number of your five delegates by e-mail or by fax as soon
aspossible. Registration deadline is on the 20th of July,2007.You
should endeavour to contact the management of the below selected hotels in
Guine-Bissau . Please note that we can not open group participation
file with names forwarded without the passport numbers.
PRACA BISSAU,GUINEA-BISSAU CONTACT E-MAIL: apart_hotelcabaco@yahoo.com
Point to note, when you make your reservation in any of this hotel,
should ask for confirmation by fax to as you will need to fax the
confirmation to the organisers in the US for the processings of your
documents.For more information and assistance as regard the selected
hotels in Guine-Bissau you can reach the secretary to the organising
committee Sr
Ricardo Da Costa through this e-mail: info_africaywo@yahoo.com
Thanks, Your sincerely.
Madam Nancy parkerson.
"European Health Psychology Society: Health Psychology and Society" (secretary.ehps2007conference@apennootje.nl)
This is an unusual fake conference scam, in that the conference is real, the people sending the invitations just don't have any connection to it. See the disclaimer on the http://www.ehps2007.com/ website. secretary.ehps2007conference@apennootje.nl and any hotel recommended by that scammer is fake. The sending IP address ( belongs to an ISP in Lagos, Nigeria.
21st Conference of the European Health Psychology Society: Health Psychology and Society
You are invited,
The Maastricht University and Hasselt University are very pleased to invite you, Socio-Cultural Organizations, Youth Organizations,Community Based Organizations (CBO's), Educators, Scholars, Researchers, Health Organizations, Professionals, Business Organizations, Decision makers in the public & private sector, Representatives of Governmental and Non-Governmental organizations (NGO's), Religion organizations, Human Right Organizations & Women Groups to the 21st EHPS Conference from 15-18 August 2007 to be held in Maastricht, The Netherlands, with satellite events at Hasselt University, Belgium.
Theme: Health Psychology and Society:
The focus of this conference is on health promotion and interventions at a population level. Aspects of this broad main theme will be discussed in keynote lectures and invited symposia. Specific sub themes include: interventions at a population level; intervention mapping; collaboration with industry, policy makers, media; e-health; changing environmental conditions for health.
This conference will bring together 1026 representatives of NGOs/CBOs and numerous number of interested individual from all over the world. The conference will be conducted on participatory bases with satellite plenary and simultaneous sessions followed by general and small group discussions.
The EHPS Conference is the meeting place for members of the European Health Psychology Society and for all other behavioral and health scientists and professionals interested in the current state of the art in health psychology. Students and health psychologists from Eastern Europe as well as from developing countries are especially invited to join and arrangements have been made to facilitate their participation.
The University receives financial suport for the conference from PEARSON Education,IBM, ORACLE, SUNGUARD education,UNICORN,SERENSOFT, ALBERT HEIJN Supert markt, C1000 Super makt. MEDIA markt etc.This sponsorship covers the following:
The conference organizing committee will provide a Return airplane travel ticket for all invitees from their home country to venues of event in Netherlands and back to their home country.
The conference organizing committee will provide a medical insurance cover for invitees throughout the entire conference duration.
The UNIVERSITY will not assume responsibility of any other cost, other than those listed above.
The conference organizing committee will render visa assistance to all qualified participants requiring entry visa to enter the Netherlands, pending if the visiting applicants returns their conference application form along with the receipt of their hotel reservation in Netherlands as evidence to prove that participants will proceed to netherlands for our conference.
All invitees can also invite Five to Ten (5-10) Persons irrespective of the Gender.
For purposes of registration to take part in this Conferences, please request for the 21st EHPS International Conference Registration form and other conference information.
The request for Registration Form and Information should be addressed to the secretary:
(Maastricht University.)
Community Representatives/Secretary.
Office of Organizing Committee,
21st EHPS Conference 2007.
Email: secretary.ehps2007conference@apennootje.nl
While we anticipate your earliest response, you are advised to contact the secretary's Email:secretary.ehps2007conference@apennootje.nl
OR www.ehps2007.com
Meet us in Maastricht this August 2007 to assert anew change for a stronger society.
Best Regards,
Joseph Van Hardijn,
21st EHPS Conference Chair. 2007
Maastricht University.
The Netherlands
Powered by Outblaze
Message headers:
From: "Ehps Conference" <mail18@fastermail.com>
Cc: secretary.ehps2007conference@apennootje..nl
Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2007 20:53:32 +0800
Subject: You Are Specially Invited To The 21st EHPS Conference 2007.
Received: from [] by ws5-1.us4.outblaze.com with http for
mail18@fastermail.com; Sat, 14 Jul 2007 20:53:32 +0800
"Richard Dolls Foundation" (r.dollfoundation@consultant.com)
From: Richard Doll Foundation
To: dollsfoundation02@yahoo.co.uk
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 8:33 AM
Subject: Call To Participate
fHello Delegate,
This is a Call for Participation in an INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF NGOs holding from 20th August till the 30th of September 2007 in London, United Kingdom where as many as 200 participants from across the world including Health Practitioners, Professionals in relevant fields, Lawyers, Psychologists, Women and Youth Development Groups, Government Officials, Donor Agencies and participating NGOs will meet to discuss issues pertaining to the Welfare of NGOs...and also to meet others like yourself; to learn, teach, inspire and being inspired. This event will be exploring the potential of a practical approach that will unleash and nurture the human capacity to create, collaborate and change positively, the world at large.
What are the objectives of this meeting? The meeting will provide a medium where participating individuals and NGOs will convene to address and discuss ways of improving key Humanitarian issues and topics with much emphasis on Human Rights, Gender Equality, Peace and Security, Social and Economic Development, Youth and Children, Health Education, Ethics and Value and Environmental Protection. Participating NGOs will have direct access to grants by International Donor Agencies.
The opening Lecture will be held by Dr Mrs Artemisa Franco who is the President of the Center for Human Rights Research and Development, Maputo - Mozambique.The program will include:
* Thought-provoking plenaries
* In-depth breakout and dinner sessions for strategy-development
* Capacity and skills-building sessions; and
* Debates to stimulate discussion.
In addition to the main program, the meeting will also host book launches, artistic and cultural activities, exhibitions, plenty of space and opportunity for informal networking and alliance building.
All plenaries and selected breakout sessions will have interpretation into English, Spanish and French.
Who can participate? What happens if more than 200 participants apply? Anyone who is a member of an NGO, Professionals in related fields, Students Unions, Lecturers of Universities and Community based organizations, the Clergy as well as women and youth development groups can apply to participate.
If more than 200 people apply (as we anticipate), a global selection committee will select a representative 200 from among the applicants. This committee will ensure that the participants at the meeting are truly international and represent a diverse range of interests, issues, and regions.
The events shall commence on the 20th till the 30th of July 2007 at Abba Queens Gate Hotel London.
I can't afford the cost - Can you help? Richard Dolls Foundation has set up an Access Fund to support the travel costs for all qualified participants.
How do I apply, and when is the deadline? All Interested organizations should send an email to the Local Organizing Committee. Participants MUST be a group of 1-3 persons to qualify for registration.
Contact Person: Rev. George Solomon
Email: r.dollfoundation@consultant.com
Local Organizing Committee
Richard Dolls Foundation
USA and Senegal (aidsconference2007@consultant.com)
Hello Dearest,
Thanx for your mail it's nice reading from you.
I apologize for my delay in replying your mail. I have tough schedules lately. In my previous mail, I promised to tell you a little bit of my self. Time may not permit me to say much but friendship is a gift you give yourself... So taking the time to sit down and write a letter, is merely the opportunity to build a friendship that together we can share. Everyday unwrapping another layer, and discovering something new about one another.
Who knows what tomorrow brings..." Hopefully it will bring me closer to you and the opportunity to get to know you on a much more intimate level. I'm looking forward to build a sincere and quality friendship with you. Now i undertake to write you a few lines. I have so much to say that I don't know what i should commence at first. I'm honest, respectful, non-judging, and open minded. What would i most like in someone that is interested in corresponding with me...? I'm looking for people who are genuine, sincere, honest, intelligent, witty, with a nice personality, a good sense of humour, I'm single and haven't marry once. I hate lies. I love some one who is trustworthy and does not smoke nor drink and an interest in getting to know someone new...
I'm working with (WORLD YOUTH ORGANIZATION FOR HUMAN WELFARE) here in my country United States. I'm Living alone at my own apartment given to me by my father. I'm the First child of my parents. My parent have three children, two girls and a boy by name Kelvin and Rachael as the last child. The name of my father is Danielle Norwoods and my mother's name is Jessica Danielle. My father is a Ex-Interim Executive Secretary and Treasurer of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor while my mother is one of the senior personnel of US Congress House Committee on Education and Labor here in California. Some times I'm always busy with the job activities. I've been opportune to have traveled to many countries around the globe in our course of executing our work and visiting some HIV/AIDS patient and refugee camps in other countries. I will be attending a combined International Conference on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Child Abuse/Labor in Africa this year 2007. The conference is scheduled to hold first in U.S and followed by the one in Africa (Senegal). As one of the Organizers of the fourth coming combined International Conferences on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Child Abuse/Labor taking place in the US and later in Africa (Senegal), we are inviting two to five (2-5) delegates from each of the selected countries around the world. In our request to invite delegates from the selected countries, I went in search of e-mail on the website as a means of contacting interested delegates and Organizations in these countries. I picked your e-mail from a pen pal website. You will assist us in relating to one of the existing Organizations in your country to contact the Conference Secretariat in the US through this e-mail add: aidsconference2007@consultant.com or fax number:
But before they could be considered for participation in this most esteemed event, their Organization will have to forward to the above address the following requirement:
1) The Organization profile
2) The Aims and Objectives of the Organization
3) Their Achievements so far.
With this information put into consideration by the Organizing Committee , they will be officially invited to participate in this International Conferences. Our independent donor will take care of their round trip Air flight tickets from their country of resident to U.S, U.S. to Africa (Senegal) and from Africa (Senegal) back to their various country of resident, their Accommodation and feeding throughout their stay in the U.S. and the Organizing Committee will process the U.S. visa for all participants requiring entry visa to the US with the assistant of our Immigration Advocates. Participants will only take care of their Accommodation during the other event in Africa (Senegal). As one of the Organizers i knew not of anybody from your country, hence my writing to you is to gain assess to any existing Organization in your country. If you are really interested to participate and want to represent your country, you should contact the Conference Secretariat in United States for full detail information on registration procedures and inform the Organizer that i Lilian Danielle recommended you. You need not to forward the above requirement for your group or Organization registration, hence i will give your recommendation to the Secretary. You are to contact the Organizer as soon as possible as all participants visa request will be forwarded to the U.S. Bureau of Immigrant Affairs for Authorization the same day. Any group that did not forward their visa request on that same day with others will miss the visa assistance. You are to form a group of two to five (2-5) persons. Your group can be of different nationalities but all should be leaving in the same country for easy U.S. visa assistance. For your information two groups can be register from one country cos one of the group will be used to represent the country that couldn't be able to participate or present delegate.
I have included my photo in the atattachment.
I'm looking forward to seeing you.
Lilian Danielle.
An email from a fake hotel in Senegal:
Dear Guest,
We acknowledge receipt of your mail.
First of all we want you to know that you are dealing with a 5star Hotel Management which was Officially chosen by the World Youth Organization for Human Welfare to host the second phase of one of the most historic event in the world.
But i wish to inform you that our Hotel Policy for guest coming to this conference states that, "The official letter of the Hotel Booking Confirmation Receipt of any group that booked rooms with us, will be sent to them and a copy to the conference secretariat, as soon as we receive their payment", As every other guest from various countries complied with our instructions before we issued out the official letter of the hotel booking confirmation receipt to them and a copy to the conference secretariat.
It is a game of risk for me to issue out the Official letter of the Hotel Booking Confirmation Receipt to you and a copy to the conference secretariat, while we have not received our payment, as I might likely loose my job if I go against the policy of our hotel management.
We shall send the official letter of the hotel booking confirmation receipt to you and a copy to the conference secretariat as soon as we receive your payment through any Western Union agent in the name of our accountant, OR THROUGH OUR ACCOUNT ANTHOUGH THE TIME LIMIT WILL NOT PERMIT US TO GET YOUR COMFIRMATION IN TIME IF YOU SEND YOUR BOOKING THROUGH OUR ACCOUNT. So Western Union is the Best and fastest option.
We wish you all a happy stay during your visit to our country.
Tel: + (221)693-71-03
Fax: + (221)826-11-38
Webpage: www.comfortable-hotel.tk
Mario Costa
(Hotel Manager)
Enter the Bourne Ultimatum Sweepstakes
View Trailer, Win Free Prizes. In Theaters 08.03.07
And this note:
Listen i have used my personal email adress to send you our account.and this is the last time i am sending this because i have sent it to you 5 times.
Acc.N°: 01284 035150822301/12
Bank Adress:Hlm Hann Mariste Bp 129 Dakar Senegal
USA and Senegal (info-sec@usa.com)
Dear Friend,
My name is Gloria Faith Anderson, female, working with
California, U.S.A. We are organizing a global youths
combined conferences taking place from September 3rd
to 5th 2007 at California in the United States and in
Senegal-Dakar West Africa, from September 12th to 14th
In our request to invite people from various countries
around the world, I went in search of e-mails on the
web site as a means of contacting youths and
organizations .As a result, I picked your e-mail from
an (African Colours Artist Association) website.
If you are interested to participate and want to
represent your country, you may contact the
secretariat of the organizing committee for details
and information. You should also inform them that you
were invited to participate by a friend of yours
(Gloria Faith. Anderson), who is a member of the
American Youths 4 Peace and a staff of (WORLD YOUTH
I believe that we may have the opportunity to meet if
you may be willing to participate in this event. You
can also inform youths & members of (African Colours
Artist Association) in your country about these
conferences. The benevolent donors of the Organizing
Committee will provide round trip air tickets and
accommodation for the period of participants stay in
the U.S., to all registered participants.
If you are a holder of passport that may require visa
to enter the United States you may inform the
conference secretariat Dr. James Michael at the time
of registration, as the organizing committee is
responsible for all visa arrangements and travel
Below is the contact address of the conference
By Tel/Fax: 1-208-474-8441 or by email:
Gloria Faith. Anderson.
From: "united states conference centre" <info-sec@usa.com>
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2007 05:57:23 -0500
HTML Attachment [ Scan and Save to Computer ]
Dear Applicant,
By recommendation, we accept you to participate in the forth-coming conferences, which will be held from September 3rd -5th 2007, at the DISNEYLAND CONVENTION CENTER, ANAHEIM, C.A, U.S.A. and September 12th -14th 2007 at OLYMPIC STADIUM HALL, DAKAR-SENEGAL, West -Africa. We are accepting you to partake because you were recommended by one of our members. You may take the opportunity to participate in these International events.. The theme of the forth coming International Conferences is to equip participants with the strategies and policies to wage a global war against Racism & Child Abuse.
These events are being Organized and sponsored by the WORLD YOUTH ORGANIZATION FOR HUMAN WELFARE (WYOFHW) in collaboration with other benevolent organizations in the United States of America. The International Conference on Racism and Child Abuse shall be of high significance for the international community because the issues it will address are evils which we must combat with all our power; because racism and Child Abuse--manifesting themselves through discrimination and all forms of intolerance -- are the wellsprings of many of the world's conflicts; because they are a key element of the vicious cycle of poverty and social exclusion; and because these forces run directly contrary to the fundamental message of human rights which is that every member of the human family has equal and inalienable rights". Despite continuing efforts by the international community, racial discrimination, ethic conflicts and widespread violence persist in various parts of the world. In recent years, the world has witnessed campaigns of "ethnic cleansing". Racial minorities, migrants, asylum eekers and indigenous peoples are persistent targets of intolerance. Millions of human beings continue to encounter discrimination solely due to the colour of their skin or other factors that indicate the race to which they belong. Effective and early action, as well as early warning measures, is required to prevent the growth of ethnic Hatred and potential violent conflicts.
The International Conferences against Racism & Child Abuse will be a unique opportunity to create a new world vision for the fight against racism and racial discrimination in the new millennium. In order to have a real impact, the Conference should not only promote greater awareness concerning the scourge of racism but also lead to decisive action at the international level in order to help those who suffer on a daily basis from racism and racial discrimination.
Concerted efforts and contributions by individuals, Governments, intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations and the various international bodies and specialized agencies will be necessary to accomplish the objectives of the Conferences, and to provide long-lasting solutions. It will also afford participants to meet the donor communities, strike Affiliations and partnerships and explore better ways of sourcing funds for their various activities among others, as universal electronic language translators will be available for all delegates that will like to make use of them.
The conference organizing committee inconjuction with the donor sponsoring committee has mapped out some beneficial awards to group participants that distinguished themselves in their areas of discipline. Panel of Judges has been appointed to oversee and to select participants of merit. Other gifts will be given to participants on merit. you are hereby advised to equip yourselves and exhibit your God given talents to the fullest. We welcome delegations, inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations to the International Conference against Racism and Child Abuse.
This is the start of the formal phase of the Conference process, although a number of useful informal meetings have already taken place in different parts of the world. We expect that this event can and should give a powerful impetus to the work of laying the foundations for a successful combat against Racism and Child Abuse. To help us do all that we reasonably can to meet the demands of our registered delegates, our staffs are working day and night to make this event a success.
REGISTRATION OF PARTICIPANTS: Only a minimum of five (5) or a maximum of ten (10) people are expected to participate together as a group or organization to represent their Country in the forth-coming events. None of them should be less than eighteen years of age and must participate in both Conferences. It is not necessary that one must belong to an organization to be eligible to attend this event. Any groups of five (5) or ten (10) persons forming a group to represent a Country are eligible to participate in the forth-coming conferences. They should be in possession of their international passports to enable them participate in this conferences.
For registration to participate in this event, you may forward the names and passport numbers of your group members to us, as soon as possible, as all participants visa assistance request will be forwarded to the U.S Department of State for same day visa Authorization which shall be sent by fax to the consular section of the U.S. Embassy, in your country of residence. All registered participants are entitled to a round trip air tickets, meals and accommodation during their stay in the U.S. Delegates will only be responsible for their own hotel booking in Dakar-Senegal where the second phase of the conference will be held, due to the inability of our partner organizations to mobilize enough funds to sponsor the number of expected delegates to attend both conferences, and which will also serve as a prove that your group members will partake in the second phase of these events that will be held in Dakar-Senegal.
If you are interested to participate in the forth-coming International Conferences, you may reach the registration desk by E-mail or fax. You must send to us the following information about all members of your group:
1) Names exactly as in passport.
2) Passport Numbers.
3) Date of Birth.
4) Place of Birth.
5) Country of Residence.
6) IDD code # of country of Residence
To our registration desk by email: info-sec@usa.com or by tel/fax: +1-208-474-8441.
Dr. James Michael
Canada and Italy (worldyouthoutreach@myway.com)
Date : 21 July 2007
World Youth Outreach
6010 Kincaid Street,
Burnaby, British Columbia,
V5G 4N3, Canada.
Fax: +1-702-975-2824
Email ; worldyouthoutreach@myway.com
* CHILD EXPLOITATION * December 12TH - 15TH ,2007 - British Columbia,Canada. *ERADICATION OF POVERTY * December 17 TH - 21 ST ,2007 - Napoli-Italy between.
Dear Sir,
The World Youth Outreach is very pleased to invite you to the 2007 CHILD EXPLOITATION / ERADICATION OF POVERTY International Lectures and Seminars.The forth coming International Lectures and Seminars on " CHILD EXPLOITATION " is scheduled to take place on December 12TH - 15TH ,2007 Naramata Conference Centre and Retreat,3375 3rd St,Burnaby, British Columbia,Canada. The second conference on " ERADICATION OF POVERTY " will take place at Alabardieri Conference Auditorium 38, 80121 Napoli-Italy between December 17 TH - 21 ST ,2007. (W.Y.O) successfully organized the first Holland International youth conference.The event was held in the city of Amsterdam and involved more than 800 participants and volunteer staff members from every province in Holland and more than 50 countries around the world.
The forth coming Youth's Conference on " CHILD EXPLOITATION & ERADICATION OF POVERTY " will helps advance a participant's understanding of the intricacies behind global challenges and multilateral cooperation in the elimination of poverty,racism and child abuse by impacting standards in the lives of the youths. W.Y.O is currently working in partnership with the UN Economic and Social Council, UNICEF, UNHCR, the World Food Program, World Health Organizations. In addition, presentation will be welcomed by distinguished participants ,groups and NGOs
W.Y.O assists first-hand in the creation of a generation of concerned and astute global citizens, armed with well-developed critical thinking skills and the ability to approach problems and challenges through a solutions-based methodology.We know you might have a heavy schedule, but perhaps our early invitation will fit in your calendar.We will welcome your group in Vancouver(YVR) International Airport at 2:25pm.We will take care of your travel expenses. I think you will find this event a stimulating experience.
We sincerely hope you will be able to join us.
Contact us by email for more information : worldyouthoutreach@myway.com
Your sincerely
Mrs.Sheila Wilkinson
Visa(s) has been a very big problem in our last events, but this time we have taken a finest step to make sure that all our participants get visa(s)
RICHARD DOLLS FOUNDATION (george.solomon@london.com)
A search for "RICHARD DOLLS FOUNDATION" starts off with only scam-related hits.
Rev. Fr. George Solomon SDV
5 Palace Street,
London SW1E 5HE,
United Kingdom.
Richard Dolls Foundation (September 2007, London)
Hello Delegate,
This is a Call for Participation in an INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF NGOs holding from 20th september till the 30th of September 2007 in London, United Kingdom where as many as 200 participants from across the world including Health Practitioners, Professionals in relevant fields, Lawyers, Psychologists, Women and Youth Development Groups, Government Officials, Donor Agencies and participating NGOs will meet to discuss issues pertaining to the Welfare of NGOs...and also to meet others like yourself; to learn, teach, inspire and being inspired. This event will be exploring the potential of a practical approach that will unleash and nurture the human capacity to create, collaborate and change positively, the world at large.
What are the objectives of this meeting? The meeting will provide a medium where participating individuals and NGOs will convene to address and discuss ways of improving key Humanitarian issues and topics with much emphasis on Human Rights, Gender Equality, Peace and Security, Social and Economic Development, Youth and Children, Health Education, Ethics and Value and Environmental Protection. Participating NGOs will have direct access to grants by International Donor Agencies.
The opening Lecture will be held by Dr Mrs Artemisa Franco who is the President of the Center for Human Rights Research and Development, Maputo - Mozambique.The program will include:
* Thought-provoking plenaries
* In-depth breakout and dinner sessions for strategy-development
* Capacity and skills-building sessions; and
* Debates to stimulate discussion.
In addition to the main program, the meeting will also host book launches, artistic and cultural activities, exhibitions, plenty of space and opportunity for informal networking and alliance building.
All plenaries and selected breakout sessions will have interpretation into English, Spanish and French.
Who can participate? What happens if more than 200 participants apply? Anyone who is a member of an NGO, Professionals in related fields, Students Unions, Lecturers of Universities and Community based organizations, the Clergy as well as women and youth development groups can apply to participate.
If more than 200 people apply (as we anticipate), a global selection committee will select a representative 200 from among the applicants. This committee will ensure that the participants at the meeting are truly international and represent a diverse range of interests, issues, and regions.
The events shall commence on the 20th september till the 30th of September 2007 in London at Abba Queens Gate Hotel London.
I can't afford the cost - Can you help? Richard Dolls Foundation has set up an Access Fund to support the travel costs for all qualified participants.
How do I apply, and when is the deadline? All Interested organizations should send an email to the Local Organizing Committee. Participants MUST be a group of 1-3 persons to qualify for registration.
Contact Person: Rev. George Solomon
Email: rdollsfoundation0@yahoo.com
Local Organizing Committee
Richard Dolls Foundation
Check Out the new free AIM(R) Mail -- Unlimited storage and industry-leading spam and email virus protection.
Message headers:
Subject: Call for Participation
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 13:06:01 -0400
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To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Global Welfare and Child Development,
947 18th Avenue,
Calgary T2E 7T8,
Telefax. 1484-906-2858
Email: cwds_2007@yahoo.ca
Dear Applican,
We welcome you to this year conference on Child Welfare and Development Strategies(CWDS) that is due to commence from 23rd 30th October 2007. This conference is out to employ people from all works of life, ranging from Government Parastatal, NGOs and like minded individuals. Though applicants are only accepted on recommendation, hence youve falling into this Category; we are giving you the opportunity to participate. Normally our conferences is open up to interested applicants in group and not more that 10(ten) persons. There is also room for single applicant. Attach to this leaf in the Brochure on Child Welfare and Development Strategies (CWDS), Form and our Certificate of Authorization. Do fill the form,send it to us and a copy to the Canadian Immigration and Citiziship via email ca_govt@yahoo.ca
Application Procedure?
Interested applicants putting in for this 2007 Conference on Child Welfare and Development Strategies (CWDS) are expected to reach us with the following,
Column (1)
a) Your Group Names(if any).
b) Delegate/s Back and front page of your 6(six) months valid traveling passport, (if any).
c) Delegate/s information
d) Organization abstract which must reach us 2 weeks before the conference program.
Column (2)
Applicant without International passport,-
Provision for UN Emergency Traveling Certificate is made available to those without traveling Document; you are expected to contact the Canadian Immigration and Citizenship with address below and make your plight known to them.
Group / Organization are expected to fill the (CWDS) form and send it to us with 48hrs of received so as to enable us open a paticipation for endorsement.we would reach you with your participation fill number after your final compliance.
Traveling Procedure
Visa and Tickets
Organization living outside Canada are expected to contact the Canadian Immigration and Citizenship at
for visa procurement and please inform them that you`re applying in respect to this program.Meanwhile applicants visa/ticket is been taking care of by our donors. All above requirement are needed so as to enable us open-up an official group file and start processing your document to enable you obtain your valid Canadian group-visa to enter Canada , including Your Round-Trip air-tickets to join us and other eligible contingent already set for the conference program. Other information will simultaneously reach you on daily basis as you advance in your preparations. Our independent donors will finance all round trip tickets. Throughout the conference program.
GWCD organizing committees will process Canada visas for all participants requiring visas into Canada . The visa will be processed and authorized in Canada by the Canadian Immigration and Naturalization/ Department of Homeland security. The confirmation will be send by fax to the Canadian Embassy in your country of residence. A copy will also be faxed to participant/s with your fax information giving to the Canadian Immigration authority.
We are only giving rooms for existing and active organizations to participate in these events, as chances are limited. All participants must respect and act according to the guiding rules by the Canadian Immigration Services for visa eligibility.
We were strongly warmed by the Canadian Department of Homeland Security (CDHS), not to allowed applicant book Hotels outside the recommended one, as will enable them monitor the number of Delegate that comes in and out of Canada . in this regard, Gamma Delta Hotel and Quantico Hotel were put aside for this year conference program. Do contact them for your reservation booking via the information below
Hotel Gamma
2487 39th Avenue NE, Calgary,
Alberta T2E 8V8, Canada
Email,- htl_gamma@yahoo.ca
Telefax,- 1-502-719-5940
Hotel Quantico
708 80th avenue SW Calgary,
AB T2P 1H2 , Canada
Email,- ht.Quantico@yahoo.ca
Fax- 14849529664
Be informed that we are in charge of your visa and Ticket and not your accommodation. Reservation booking is participant responsibility.
We are using this opportunity to extend our greeting to Donors that made it possible for this conference setting to come into existence, especially our top officials in the Immigration Sector as they are hand-hand working with us for visa authorization and issuance.
Note, Applicant below the age of 18 is not allowed to participate.
We therefore welcome and see you joining us in our fight to making the world a safer place.
God bless you.
Secretary to the Organizing committee.
Dear Friend,
My name is Jessica Montell, a female, working with (MUSLIM YOUTHS WELFARE ORGANIZATION), USA.
We are advertising this year's International Conference on MUSLIM YOUTHS SUICIDE PREVENTION STRATEGY 2007.
You may decide to participate in this conference, which will be taking place on the 21st to 24th of August, 2007 in the USA with your friends.
You are to contact the organizing secretary at Muslim Center, 523 Oak Ave Lockport, Illinois 60441, USA on tel.: 509-278-6698 fax: 425-944-5347 or through this emails: myspsinterconf@yahoo.com, icco7_mysps@yahoo.com, as soon as possible, as all participant visa request, will be forwarded to the U.S. Bureau For Immigrants Affair for Authorization that same day. Any group visas request not forward on that same day with others will miss the visa assistance.
You may participate with a group of two (2) to Ten (10) persons. Your group can be of different nationality, but all should be leaving in the same country for easy U.S visa assistant.
The organizing committee will process the US visa for all participant requiring entry visa to the US; while our Independent donor will take care of all participants' flight tickets and their accommodation throughout their stay in the US.
You should inform the secretary that you were invited to participate by a friend of yours (Jessica Montell); I believe that we may have the opportunity to meet if you are willing to apply and be opportune to participate in this year's program.
Jessica Montell.
9045 35th Ave S.W.
West Seattle, USA.
Tel/fax: 001 313-216-5290
523 OAK AVE . LOCKPORT, IL 60441
Tel: 1-432-204-2603 fax: 1-425-944-5347
Dear Participant,
We hereby commemorate you on your recommendation to partake on the forth-coming conference, which will take place from August, 21st to 24th, 2007 in ILLINOIS, USA.
You may visit our websites at: www.mywo.iwarp.com for more information.
We are accepting you to participate because you were recommended by one of our colleague(s) You may take the opportunity to participate on this International Conference on MUSLIM YOUTHS SUICIDE PREVENTION STRATEGY and RIGHT OF MUSLIM WOMEN scheduled to take place in MUSLIM YOUTH WELFARE CONFERENCE HALL WEST LAKE AVENUE PEORIA CITY, ILLINOIS. From August 21st to 24th, 2007 in the United States.
The theme of the forth coming International Conference is to learn more about the complex issues surrounding the youths suicide prevention and Right of Muslim women, to see what national and international actions are being taken to address these issues.
The Forth coming International Conference is been Organized by MUSLIM YOUTH WELFARE ORGANIZATION in the United States and sponsored by certain benevolent organizations.
This conference is dedicated to all our beloved Brothers and Sisters who have been affected personally by the Tragedy of September 11th. Many of us have lost students, family members, friends, and colleagues and beloved ones in this tragedy.
While acknowledging that further research by Islamic scholars is needed in these areas to address changing circumstances and, if necessary, to reformulate, the permanent laws of sharia.
Women's rights in Islam is not a "women's issue". It is a concern of all Muslims. Islam is a way of life, Muslims regularly explain, and this includes how women are treated
Recommended participants are entitled to participate in this coming International Conference regardless of Nationality, Religion or Color.
Only a minimum of two (2) or a maximum of ten (10) persons together as a group is eligible to participate to represent a Country and none of them must be less than eighteen years, You may build a group of two (2) to five (5) persons from your country/organization. They must be in possession of their international passports to enable them participate in this conference.
You should read and follow the instruction been given to you immediately. You are to forward the names and passport numbers of your group to us as soon as possible as all participants visa request will be forward to the U.S Bureau for Immigrant Affairs for visa Authorization that same day. Any group visa request not forwarded on that same day will miss the visa assistance.
You should reach us with the following information about your group: -
(1) Names
(2) Passport numbers
(3) Name of your country of residence
(4) Date and place of birth
Our independent Donors and the Sponsors will take care of your entire flight tickets, including your feeding and accommodation throughout your stay in the United States. If you are interested to participate in the forth-coming International conference, you should send your names through Fax or E-mail for registration.
Registration fees are $115 per participant.
We will open your participation file as soon as we receive your names. You will receive the conference Participation forms.
We would give you more directives as soon as your names reach us. Please, note that we are working with the directives from the U.S Bureau for Immigrant Affairs, the authority that is in charge of authorization of group visas. We cannot add or reduce any given requirements for the authorization of participants visa participating in this events. And as such all requirements must be met by participants requiring the U.S Visa assistance into the U.S.
Remember to forward your names and passports number as soon as possible in order to open a file for your group.
Counting on your collaboration to make this event a success.
Susan Smith.
(Administrative Secretary)
Hello dear,
Thanks for your mail and the information.
You don't need special invitation letter from me to enable your group attend the program because I have already recommended your group for participation.
You can forward your group names to the secretary to secure a space for registration as soon as possible.
I will be glad to meet you soonest at the conference venue.
The conferences dates are now schedule to take place on the 21-24 of Sept 2007.
Please extend my sincere greetings to your friends and family.
Looking forward to hear from you again soon.
Dear Participant,
Please find below the attached copy of your group registration confirmation letter and Participant's form.
Printout copy of the Participant Form for each member of your group to fill and reach me with your filled participant forms and registration fees payment receipt on or before 17th of August 2007, to enable us endorse your group file for visa processing.
NB: You should reach me with your entire group complete names and passport numbers to update your group file before 17th of August 2007.
Due to urgency of your group process, you should transfer your fees through MONEY GRAM AGENT, only.
And send me your transfer receipt through fax 001-425-944-5347 or through email attachment.
You should direct your payment to our accountant:
Address: 523 Oak Ave, Lockport. Illinois, U.S.A.
Because the Money Gram Agents in your country does not transfer fund to other country, you should endeavour to contact any of the Money Gram agents in your neigbor country, Benin Republic to transfer your group registration fee.
Our advocate shall send you a copy of US Visa Application Form for visa processing once we receive your group filled forms and payment information.
Best regards.
Susan Smith,
1 - 3 of Money Gram Agent(s) displayed
Tel: 229321501
Services Available:
Send MoneyTransfer
Receive MoneyTransfer Hours
MON: 08:00 to 17:00
TUE: 08:00 to 17:00
WED: 08:00 to 17:00
THU: 08:00 to 17:00
FRI: 08:00 to 17:00
SAT: Closed
SUN: Closed
Tel: 229313757
Services Available:
Send MoneyTransfer
Receive MoneyTransfer Hours
MON: 08:00 to 17:00
TUE: 08:00 to 17:00
WED: 08:00 to 17:00
THU: 08:00 to 17:00
FRI: 08:00 to 17:00
SAT: Closed
SUN: Closed
Tel: 229318707
Services Available:
Send MoneyTransfer
Receive MoneyTransfer Hours
MON: 09:00 to 17:00
TUE: 09:00 to 17:00
WED: 09:00 to 17:00
THU: 09:00 to 17:00
FRI: 09:00 to 17:00
SAT: Closed
SUN: Closed
MUSLIM YOUTHS WELFARE ORGANIZATION 523 OAK AVE LOCKPORT, IL 60441 Tel: 1-509-278-6698 fax: 1-425-944-5347 http://mysps.tripod.com/
Got a little couch potato?
Check out fun summer activities for kids.
Attachments Attachment scanning provided by:
MYSPS_participants_form_00167__01__21_24__SEPT__1__1__1__1_.doc (211k) [Preview] Scan and Save to Computer
MYWO_REGISTRATION_CONFIRMATION_LETTER__NIGERIAN_1__08_1__21_24__SEPT__1__1__1__1_.doc (277k) [Preview] Scan and Save to Computer
USA and Italy, December 2007 (mkyjameslove@yahoo.ca)
From: MICKY JAMES [mailto:mkyjameslove@yahoo.ca]
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2007 2:45 PM
To: emailaddress
985 10th Avenue Se
Milaca, MN 56353.U.S.A
E-MAIL : mkyjameslove80@hotmail.com
: mkyjameslove@yahoo.ca
TELEX:001(320) 341-0337
Thanks for that reply and the intrest show to help us fight and Ending violence against women.The names of our organization is Women's World Summit Foundation .First let me tell you about me i,m Micky James my body style is average weight I am physically active, I never smoke and drink. I am the only girl in the family of three children, am the first child. My father and mother are still alive. .As i have Earlie's explain to you all about me and the Youth seminar that is coming up December 2007, hope you we like to be part of this event.I think our destiny is something we discover every day, according to how we face it, I picked your e-mail address from a pen pal website.This is an urgent information for you.I will be attending a combined conference in U.S/Italy by December2007 this year.Aims and purpose of our organization are four strategic goals
Reducing women's poverty and exclusion; Ending violence against women; Reversing the spread of HIV/AIDS among women and girls; Supporting women's leadership in governance and post-conflict reconstruction.
Women want a world free from hatred, violence and poverty, a world of equal opportunities and rights, a world that is prosperous and secure for all.They promote Human rights by working internationally to combact sexual exploitation in all his forms.It was the first NGO fighting against human trafficking, especial women and girl trafficking.The Coalition Against Trafficking in Women supports campaigns, programs and projects in many different parts of the world.You will assist us in relating to serious minded youths in your country to contact the secretary of the organization Madam Monica Douglas, at the secretariat in the US through this FAX: 001(915) 200-4598 .or through this email address: wwsfviolenceagainstwomen@yahoo.ca
This includes the following:
Name and passport number of each applicant that has international travelling passport.
Name and date of birth of each applicant without international travelling passport
Name of applicant resident country
1 Contact e-mail address for the group
His or her name,
His or her country of resident,
His or her e-mail address
His or her fax or telephone numbers
This information will enable the secretary create your group reference file number for the pro gramme.
Our independent donor will take care of all their flight tickets and their accommodation throughout their stay in the Astutely and the organizing committee will process the US visa for all participants requiring entry visas to the US.Participants we only pay their registration fees to Italy.If you are interested to participate and wants to represent your country, you should contact the secretary for detail information on registration procedures and inform the secretary that I recommended you.
985 10th Avenue Se
Milaca, MN 56353.U.S.A
E-MAIL : mkyjameslove80@hotmail.com
: mkyjameslove@yahoo.ca
TELEX:001(320) 341-0337.
Thanks Micky James.
Here is my pics.
Houston and Cape Town (humanitarianaidsorg@secretary.net)
1612, W North St, Palatine IL 60063, USA
Tel: 13094244023
Fax: 13094192957
Contact Secretary E-mail: humanitarianaidsorg@secretary.net
Humanitarian aids contact Email: humanitarianaidsorg@mail.org
General inquiry Email: humanitarianaidsorg@yahoo.com
Dear applicant,
We always provide an excellent opportunity for pro-active youths, non-employees and job seekers who have the mind to work with us . H.A.O has made available a number of sponsor's opportunities alongside this recruitment programme.This recruitment programme is designed to give focus on youths, groups and Association valuable contact within the sector.
H.A.O FOREIGN WORKER'S RECRUITMENT PROGRAMME CENTER. (H.A.O) USA,Canada,Africa,Asia under the auspices of WORLD RECRUITMENT PROGRAMME) we are informing groups, youths and youth-focused organizations to take an active role in the forth-coming workers recruitment program. It is not open for every body, but since you are recommended by one of our member, the opportunity will be given to you or your group to participate and work with us as we only accept participants under recommendation but since your recommendation comes from one of our colleagues we shall give the sector.
The forth-coming workers recruitment program registration is scheduled to take place in Canada Foreign Worker's Representative in Canada, for applicants from all over the World,the registration will take palce in Recruitment Programme Center Secretariat in Canada.
Registration close on the 30th of October, 2007.
This program is dedicated to all UNEMPLOYEES World Wide Over where our invitation will be extended, any group or individual that receive our recommendation is entitled to participate in the forth coming Workers Recruitment Programme regardless of your religion or belief.
Only One to Twelve, Men or Women are expected to participate together as a group from each Country.
The first Conference which will take place in Houston Convention Hall Center Southwest Freeway Houston,Texas
in USA, between 17th November to 20th November 2007 while the second Conference which is scheduled to take place in Cape Town,South Africa between 30th November to 4th December 2007
Those interested to participates in the forth coming workers recruitment programme should send their:
(1) Attach One passport photo in their Application form.
(2) Names, Country of origin and Country residents.
(3) Passport numbers,
Type of Membership
1. Gold Membership: To become a gold member of our organization the registration fees is $175, this type of membership will allow you to participate in our conference, Recruitment and Resettlement programme.
2. Premium membership: to become a Premium member of the organization the registration fees is $3000, this Premium membership will grant you automatic benefits of the organization, example:
(a)to receive cash award of the organization in each annual programme you participate,
(b)Organization can sponsor your accademics
(c)Organization can sponsor your Business or firm
(d) Organization can help in the time of difficulties, like hospitalization,accident and lost of parents
We will open your Participation file(s) as soon as we receive your filled application form which is attached with this email, contact our Canada Office and make your registration payment, you will receive your registration payment confirmation from our Africa/Asia/ Representative Office in South, you will send us your payment confirmation letter from Africa/Asia Representative Office in South Africa, along with the scanned international Passport copy and other required information. Every participants will Register in our Office in Canada and receive their payment confirmation letter from our Africa/Asia/ Representative Office in South Africa, contact this office for payment information humanitarianaidsorg@torontomail.com
Contact our Africa/Asia/ Representative Office in South immediately you make the payment in Canada for the payment confirmation letter.
Telephone: +27 -737-061-916
Fax: + 27-215-105-055
E-mail: asiaafricahumanitarianai@humanoid.net
Visa assistance:
We cannot add or reduce any given requirements for the authorization of participants visas participating in this Program. Participants requiring the Canadian or USA Visa Assistance must meet all the requirements. The organizing committee will render Visa and Flight ticket assistance to all participants requiring Canadian or USA Visa for this program. We are working with dates and directives from the USA and Canadian Immigration Office, the authority that is in charge of authorization of group work permit visas.
Remember to forward your names, passports number, country of origin and resident as soon as possible in order to open a file for your group and commence the processing
All our participants must undergo one months training and orientation in their various fields of profession in USA or Canada, the recruited workers will receive half of the annual payment after the one months training and orientation,all Applicants shall commence work in US and Canada immediately after the one month orientation.
Kindly reach us with your resumes/CV's while returning the application form with the regsitration payment confirmation letter from Africa/Asia Representative Office in South Africa,
Your's Faithfully
Mrs Marilyn Bill.
Secretary Department H.A.O.
Belize and Senegal (steffy_robinson@yahoo.com)
From: steffy_robinson@yahoo.com
Hello my new friend,
Compliment of the season, and a happy get-together with Steffy Robinson, I am 23yrs old girl leaving in Tukwila Washington.Let not race or nationality inch your mind,for this has being the key mother of the day. I decided having you as a pen pal friend knowing fully well that is an act of one expressing or sharing view with another or people around the world, which has to do with honesty, above all faithfulness. Friendship is like swallowing hot chocolate before it has cooled off. It takes you by surprise at first, but keeps you warm for a long time. Yes,friends are like stars;some afar and others around,but just need a favorite one.My dear,guess you could make my favorite. Reach me faster for a better talk through steffy_robinson@yahoo.com My regards to all your folks.Have a blissful moment and do keep in touch. In fact i will be traveling to Africa by this year, as a member of the organizing committee of a combined conferences for RACISM and CHILD ABUSE taking place in the U.S first at Orlando Florida United State and later in Belize City (Central America) and Senegal Dakar(West Africa)
Invitation Participation to eleventh International NGOs & CBOs Summits on development - Invitation de Participation au X1e Congrès International des ONGs & OCBs sur le développement.
International Development Fund
Invitation Participation to the eleventh International NGOs & CBOs Summits on development
International Conference on Human and Community Development and on Development Financing
General Distr.
January 02 2007
International Development Fund
DALLAS, TEXAS 75247 - 2541
Phone/Fax: 1-501-423-0915
Dear Colleagues,
The present notification has been previously sent to your office through postal mail transmission and through electronic mail transmission but since our Office did not receive any confirmation from you, we send it to you anew.
On behalf of the International Development Fund, the local Hosts Dallas and Oxford and the co-organizers of the Tenth International NGOs & CBOs Summits on lasting development and development financing, we have the
pleasure to invite you to meet us on the occasion of one of the most important events in the framework of the fight for the human and community development which will take place in Dallas, United States from 19th- 23th February 2007 and in Oxford, United Kingdom from 05th-09 march 2007: The 2007 CONGRESS Eleventh International NGOs & CBOs Summits on development.
The International Development Fund (IDF) is a registered charity 501(c) whose aims & objectives are to empower individuals worldwide through offering grants for business, education, economic development, and environmental conservation; to support groups addressing social, economic, and environmental issues and a variety of philanthropic projects through grants to non-profit organizations; to provide education and information with a view to limiting transmission of HIV/AIDS, to support and advocate on behalf of those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS; to promote the well-being of mankind by strengthening the capacity of charitable organizations to provide effective programs of quality.
The strength of the working relations between the International Development Fund, the local Hosts Dallas and Oxford, the co-organizers, (the active participation of representatives of the international civil society) will contribute to make the 2007 CONGRESS a headlight event in the response to the scourge of under-development and poverty.
As international organization of researchers and health professionals involved in the fight for a harmonized and lasting development, the International Development Fund is determined to put an end to the scourge by favouring the collaboration between people living in community with low income, the civil society, Scientifics, health
professionals, enterprises, politics and community leaders, and all the others participants.
By the light of what precedes, we have the honour to announce to you the Tenth International NGOs & CBOs Summits which theme is: For a lasting human and community development The Financing of the Development. This conference will bring together 1682 representatives of NGOs/CBOs from all over the world and will take place from 19th- 23th February 2007 in Dallas, United States and from 05th-09 march 2007,
in Oxford, United Kingdom; and we are writing to invite you as delegates of your country.
The 2007 CONGRESS intends to provide participants the opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills of the quality required for the advancement of the fight for peace and, to provide a personal
development experience tailored to the needs of NGOs/CBOs that will enable participants to review and assess their own capabilities with a view to identifying ways in which they can increase the effectiveness of their contribution to the organizations they work for and to the process of development. Participants from all over the world will meet in Dallas and Oxford to share the latest information, their ideas and lessons to keep in field of research, politics and human and community development programs. Designed according to the challenges facing the actors in the response to the scourge of poverty, the 2007 CONGRESS will be centred on our common obligation to keep our promises before communities of the world.
The summit will be conducted on participatory bases with satellite, plenary and simultaneous sessions followed by general and small group discussions.
The summit receives financial support from the Mistubishi Bank of Japan and the Every Johnson Jr. Foundation for the participation of civil society members from under-developed country. As a result, the International Development Fund will provide sponsorship for up to five (05) international delegates from selected organization in under-developed country only.
The International Development Fund sponsoring covers the following charges:
- the means of travel (return airplane ticket) for selected delegates from home country to Dallas (United States) / Oxford (United Kingdom),
- the accommodation for selected delegates,
- the per diem for selected delegates
- the medical insurance for the entire summit duration.
The International Development Fund will not assume responsibility for costs other than those listed above.
We are pleased to inform you that your organization has been selected for sponsorship in order to take part in the summit. This is in recognition of your organizations contribution to the NGO/CBO movement in your country. You are therefore requested to nominate five (05) active members from your organization to benefit from the sponsorship. In order to foster gender balance, we would appreciate if your delegation contains one or two female participant(s).
For purposes of registration in order to take part in the Conferences, please request the Reference & Identification Code assigned to your Organization as well as the International Delegate Registration
Documentation, which includes:
- the Registration Form;
- the Hotel Reservation Form;
- the Airplane Ticket Order Form.
The request for Registration Documentation should be addressed to:
1. Mr. Michael Herbert Fox,
Office of International Relations,
International Development Fund
DALLAS, TEXAS 75247 - 2541
United States
by Fax at 1-501-423-0915
or by Email at: info-idf.dallas@dallas.usa.com
OR to:
2. Dr. Wilfried G. HOPE
The Africa Bureau
315 Boulevard du 13 Janvier
Tel. (+228) 976 8406
Lomé TOGO West Africa
By Email at: info-idf.togo@africamail.com
In order to be considered for acceptation, the selected international delegates are required to registered in accordance with the International Development Fund regulations by submitting their Registration Documentation including:
- Completed and signed International Delegate Registration Certification Form: This Form should be duly completed and properly signed by the selected applicant in order to be submitted and processed with the
International Relation Office of the International Development Fund for being officially recognized and registered as International Delegate.
- Completed Hotel Reservation Form: This Form should be duly completed and properly signed in order to guarantee accommodation for the selected applicants.
- Completed Airplane Ticket Order Form: This Form should be duly completed and properly signed in order to guarantee airplane tickets for the selected applicants.
- Payment Slip of the Registration Fee: The required registration fee of USD 190.00 + VAT@21.5% = USD 230.00 per selected applicant should be paid through our Legal Representation in Africa through Western Union Money Transfer to:
Dr Wilfried G. HOPE
The Africa Bureau
315 Boulevard du 13 Janvier
Tel. (+228) 976 84 06
E-mail : info-idf.togo@africamail.com
Lomé TOGO West Africa
The pre-cited documents should be sent to the International Relation Office of the International Development by Fax at 1-501-423-0915 before the deadline of January 19th, 2007 for the purpose of registration.
While we anticipate your response at your earliest convenience, please do not hesitate to contact us for further information. In the meantime, you are advised to confirm your organization's acceptance of the sponsorship offer.
Meet us in Dallas and Oxford to assert anew our involvement for a strongest response face to the poverty And let us make this dream a reality.
Best regards,
Prof. Howard Williams
Summit Chair
International NGO Summit International Development Fund,
DOCUMENT ORIGINAL Information Supplémentaire.
Fond International de Développement
Invitation de Participation 11e Congrès International des ONGs & OCBs sur le développement.
Distr. Générale
02 Janvier 2007
Original : anglais
Le Bureau des Relations Internationales
Fond International de Développement
International Development Fund
DALLAS, TEXAS 75247 - 2541
Tél/Fax : 1-501-423-0915
Chers collègues,
La présente notification vous a été précédemment envoyée par transmission de courrier postal et par transmission de courrier électronique mais notre Bureau nayant reçu aucune confirmation de votre part nous vous faisons parvenir la notification de nouveau.
Au nom de lInternational Development Fund, des Hôtes locaux Dallas et Oxford et des co-organisateurs du X1e Congrès international sur le développement durable et sur le financement du développement nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à nous rejoindre à loccasion dun des plus importants événements dans le cadre de la lutte pour le développement humain et communautaire, qui aura lieu à Dallas, aux Etats-Unis, du 19 au 23 Février 2007et à Oxford, au Royaume Uni du 05-09 Mars 2007: le CONGRÈS 2007 (X1e Congrès International des ONGs & OCBs sur le développement)
Le Fond International de Développement est une organisation de charité de droit américain à vocation internationale dont les buts et les objectifs sont entre autres dassister les individus et les organisations de part le monde à travers des prêts pour les affaires, léducation, le développement économique et la protection de lenvironnement; de soutenir les organisations qui interviennent dans les domaines sociaux, économiques et environnementaux et divers projets humanitaires grâce aux dons et financements; dinformer, déduquer et de
sensibiliser les populations en vue de limiter la propagation du VIH/SIDA, de soutenir et de défendre les causes de ceux qui sont déjà infectés et affectés par la pandémie; de promouvoir le bien-être social à travers le renforcement des capacités des organisations charitables afin de leur permettre délaborer et dexécuter des programmes viables.
La force des relations de travail entre lInternational Development Fund, les Hôtes locaux Dallas et Oxford, les co-organisateurs, (ainsi que la participation active de représentants de la société civile internationale) contribuera à faire du CONGRES 2007 un événement phare dans la réponse mondiale au fléau du sous-développement et de la pauvreté.
En tant quorganisation internationale de chercheurs et de professionnels de la santé engagés dans la lutte pour un développement humain harmonisé et durable, lInternational Development Fund est résolue à mettre fin au fléau en favorisant la collaboration entre les personnes vivant dans les communautés à faibles revenus, la société
civile, les scientifiques, les professionnels de la santé, les entreprises et les responsables politiques et communautaires, et tous les autres intervenants.
A la lumière de ce qui précède, nous avons lhonneur de vous annoncer le Onzième Sommet International des ONGs & OCBs dont le thème retenu cette année est : "Pour un développement humain et communautaire durable Le Financement du Développement". Cette Conférence regroupera 1394 représentants d'ONGs et OCBs de par le monde et aura lieu à Dallas, aux Etats-Unis, du 19-23 Février 2007 et à Oxford, au Royaume Uni du 05-09 Mars 2007nous vous écrivons pour vous inviter à y assister.
Le CONGRES 2007 entend donner aux participants lopportunité daccroître leur savoir-faire et leur habileté en vue de lévolution de la lutte contre la pauvreté dune part et dautre part de permettre aux délégués dacquérir de nouvelles techniques leur permettant didentifier les voies et moyens par lesquels ils pourront accroître lefficacité de leur rendement au sein des organisations dans lesquelles ils travaillent pour la promotion du développement. Des participants du monde entier se réuniront à Dallas et à Oxford pour partager les dernières informations, leurs idées et les leçons à retenir en matière de recherche, de politiques et de programmes sur le développement humain et communautaire. Conçu en fonction des principaux défis que rencontrent les différents acteurs dans la réponse au fléau de la pauvreté, le CONGRES 2007 sera axé sur notre obligation commune de tenir nos promesses aux yeux des communautés du monde entier.
Le Sommet sera conduit sur une base participative en séances satellites, plénières et simultanées suivie des discussions générales et en petits groupes.
Le sommet bénéficie du support financier de la Mitsubishi Bank du Japon et de la Fondation Every Johnson Jr. pour la participation des organisations et membres de la société civile des pays en voie de développement. Par ce biais, lInternational Development Fund sponsorise et prend en charge la participation de cinq (05) délégués internationaux par ONG/OCB de pays en voie de développement.
Le sponsoring de lInternational Development Fund couvre les charges suivantes:
- Le titre de voyage (billet davion) A/R des délégués sélectionnés du pays de résidence vers Dallas (Etats-Unis) /Oxford (Royaume Uni);
- Le logement et la pension alimentaire des délégués sélectionnés,
- Les pers diem des délégués sélectionnés,
- Lassurance médicale des délégués sélectionnés pendant la durée de la
La fondation ne prendra pas en charge des frais autres que ceux susmentionnés.
Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que votre organisation est retenue pour bénéficier de notre sponsoring afin de prendre part audit sommet pour sa contribution au processus de développement dans votre pays.
Il vous est ainsi demandé de déléguer cinq (05) membres de votre organisation pour prendre part au sommet. Afin de répondre aux polices déquité sexuelle de lInternational Development Fund, nous vous saurons gré si votre délégation comprenait une ou deux représentation(s) féminine(S).
Dans le but de vous enregistrer pour participer aux conférences, veuillez requérir les Référence et Code dIdentification assignés à votre Organisation ainsi que le dossier denregistrement des délégués internationaux qui sera émis à lendroit de votre organisation et qui comprend :
- le Formulaire dEnregistrement ;
- le Formulaire de Réservation de Chambre dHôtel ;
- le Formulaire de Commande de Titres de Voyage (Billets dAvion).
Les demandes de documentation denregistrement des Délégués Internationaux doivent être adressées à :
1. Mr. Michael Herbert Fox,
Office of International Relations,
DALLAS, TEXAS 75247 - 2541
United States
par Fax au 1-501-423-0915
ou par Email à: info-idf.dallas@dallas.usa.com
Ou au:
2. Dr Wilfried G. HOPE
Bureau Afrique
315 Boulevard du 13 Janvier
Tel. (+228) 976 8406
Lomé TOGO West Africa
par Email à info-idf.togo@africamail.com
Afin d'être considéré pour acceptation, les délégués internationaux sélectionnés sont requis de s'enregistrer selon les procédures de lInternational Development Fund en soumettant leur Documentation dEnregistrement incluant :
1. Le Dossier dEnregistrement de Délégué International rempli et signé:
Le Dossier devra être dûment rempli et proprement signé par les délégués sélectionnés dans le but dêtre traité par le Bureau des Relations Internationales de lInternational Development Fund afin dêtre officiellement reconnu et enregistré comme Délégué International.
2. Le Formulaire de Réservation de Chambre dHôtel: Le Formulaire devra être dûment rempli signé dans le but de garantir un logement aux délégués sélectionnés.
3. Le Formulaire de Commande de Billet dAvion: Le Formulaire devra être dûment rempli dans le but de garantir les titres de voyages (billets davion) aux délégués sélectionnés.
4. Le Récé****é de Payement des Frais dEnregistrement : Les frais denregistrement de 190.00 + VAT@21.5% = USD 230.00 par délégué sélectionné devront être versés auprès de notre Représentation Légale en Afrique par Tranfert dArgent Western Union adressé au :
Dr Wilfried G. HOPE
Bureau Afrique
315 Boulevard du 13 Janvier
Tel. (+228) 976 8406
Lomé TOGO West Africa
par Email à info-idf.togo@africamail.com
La Documentation dEnregistrement incluant les documents précités devra être envoyée au Bureau des Relations Internationales de lInternational Development Fund par Fax au 1-501-423-0915 avant la date limite du 19 Janvier 2007 pour être enregistrée.
Dans lattente de la confirmation de votre participation, nous restons à votre entière disposition pour damples informations concernant cette conférence.
Rejoignez-nous à Dallas et à Oxford pour réaffirmer notre engagement à tous vis-à-vis dune réponse plus forte et plus efficace face à la pauvreté.
Et faisons de ce rêve une réalité.
Prof. Howard Williams
Summit Chair
Sommet International des ONGs Fond International de
Développement, Dallas.
See also:
This fake conference scam is very professionally done and might have tricked quite a few people. A few of the red flags:
- Use of free usa.com webmail addresses instead of domain of institution or NGO
- Street address in different state from phone number (Pennsylvania vs. Ohio)
- A search for the "1018 Chestnut Street" address does not show any hits to do with development or conferences.
- Same sponsors were listed in another version of this scam (New York and Oxord, 2006) in 2006.
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 1:37 AM
Subject: Fwd: Invitation Participation to the Twelfth International NGOs and & CBOs Summits - Invitation de Participation au XIIe Congrès International des ONGs & OCBs.
Note: forwarded message attached.
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From: "International Development Program, Philadelphia - Head Office" <infomail.intl.idp.usa@philadelphia.usa.com>
To: infomail.intl.idp.usa@philadelphia.usa.com
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 14:55:23 -0500
Subject: Invitation Participation to the Twelfth International NGOs and & CBOs Summits - Invitation de Participation au XIIe Congrès International des ONGs & OCBs.
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International Development Program
Invitation Participation to the Twelfth International NGOs and & CBOs
Summits on development.
September 3-8, 2007 Philadelphia, United States
September 10-15, 2007 Birmingham, United Kingdom
International Conference
on Human and Community Development
and on Development Financing
July 30, 2007
International Development Program
1018 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106
United States
Dear Colleagues,
The present notification has been previously sent to your office
through postal mail transmission and through electronic mail transmission but
since our Office did not receive any confirmation from you, we send it
to you anew.
On behalf of the International Development Program, the local hosts
Philadelphia and the co-organizers of the Twelfth International NGOs &
CBOs Summits on lasting development and development financing, we have the
pleasure to invite you to work with us on the occasion of one of the
most important events in the framework of the fight for the human and
community development which will take place in Philadelphia (United
States) from September 3-8, 2007; and in Birmingham (United Kingdom) from
September 10-15, 2007: The 2007 CONGRESS Twelfth International NGOs &
CBOs Summits on development.
Established, with head office in Philadelphia (United States) and
regional offices in several countries, the International Development Program
is a United States based registered charity 501(c) that primarily
focuses on private equity, and intervenes in several sectors as donators
and financier; and whose aims & objectives are to empower individuals
worldwide through offering grants for business, education, economic
development, and environmental conservation; to support groups addressing
social, economic, and environmental issues and a variety of philanthropic
projects through grants to non-profit organizations; to provide
education and information with a view to limiting transmission of HIV/AIDS, to
support and advocate on behalf of those infected and affected by
HIV/AIDS; to promote the well-being of mankind by strengthening the capacity
of charitable organizations to provide effective programs of quality.
The International Development Program is a diversified group that
operates in the fields of healthcare, environment, finance (with a premium
on microfinance and microcredit), research and education.
The strength of the working relations between the International
Development Program, the local Hosts Philadelphia and Birmingham, the
co-organizers, the active participation of representatives of the international
civil society will contribute to make the 2007 CONGRESS a headlight
event in the response to the scourge of under-development and poverty.
As international organization of researchers and health professionals
involved in the fight for a harmonized and lasting development, the
International Development Program is determined to put an end to the
scourge by favouring the collaboration between people living in community
with low income, the civil society, Scientifics, health professionals,
enterprises, politics and community leaders, and all the others
By the light of what precedes, we have the honour to announce to you
the Twelfth International NGOs & CBOs Summits which theme is: For a
lasting human and community development The Financing of the
Development. This conference will bring together 1682 representatives of NGOS of
NGOs/CBOs from all over the world and will take place from September
3-8, 2007in Philadelphia, United States and from September 10-15, 2007, in
Birmingham, United Kingdom; and we are writing to invite you as
delegates of your country.
The 2007 CONGRESS intends to provide participants the opportunity to
expand their knowledge and skills of the quality required for the
advancement of the fight for peace and, to provide a personal development
experience tailored to the needs of NGOs/CBOs that will enable participants
to review and assess their own capabilities with a view to identifying
ways in which they can increase the effectiveness of their
contribution to the organizations they work for and to the process of development.
Participants from all over the world will meet in Philadelphia and
Birmingham to share the latest information, their ideas and lessons to
keep in field of research, politics and human and community development
programs. Designed according to the challenges facing the actors in the
response to the scourge of poverty, the 2007 CONGRESS will be centred on
our common obligation to keep our promises before communities of the
The summit will be conducted on participatory bases with satellite,
plenary and simultaneous sessions followed by general and small group
The Summits are financially supported by the Every Johnson Jr.
Foundation and the Mitsubishi Bank of Japan with the objective of granting
financial assistance and sponsorship for the participation of members of
organizations coming from under-developed countries. In this way, many
organizations including yours have been selected and benefit from a
complete sponsorship covering the costs of transport and accommodation. The
financial assistance and sponsorship is available for one (01) to five
(05) participants from each sponsored organization.
As a result, the International Development Program will provide
sponsorship for up to five (05) international delegates from selected
organization in under-developed country only.
The International Development Program sponsoring covers the following
- the means of travel (return airplane ticket) for selected delegates
from home country to the summits sites,
- the accommodation for selected delegates,
- the per diem for selected delegates
- the medical insurance for the entire summit duration.
The International Development Program will not assume responsibility
for costs other than those listed above.
We are pleased to inform you that your organization has been selected
for sponsorship in order to take part in the summit. This is in
recognition of your organizations contribution to the NGO/CBO movement in your
country. You are therefore requested to nominate five (05) active
members from your organization to benefit from the sponsorship. In order to
foster gender balance, we would appreciate if your delegation contains
one or two female participant(s).
For purposes of registration in order to take part in the Conferences,
please request the Reference & Identification Code assigned to your
Organization as well as the International Delegate Registration
Documentation, which includes:
- the Registration Form;
- the Hotel Reservation Form;
- the Airplane Ticket Order Form.
The request for Registration Documentation should be addressed to:
A - Central Secretariat
Twelfth International NGOs & CBOs Summits Registration
International Development Program
Ms. Elise Abeth Wayle
International Relations Office
1018 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106
United States
Email. intl.development.program@philadelphia.usa.com
TEL. 1-419-781-5220
FAX. 1-419-781-5222
OR to:
B Regional Secretariat
International Bureau
International Development Program
Dr. David Laurel Antwon Quist
618 Boulevard du Mono
01BP07 Lomé TOGO
Tel. +228-978.2979
Email. intl.development.program@africamail.com
In order to be considered for acceptation, the selected international
delegates are required to registered in accordance with the
International Development Program regulations by submitting their Registration
Documentation including:
1- Completed and signed International Delegate Registration
Certification Form: This Form should be duly completed and properly signed by the
selected applicant in order to be submitted and processed with the
International Relation Office of the International Development Program for
being officially recognized and registered as International Delegate.
2- Completed Hotel Reservation Form: This Form should be duly completed
and properly signed in order to guarantee accommodation for the
selected applicants.
3- Completed Airplane Ticket Order Form: This Form should be duly
completed and properly signed in order to guarantee airplane tickets for the
selected applicants.
4- Payment Slip of the Registration Fee: The required registration fee
of USD 205.00 + VAT@21.5% = USD 250.00 per selected applicant should be
paid through our Legal Representation in Africa through Western Union
Money Transfer to:
Dr. David Laurel Antwon Quist
International Bureau
International Development Program
618 Boulevard du Mono
01BP07 Lomé Togo
Tel. +228-978.2979
Email. intl.development.program@africamail.com
The pre-cited documents should be sent to the International Relation
Office of the International Development by Fax at +1-419-781-5222 before
the deadline of August 25, 2007 for the purpose of registration.
While we anticipate your response at your earliest convenience, please
do not hesitate to contact us for further information. In the meantime,
you are advised to confirm your organization's acceptance of the
sponsorship offer.
Meet us in Philadelphia, and Birmingham to assert anew our involvement
for a strongest response face to the poverty.
And let us make this dream a reality.
Best regards,
Kathleen Michelle Huinnlisk, Ph.D.
The Board of Directors
International Development Program
1018 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106
Tel. 1-419-781-5220
Fax. 1-419-781-5222
Email. intl.development.program@philadelphia.usa.com
United States
Programme International de Développement
Invitation de Participation au XIIe Congrès International des ONGs &
OCBs sur le développement.
3-8 Septembre, 2007 Philadelphie, Etats Unis
10-15 Septembre, 2007 Birmingham, Royaume uni
Conférence internationale sur le développement humain
et communautaire durable et sur le financement du
Distr. générale
30 juillet 2007
Original : anglais
Le Bureau des Relations Internationales
Programme International de Développement
International Development Program
1018 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106
United States
Chers collègues,
La présente notification vous a été précédemment envoyée par
transmission de courrier postal et par transmission de courrier électronique mais
notre Bureau nayant reçu aucune confirmation de votre part, nous vous
faisons parvenir la notification de nouveau.
Au nom de lInternational Development Program, des Hôtes locaux
Philadelphie, et Birmingham et des co-organisateurs du XIIe Sommet
international sur le développement durable et sur le financement du développement
nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à nous rejoindre à loccasion
dun des plus importants événements dans le cadre de la lutte pour le
développement humain et communautaire, qui aura à Philadelphie, aux
Etats-Unis, du 3-8 Septembre, 2007; et à Birmingham, au Royaume Uni du 10-15
Septembre, 2007: le CONGRÈS 2007 : (XIIe Congrès International des ONGs
& OCBs sur le développement)
Avec son siège social à Philadelphie (Etats-Unis) et des bureaux
régionaux dans plusieurs pays, lInternational Development Program (IDP) est
une institution de charité de droit américain à vocation internationale
basée sur des capitaux propres privés; et intervenant dans plusieurs
secteurs d'activités comme donateur et financier ; dont les buts et les
objectifs sont entre autres dassister les individus et les
organisations de part le monde à travers des prêts pour les affaires, léducation,
le développement économique et la protection de lenvironnement; de
soutenir les organisations qui interviennent dans les domaines sociaux,
économiques et environnementaux et divers projets humanitaires grâce aux
dons et financements; dinformer, déduquer et de sensibiliser les
populations en vue de limiter la propagation du VIH/SIDA, de soutenir et
de défendre les causes de ceux qui sont déjà infectés et affectés par la
pandémie; de promouvoir le bien-être social à travers le renforcement
des capacités des organisations charitables afin de leur permettre
délaborer et dexécuter des programmes viables. LInternational
Development Program est une structure diversifiée qui opère dans le domaine
social, des soins de santé, de lenvironnement, des finances (avec un accent
particulier sur la microfinance et le microcrédit), de la recherche et
de l'éducation.
La force des relations de travail entre lInternational Development
Program, les Hôtes locaux Philadelphie, et Birmingham, les
co-organisateurs, ainsi que la participation active de représentants de la société
civile internationale contribuera à faire du CONGRES 2007 un événement
phare dans la réponse mondiale au fléau du sous-développement et de la
En tant quorganisation internationale de chercheurs et de
professionnels engagés dans la lutte pour un développement humain harmonisé et
durable, lInternational Development Program est résolue à mettre fin au
fléau en favorisant la collaboration entre les personnes vivant dans les
communautés à faibles revenus, la société civile, les scientifiques,
les professionnels de la santé, les entreprises et les responsables
politiques et communautaires, et tous les autres intervenants.
A la lumière de ce qui précède, nous avons lhonneur de vous annoncer
le XIIe Sommet International des ONGs & OCBs dont le thème retenu cette
année est : "Pour un développement humain et communautaire humain
durable - Le Financement du Développement". Cette Conférence regroupera 1682
représentants d'ONGs et OCBs de par le monde et aura lieu à
Philadelphie, aux Etats-Unis, du 3-8 Septembre, 2007 et à Birmigham, au Royaume
Uni du 10-15 Septembre, 2007 et nous vous écrivons pour vous inviter à y
Le CONGRES 2007 entend donner aux participants lopportunité
daccroître leur savoir-faire et leur habileté en vue de lévolution de la lutte
contre la pauvreté dune part et dautre part de permettre aux
délégués dacquérir de nouvelles techniques leur permettant didentifier les
voies et moyens par lesquels ils pourront accroître lefficacité de
leur rendement au sein des organisations dans lesquelles ils travaillent
pour la promotion du développement. Des participants du monde entier se
réuniront à Philadelphie et à Birmingham pour partager les dernières
informations, leurs idées et les leçons à retenir en matière de
recherche, de politiques et de programmes sur le développement humain et
communautaire. Conçu en fonction des principaux défis que rencontrent les
différents acteurs dans la réponse au fléau de la pauvreté, le CONGRES 2007
sera axé sur notre obligation commune de tenir nos promesses aux yeux
des communautés du monde entier.
Le Sommet sera conduit sur une base participative en séances
satellites, plénières et simultanées suivie des discussions générales et en
petits groupes.
Le sommet est financièrement supporté par la Mitsubishi Bank du Japon
et la Fondation Every Johnson Jr. dans lobjectif doffrir des
parrainages et des bourses pour la participation dorganisations issues de la
société civile des pays en voie de développement. Ainsi un grand nombre
dinstitutions dont le votre sont sélectionnées et bénéficient dun
parrainage complet couvrant les frais de transport ainsi que les frais de
logement et de nourriture. Les bourses et subventions couvrent la
participation dun (01) à cinq (05) participants de chaque organisation
Par ce biais, lInternational Development Program sponsorise et prend
en charge la participation dun (01) à cinq (05) délégués internationaux
par ONG/OCB de pays en voie de développement.
Le sponsoring de lInternational Development Program couvre les charges
- Le titre de voyage (billet davion) A/R des délégués sélectionnés du
pays de résidence vers les sites de conférences;
- Le logement et la pension alimentaire des délégués sélectionnés,
- Les pers diem des délégués sélectionnés,
- Lassurance médicale des délégués sélectionnés pendant la durée de la
La fondation ne prendra pas en charge des frais autres que ceux
Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que votre organisation est
retenue pour bénéficier de notre sponsoring afin de prendre part audit
sommet pour sa contribution au processus de développement dans votre pays.
Il vous est ainsi demandé de déléguer cinq (05) membres de votre
organisation pour prendre part au sommet. Afin de répondre aux polices
déquité sexuelle de lInternational Development Program, nous vous saurons
gré si votre délégation comprenait une ou deux représentation(s)
Dans le but de vous enregistrer pour participer aux conférences,
veuillez requérir les Référence et Code dIdentification assignés à votre
Organisation ainsi que le dossier denregistrement des délégués
internationaux qui sera émis à lendroit de votre organisation et qui comprend :
- le Formulaire dEnregistrement ;
- le Formulaire de Réservation de Chambre dHôtel ;
- le Formulaire de Commande de Titres de Voyage (Billets dAvion).
Les demandes de documentation denregistrement des Délégués
Internationaux doivent être adressées au :
A - Secrétariat Central
XIIe Congrès International des ONGs & OCB
- Sommet International sur le Microcrédit et la Microfinance 2007 -
International Development Program
Ms. Elise Abeth Wayle
International Relations Office
1018 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106
United States
Email. intl.development.program@philadelphia.usa.com
TEL. 1-419-781-5220
FAX. 1-419-781-5222
OU au
B Secrétariat Régional
Bureau International
International Development Program
Dr. David Laurel Antwon Quist
618 Boulevard du Mono
01BP07 Lomé TOGO
Tel. +228-978.2979
Email. intl.development.program@africamail.com
Afin d'être considéré pour acceptation, les délégués internationaux
sélectionnés sont requis de s'enregistrer selon les procédures de
lInternational Development Program en soumettant leur Documentation
d'Enregistrement incluant :
1. Le Dossier d'Enregistrement de Délégué International rempli et signé
: Le Dossier devra être dûment rempli et proprement signé par les
délégués sélectionnés dans le but d'être traité par le Bureau des Relations
Internationales de lInternational Development Program fin d'être
officiellement reconnu et enregistré comme Délégué International.
2. Le Formulaire de Réservation de Chambre d'Hôtel: Le Formulaire devra
être dûment rempli signé dans le but de garantir un logement aux
délégués sélectionnés.
3. Le Formulaire de Commande de Billet d'Avion: Le Formulaire devra
être dûment rempli dans le but de garantir les titres de voyages (billets
d'avion) aux délégués sélectionnés.
4. Le Récépissé de Payement des Frais d'Enregistrement : Les frais
d'enregistrement de USD 205.00 + VAT@21.5% = USD 250.00 par délégué
sélectionné devront être versés auprès de notre Représentation Légale en
Afrique par Transfert d'Argent Western Union adressé au :
Dr. David Laurel Antwon Quist
International Bureau
International Development Program
618 Boulevard du Mono
01BP07 Lomé Togo
Tel. +228-978.2979
Email. intl.development.program@africamail.com
La Documentation d'Enregistrement incluant les documents précités devra
être envoyée au Bureau des Relations Internationales de
lInternational Development Program par Fax au +1-419-781-5222 avant la date limite
du 25 Août 2007 pour être enregistrée.
Dans l'attente de la confirmation de votre participation, nous restons
à votre entière disposition pour d'amples informations concernant
cette conférence.
Rejoignez-nous à Philadelphie, et à Birmingham pour réaffirmer notre
engagement à tous vis-à-vis d'une réponse plus forte et plus efficace
face à la pauvreté.
Et faisons de ce rêve une réalité.
Kathleen Michelle Huinnlisk, Ph.D.
The Board of Directors
International Development Program
International Community Fund
1018 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106
Tel. 1-419-781-5220
Fax. 1-419-781-5222
Email. intl.development.program@philadelphia.usa.com
United States
New York and Oxord, 2006 (idf.intl.applicant@usa.com)
From: "INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND" <idf-intl-summit@usa.com>
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2006 12:04:31 +0000
International Development Fund
International Conference
on Human and Community Development
and on Development Financing
General Distr.
May. 3rd, 2006
145 E 49th Street
New York City, New York, 10017
Phone: +1 858 736-2228
Fax: +1 858 400-7141
Dear Colleagues,
We have sent this invitation to you through your postal address
since May 3rd, 2006, but we believe that the invitation might not
have reached you as we do not receive any feedback from you. Hence
we are resending it again via email to your attention.
Taking into account the success of the Second International NGO &
CBO Summit and the great demand of participation from Non
Governmental Organizations and Community Based Organizations from
developing Countries we are pleased to announce to you that the
International Development Funds has scheduled the First Edition of
the International NGOs and CBOs Summit which will take this year.
On behalf of the International Development Fund, the local Hosts
New York and Oxford and the co-organizers of the Third
International NGOs & CBOs Summits on lasting development and
development financing, we have the pleasure to invite you to meet
us on the occasion of one of the most important events in the
framework of the fight for the human and community development
which will take place in New York, United States from 29
5-11 August, 2006 and in Oxford, United Kingdom from 19-24, August 2006 :
The 2006 CONGRESS (Third International NGOs & CBOs Summits on
The International Development Fund (IDF) is a registered charity
501(c) whose aims & objectives are to empower individuals worldwide
through offering grants for business, education, economic
development, and environmental conservation; to support groups
addressing social, economic, and environmental issues and a variety
of philanthropic projects through grants to non-profit
organizations; to provide education and information with a view to
limiting transmission of HIV/AIDS, to support and advocate on
behalf of those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS; to promote the
well-being of mankind by strengthening the capacity of charitable
organizations to provide effective programs of quality.
The strength of the working relations between the International
Development Fund, the local Hosts New York and Oxford, the
co-organizers, (the active participation of representatives of the
international civil society) will contribute to make the 2006
CONGRESS a headlight event in the response to the scourge of
under-development and poverty.
The International Development Fund is determined to
put an end to the scourge by favouring the collaboration between
people living in community with low income, the civil society,
Scientifics, health professionals, enterprises, politics and
community leaders, and all the others participants.
In the light of what precedes, we have the honour to announce to
you the Third International NGOs & CBOs Summits which theme is:
For a lasting human and community development The Financing of
the Development. This conference will bring together 1026
representatives of NGOS of NGOs/CBOs from all over the world and
will take place in New York, United States from 29 Jully to 3th August, 2006 and in Oxford, United Kingdom from 19-24, August 2006; and we are writing to invite you as delegates of your country. We also seize the opportunity to provide you with the Conclusions and Decisions Project of the conference approved by the Preparatory Committee at the fourth session this 6th February 2006. The Conclusions and Decisions Project of the conference which should
result in the adoption of the Consensus of Healey on the financing
of development is submitted to your attention for the purpose of
being studied in order to be discussed during the conference in New
York and Oxford.
The 2006 Summit intends to provide participants the opportunity
to expand their knowledge and skills of the quality required for
the advancement of the fight for peace and, to provide a personal
development experience tailored to the needs of NGOs/CBOs that will
enable participants to review and assess their own capabilities
with a view to identifying ways in which they can increase the
effectiveness of their contribution to the organizations they work
for and to the process of development. Participants from all over
the world will meet in New York and Oxford to share the latest
information, their ideas and lessons to keep in field of research,
politics and human and community development programs. Designed
according to the challenges facing the actors in the response to
the scourge of poverty, the 2006 CONGRESS will be centred on our
common obligation to keep our promises before communities of the
The summit will be conducted on participatory bases with satellite,
plenary and simultaneous sessions followed by general and small
group discussions.
The summit receives financial support from the Mistubishi Bank of
Japan and the Every Johnson Jr. Foundation for the participation of
civil society members from under-developed country. As a result,
the International Development Fund will provide sponsorship for up
to five (05) international delegates from selected organization in
under-developed country only. The International Development Fund
sponsoring covers the following charges:
- the travel ticket including return airplane ticket for selected
delegates from home country to New York (United States) / Oxford
(United Kingdom and vice versa.
- the accommodation for selected delegates,
- the per diem for selected delegates
- the medical insurance for the entire summit duration.
The International Development Fund will not assume responsibility
for costs other than those listed above.
We are pleased to inform you that your organization has been
selected for sponsorship in order to take part in the summit. This
is in recognition of your organizations contribution to the
NGO/CBO movement in your country. You are therefore requested to
nominate five (05) active members from your organization to benefit
from the sponsorship. In order to foster gender balance, we would
appreciate if your delegation contains one or two female
The request for International Delegate Registration Documentation
should be addressed to:
Mrs. Kathryn Goldstein,
Office of International Relations,
International Development Fund
145 E 49th Street
New York City, New York, 10017
by Fax at +1 267 222 5367 or
Email : idf.intl.applicant@usa.com
Note : In order to facilitate communication, we require you provide
us with your full contact details including your telephone (office,
home, mobile) and fax numbers when replying to this invitation.
We are equally anxious to inform organizations managers who intend
to submit a project for financing from the International
Development Fund to request the Project Guide at the Office of
International Relations by Fax at +1 267 413 5961 or by Email at
While we anticipate your response at your earliest convenience,
please do not hesitate to contact us for further information. In
the meantime, you are advised to confirm your organization's
acceptance of the sponsorship offer.
Looking forward to meeting you at the summit in this New Year an Oxford.
Best regards,
Prof. David Jacobson
Summit Chair
International NGO Summit
International Development Fund,
New York.
145 E 49th Street
New York City, New York, 10017
Phone: +1 858 736-2228
Fax: +1 858 400-7141
International Development Fund
Conférence internationale
sur le développement humain
et communautaire durable
et sur le financement du développement
Distr. générale
3 Mai 2006
Original : anglais
Le Bureau des Relations Internationales
Fond International de Développement
International Development Fund
Mrs. Kathryn Goldstein,
145 E 49th Street
New York City, New York, 10017
Chers collègues,
Nous vous avons adressé cette invitation par la poste depuis le 03
Mai 2006, mais nous pensons qu'il se pourrait que
vous ne l'ayez pas reçu. C'est la raison pour laquelle nous vous la
renvoyons par courriel.
Prenant en compte le succés du 2ème Sommet International des ONGs &
OCBs, et compte tenu des nombreuses demandes de participation que
nous avons obtenu mais que nous n'avons pas pu satisfaire nous
avons le plaisir de vous informer que le Fonds International de
Développement a programmer une Premier Edition de ce Sommet
International qui aura lieu cette année.
Au nom de lInternational Development Fund, des Hôtes locaux New
York et Oxford et des co-organisateurs du IIIe Congrès
international sur le développement durable et sur le financement du
développement nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à nous
rejoindre à loccasion dun des plus importants événements dans le
cadre de la lutte pour le développement humain et communautaire,
qui aura lieu à New York, aux Etats-Unis, du 5 au 11 août, 2006 et à
Oxford, au Royaume Uni du 19 au 24 Août, 2006 le CONGRES 2006 (IIIe
Congrès International des ONGs & OCBs sur le développement)
Le Fond International de Développement est une organisation de
charité de droit américain à vocation internationale dont les buts
et les objectifs sont entre autres dassister les individus et les
organisations de part le monde à travers des prêts pour les
affaires, léducation, le développement économique et la protection
de lenvironnement; de soutenir les organisations qui
interviennent dans les domaines sociaux, économiques et
environnementaux et divers projets humanitaires grâce aux dons et
financements; dinformer, déduquer et de sensibiliser les
populations en vue de limiter la propagation du VIH/SIDA, de
soutenir et de défendre les
causes de ceux qui sont déjà infectés et affectés par la pandémie;
de promouvoir le bien-être social à travers le renforcement des
capacités des organisations charitables afin de leur permettre
délaborer et dexécuter des programmes viables.
La force des relations de travail entre lInternational Development
Fund, les Hôtes locaux New York et Oxford, les co-organisateurs,
(ainsi que la participation active de représentants de la société
civile internationale) contribuera à faire du CONGRES 2006 un
événement phare dans la réponse mondiale au fléau du
sous-développement et de la pauvreté.
LInternational Development Fund est résolue à mettre fin au fléau en
favorisant la
collaboration entre les personnes vivant dans les communautés à
faibles revenus, la société civile, les scientifiques, les
professionnels de la santé, les entreprises et les responsables
politiques et communautaires, et tous les autres intervenants.
A la lumière de ce qui précède, nous avons lhonneur de vous
annoncer le Septième Sommet International des ONGs & OCBs dont le
thème retenu cette année est : "Pour un développement humain et
communautaire humain durable - Le Financement du Développement".
Cette Conférence regroupera 1026 représentants d'ONGs et OCBs de
par le monde et aura lieu à New York, aux Etats-Unis, du 29 Juillet au 3 août, 2006 et à
Oxford, au Royaume Uni du 19-24 Août, 2006 et nous
vous écrivons pour vous inviter à y assiter. Par la même occasion
nous vous transmettons le Projet de Conclusions et de Décisions de
la Conférence approuvé par le comité préparatoire de la Conférence
à sa quatrième session ce 6 février 2006. Le projet de conclusions
et de décisions de la Conférence qui devra aboutir, après examen à
lAdoption du Consensus de Healey sur le financement du
développement est soumis à votre attention pour être étudié
préalablement afin dêtre débattu durant les travaux de New York et
Le CONGRES 2006 entend donner aux participants lopportunité
daccroître leur savoir-faire et leur habileté en vue de
lévolution de la lutte contre la pauvreté dune part et dautre
part de permettre aux délégués dacquérir de nouvelles techniques
leur permettant didentifier les voies et moyens par lesquels ils
pourront accroître lefficacité de leur rendement au sein des
organisations dans lesquelles ils travaillent pour la promotion du
développement. Des participants du monde entier se réuniront à New
York et à Oxford pour partager les dernières informations, leurs
idées et les leçons à retenir en matière de recherche, de
politiques et de programmes sur le développement humain et
communautaire. Conçu en fonction des principaux défis que
rencontrent les différents acteurs dans la réponse au fléau de la
pauvreté, le CONGRES 2006 sera axé sur notre obligation commune de
tenir nos promesses aux yeux des communautés du monde entier.
Le Sommet sera conduit sur une base participative en séances
satellites, plénières et simultanées suivie des discussions
générales et en petits groupes.
Le sommet bénéficie du support financier de la Mitsubishi Bank du
Japon et de la Fondation Every Johnson Jr. pour la participation
des organisations et membres de la société civile des pays en voie
de développement. Par ce biais, lInternational Development Fund
sponsorise et prend en charge la participation de cinq (05)
délégués internationaux par ONG/OCB de pays en voie de
développement. Le sponsoring de lInternational Development Fund
couvre les
charges suivantes:
- Le titre de voyage (billet davion) A/R des délégués sélectionnés
du pays de résidence vers New York (Etats-Unis) /Oxford (Royaume
- Le logement et la pension alimentaire des délégués sélectionnés,
- Les pers diem des délégués sélectionnés,
- Lassurance médicale des délégués sélectionnés pendant la durée
de la Conférence.
La fondation ne prendra pas en charge des frais autres que ceux
Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que votre organisation est
retenue pour bénéficier de notre sponsoring afin de prendre part
audit sommet pour sa contribution au processus de développement
dans votre pays. Il vous est ainsi demandé de déléguer cinq (05)
membres de votre organisation pour prendre part au sommet. Afin de
répondre aux polices déquité sexuelle de lInternational
Development Fund, nous vous saurons gré si votre délégation
comprenait une ou deux représentation(s) féminine(S).
Les demandes de documentation denregistrement des Délégués
Internationaux doivent être adressées à :
Mrs. Kathryn Goldstein,
Oganizing Committee Secretariat
International Development Fund
145 E 49th Street
New York City, New York, 10017
by Fax at +1 267 222 5367 ou par
Email: idf.intl.applicant@usa.com
Pour faciliter la communication, nous vous prions de nous donner
vos coordonnées complètes (Tél.bureau, mobile et Fax) dans message
réponse à l'invitation.
Dès réception de notre courrier, nous vous prierons de confirmer
votre intérêt pour la participation au CONGRES 2006 en faisant
parvenir votre manifestation dintérêt par retour de courrier en
réponse à:
Mrs. Kathryn Goldstein,
par Fax: +1 267 222 5367 ou
Nous tenons également à informer les organisations qui désirent
soumettre un projet de financement à lInternational Development
Fund quil pourront solliciter le Guide de Projet auprès du Bureau
des Relations Internationales de lInternational Development Fund
par Fax au +1 267 413 5961 ou par E-mail adressé à : idf-grants@usa.com
Dans lattente de la confirmation de votre participation, nous
restons à votre entière disposition pour damples informations
concernant cette conférence.
Prof. David Jacobson
Summit Chair
Sommet International des ONGs Fond International de
Développement, New York
145 E 49th Street
New York City, New York, 10017
Phone: +1 858 736-2228
Fax: +1 858 400-7141
Montreal and New York City (development.network@canada.com)
IMPORTANT NOTE: If for one reason or another the mail transaction fail, please send your acknowledgement only by fax transmission to +1-484-906-2125
International Network for Partnership
and Sustainable Development
1. Montréal, Québec, Canada from 22th-26th, OCTOBER 2007
2. New York, United States of America (USA) from 5th-10th, NOVEMBER 2007
General Distr.
June. 9, 2007
International Network for Partnership
and Sustainable Development
2675 Promenade Queensview Drive
Montréal, Québec, K4B 9KE, Canada
PHONE: +1-484-782-1539
FAX: +1-484-906-2125
Email: development.network@canada.com
"The United Nations once dealt only with Governments. By now we know that peace and prosperity cannot be achieved without partnerships involving Governments, International al organizations, the business community and civil society. In today's world, we depend on each other."
Kofi Annan,
Former UN Secretary-General
The largest and most diverse international gathering dedicated to a global issue, the Conference brings together delegates from all areas involved in combating the scourgeresearchers, workers, civil society, governments, organisations, activists, donors, industry, the mediawith the central goal of creating long-term strategies for reversing the scourge of poverty
Dear Colleagues,
We have sent this invitation to you by post since June 9, 2007, but we believe that the invitation might not have reached you as we do not receive any feedback from you. Hence we are resending it again via email transmission.
Taking into account the success of the Third International al NGO & CBO Summit and the great demand of participation from Non Governmental Organizations and Community Based Organizations from developing Countries we are pleased to announce to you that the International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development, (INPSD) has scheduled the Fourth Edition of
the International al NGOs and CBOs Summit which will take place in October/November 2007.
On behalf of the International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development, the local Hosts Montréal, QUEBEC and New York and the co-organizers of the Fourth International al NGOs & CBOs Summits on lasting development and development financing, we have the pleasure to invite you to meet us on the occasion of one of the most important events in the framework of the fight for the human and community development which will take place in: Montréal, Québec, Canada from 22th-26th, 0CTOBER 2007
in New York, United States of America (USA) from 5th-10th, NOV. 2007
The International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development((INPSD)) is a registered charity foundation whose aims & objectives are to empower individuals worldwide through offering grants for business, education, economic development, and environmental conservation; to support groups addressing social, economic, and environmental issues and a variety of philanthropic projects through grants to non-profit organizations; to provide education and information with a view to limiting transmission of HIV/AIDS, to support and advocate on behalf of those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS; to promote the well-being of mankind by strengthening the capacity of charitable organizations to provide effective programs of quality.
The strength of the working relations between the International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development, the local Hosts Montréal, QUEBEC and New York, the co-organizers, (the active participation of representatives of the International al civil society will contribute to make the 2007 Forum a headlight event in the response to the scourge of under-development and poverty.
The International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development is determined to put an end to the scourge by favouring the collaboration between people living in community with low income, the civil society, Scientifics, health professionals, enterprises, politics and
community leaders, and all the others participants.
The theme of this summit is Partnership, Microcredit and Sustainable Development. This conference will bring together 1026 representatives of NGOS and NGOs/CBOs alongside with Scientifics, health professionals, enterprises, politics and community leaders from around the world and we are writing to invite you as delegates of your country.
The 2007 Summit intends to provide participants with the opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills of the quality required for the advancement of the fight against Poverty and, to provide a personal development experience tailored to the needs of NGOs/CBOs that will enable participants to review and assess their own capabilities with a view to identifying ways in which they can increase the effectiveness of their contribution to the organizations they work for and to the process of development. Participants from all over
the world will meet in Montréal, QUEBEC and New York to share the latest information, their ideas and lessons to keep in field of research, politics and human and community development programs. Designed according to the challenges facing the actors in the response to the scourge of poverty, the 2007 CONGRESS will be centred on our common obligation to keep our promises before communities of the world.
The summit will be conducted on participatory bases with satellite, plenary and simultaneous sessions followed by general and small group discussions.
The summit receives financial support from the Mistubishi Bank of Japan and the Every Johnson Jr. Foundation for the participation of civil society members from under-developed country. As a result,the International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development will provide sponsorship for up to three (03) International al delegates from selected organizations in
under-developed country only. The sponsorship package include :
- travel tickets from home country to Montréal, QUEBEC(Canada) / New York
(USA) and vice versa.
- accommodation
- meals and refreshment
- per diem
- medical insurance for the entire summit duration.
However, each delegate is required to pay a registration fee of 290 Euro or itS equivalent in United States Dollars or local currency. The International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development will not assume responsibility for costs other than the ones listed above.
We are pleased to inform you that your organization has been selected for sponsorship in order to take part in the summit. This is in recognition of your organizations contribution to the NGO/CBO movement in your country. You are therefore requested to nominate three (03) active members from your organization to benefit from the sponsorship. In order to foster gender balance, we would appreciate if your delegation contains a female participant.
Each participant is required to register for participation in the Summit by sending the following documents to the Organizing Committee by fax +1-484-906-2125 before the date of MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2007.
1- The Completed Registration Form:
You will require the Registration Form from the Summit Organizing Committee in Montréal, QUEBEC through Fax transmission at +1-484-906-2125
or through email at development.network@canada.com
You will require the Registration Form from the Summit Organizing Committee in New York either by fax and/or email addressed to:
International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development
PHONE: +1-253-369-9885
FAX: +1-253-595-9513
EMAIL: intl.partnership.network@newyork.usa.com
2- The Payment Slip of the Registration Fee. Please contact the Registration Office for the Payment modalities.
The request for International Delegate Registration Documentation
should be addressed to:
Mrs. Anne-Marie Sinclair ,
Office of International al Relations,
International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development
FAX: +1-484-906-2125
EMAIL: development.network@canada.com
Note : In order to facilitate effective and interactive communication, we require you to provide us with your full contact details including your telephone (office, mobile) and fax number(s) when replying to this invitation.
We encourage NGOs that intend to submit a project for financing from the Global Partnership for OVeseas Development ((INPSD)) to request the Project Guide at the Office of International al
Relations by Fax at +1-484-906-2125 or by Email development.network@canada.com
While we anticipate your response at your earliest convenience, please do not hesitate to contact us for further information. In the meantime, you are advised to confirm your organization's acceptance of the sponsorship offer.
We anticipate your response soon; please do not hesitate to contact us for further information. Meanwhile, you are advised to confirm your acceptance of the sponsorship offer.
Looking forward to your participation in the summits.
Best regards,
Prof. David R. Oppenheimer
Summit Chair
International al NGO Summit
International Network for Partnership
and Sustainable Development,
Montréal, Québec-Canada .
International Network for Partnership
and Sustainable Development
2675 Promenade Queensview Drive
Montréal, Québec, K4B 9KE, Canada
PHONE: +1-484-906-2125
FAX: +1-484-906-2125
EMAIL: development.network@canada.com
International Network for Partnership
and Sustainable Development
1. Montréal, Québec, Canada du 22 au 26 Octobre 2007
2. New York, Etats-Unis d'Amérique (USA) du 05 au 10 Novembre 2007
Distr. générale
09 JUIN 2007
Original : anglais
Le Bureau des Relations International ales
International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development
Mrs. Anne-Marie Sinclair ,
Montréal, QUEBEC Canada
Chers collègues,
Nous vous avons adressé cette invitation par la poste depuis le 09 JUIN 2007, mais nous pensons qu'il se pourrait que vous ne l'ayez pas reçue. C'est la raison pour laquelle nous vous la renvoyons par courrier électronique.
Prenant en compte le succés du 3ème Sommet International al des ONGs & OCBs, et compte tenu des nombreuses demandes de participation que nous avons enrégistrées mais que nous n'avons pas pu satisfaire, nous avons le plaisir de vous informer aue le International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development a programmer une Quatrième Edition de ce Sommet International al qui aura lieu en Octobre/Novembre 2007.
Au nom de International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development, des Hôtes locaux Montréal, Québec et New York et des co-organisateurs du IIIe Congrès International al sur le développement durable et sur le financement du développement nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à vous joindre à nous à loccasion dun des plus importants événements dans le cadre de la lutte contre la pauvreté et pour le développement humain et communautaire, qui aura lieu à Montréal, QUEBEC, CANADA du 22 au 26 Octobre 2007 et à New York, aux (Etats-Unis d'Amérique (USA) du 05 au 10 Novembre 2007.
Le International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development est une organisation de charité de droit canadien à vocation International ale dont les buts et les objectifs sont entre autres dassister les individus et les organisations de part le monde à travers des prêts pour les affaires, léducation, le développement économique et la protection de lenvironnement; de soutenir les organisations qui interviennent dans les domaines sociaux, économiques et environnementaux et divers projets humanitaires grâce aux dons et financements; dinformer, déduquer et de sensibiliser les populations en vue de limiter la propagation du VIH/SIDA, de soutenir et de défendre les causes de ceux qui sont déjà infectés et affectés par la pandémie; de promouvoir le bien-être social à travers le renforcement des capacités des organisations charitables afin de leur permettre
délaborer et dexécuter des programmes viables.
La force des relations de travail le International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development, les Hôtes locaux de Montréal, QUEBEC et New York, les co-organisateurs, (ainsi que la participation active de représentants de la société civile Internationalale) contribuera à faire du CONGRES 2007 un événement phare dans la réponse mondiale au fléau du sous-développement et de la pauvreté.
Le International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development est résolue à mettre fin au fléau en favorisant la collaboration entre les personnes vivant dans les communautés à faibles revenus, la société civile, les scientifiques, les professionnels de la santé, les entreprises et les responsables politiques et communautaires, et tous les autres intervenants.
A la lumière de ce qui précède, nous avons lhonneur de vous annoncer le IVème Sommet International al des ONGs & OCBs dont le thème retenu cette année est : "Partenariat, Microcrédit et développement humain et humain durable".
Cette Conférence regroupera 2026 représentants d'ONGs et OCBs, la société civile, les scientifiques, les professionnels de la santé, le secteur privé, les donateurs et les responsables politiques et communautaires, et tous les autres individus intéressés par les questions de développement de par le monde et nous vous envoyons cette correpondance pour vous inviter à y participer.
Le CONGRES 2007 entend donner aux participants lopportunité daccroître leur savoir-faire et leur habileté en vue de lévolution de la lutte contre la pauvreté dune part et dautre part de permettre aux délégués dacquérir de nouvelles techniques
leur permettant didentifier les voies et moyens par lesquels ils pourront accroître lefficacité de leur rendement au sein des organisations dans lesquelles ils travaillent pour la promotion du développement. Des participants du monde entier se réuniront à New York et à New York pour partager les dernières informations, leurs idées et les leçons à retenir en matière de recherche, de politiques et de programmes sur le développement humain et Communautaire. Conçu en fonction des principaux défis que rencontrent les différents acteurs dans la réponse au fléau de la pauvreté, le CONGRES 2007 sera axé sur notre obligation commune de
tenir nos promesses aux yeux des communautés du monde entier.
Le Sommet sera conduit sur une base participative en séances satellites, plénières et simultanées suivie des discussions générales et en petits groupes.
Le sommet bénéficie du support financier de la Mitsubishi Bank du Japon et de la Fondation Every Johnson Jr. pour la participation des organisations et membres de la société civile des pays en voie de développement. Par ce faire, le International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development sponsorise et prend en charge la participation de trois (03) délégués International aux par ONG/OCB de pays en voie de développement. Le sponsoring de International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development
couvre les charges suivantes:
- Le titre de voyage (billet davion) A/R des délégués sélectionnés
du pays de résidence vers Montréal, QUEBEC(Canada) /New York et vice versa;
- Le logement et la pension alimentaire ,
- Les pers diem des délégués sélectionnés,
- Lassurance médicale
- les per diem pendant toute la durée des travaux du forum. Cependant, chaque délégué est tenu de s'acquitter des frais d'inscription de 290 EUROS ou son équivalant en USD ou en monnaie locale par conférence.
La fondation ne prendra pas en charge des frais autres que ceux susmentionnés.
Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que votre organisation est retenue pour bénéficier de notre sponsoring afin de prendre part audit sommet en reconnaissance à sa contribution au processus de développement dans votre pays. Il vous est ainsi demandé de déléguer (03) TROIS membres de votre organisation pour prendre part au sommet. Afin de répondre à notre politique déquité sexuelle, nous vous saurons gré si votre délégation comprenait une représentante féminine.
Chaque participant est requis de s'enregistrer en faisant parvenir les documents suivants au Bureau du Comite d'Organisation par fax au +1-484-906-2125 AVANT LA DATE DU LUNDI 15 OCTOBRE 2007.
1- Le Formulaire d'Enregistrement dûment rempli:
* POUR LA CONFERENCE DE Montréal, Québec, Canada : Vous demanderez le Formulaire d'Enregistrement auprès du Bureau des Admissions International ales à
Montréal, QUEBECpar fax au +1-484-906-2125 ou par email au development.network@canada.com
* POUR LA CONFERENCE de New York : Vous demanderez le Formulaire d'Enregistrement auprès du Bureau des Admissions International ales à New York par fax au + ou par email au
2- La Preuve de Payement des Frais d'Enregistrement. Pour les modalités de payment des frais d'inscription, veuillez vous adresser au Bureau des Inscriptions.
Les demandes de documentation denregistrement des Délégués International aux doivent être adressées à pour la conférence de Montréal, Québec, Canada:
Mrs. Anne-Marie Sinclair,
Office of International al Relations,
International Network for Partnership
and Sustainable Development
FAX: +1-484-906-2125
EMAIL: development.network@canada.com
et à
International Network for Partnership
and Sustainable Development
PHONE: +1-253-369-9885
FAX: +1-253-595-9513
EMAIL: intl.partnership.network@newyork.usa.com
Pour la Conférence de New York aux USA. (Si vous souhaitez prendre part aux deux (02) sommets à la fois, veuillez adresser votre demande de documentation à Mrs Anne-MArie Sinclair. De même, si vous ne faites pas partie d'aucune organisation et que vous souhaitez participer à cette conférence à titre individuel, adresser également votre demande de participation à Mrs Anne-MArie Sinclair.
Pour faciliter la communication, nous vous prions de nous donner vos coordonnées complètes (Tél.bureau, mobile et Fax) dans message réponse à l'invitation.
Nous tenons également à informer les organisations qui désirent soumettre un projet de financement au International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development
quil pourront solliciter le Guide de Projet auprès du Bureau des Relations International ales par Fax au +1-484-906-2125 ou par courrier électronique adressé à : development.network@canada.com
Dans lattente de la confirmation de votre participation, nous restons à votre entière disposition pour damples informations
concernant cette conférence.
Prof. David R. Oppenheimer
Summit Chair
Sommet International al des ONGs,
Montréal, QUEBEC- Canada
International Network for Partnership
and Sustainable Development
2675 Promenade Queensview Drive
Montréal, Québec, K4B 9KE, Canada
PHONE: +1-484-906-2125
FAX: +1-484-906-2125
EMAIL: development.network@canada.com
If you no longer wish to receive these emails, or you wish to update your profile, please click here.
tatiana dreamz (dreamztatiana@gmail.com)
Bonjour mon trés cher,
C'est avec un grand plaisir que je me suis mise à t'écrire ce message.Tu sais chez nous, l'amitié est très précieuse. La rencontre d'une personne nous apporte toujours quelque chose de nouveau. C'est donc une très grande expérience pour moi de communiquer avec d'autres au bout du monde d'origines différentes et aussi de différentes religions comme toi..
Je me norme Tatiana, j'ai 28 ans j'habite au quebec (Montréal). Je démeurre célibataire à cause de l'infidélité que m'ont fait vivre les garçons au canada, et c'est d'ailleurs la raison pour laquelle j'ai décidé de faire tout le reste de ma vie avec toi et jespére que toi à ton tour ne vas pas me décourager. J'aime lire, la musique,la conduite sur de longues distances et surtout les voyages. je suis secrétaire dans l'entreprise de mon oncle. Notre désir le plus préoccupant est de correspondre avec les gens pour avoir des renseignements sur leurs pays savoir les moeurs, les coutumes, etc......
Je suis actuellement en attente des conférences des jeunes du monde organisée par une organisation non gouvernementale dont je fait partie "GLOBAL YOUTH WELFARE" et dont le site web est : www.globalyouth.com qui se portera sur "le RACISME et la DISCRIMINATION" qui se tiendra au Québec.Nous devons inviter quelques délégations de l'Afrique .Tu pourrait sûrement m'aider en me mettant en contact avec une organisation de jeunes de ton pays qui aimerait participer à ces réunions qui aurons lieu au Canada et plus précisément au Quebec du 17 décembre au 11 janvier2008.Tu pourras leurs dire que s'ils veulent participer à ces conférences ils devrontcontacter la directrice générale et présidente du comité d'organisation à cette adresse : directrice.gyw@yahoo.fr pour prendre les renseignement nécessaires.Et s'ils veulent que leurs demandes soient prisent en considération,ils doivent présenter:
1-Le profil de leur organisation. (Laprésentation)
2-Les objectifs de leur organisation. (Les projets)
3-Les réalisations de l'organisation.(ce qui à déjà été fait)
4-Les noms de leurs représentants qui seront auxforums
Après la réception de ces informations, le comité d'organisation dont je fait partie prendra en considération votre demande et vous invitera officiellement à participer aux évènements.Nos sponsors (indépendants) prendront la charge de vos billets d'avions et de l'hébergement et tout leur séjour au Canada jusqu'a votre retour dans votre pays d'origine. Le comité d'organisation se chargera aussi des demandes de visas pour tout les participants pour le Canada en contact avec notre ambassade dans votre pays.Si tu es intéressé personnellement, tu peux former un groupe de six personnes au plus, vous pouvez être de nationalité différentes ou de même nationalité.Mais vous devez être dans le même pays pour l'obtention facile de votre visa de groupe.Mais l'idéal serait que vous soyez de même nationalité.Vous pouvez contacter tout de suite la directrice générale de la "GLOBAL YOUTH WELFARE" et lui adresser une lettre de présentation de votre groupe (noms, prénoms, âges et professions) sous forme de demande de participation en lui précisant que c'est, moi qui vous ai fait part des activités de la GYW. Vous ne serez plus dans ce cas obligés de lui présenter les objectifs et autres car vous êtes juste un groupe et non une orgnisation.
Je ne pourrais t'écrire tous les jours parce que je suis très prise par les préparatifs et je te prie aussi de t'efforcer à m'écrire concernant tes démarches en attendant qu'on se connaisse assez pour parler de nous deux lorsque nous serons ensemble ici.Je préfèrerai que tu te concentre plus sur l'obtention de ton visa et toi et moi ferons connaissance ici même.C'est pour celà que je t'écrirai pas trop sur moi mais sur les conférences. Nous, nous aurons tout notre temps. Saches aussi que si je ne t'écrit pas pendant deux ou trois jours, je suis en mission ou j'ai beucoup de travail mais je ne couperai jamais les ponds sans t'en avertir. Pour toutes questions concernant la conférence, veuillez vous adressez à la DG elle vous donnera toutes les réponses. Je te redonne son adresse: directrice.gyw@gmail.com . J'espère que tu me donneras l'occasion de te rencontrer en accélérant tes démarches comme je te les ai prescrites.
Ps: Je m'excuse pour mon français approximatif mais je m'exprime mieux en anglais et mon rêve est de perfectionner mon français et j'aimerai que tu m'aide à le faire en m'écrivant exceptionnellement en français.
Bisou !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Je t'ai parlé de moi pour que tu saches qui je suis déjà. Dans ta prochaine lettre, j'aimerai que tu me dises clairement si tu peux participer aux conférences ou pas. Si oui, nous ne continuirons que dans le sens des démarches pour ta venue ici. je ne pourrai aller plus loin dans une relation que lorsque nous nous serons rencontrés.Informes moi donc dès que tu sentiras que tu ne pourras pas remplir les conditioins au fur et à mesure qu'avanceront les démarches ou rassures moi pour que je te prépare une arrivée digne. Ne t'étonnes donc pas si tu ne reçois pas de reponse à certaines de tes lettres. Ce serait causé par mes déplacement infinis en vu des préparatifs de ces conférences. je te prie juste de me faire un méssage les lundi, mercredi, et vendredi pour être plus sûr de ma reponse. Tu verras, après les conférences, je serait très libre pour toi. Espérant que tu me fasses confiance et que tu me comprennes parfaitement.
May 2008 / Houston (aidshuman@secretary.net)
Subject: Aids humanitarian applicantion form and procedures
120 West School Street P O Box 617 Stanton, Texas 79782
Tel: 1-432-577-6714
State office fax: 1-270-513-6571
Secretary office: aidshuman@secretary.net
Inquiry Office: aidshuman@socialworker.net
Dear applicant,
We welcome you to the Aids Humanitarian International organization, we are providing an excellent opportunity for pro-active youths, non-employees and job seekers who are intersted to work with us . A.H.I.O has made available a number of sponsor's opportunities alongside this recruitment programme.This recruitment programme is designed to give focus on youths, groups and Association valuable contact within the sector.
A.H.I.O FOREIGN WORKER'S RECRUITMENT PROGRAMME CENTER. (A.H.I.O) USA,Canada,Australia,Africa and Asia under the auspices of WORLD RECRUITMENT PROGRAMME) we are informing groups, youths and youth-focused organizations to take an active role in the forth-coming workers recruitment program. It is not open for every body, but since you are recommended by one of our member, the opportunity will be given to you or your group to participate and work with us as we only accept participants under recommendation for our Conference and Recruitment, but since your recommendation comes from one of our colleagues we shall give the sector.
The forth-coming workers recruitment program registration is scheduled to take place in our Conference and Recruitment registration Center in Canada,USA and UK the registration will take palce in Conference and Recruitment Center Secretariat in South Africa.
Registration close on the February 4th, 2008, you have to register immediately you receive this procedures because our registration may close immediately we have the number of registered applicants needed for the 2008 Conference and Recruitment
The first Conference which will take place in Houston Convention Hall Center Southwest Freeway Houston,Texas
in USA, between 27th May to 30th may 2008 while the second Conference which is scheduled to take place in Canada between 8th June to 11th June 2008
This program is dedicated to both EMPLOYEES AND UNEMPLOYEES World Wide Over where our invitation will be extended, any group or individual that receive our recommendation is entitled to participate in the forth coming Workers Recruitment Programme regardless of your religion or belief.
Only One to fiften , Men or Women are expected to participate together as a group from each Country.
Those interested to participates in the forth coming Conference and workers recruitment programme should send their:
(1) Attach One passport photo in the Application form. (as a group Leader if you are coming as a group)
(2) Names, Country of origin and country of residents.
(3) Passport numbers,
(4 ) Number of applicant(s)
The Organization will send each group a cheque payment that will cover all the expenses during the trip for each group, example, the membership registration fee, accommodation in US and Canada, visas assistance and flight ticket. Contact our Organization Senior Advocate in Europe via : aidshuman@diplomats.com for the check payment and with the number of your group
We will open your Participation file(s) as soon as we receive your filled application form which is attached with this mail. You should send us your registration confirmation letter as soon as you register from Conference and Recruitment Center Secretariat in Europe, along with the scanned international Passport copies of your group.
Visa assistance:
We cannot add or reduce any given requirements for the authorization of applicants visas participating in this Program. applicants requiring the Canadian and USA Visa Assistance must meet all the requirements. The organizing committee will render Visa assistance and flight ticket to all applicants requiring Canadian and USA Visa for this program. We are working with dates and directives from the USA and Canadian Immigration Office, the authority that is in charge of authorization of group work permit visas.
Remember to forward your names, passports number, country of origin and resident as soon as possible in order to open a file for your group and commence the processing
All our applicants who are not professionals must undergo one months training and orientation in different fields of profession in USA or Canada, the recruited workers will receive half of the annual payment after the one months training and orientation,all Applicants shall commence work in US and Canada immediately after the one month orientation.
Kindly reach us with your resumes/CV's while returning the application form with the regsitration confirmation letter from Conference and Recruitment registration Center Secretariat in office Europe or Canada..
Thanks for your co-operation.
Mrs Calyn Antonio
Secretary Department A.H.I.O
Montréal / New York / Jan/Feb 2008 (development.network@canada.com)
Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2007 14:21:28 +0000 (GMT)
From: The Conference Organizing Committee <development.network@canada.com>
Reply-To: "The Conference Organizing Committee" <The_Conference_Organizing_Comm_rrrqtsz@cmpgnr.com>
Subject: Conference Notification [Seconde Reminder]
IMPORTANT NOTE: If for one reason or another the mail transaction failS, please send your acknowledgement only by fax transmission to +1-440-388-9509
"The United Nations once dealt only with Governments. By now we know that peace and prosperity cannot be achieved without partnerships involving Governments, International al organizations, the business community and civil society. In today's world, we depend on each other."
Kofi Annan,
Former UN Secretary-General
The largest and most diverse international gathering dedicated to a global issue, the Conference brings together delegates from all areas involved in combating the scourgeresearchers, workers, civil society, governments, organisations, activists, donors, industry, the mediawith the central goal of creating long-term strategies for reversing the scourge of poverty
International Network for Partnership
and Sustainable Development
1. Montréal, Québec, Canada from 7th-12th,JANUARY 2008
2. New York, United States of America (USA) from 21st-25th, JANUARY 2008
General Distr.
October. 22, 2007
International Network for Partnership
and Sustainable Development
2675 Promenade Queensview Drive
Montréal, Québec, K4B 9KE, Canada
PHONE: +1-440-348-6562
FAX: +1-440-388-9509
Email: development.network@canada.com
Dear Colleagues,
We have sent this invitation to you by post since 22nd October, 2007, but we believe that the invitation might not have reached you as we do not receive any feedback from you. Hence we are resending it again via email transmission.
Taking into account the success of the Third International al NGO & CBO Summit and the great demand of participation from Non Governmental Organizations and Community Based Organizations from developing Countries we are pleased to announce to you that the International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development, (INPSD) has scheduled the Fourth Edition of
the International al NGOs and CBOs Summit which will take place in January 2008.
On behalf of the International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development, the local Hosts Montréal, QUEBEC and New York and the co-organizers of the Fourth International al NGOs & CBOs Summits on lasting development and development financing, we have the pleasure to invite you to meet us on the occasion of one of the most important events in the framework of the fight for the human and community development which will take place in: Montréal, Québec, Canada from 7th-12th, January 2008
in New York, United States of America (USA) from 21st-25th, Janauary 2008.
The International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development(INPSD) is a registered charity foundation whose aims & objectives are to empower individuals worldwide through offering grants for business, education, economic development, and environmental conservation; to support groups addressing social, economic, and environmental issues and a variety of philanthropic projects through grants to non-profit organizations; to provide education and information with a view to limiting transmission of HIV/AIDS, to support and advocate on behalf of those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS; to promote the well-being of mankind by strengthening the capacity of charitable organizations to provide effective programs of quality.
The strength of the working relations between the International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development, the local Hosts Montréal, QUEBEC and New York, the co-organizers, (the active participation of representatives of the International al civil society will contribute to make the 2008 Forum a headlight event in the response to the scourge of under-development and poverty.
The International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development is determined to put an end to the scourge by favouring the collaboration between people living in community with low income, the civil society, Scientifics, health professionals, enterprises, politics and
community leaders, and all the others participants.
The theme of this summit is "Partnership, Microcredit and Sustainable Development". This conference will bring together 1026 representatives of NGOS and NGOs/CBOs alongside with Scientifics, health professionals, enterprises, politics and community leaders from around the world and we are writing to invite you as delegates of your country.
The 2008 Summit intends to provide participants with the opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills of the quality required for the advancement of the fight against Poverty and, to provide a personal development experience tailored to the needs of NGOs/CBOs that will enable participants to review and assess their own capabilities with a view to identifying ways in which they can increase the effectiveness of their contribution to the organizations they work for and to the process of development. Participants from all over
the world will meet in Montréal, QUEBEC and New York to share the latest information, their ideas and lessons to keep in field of research, politics and human and community development programs. Designed according to the challenges facing the actors in the response to the scourge of poverty, the 2008 CONGRESS will be centred on our common obligation to keep our promises before communities of the world.
The summit will be conducted on participatory bases with satellite, plenary and simultaneous sessions followed by general and small group discussions.
The summit receives financial support from the Mistubishi Bank of Japan and the Every Johnson Jr. Foundation for the participation of civil society members from under-developed country. As a result,the International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development will provide sponsorship for up to three (03) International al delegates from selected organizations in
under-developed country only. The sponsorship package include :
- travel tickets from home country to Montréal, QUEBEC(Canada) / New York
(USA) and vice versa.
- accommodation
- meals and refreshment
- per diem
- medical insurance for the entire summit duration.
However, each delegate is required to pay a registration fee of 290 Euro or itS equivalent in United States Dollars or local currency. The International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development will not assume responsibility for costs other than the ones listed above.
We are pleased to inform you that your organization has been selected for sponsorship in order to take part in the summit. This is in recognition of your organization's contribution to the NGO/CBO movement in your country. You are therefore requested to nominate three (03) active members from your organization to benefit from the sponsorship. In order to foster gender balance, we would appreciate if your delegation contains a female participant.
Each participant is required to register for participation in the Summit by sending the following documents to the Organizing Committee by fax +1-440-388-9509 before the date of MONDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2007.
1- The Completed Registration Form:
You will require the Registration Form from the Summit Organizing Committee in Montréal, QUEBEC through Fax transmission at +1-440-388-9509
or through email at development.network@canada.com
You will require the Registration Form from the Summit Organizing Committee in New York either by fax and/or email addressed to:
International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development
PHONE: +1-309-218-9367
FAX: +1-309-431-8310
EMAIL: intl.partnership.network@newyork.usa.com
2- The Payment Slip of the Registration Fee. Please contact the Registration Office for the Payment modalities.
The request for International Delegate Registration Documentation
should be addressed to:
Mrs. Anne-Marie Sinclair ,
Office of International al Relations,
International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development
FAX: +1-440-388-9509
EMAIL: development.network@canada.com
Note : In order to facilitate effective and interactive communication, we require you to provide us with your full contact details including your telephone (office, mobile) and fax number(s) when replying to this invitation.
We encourage NGOs that intend to submit a project for financing from the Global Partnership for OVeseas Development ((INPSD)) to request the Project Guide at the Office of International al
Relations by Fax at +1-440-388-9509 or by Email development.network@canada.com
While we anticipate your response at your earliest convenience, please do not hesitate to contact us for further information. In the meantime, you are advised to confirm your organization's acceptance of the sponsorship offer.
We anticipate your response soon; please do not hesitate to contact us for further information. Meanwhile, you are advised to confirm your acceptance of the sponsorship offer.
Looking forward to your participation in the summits.
Best regards,
Prof. David R. Oppenheimer
Summit Chair
International al NGO Summit
International Network for Partnership
and Sustainable Development,
Montréal, Québec-Canada .
International Network for Partnership
and Sustainable Development
2675 Promenade Queensview Drive
Montréal, Québec, K4B 9KE, Canada
PHONE: +1-440-388-9509
FAX: +1-440-388-9509
EMAIL: development.network@canada.com
International Network for Partnership
and Sustainable Development
1. Montréal, Québec, Canada du 7 au 12 Janvier 2008
2. New York, Etats-Unis d'Amérique (USA) du 21 au 25 Janvier 2008
Distr. générale
22 Octobre 2007
Original : anglais
Le Bureau des Relations International ales
International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development
Mrs. Anne-Marie Sinclair ,
Montréal, QUEBEC Canada
Chers collègues,
Nous vous avons adressé cette invitation par la poste depuis le 22 OCTOBRE 2007, mais nous pensons qu'il se pourrait que vous ne l'ayez pas reçue. C'est la raison pour laquelle nous vous la renvoyons par courrier électronique.
Prenant en compte le succés du 3ème Sommet International al des ONGs & OCBs, et compte tenu des nombreuses demandes de participation que nous avons enrégistrées mais que nous n'avons pas pu satisfaire, nous avons le plaisir de vous informer aue le International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development a programmer une Quatrième Edition de ce Sommet International al qui aura lieu en Janvier 2008.
Au nom de International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development, des Hôtes locaux Montréal, Québec et New York et des co-organisateurs du IIIe Congrès International al sur le développement durable et sur le financement du développement nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à vous joindre à nous à l'occasion d'un des plus importants événements dans le cadre de la lutte contre la pauvreté et pour le développement humain et communautaire, qui aura lieu à Montréal, QUEBEC, CANADA du 07 au 12 Janvier 2008 et à New York, aux (Etats-Unis d'Amérique (USA) du 21 au 25 Janvier 2008.
Le International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development est une organisation de charité de droit canadien à vocation International ale dont les buts et les objectifs sont entre autres d'assister les individus et les organisations de part le monde à travers des prêts pour les affaires, l'éducation, le développement économique et la protection de l'environnement; de soutenir les organisations qui interviennent dans les domaines sociaux, économiques et environnementaux et divers projets humanitaires grâce aux dons et financements; d'informer, d'éduquer et de sensibiliser les populations en vue de limiter la propagation du VIH/SIDA, de soutenir et de défendre les causes de ceux qui sont déjà infectés et affectés par la pandémie; de promouvoir le bien-être social à travers le renforcement des capacités des organisations charitables afin de leur permettre
d'élaborer et d'exécuter des programmes viables.
La force des relations de travail le International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development, les Hôtes locaux de Montréal, QUEBEC et New York, les co-organisateurs, (ainsi que la participation active de représentants de la société civile Internationalale) contribuera à faire du CONGRES 2008 un événement phare dans la réponse mondiale au fléau du sous-développement et de la pauvreté.
Le International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development est résolue à mettre fin au fléau en favorisant la collaboration entre les personnes vivant dans les communautés à faibles revenus, la société civile, les scientifiques, les professionnels de la santé, les entreprises et les responsables politiques et communautaires, et tous les autres intervenants.
A la lumière de ce qui précède, nous avons l'honneur de vous annoncer le IVème Sommet International al des ONGs & OCBs dont le thème retenu cette année est : "Partenariat, Microcrédit et développement humain et humain durable".
Cette Conférence regroupera 2026 représentants d'ONGs et OCBs, la société civile, les scientifiques, les professionnels de la santé, le secteur privé, les donateurs et les responsables politiques et communautaires, et tous les autres individus intéressés par les questions de développement de par le monde et nous vous envoyons cette correpondance pour vous inviter à y participer.
Le CONGRES 2008 entend donner aux participants l'opportunité d'accroître leur savoir-faire et leur habileté en vue de l'évolution de la lutte contre la pauvreté d'une part et d'autre part de permettre aux délégués d'acquérir de nouvelles techniques
leur permettant d'identifier les voies et moyens par lesquels ils pourront accroître l'efficacité de leur rendement au sein des organisations dans lesquelles ils travaillent pour la promotion du développement. Des participants du monde entier se réuniront à New York et à New York pour partager les dernières informations, leurs idées et les leçons à retenir en matière de recherche, de politiques et de programmes sur le développement humain et Communautaire. Conçu en fonction des principaux défis que rencontrent les différents acteurs dans la réponse au fléau de la pauvreté, le CONGRES 2008 sera axé sur notre obligation commune de
tenir nos promesses aux yeux des communautés du monde entier.
Le Sommet sera conduit sur une base participative en séances satellites, plénières et simultanées suivie des discussions générales et en petits groupes.
Le sommet bénéficie du support financier de la Mitsubishi Bank du Japon et de la Fondation Every Johnson Jr. pour la participation des organisations et membres de la société civile des pays en voie de développement. Par ce faire, le International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development sponsorise et prend en charge la participation de trois (03) délégués International aux par ONG/OCB de pays en voie de développement. Le sponsoring de International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development
couvre les charges suivantes:
- Le titre de voyage (billet d'avion) A/R des délégués sélectionnés
du pays de résidence vers Montréal, QUEBEC(Canada) /New York et vice versa;
- Le logement et la pension alimentaire ,
- Les pers diem des délégués sélectionnés,
- L'assurance médicale
- les per diem pendant toute la durée des travaux du forum. Cependant, chaque délégué est tenu de s'acquitter des frais d'inscription de 290 EUROS ou son équivalant en USD ou en monnaie locale par conférence.
La fondation ne prendra pas en charge des frais autres que ceux susmentionnés.
Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que votre organisation est retenue pour bénéficier de notre sponsoring afin de prendre part audit sommet en reconnaissance à sa contribution au processus de développement dans votre pays. Il vous est ainsi demandé de déléguer (03) TROIS membres de votre organisation pour prendre part au sommet. Afin de répondre à notre politique d'équité sexuelle, nous vous saurons gré si votre délégation comprenait une représentante féminine.
Chaque participant est requis de s'enregistrer en faisant parvenir les documents suivants au Bureau du Comite d'Organisation par fax au +1-440-388-9509 AVANT LA DATE DU LUNDI 17 JANVIER 2008.
1- Le Formulaire d'Enregistrement dûment rempli:
* POUR LA CONFERENCE DE Montréal, Québec, Canada : Vous demanderez le Formulaire d'Enregistrement auprès du Bureau des Admissions International ales à
Montréal, QUEBECpar fax au +1-440-388-9509 ou par email au development.network@canada.com
* POUR LA CONFERENCE de New York : Vous demanderez le Formulaire d'Enregistrement auprès du Bureau des Admissions International ales à New York par fax au + ou par email au
2- La Preuve de Payement des Frais d'Enregistrement. Pour les modalités de payment des frais d'inscription, veuillez vous adresser au Bureau des Inscriptions.
Les demandes de documentation d'enregistrement des Délégués International aux doivent être adressées à pour la conférence de Montréal, Québec, Canada:
Mrs. Anne-Marie Sinclair,
Office of International al Relations,
International Network for Partnership
and Sustainable Development
FAX: +1-440-388-9509
EMAIL: development.network@canada.com
et à
International Network for Partnership
and Sustainable Development
PHONE: +1-309-218-9367
FAX: +1-309)-431-8310
EMAIL: intl.partnership.network@newyork.usa.com
Pour la Conférence de New York aux USA. (Si vous souhaitez prendre part aux deux (02) sommets à la fois, veuillez adresser votre demande de documentation à Mrs Anne-MArie Sinclair. De même, si vous ne faites pas partie d'aucune organisation et que vous souhaitez participer à cette conférence à titre individuel, adresser également votre demande de participation à Mrs Anne-MArie Sinclair.
Pour faciliter la communication, nous vous prions de nous donner vos coordonnées complètes (Tél.bureau, mobile et Fax) dans message réponse à l'invitation.
Nous tenons également à informer les organisations qui désirent soumettre un projet de financement au International Network for Partnership and Sustainable Development
qu'il pourront solliciter le Guide de Projet auprès du Bureau des Relations International ales par Fax au +1-440-388-9509 ou par courrier électronique adressé à : development.network@canada.com
Dans l'attente de la confirmation de votre participation, nous restons à votre entière disposition pour d'amples informations
concernant cette conférence.
Prof. David R. Oppenheimer
Summit Chair
Sommet International al des ONGs,
Montréal, QUEBEC- Canada
International Network for Partnership
and Sustainable Development
2675 Promenade Queensview Drive
Montréal, Québec, K4B 9KE, Canada
PHONE: +1-440-348-6562
FAX: +1-440-388-9509
EMAIL: development.network@canada.com
Mrs. Anne-Marie Sinclair,
Office of International al Relations,
International Network for Partnership
and Sustainable Development
FAX: +1-440-388-9509
EMAIL: development.network@canada.com
Anaheim California, Dakar senegal / January 2008 (worldconference2008@usa.com)
Dear Sir/Madam
We are cordially inviting you to our twin combined conference which will be held.In Anaheim California From the 21st -23rd of January 2008 and Dakar senegal from the 27th -30th of January 2008. If
you are interested to participate and want to represent your country,you may contact the secretariat of the organizing committee for details and information. You should also inform them that you
were invited to participate by a friend of yours (Ella Dover), who is a member of the American
The benevolent donors of the Organizing Committee will provide round trip air tickets and accommodation for the period of participants Stay in the U.S, to all registered participants.You will only
be responsible for your own hotel booking in Dakar where the second phase of the conference will be held. If you are a holder of an international passport that may require visa
to enter the United States you may inform the conference secretariat at the time of registration, as the organizing committee is responsible for all visa arrangements and travel assistances.
Contact the Conference secretariat with the adress below for
detailed information.
email; worldconference2008@usa.com / secretariat@worldyouthsorganization.org
By TEL: +1 516 303-0022 or by
Fax: +1 718-228-8213
You may get back to me with this email address.
Ella Dover
Alberta Canada, 22-29 of December 2007 (rosline_jenny2007@yahoo.co.uk)
Dear Friend,
I am Rosline Jennyb by name, and i am working with (Charity Organization here in Canada, . We are organizing the Global Welfare on Child Development and combined conferences taking place from 22-29 of December. Christmas and New Year gift will be giving to all applicants.
Why the staffs of GLOBAL WELFARE AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT are recruiting some applicant on or before the end of the conference at Albert in Canada, our request to invite people from various countries around the world, I went in search of e-mails on the web site as a means of contacting youths and organizations .As a result, I picked your e-mail from an NGOs website. If you are interested to participate and represent your country, you may contact the secretariat of the organizing committee for more details and information. You may inform them that you were invited to participate by a friend of yours (Rosline Jenny), who is a member of the Organization 4 Peace and a staff of (GLOBAL WELFARE AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT ) . I believe that we may have the opportunity to meet if you may be willing to participate in this event. You can also inform youths & NGOs in your country about these conferences. The benevolent donors of the Organizing Committee will provide round trip air tickets, Foods and Visa fees for the period of participants stay in the Canada, to all registered participants.
If you are a holder of a passport that may require a visa to enter Canada, you may inform the conference secretariat at the time of registration, as the organizing committee is responsible for all visas arrangements and travel assistance's. And U N Emergency Traveling Certificate is also available for those applicant with out international passport. Below is the contact address of the conference secretariat:
By Telefax +1503-719-5921 or by email: cwds@myway.com
Rosline Jenny.
Anaheim California / Dakar senegal, January 2008 (ella_dover@yahoo.com)
Dear Sir/Madam
We are cordially inviting you to our twin combined conference which
will be held.In Anaheim California From the 21st -23rd of January 2008 and
Dakar senegal from the 27th -30th of January 2008.
If you are interested to participate and want to represent your
country,you may contact the secretariat of the organizing committee for
details and information. You should also inform them that you were invited to
participate by a friend of yours (Ella Dover), who is a member of the
The benevolent donors of the Organizing Committee will provide round
trip air tickets and accommodation for the period of participants Stay in
the U.S, to all registered participants.You will only be responsible
for your own hotel booking in Dakar where the second phase of the
conference will be held.
If you are a holder of an international passport that may require visa
to enter the United States you may inform the conference secretariat at
the time of registration, as the organizing committee is responsible
for all visa arrangements and travel assistances.
Please contact the Conference secretariat with the adress below for
detailed information.
Below is the contact address of the conference secretariat:
Email: wyohw_secretariat@secretary.net
By TEL: +1 (516) 303-0022 OR
By FAX +1 (718)-228-8213
Make sure you get back to me with this email address.
Ella Dover.
From: conference@alphatrustfoundations.org
Dear Delegate Firstname Lastname,
Your Application Form has been received and after a careful review by the members of the Local Organizing Committee, your application was approved and I am pleased to inform you that you have finally been enlisted to participate in this International Conference. We are presently processing your travel documents and will send copes to you as soon as possible we confirm the status of your Reservation.
During this event, as a participating team, your organization will also be eligible to apply for a Charity Grant ranging from the range of £10,000 to £15,000. About 6 Multi National Companies from across the United Kingdom and the European Union have agreed to sponsor this Charity Fund. As criteria to benefit from this Grant, all eligible organizations participating in this International Conference will be required to submit a Proposal containing their Organizations' humanitarian Projects for the Year 2008 for review by the Local Organizing Committee during the event. A copy of your Certificate of Registration in your country of operation will also be needed during the review process.
Please be informed that we have made arrangements for your flight tickets to and fro London and Visa assistance. We have also made provisions for your feeding; Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner inclusive, your local transportation as well as your full security when you arrive here.
In order to benefit from the provisions which our organization has put in place for invited delegates, the Local Organizing Committee requires a Proof of your Hotel Reservation from the designated hotel. This will enable us ascertain your level of commitment to participate in this event before we can take further actions on your flight bookings. As soon as your reservation is confirmed, we will forward your details to our Travel Consultant - Trina Tours London for onward processing your entry papers and the purchase of your flight tickets.
The contact information of the recommended Hotel is given below. You are required to contact the Hotel and make all accommodation arrangements before we can take further actions.
Abba Queens Gate Hotel London
31-34 Queens Gate, London SW7 5JA , England
Contact Person: Tony Flow
E-mail: abba_queens_gate_hotel@london.com
Tel: +44-703-590-1507
While we wait to receive a confirmation of your hotel reservation, we assure you that this event will give your organization a perfect medium to connect with prospective partners.
Rev. Chris Wallace
Secretary - Local Organizing Committee
ADDRESS: 5 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE , England.
TEL: +44 702 405 3702, +44 704 570 4240
FAX: +44 700 598 0585
EMAIL: conference@alphatrustfoundations.org
WEBSITE: www.alphatrustfoundations.org
By the same scammers:
"A Global fight against Human and Natural Hazards & Disasters - The humanitarian Approach"
International Conference of NGO's in London (GB) in English language
organised by Alpha Trust Foundation
Themes: human rights, gender equality, peace and security, social development...
contact: Alpha Trust Foundation, 5 Palace Street, GB-London SW1E 5HE,
phone +44-702-4053702, fax +44-8700-885445, alphatrust.foundation@swissmail.net
"RICHARD DOLLS FOUNDATION" (rdf2008@rock.com)
Hello Delegate,
This is a Call for Participation in an INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF NGOs(Non-Governmental Organizations) holding in London, United Kingdom, on 15th to 25th February 2008,where as many as 200 participants from across the world including Health Practitioners, Professionals in relevant fields, Lawyers, Psychologists, Women and Youth Development Groups, Government Officials, Donor Agencies and participating NGOs will meet to discuss issues pertaining to the Welfare of NGOs...and also to meet others like yourself; to learn, teach, inspire and being inspired.
This event will be exploring the potential of a practical approach that will unleash and nurture the human capacity to create, collaborate and change positively, the world at large.
What are the objectives of this meeting? The meeting will provide a medium where participating individuals and NGOs will convene to address and discuss ways of improving key Humanitarian issues and topics with much emphasis on Human Rights, Gender Equality, Peace and Security, Social and Economic Development, Youth and Children, Health Education, Ethics and Value and Environmental Protection. Participating NGOs will have direct access to grants by International Donor Agencies.
· Encouraging countries with a longer experience in implementing
strategies .
The opening Lecture will be held by Dr.(Mrs.) Artemisia Franco who is the President of the Center for Human Rights Research and Development, Maputo - Mozambique. The program will include:
* Thought-provoking plenary
* In-depth breakout and dinner sessions for strategy-development
* Capacity and skills-building sessions; and
* Debates to stimulate discussion.
In addition to the main program, the meeting will also host book launches, artistic and cultural activities, exhibitions, plenty of space and opportunity for informal networking and alliance building. All plenary and selected breakout sessions will have interpretation into English, Spanish and French.
Who can participate? What happens if more than 200 participants apply? Anyone who is a member of an NGO, Professionals in related fields, Students Unions, Lecturers of Universities and Community based organizations, the Clergy as well as women and youth development groups can apply to participate.
If more than 200 people apply (as we anticipate), a global selection committee will select a representative 200 from among the applicants. This committee will ensure that the participants at the meeting are truly international and represent a diverse range of interests, issues, and regions. The events will take place at Abba Queens Gate Hotel London.
I can't afford the cost - Can you help? Richard Dolls Foundation has set up an Access Fund to support the travel costs for all qualified participants. How do I apply, and when is the deadline? All Interested organizations should send an email to the Local Organizing Committee. Participants MUST be a group of 1-3 persons to qualify for registration.
Contact Person: Rev. (Dr.) George Solomon
Email: richard_dolls_foundation@uymail.com
Local Organizing Committee
Richard Dolls Foundation
WHOIS details for domain:
X-OB-Received: from unknown (
by wfilter2.us4.outblaze.com; 15 Jan 2008 23:55:19 -0000
From: "RICHARD DOLLS FOUNDATION" <rdf2008@rock.com>
To: rdf2008@rock.com
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 00:55:19 +0100
X-Originating-Server: ws5-10.us4.outblaze.com
Dear Comrade,
Thanks so much for your interest in the Revolution UK International Youth Conference.The conference will be an Excellent opportgunity to meet Revo activists from around the whole country of the world and to discuss and debate the hot political issues that we are facing today:how to stop the warmongers; fighting racism and lies about asylum seekers; the battles for sexual liberation; and demonstration tactics as we take on the G8 this summer.
Our contact E-mail address for the conference we are holding on the 10th -17th of April 2008. here in United Kingdom and on the 21th - 28th of April 2008. in Dakar-Senegal is; worldyouthorg@mail2sponsor..com
Dear Participants, Radiants of Peace and love to you all the days of your life.Special compliments to all invited participants for;
The forth coming World Congress against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Congress against Child Trafficking:modern-day slavery:
The Youth Conferences are never under advertisement.They are not opened to everybody to Participate.Both congress will only be attended by special invitees from selected countries around the World.We are only accepting participants or organsation with recommendation from top personels from our organisation or other recognised organisation around the world. But since your recommendation comes from one of our colleagues,we will give you the opportunity to participate in the forth coming Conferences.
The forth coming:
World Congress against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children will take place at Westin Westmister Hotel and conference Center,Conventional and Banqueting Hall in Westminster,United Kingdom from the 10th - 17th day of April 2008.
A follow up:
Congress against child trafficking: modern -day slavery will be in session at place Independence Hall Ville,Dakar-Senegal From the 21th - 28th day of April 2008.
The theme of the forth coming Youths Conferences will teach and broaden the knowledge of Youths and mankind on method and how to track down the issue of Child trafficking and sexual exploitation of children around the world. The Forth coming Conferences are being Organized by the TransWorld Youth Organisation United Kingdom. Both conference are being sponsor by Special Arms of Charity organisation.You may wish to participate in the Youth Conference if you wish to travel alone.Participation in both conferences is mandatory as that is what it entains for the UK free accommodation and all round flight tickets sponsorship. The sponsorships also covers participants feeding throughout their stay in the United Kingdom. Participants will only be responsible for their hotel reservation in Dakar-Senegal West Africa. The conference planning committee and some prominent personels in the UK have employed the service of the UK Bureau of Im migrant Affairs for the processing and authorisation of the UK Visas to participants. This will help to avoid the UK Visa restrictions and delays in the issuing of UK visas to participants at the British Embassy in participants Country.. Lesser and affordable Visa requirements have been set up for participants to meet up for the processing and authorisation of the UK entry visas by the UK Bureau of Immigrant Affairs.
With the fruitful assistance from the special Arms of charity, we shall provide the following for all registered participants and will be forwarded to the UK Bureau of Immigrant Affairs
1.Hotel confirmation for the conference in the UK, Participants will need to provide their hotel confirmation for the second conference in Dakar-Senegal West-Africa
2.Participants conference registration confirmation
As it is, we will forward the participants flight bookings and confirmation of conference registration to the UK Bureau of Immigrant on behalf of every participant. The ticket booklet will be issued to participants at the airline agent in their country or nearby country, only when the UK Bureau of Immigrant Affairs have sent us confirmation of participants UK Visas. The sponsored tickets are mainly for participants participating in both events and not for people with other motives. Hence all UK Visa requirements for this events most be met and forwarded in advance to our UK Immigration Advocate to avoid delay in processing of the UK Visas from the UK Bureau of Immigrants. If this invitation have reached you, and you are interested to participate in the forth coming conferences, You must also considered the expense of your hotel accommodation and feedings throughout the second conference in Dakar-Senegal West-Africa as your responsiblities.Yo u must have the proof of this by making your hotel reservation in any of the two of our selected hotels which is a member of ABT in Dakar-Senegal West-Africa. Having considered this on your part, then you should send your name,passport numbers together with the Country of your origin and resident through the following e-mail address worldyouthorg@mail2sponsor.com With the forwarded names and passport numbers, we will open visa processing file with the UK Bureau of Immigrant Affairs through our UK Immigration Advocate.
Your visa file will first be opened by the UK Bureau of Immigrant Affairs as an authorisation and confirmation for your country participation in this event. We shall receive your visa file number from our UK Immigration Advocate. The the same file number will be used to open your participation file for both conferences. We will have to be sure that your UK Visa file is opened. We can not grant and open your participation file without the confirmation of the UK Bureau of Immigrant Affairs first.Your UK Visa matters alot.Participants, Groups and Organisations from countries that are supporters of terrorism have been suspended from participating in this event. Some organisations from these countries have already sent their group particulars to us but unforunately their visa files were not opened for them.Because of the rejection of their visa files,we could not open their participation file. We shall reach you as soon as the UK Bureau of Immig rant Affairs confirms your country's participation by opening your group's UK Visa file. We shall forward your UK Hotel room number to you when you are through with your UK Visas. Participants and Groups without travelling passports and have no hope of geting their travelling passport ready before the conference commenced ,should inform us in advance to enable us secure other emergency travelling certificate from the UK Bureau of Immigrant Affairs or from the UN Headquarter in United Kingdom.
You can come and participate alone in the Youth Conference.We wants to make it clear to you that delegates must participate in both conferences. You must be three or six people in number as a group.You must put many things into consideration before taking decision to participate in this event. Provision for participants all round flight tickets, feeding and accommodation in the United Kingdom will be taken care of by our sponsorers. Delegates will take care of their hotel reservation in Dakar-Senegal West-Africa during the second conference as our sponsorers did not make provision for that. The hotel reservation must be paid for by the delegates who needs the Authorisation of the UK Visas to participate in this event. This is the instruction given by the United Kingdom's Bureau of Immigrant Affairs as a proof that delegates are really committed to participate in the second conference.The UK Bureau of I mmigrant Affairs have strongly warned that this is not an opened window for illegal migration to the United Kingdom. If you have plans to migrate illegally to the United Kingdom through this conference, be informed that , it won't be possible as participants must forward their hotel confirmation receipt in Dakar-Senegal before the issuance of their UK Visas. Hence the United Kingdom Bureau of Immigrant Affairs have instructed that delegates must paid for their hotel reservation in Dakar-Senegal West-Africa which will also prove that delegates will depart from United Kingdom after the conference in Westin Westminster London. Delegates participation in the UK Conference with our donors sponsorship must participate in both conference as the free tickets is for only participants participating in both conferences. If you have considered this, then you should give us the go ahead to forward the particulars of your delegates to the UK Bureau of Immigrant Affairs to open your visa file by sending an e-mail to us as soon as you have verified. Do also inform us with the name of your delegates, passport numbers and country and your country of resident in your reply.
The UK Immigrant advocate will give you all formalities for the processing of this document when you apply for them Please note that we can not open group participation file with names forwarded without the passport numbers or name of resident country.The same is applicable to names and passport numbers forwarded to us by e-mail address.
We would not like any participants or group to miss this opportunity.The UK Bureau of Imigrant Affairs have made arrangement to assist participants without international passports with the UN Refugee Emergency Travel certificate,if they are able to fulfill the needed requirements for the processing. The requirements inlude the following:
1.Scanned passport photograph for each participant applying for the document and should be sent by e-mail attachment.
2.Names of participants, date of birth and name of participants resident country.
3.Participants must present hotel confirmation booked in Dakar-Senegal West-Africa for the second conference when sending their names and cridentials.
The processing of this documents will commence immediately number 1&2 requirements are forwarded but will be finalised when the hotel confirmation is received by E-mail along with the conference requirements filled and sent to us by the participants.
The hotel confirmation for the second conference in Dakar-Senegal West-Africa will convince the UK Authorities that you will not remain in the United Kingdom after the conference but rather will be heading back to Africa for the second conference. You should send the names , date of birth, and scanned passport photograph to us by e-mail attachment .
The conference is not under advertisement,but since it was one of the cheif speakers in the university of the Westminster, that invited you,we'll treat your application with most urgent response.The World Youth Organisation will take care of UK Visas processes for you,cater for your flight expenses,both travelling from your country to the United Kingdom and from the United Kingdom to Dakar-Senegal and from Dakar-Senegal to your country and Hotel accommodations here in Birmingham London, once you will be able to meet up with the conference requirements.Below are the selected Hotels and their address here in Westminster,London where our participants for the conference will be accommodated.We will cater for the hotel expenses for the periods of the conference starting from the date of the conference.Our participant s may wish to remain in the Hotels on our own expense after the conference if they want.
1.Comfort Inn- City Centre Birmingham
Station Street, Birmingham, West Midlands, B5 4DY.
2.Copthorne Hotel Birmingham
Paradise Circus, Birmingham, West Midlands, B3 3HJ.
All Participants will only cater for their Hotel expenses in Dakar.Below is the selected Hotel and the Hotel address in Dakar-Senegal for our Non European participants..
1.De Meradieno Hotel Dakar
Pointe des Almadies
Tel: 00221-77574-1781 Fax: 00221-33800-3030
E-mail: demeradienohotel@mail2hotel.com
ID#: IATA 96004871 (Quote on all Bookings)
ACR 2 CORP RATE #BG064101035
XOF77000 81000 sgl/dbl std 01/Jan-31/Dec.
For the care and safety of participant,we carefully selected the two above Hotels in Dakar-Senegal because they are a member of ABT.(Association Of Business Travellers)These are the requirements in other for any participant from Non European countries to be illegible and qualified to take part in the forth coming conference.
5 Requirements For Non European Participants ;
1.Participants must have a valid travelling passport.
2.Participants must submit their names as it appears in their passport,with their passport numbers.E-mail and house address,with their contact telephone numbers.
3.Participants must be in a good health condition.
4.Participants have a proof receipt of room reservation accommodation of one of our selected hotels in Dakar-Senegal.
5.Participants must send by Email to the organisation, the Confirmation Receipt of hotel reservations they have made with one of our selected Hotels in Dakar-Senegal for the Second Conference In Africa.For informations contact the Hotel managers with the above selected Hotel address.
We the entire members of World Youth Organisation are always ready to serve you sir,we kindly welcome you to the forth coming Youth Conference Westminster,London in the United Kingdom .We are here to bring up our youths to a healthy environment.
For more Details and Encyclopedic Informations about the Conference,Please see and download the attachment sent along side with this E-mail.
Mrs.Cynthia Roberts.
Global Youth Welfare Organisation
Jacobson Foundation
30 Russell Rd Albany, NY 12205, Phone: +1-914-410-5131 Fax: +1-309-296-6890
E-mail: jacobsoncorp_foundation@usa.com
Web site: www.dickjacobsonfoundation.fr.gd
Subject: The 2nd International NGO/CBO Workshop Invitation
Dar Sir,
Jacobson Foundation is a registered charity whose aims & objectives are to
empower individuals world-wide through offering grants for business,
education, economic development, and environmental conservation; to
support groups addressing social, economic, tourism and environmental issues
and a variety of philanthropic projects through grants to non-profit
organizations, to promote the well-being of mankind by strengthening the
capacity of charitable organizations to provide effective programs of quality.
Jacobson Foundation is pleased to announce the 2nd International NGO/CBO
Workshop: - Transforming civil society" that will bring together 314
representatives of NGOs/CBOs from all over the world is scheduled from 01st
to 06thApril, 2008 in New York, United States of America, (U.S.A.). The
objectives of the summit are: to provide participants the opportunity to expand
their knowledge and skills of the quality required for the advancement of the
fight for peace and, to provide a personal development experience tailored to
the needs of NGOs/CBOs that will enable participants to review and assess
their own capabilities with a view to identifying ways in which they can
increase the effectiveness of their contribution to the organizations they work
for and to the process of development.
The methodology for the summit: The summit will be conducted on
participatory lines with short plenary inputs followed by general and small
group discussions.
The summit enjoys financial support from the Mistubishi Bank of Japan and
the Bill Gates Foundation. As a result, Jacobson Foundation will provide
sponsorship for up to four (4) participants only per selected organization
(Developing countries only).
We are pleased to inform you that your organization has been selected for
sponsorship to the summit. This in recognition of your organization's
contribution to the NGO/CBO movement in your country. You are therefore
requested to nominate four (4) active members from your organization to
benefit from the sponsorship. In order to foster gender balance, we would
appreciate if your delegation contains a female participant.
- Round trip economy air transport (or equivalent in land transport) from
participants' nearest airport to Kennedy International Airport and vice-versa.
- Meals and refreshments for the entire summit duration.
However, each participant will be required to pay a registration fee of US$ 200
(Two Hundred United States Dollars). This fee will go towards each
participant's accommodation for six nights and medical insurance.
Jacobson Foundation will not assume responsibility for costs other than those
listed above.
The Nomination form which will be sent to you as soon as you confirm your
organization's participation must be completed by the nominating
organization and faxed to Jacobson Foundation fax number +1-309-296-5131
before March 15th, 2008. The registration fees should be sent by Western
Union Funds Transfer System as follows:
Send to:
Prof. Trevor Carlos REINHARDT
Accounting Manager
Jacobson Foundation- USA
30 Russell Rd Albany, NY 12205,
Email/ Jacobson_togofoundation@yahoo.com
United States
The copies of the Western Union transaction slips should be faxed directly to
the summit secretariat for follow-up the Fax number +1-309-296-5131.
For your own convenience, we recommend that one representative of the
nomination NGO/CBO sends the registration funds for the four participants
other than each participant sending his/her registration fees individually.
While we anticipate your response at your earliest convenience, please do not
hesitate to contact us for further information.
In the meantime, you are advised to confirm your organization's acceptance of
the sponsorship offer and to send via fax +1-309-296-5131 passport copies of
selected participants from your organization to the summit Secretariat.
Looking forward to meeting you at the summit.
Best regards,
Dr. Dick Jacobson
Summit Chair
International NGO Summit
Chers Messieurs,
La Fondation Jacobson est une organisation de charité de droit américain à
vocation internationale dont les buts et les objectifs sont entre autres d'assister
les individus et les organisations de part le monde à travers des prêts pour les
affaires, l'éducation, le développement économique et la protection de
l'environnement ; de Soutenir les organisations qui s'intéressent aux
problèmes d'ordre social, économique et environnemental et divers projets
humanitaires grâce aux dons et financements ; d'informer, d'éduquer et de
sensibiliser les populations en vue de limiter la propagation du VIH/SIDA, de
soutenir et de défendre les causes de ceux qui sont déjà infectés et affectés par
cette pandémie du siècle ; de promouvoir le bien-être de l'Humanité à travers
le renforcement des capacités des organisations charitables afin de leur
permettre d'élaborer et d'exécuter des programmes viables.
Notre Fondation a l'honneur de vous annoncer le 2ème Sommet International
des ONG/OCB dont le Thème retenu cette année est " LE 21ème SIECLE ET
LES QUESTIONS DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT". Cette conférence regroupe
du 01 au 06 Avril 2008 à New York aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique.
Les objectifs dudit sommet sont les suivants : donner aux participants
l'opportunité d'accroître leur savoir-faire leurs habiletés en vue de l'évolution
de la lutte l'éradication de la pauvreté d'une part et d'autre part de permettre
aux délégués d'acquérir de nouvelles techniques leur permettant d'identifier
les voies et moyens par lesquels ils pourront accroître l'efficacité de leur
rendement au sein des organisations dans lesquelles ils travaillent pour la
promotion du développement.
Le Sommet sera conduit sur une base participative en sessions plénières suivie
des discussions générales et en petits groupes.
Le sommet bénéficie du support financier de la Mitsubishi Bank du Japon et
de la Fondation Bill Gates.
Par conséquent, elle sponsorise et prend en charge la participation des quatre
(4) délégués des ONG/OCB des pays en voie de développement seulement.
Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que votre organisation est retenue pour
bénéficier de notre sponsoring afin de prendre part audit sommet pour sa
contribution au processus de développement dans votre pays. Il vous est alors
demander de déléguer quatre (4) membres actifs de votre organisation pour
prendre part au sommet. Afin de promouvoir l'égalité des sexes, nous vous
serons gré si votre délégation comprenait une femme.
Votre billet A/R de votre pays à New York (John Kennedy International Air
port) et vice versa, votre logement, votre pension alimentaire, vos per diem, et
votre assurance médicale pendant la durée de la Conférence. Toutefois,
chaque participant doit payer des frais d'inscription qui s'élèvent à US$ 200
(Deux Cent Dollars Américains). La fondation ne prendra pas en charge des
frais autres que ceux susmentionnés.
Le formulaire d'inscription qui vous sera envoyé dès confirmation de la
participation de votre organisation, doit être rempli et envoyé par fax +1-309-
296-5131 à notre Fondation avant la date du 15 Mars 2008. Les frais
d'inscription doivent être envoyés par Western Union de la façon suivante:
Envoyer à:
Prof. Trevor Carlos REINHARDT
Accounting Manager
Jacobson Foundation- USA
30 Russell Rd Albany, NY 12205,
Email/ Jacobson_togofoundation@yahoo.com
United States
Le reçu de la transaction Western Union doit être directement faxé au
Secrétariat du Sommet pour suivi et enregistrement. (Fax numbers +1-309-
Nous vous suggérons qu'une seule personne envoie les frais de participation
des quatre délégués au lieu que chaque délégué envoie individuellement ces
Dans l'attente de la confirmation de votre participation, nous Restons à votre
entière disposition pour d'amples informations concernant cette conférence.
Best Regards
Dr. Dick Jacobson
The Summit Chair
International NGO/CBO Summit.
30 Russell Rd Albany, NY 12205
Phone: +1-914-410-5131 Fax: +1-309-296-6890
E-mail: jacobsoncorp_foundation@usa.com
California and Senegal (aidsconference2008@california.usa.com)
Hello Dear,
Thanks for your letter.
Sometimes life certainly can feel that way...and what better shelter from the storms and trials of daily life than friendship and to know that there is someone out there you can fall back on. Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there...to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want to become.You never know who these people may be but when you look eyes with them, you know that every moment they will affect your life in some profound way. And sometimes things happen to you at the time that may seem horrible, painful and unfair, but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, will power or heart. Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck, illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. Safe and comfortable but dull and utterly pointless, the people you meet affect your life. The successes and downfalls that you experience can create who you are and the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones. So if you're seriously looking for a friend to get to know, you have finally found me. I'm glad to meet you too. I'm Living alone at my own apartment given to me by our Organization. I'm the First child of my parents. My parent have two children and the two of us are girls, Monica as the last child. The name of my father is Michael Richardson and my mother's name is Latoya Michael.My father is a Ex-FBI Agent to the United States while my mother is one of the senior personnel of US Congress House Committee on Education and Labor here in California. I'm single and haven't marry once.I hate lies. I love some one who is trustworthy and does not smoke nor drink. Some times I'm always busy with the job activities. I've been opportune to have traveled to many countries around the globe in our course of executing our work and visiting some HIV/AIDS patient and refugee camps in other countries. I will be attending a combined International Conference on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Child Abuse/Labor in Africa this year 2008.The conference is scheduled to hold first in U.S and followed by the one in West Africa (Senegal).As one of the Organizers of the fourth coming combined International Conferences on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Child Abuse/Labor taking place in the US and latter in Africa (Senegal),West Africa, we are inviting two to five (2-5) delegates from each of the selected countries around the world. In our request to invite delegates from the selected countries, I went in search of e-mail on the website as a means of contacting interested delegates and Organizations in these countries. I picked your e-mail from a pen pal website. You will assist us in relating to one of the existing Organization in your country to contact the Conference Secretariat in the US through this e-mail add: aidsconference2008@california.usa.com or fax number: +1-801-286-7363 But before they could be considered for participation in this most esteemed event,their Organization will have to forward to the above address the following requirement:
1) The Organization profile
2) The Aims and Objectives of the Organization
3) Their Achievements so far.
With this information put into consideration by the Organizing Committee,they will be officially invited to participate in this Conference. Our independent donor will take care of their round trip Air flight tickets from their country of resident to U.S, U.S. to Africa (Senegal) and from Africa (Senegal) back to their various country of resident and their Accommodation throughout their stay in the U.S. and the Organizing Committee will process the U.S. visa for all participants requiring entry visa to the US with the assistant of our Immigration Advocates. Participants will only take care of their Accommodation during the other event in Africa (Senegal).As one of the Organizers i knew not of anybody from your country, hence my writing to you is to gain assess to any existing Organization in your country.If you are really interested to participate and want to represent your country, you should contact the Secretary to the Organizer for full detail information on registration procedures and inform the Organizer that i Sandra Michael recommended you. You need not to forward the above requirement for your group or Organization registration, hence i will give your recommendation to the Secretary.You are to contact the Organizer as soon as possible as all participants visa request will be forwarded to the U.S. Bureau of Immigrant Affairs for Authorization the same day. Any group that did not forward their visa request on that same day with others will miss the visa assistance. You are to form a group of two to five(2-5)persons. Your group can be of different nationalities but all should be leaving in the same country for easy U.S.visa assistance. For your information two groups can be register from one country cos one of the group will be used to represent the country that couldn't be able to participate or present delegate.
I'm looking forward to seeing you.
Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
The World 's Favourite Email.
From: michael sandra (sandramichael_2007@yahoo.co.uk)
Hello Dear,
Thanks for your letter.
Sometimes life certainly can feel that way...and what better shelter from the storms and trials of daily life than friendship and to know that there is someone out there you can fall back on. Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there...to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want to become.You never know who these people may be but when you look eyes with them, you know that every moment they will affect your life in some profound way. And sometimes things happen to you at the time that may seem horrible, painful and unfair, but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, will power or heart. Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck, illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. Safe and comfortable but dull and utterly pointless, the people you meet affect your life. The successes and downfalls that you experience can create who you are and the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones. So if you're seriously looking for a friend to get to know, you have finally found me. I'm glad to meet you too. I'm Living alone at my own apartment given to me by our Organization. I'm the First child of my parents. My parent have two children and the two of us are girls, Monica as the last child. The name of my father is Michael Richardson and my mother's name is Latoya Michael.My father is a Ex-FBI Agent to the United States while my mother is one of the senior personnel of US Congress House Committee on Education and Labor here in California. I'm single and haven't marry once.I hate lies. I love some one who is trustworthy and does not smoke nor drink. Some times I'm always busy with the job activities. I've been opportune to have traveled to many countries around the globe in our course of executing our work and visiting some HIV/AIDS patient and refugee camps in other countries. I will be attending a combined International Conference on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Child Abuse/Labor in Africa this year 2008.The conference is scheduled to hold first in U.S and followed by the one in West Africa (Senegal).As one of the Organizers of the fourth coming combined International Conferences on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Child Abuse/Labor taking place in the US and latter in Africa (Senegal),West Africa, we are inviting two to five (2-5) delegates from each of the selected countries around the world. In our request to invite delegates from the selected countries, I went in search of e-mail on the website as a means of contacting interested delegates and Organizations in these countries. I picked your e-mail from a pen pal website. You will assist us in relating to one of the existing Organization in your country to contact the Conference Secretariat in the US through this e-mail add: aidsconference2008@linuxmail.org or fax number: +1-801-286-7363 But before they could be considered for participation in this most esteemed event,their Organization will have to forward to the above address the following requirement:
1) The Organization profile
2) The Aims and Objectives of the Organization
3) Their Achievements so far.
With this information put into consideration by the Organizing Committee,they will be officially invited to participate in this Conference. Our independent donor will take care of their round trip Air flight tickets from their country of resident to U.S, U.S. to Africa (Senegal) and from Africa (Senegal) back to their various country of resident and their Accommodation throughout their stay in the U.S. and the Organizing Committee will process the U.S. visa for all participants requiring entry visa to the US with the assistant of our Immigration Advocates. Participants will only take care of their Accommodation during the other event in Africa (Senegal).As one of the Organizers i knew not of anybody from your country, hence my writing to you is to gain assess to any existing Organization in your country.If you are really interested to participate and want to represent your country, you should contact the Secretary to the Organizer for full detail information on registration procedures and inform the Organizer that i Sandra Michael recommended you. You need not to forward the above requirement for your group or Organization registration, hence i will give your recommendation to the Secretary.You are to contact the Organizer as soon as possible as all participants visa request will be forwarded to the U.S.Bureau of Immigrant Affairs for Authorization the same day.Any group that did not forward their visa request on that same day with others will miss the visa assistance. You are to form a group of two to five (2-5) persons.Your group can be of different nationalities but all should be leaving in the same country for easy U.S.visa assistance. For your information two groups can be register from one country cos one of the group will be used to represent the country that couldn't be able to participate or present delegate.
I'm looking forward to seeing you.
GWCC 08 (conference@gwcc08.org)
You are welcome to GWCC 08!
On behalf of the conference organizing committee it is my great pleasure to invite you and your delegation to register and contribute to the Global Warming and Climate Change (GWCC 08) conference which is now open.The 3rd International Conference on Global Warming and Climate Change (GWCC 08) will take place in London on May 9th-13th,2008.
The world wide concern about global warming and it's impact on the fate of the planet has risen to unprecedented levels in the last few years.
This explosion of information on Global Warming and Climate Change has made all of us much more aware of what is happening. But, the sheer magnitude of it can also be overwhelming. We often ask ourselves, in spite of all the media, are we really certain about what we need to know and is there anything we as average citizens can do about it?
Join us on May 9th-13th,2008, as we learn the answers to those
two important questions, What Do We Know? What Can We Do?
1) How does Global Warming and Climate Change impact our environment and our community
2) What common sense approaches do we need to adopt to effect real
3) What are simple and low cost ways that will help us save energy
4) What will it take to build a green community
The conference would be held at:
Hyde Park Hotel
15 Sussex Place
Hyde Park London W2 2SX
United Kingdom
Date: 9th-13th May, 2008
GWCC 08 has set up an Access Fund to support the travel costs and all-round air fare cost for participants who are unable to raise sufficient funds on their own.
All participants,however will be expected to fund raise for their hotel bills in the UK, which will not be waived.
To qualify for the access grant, delegates would be expected to write a motivation letter to the conference chair,explaining why they feel they are eligible for the access grant and show evidence of their hotel reservation.
Fax your application to +448709744047or email: mukapa@gwcc08.org
Also, contact Ms. Stella Gray, email: conference@gwcc08.org for more information on your registration/Call for Papers.
Ms. Stella Gray
for Dr. John Mukapa
Conference Chair.
phone +447031944459
fax +448704799217
34 East Dulwich Road London SE22 9AX London.
Julie Morgan (secretary_tomi@usa.com)
From: "Julie Morgan" <julie.morgan12@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, May 18, 2008 10:19
Subject: INVITATION.........................................
Dear Friend,
My name is Julie Morgan, female, working with (WORLD YOUTH ORGANIZATION FOR HUMAN WELFARE) California, U.S.A. We are organizing a global youths combined conferences taking place from Sebtember 10th-12th 2008 at California in the United States and in, Dakar Senegal from Sebtembe 17th-19th 2008 .In our request to invite people from various countries around the world, I went in search of e-mails on the web site as a means of contacting youths and organizations As a result, I picked your e-mail from an N.G.O`s website.
If you are interested to participate and want to represent your country, you may contact the secretariat of the organizing committee for details and information. You should also inform them that you were invited to participate by a friend of yours (Julie Morgan), who is a member of the American Youths 4 Peace and a staff of (WORLD YOUTH ORGANIZATION FOR HUMAN WELFARE). I believe that we may have the opportunity to meet if you may be willing to participate in this event. The benevolent donors from across the world and the Organizing Committee will provide round trip air tickets and accommodation for the period of participants? Stay in the U.S., to all registered participants.
If you are a holder of passport that may require visa to enter the United States you may inform the conference secretariat at the time of registration, as the organizing committee is responsible for all visa arrangements and travel assistances. Below is the contact address of the conference secretariat:
By email: secretary_tomi@usa.com Or secretary.cookman@gmail.com
Julie Morgan.
Child Welfare (gwcd@beehive.org)
Dear Colleagues,
It is with great enthusiasm we the members of GLOBAL WELFARE ON CHILD DEVELOPMENT of Canada , invites Welfare organizations, youths and youth-focused organizations to take an active role in this forth coming International conferences taking place in the Canada . This conference will take place from 20th to 30th September 2008 and have its theme as CHILD WELFARE AND DEVELOPMENT STATAGIES, (ASSAULT), CHILD PROSTITUTION and STOP HIV/AIDS INFECTION NOW are also on the topics. This conference will commence from 20th to 30th September 2008. We believe this is a colossal opportunity to network with like-minded individuals and organizations in the promotion and development of pro-active NGOs involvement in around the globe.
I'm among the organizing committee of the above coming events. Your e-mail address was gotten from the website forwarded to us by the African/Asian Students Association here in Canada. Our independents donors is in accord to cover over 70% of all charges, e.g., Finance all round trip tickets, visa issuance throughout the conference in Canada for all participants.
The organizing committees will process the Canada visa for all interested participant requiring visa to Canada. The visa will be processed and authorized in Canada by the Canadian Immigration and Citizenship in-conjunction with the Canadian Department of Homeland security. Confirmation will be sent by fax to the Canadian Embassy in your country and a copy to delegate via fax.
We are only giving rooms for existing and active organizations to participate in these events as chances are limited. We therefore look forward for your favorable compliance with the following information from your organization.
1) Aims and objectives of the Organization.
2) Organization's profile.
3) Achievements.
4) Abstract inline with the topic.
Send your response to the secretary organizing committee for endorsement and participation. In this event, Group from any organization is allowed to participate from each of the selected countries. Like-minded Individuals are also welcome along with their names and passport
Contact the secretary.
Email; - sec.cwds2008@yahoo.com
Téléfax ;- 15016414476
Our Regards
Hon. Forrest Bishop,
Thanks for your letter, Sometimes, life certainly can feel that way.... and what better shelter from the storms and trials of daily life than friendship and to know that there is someone out there you can fall back on. Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there...to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want to become.
You never know who these people may be but when you lock eyes with them, you know that every moment they will affect your life in some profound way. And sometimes things happen to you at the time that may seem horrible, painful and unfair, but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, will power or heart. Everything happens for a reason, nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. Safe and comfortable but dull and utterly pointless-the people you meet affect your life.
The successes and downfalls that you experience can create who you are, and the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones. So if you're seriously looking for a friend to get to know, you have found me. I am glad to meet you too. Like as I have already informed you in my previous letter about my job. I am living alone at my own apartment given to me by my father. I am the Second child of my parents. My parent have three children, two boys and while I was only girl, the first-born is JAMES, while the Last born is NELSON. The name of my fathers is GEORGE J. EVANS and my mother's name is HELEN J. EVANS, My father is an ex- diplomat to the United Nations while my mother is one of the senior Personal of US Department of Education Texas.
I am single and haven't married once. My hobbies are reading, watching movies, listening to soft music, long driving, swimming and traveling hate delay, that is sluggishness and procrastinating, I hate lies. I love some one who is trustworthy and does not smoke nor drink. I love nature and sometimes I wish I owned a house in the country not far from a city. You wake up to fresh mountain air, gaze the green scenery, see green verges growing in your little garden and so much more.
Kind of boring right? No, imagine I am with my sweetheart in those quite surroundings. Well, I leave it to your own imagination what will happen Some times I am always busy with the job activities during the Refugee resettlement program. I have traveled to many countries around the globe in our course of visiting some refugee camps in other countries.
I will be attending a combined conference in Africa by AUGUST this year. The conference is scheduled to hold in US first and follow by the one in Africa . I am one of the organizers of the forth-coming youth The forth coming Youth's Conference ERADICATION STRATEGY ON YOUTH SUICIDE is scheduled to take place on AUGUST 20TH to AUGUST 23RD 2008 at AGE CARE International Conference Venue for the eradication strategy on youth suicide Age Care Group International Conference, Centre Square,Paradise Holiday Resort and Convention Center, 255 Sagemil Drive Edwards, California 77098 USA.
The second Conference on ´CHILD ABUSE, SEX EXPLOITATION AND TRAFFICKING`` will take place at the Leopold Senghor Conference Centre, in BURKINA FASO between AUGUST 25TH to AUGUST 28TH 2008. This conference was planned to be held last year, international year of volunteer and was supposed to commence last year September. But because of the Remembrance of September 11th event, it was postponed to AUGUST this year.
We are inviting five delegates from each of the selected countries around the world. In our request to invite youths from the selected countries, I went in search of e-mail on the website as a means of contacting youths and organizations in these countries. I picked your e-mail from this website. You will assist us in relating to one of the existing youths organization in your country to contact the conference secretariat in the US through this e-mail: info.conference@y7mail.com or our website http://conference.up-a.com But before they could be considered for participation in this most esteemed event, your organization will have to forward to the above address the following requirement.
1) The organization profile.
2) The Aims and Objectives of the organization.
3) There achievements so far. With this information
put into consideration by the organizing committee, They will be officially invited to participate in this. Our independent donor will take care of all their flight tickets and their accommodation through their stay in the US and the organizing committee will process the US visa for all participants requiring entry visas to the US . Participants will only take care of their accommodation during the other event in BURKINA FASO.
As one of the organizers I knew not of anybody from your country. Hence my writing to you is to gain access to any youth organization in your country. If you are interested to participate and wants to represent your country, you should contact the secretary to the organizer for detail information on registration procedures and inform the organizer that I recommended you.
You will need not to forward the above requirement for your group or organization; hence I will give your recommendation to the secretary. You are to contact the organizer as soon as possible as all participants visa request will be forwarded to the US Bureau of Immigrant Affairs for Authorization the same day. Any group visa request not forwarded on that same day with others will miss the visa assistance. You are to form a group of five persons.
Your group can be of different nationalities but all should be leaving in the same country for easy US visa assistance. I am looking forward to seeing you.
Thanks and my kindly regards, may God be with you (Amen) YOUR'S LOVE,
Hello Dearest Firstname,
Thanks again for your well interested mail and how is things with you and your family presently,hope everyone is in fine condition? well let give thanks always to God the almighty . I am very pleased of your interest to attend this conferences with me to be held in New York Canada and in Cape Verde Island West Africa You don't need any invitation letter for visa approval if only the organisation will accept your attendance.
The main Aim/Reason of this conference is to teach people on how to help reduce violence among our youths,eradicate terrorism in the world and the importants of national economic integration.The issues to be discuss in the Third conference in Africa are social, economic,political problems in Africa.including the HIV/aids issue and the children being affected by war. It don't mind if you can't speak good English.
I believe that it's God who have made us to met in this golden opportunity and lucky co-incidental period. This conference was supposed to have been held last year but for the crises in Iraq couldn't allow it to take place. It will be so kind of you to take a little time out of your busy schedule to attend this conference and would have like you to tell me when you can free so that i can cross check from here the dates in questions for this conference. If it would please you to attend the event, you can equally contact the organisation through this E-mail address for more information.
(YOUTHTRAN_WORLD@mail2Ny.com) contact them immediately to avoid daley.The organisation is a non profit organisation and its independent donors who will take care of all the invited participants expenses including flight tickets from the participants home country or country of residence to US and from US to Canada from Canada to Cape Verde and back to the participant home country or country of residence, accommodation and feeding throughout the participants stay for the conference in the United State and Canada.
The organisation will have to process the Visas for all the invited participants who requires entry Visa to the United State Canada and Cape Verde Island Participants will only book for their accommodation in one of the chosen hotel by the organisation during the other Event in Cape Verde Island West Africa I have invited you to be the principal representative of your country during this conference. Please contact the conferences secretary for more details and information on registration procedures and inform the organiser that I ( Miss Juliet Thom) recommended you.
Do this as soon as possible now to enable the organising committee to process all your documents And forwarded to U.S Bureau of immigration and naturalisation for visa approval. Dear remember any individual that need entry visas to US Canada or Cape Verde Island have to submit the requirements on time for visa assistance.
Once angain, thank so much for your beautiful pics you send to me, and i saw the name and phone number of your brother, i will call him but for the moment i am very much busy with my exams as you know i am doing my final year i need to put in more effort, Concerning this conference, try to see that you make it with me in this conference so that we can see each other in person, have a nice weekend.
Truly yours.
Juliet Thom.
From: WGGWCC <conference@wggwcc08.us>
Date: Fri, 08 Aug 2008 14:04:24 -0300
Subject: WGGWCC 08- Call for Papers/Conference Invitation
WGGWCC Announces the 3rd Global Warming and Climate Change
International Conference & Industry Exposition. (WGGWCC 08)
Dear Fellow Colleagues,
On the behalf of the Organizing and Scientific Committees, the Working
Group on Global Warming and Climate Change (WGGWCC) announces that the
3rd International Global Warming and Climate Change Conference &
Industry Exposition (WGGWCC 08) will be held at the Hyde Park Hotel,
London on September 26-30, 2008. We also would like to extend a special
invitation to you and all your colleagues to participate in WGGWCC 08
This meeting represents a conference that is dedicated to the exchange
of scientific data, governmental assessments, and public policies
concerning global climate change, including global warming and extreme
climate events. Attendees at the 2008 Conference will be delegates from
around the world, representing academic institutions, the corporate
sector, non-governmental organizations, and national, state and local
governments. Private and Public participation is highly
Scholars who wish to learn of recent developments in global warming and
climate change scientific research will be exposed to invited plenary
lectures and concurrent sessions followed by open workshop discussions
with outstanding speakers and multi-disciplinary scientists. Open
discussions are planned to consider the broad implications of global
warming and climate change upon oceans, forests, coastal zones, urban
settings, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, human health, and
economic infrastructures at local, national, regional and global scales.
Along with conference lectures and workshops, the Climate Change
Industry Exposition at the Hyde Park Hotel will include over 100 booths
at which representatives from the transportation, energy, petroleum and
bio-fuel industries will present their products and programs to address
global climate change. Other corporations, environmental organizations
and educational institutions will present information about their
products, projects and training opportunities.
WGGWCC will make every effort to involve numerous donors to make it
possible to offer access grants to as many participants as possible to
enable them to participate in the 3rd Working Group on Global Warming
and Climate Change Conference and Industry Exposition (WGGWCC 08).
However, the limited (partial or full) support can only be offered to
any delegate or group of delegates who have submitted one or more
abstracts to the scientific program and sent a motivation letter
requesting such financial assistance to the WGGWCC 08 Local Organizing
Committee. The deadline for submission of the abstracts as well as the
motivation letters requesting for financial assistance is 15 September
2008. Fax your application for access grant to +44 870 471 8814 or
E-mail: accessgrant@wggwcc08.us
All requests for access grant will be decided as soon as application is
received. All awards will be distributed through the Local Organizing
Committee Bank in London, UK. All participants however will be expected
to fund raise for their hotel bills in the Hyde Park Hotel, the venue
of the WGGWCC 08 events in the UK to qualify for the access grant.
Please mark your calendars for this important Conference and
Exposition. Further details about registration to participate in the
WGGWCC 08 Conference and Exposition.E-mail: conference@wggwcc08.us
We expect to attract 10,000 concerned citizens and speakers for this
unprecedented and historic event. Don't miss the opportunity to be
Press Contact,
Sandy Williams
Phone +44 703 196 2595
Fax +44 870 471 8814
Important Dates
Paper Submission September, 15 2008
Notification of Acceptance September, 20 2008
Conference Dates September, 26-30 2008
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Dear Participant,
Thanks for your interest to join hands with us in waging a global war against the infection of HIV/AIDS among the Youth and the Conference on Child Abuse/Labor.
We are working day and night to make these events a success. Concerning your application to participate in the forth-coming combined international conferences, i deem it necessary to inform you that, you have been registered to participate in the international Conferences on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Child Abuse/Labor.
You may download the attachment to view your questionnaire form, your participation confirmation file, participation form and the Conference Brochure.For your information the deadline for the submission of hotel reservation confirmation for the second phase of the international conference is on or before Monday, September 29Th 2008 and you are advice to make a direct contact with the management of the selected hotels in Senegal.
1) AMITIE HOTEL SENEGAL, LOT 52, RUE 20 AVENUE GISTRIN, B.P. 574 DAKAR, SENEGAL.Contact E-mail: amitiehotelsenegal@yahoo.fr
2) BOROM HOTEL, RUE 147, FALL BASE, DAKAR, SENEGAL.Contact E-mail: boromhotel@yahoo.fr
If you need any further assistance from us, do not hesitate to contact us.
Your Sincerely,
Hi ,
Thanks for your letter, first let me say compliment of the season to you. Sometimes, life certainly can feel that way and what better shelter from the storms and trials of daily life than friendship and to know that there is someone out there you can fall back on. Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out whom you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be but when you lock eyes with them; you know that every moment they will affect your life in some profound way. And sometimes things happen to you at the time that may seem horrible, painful and unfair, but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, will power or heart. Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. Safe and comfortable but dull and utterly pointless-the people you meet affect your life. So like I told you b4 that i will be attending a combined conference in Africa by DECEMBER 2008. The conference is scheduled to hold in U.S first and follow by the one in Africa . I am one of the organizers of the forth coming youth combined conferences taking place in the U.S from DECEMBER 8th to 12th, 2008, in Guinea-Bissau , West African from DECEMBER 15th to 19th, 2008. We normally invite five delegates from each of the selected countries around the world. In our request to invite youths from the selected countries. But am inviting you now because I fail in love with you as if you are an organization, because that is what am going to tell them here in the office to enable them register you ok. So all I want you to do now is assist us in relating to one of the existing youths organization in your country. If not then form a group of five your self then contact the conference secretariat in the U.S through this fax +01-419-791-3374, or through this e-mail, yworeg@gmail.com . when you write tell them i invited you give them my name, ( MISS GRACE MICHAEL) because i have given them your as the leader of your group then you will be the one to give the names people to them for them to know that you people are really group ok. But before they could be considered for participation in this most esteemed event, their organization will have to forward to the above address the following
1) The organization profile
2) The Aims and Objectives of the organization
3) Their achievements so far. With this information put into consideration by the organizing committee, they will be officially invited to participate in this .Our independent donor will take care of all their flight tickets and their accommodation throughout their stay in the U.S and the organizing committee will process the U.S visa for all participants requiring entry visas to the U.S. Participants will only take care of their accommodation during the other event in Guinea-Bissau. As one of the organizers I knew not of anybody from your country. Hence my writing to you is to gain assess to any youth organization in your country. If you are interested to participate and wants to represent your country, you should contact the secretary to the organizer for detail information on registration procedures and inform the organizer that I recommended you. You will need not to forward the above requirement for your group or organization; hence I will give your recommendation to the secretary. You are to contact the organizer as soon as possible as all participants visa request will be forwarded to the U.S Bureau of Immigrant Affairs for Authorization the same. Once this is done then let me know and I will fight the rest for you ok. Any group visa request not forwarded on that same day will miss the visa assistance. I am looking forward to seeing you. Please download for my photograph attached to this e-mail. Thanks,
Thanks for your letter, first let me say compliment of the season to you. Sometimes, life certainly can feel that way.... and what better shelter from the storms and trials of daily life than friendship and to know that there is someone out there you can fall back on. Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there...to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be but when you lock eyes with them; you know that every moment they will affect your life in some profound way. And sometimes things happen to you at the time that may seem horrible, painful and unfair, but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, will power or heart. Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. Safe and comfortable but dull and utterly pointless-the people you meet affect your life. The successes and downfalls that you experience can create who you are, and the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones. So if you're seriously looking for a friend to get to know, You have found me. I am glad to meet you too. Like as I have already informed you in my previous letter about my job. I am Living alone at my own apartment given to me by my father. I am the First child of my parents. My parent have three children, one girl and a Two boys by name Mark and Junior Im the first as i have said .The name of my father's is Anderson Sherak
and my mother's name is Margret Sherak
father is a business to man while my mother is an house wife. I am single and havent married once. My hobbies are reading, watching movies, listening to soft musics, long driving, swimming and traveling hate delay, that is sluggishness and procrastinating, I hate lies. I love some one who is trustworthy and does not smoke nor drink. I love nature and sometimes I wish I owned a house in the country not far from a city. You wake up to fresh mountain air, gaze the green scenery ,see green verges growing in your little garden and so much more. Kind of boring right? No, imagine I am with my sweetheart in those quite surroundings. I will be attending a combined conference in Guinea Bissau . Child Welfare and Development Strategies
It is organized to assist in the present crisis and wars, which have cause the high increase of Refugees and Displaced peoples. This program required interested applicants to make a group of five or ten members to participate and benefit from this, your org participation will go a long way to improve the standard of living in your area, The Conference program is due to commence from 1st to 5th December 2008 and The second conference on WAR AGAINST CHILD ABUSE will take place at the 168 Augustineho Gomes Avenue Bissau Guinea Bissau the second Conference which is scheduled to take place in Guinea Bissau between Bissau 23rd -27th of December 2008 its titled Child Welfare and Development Strategies (CWDS).
We are inviting five delegates from each 0f the selected countries around the world. In our request to invite youths from the selected countries, .You will assist us in relating to one of the existing youths organization in your country to contact the conference secretariat in the US through this e-mail, gwcd.conference.org@gmail.com But before they could be considered for participation in this most esteemed event, their organization will have to forward to the above address the following requirement. 1) The organization profile 2) The Aims and Objectives of the organization 3) Their achievements so far. With this information put into consideration by the organizing committee , They will be officially invited to participate in this .Our independent donor will take care of all their flight tickets and their accommodation through their stay in the US and the organizing committee will process the US visa for all participants requiring entry visas to the US . Participants will only take care of their accommodation during the other event in Africa Guinea Bissau As one of the organizers I knew not of anybody from your country. Hence my writing to you is to gain assess to any youth organization in your country. If you are interested to participate and wants to represent your country, you should contact the secretary to the organizers for detail information on registration procedures and inform the organizer that I recommended you. You will need not to forward the above requirement for your group or organization; hence I will give your recommendations to the secretary. You are to contact the organizer as soon as possible as all participants visa request will be forwarded to the US Bureau of Immigrant Affairs for Authorization the same. Any group visa request not forwarded on that same day will miss the visa assistance and here is my pictures for you.
I am looking forward to seeing you.
Jannet Sherak
Conference !!!!!
Dear Sir/Madam:
You are cordially Invited to a Combined Conferences against Child Abuse
and Racism that will be held the 6TH-8TH January 2009 In Anaheim
California U.S.A and the 13TH-15TH January 2009 in Dakar Senegal.
Registration is Free and the Organizing Committee will provide round trip
air tickets and accommodation for the period of participants Stay in the
U.S to all registered participants,If you are interested in been part of
this Global Conference event You may contact the Secretariat of the
Organizing Committee for details:
World Humanitarian Organization
602 Orange Wood Ave.Anaheim,CA 92802
TEL: +1 (516 ) 303 0034
FAX: +1 (206 ) 666 4407
Email: whoconference2009@mail2california.com OR whoc2009@usa.com
If you are a holder of a Passport that may require visa to enter the
United States you may inform the Conference Secretariat at the time of
Application ,as the organizing committee is responsible for all visa
arrangements and travel assistances.
NOTE:You will only be responsible for your own hotel booking in
Dakar,Senegal where the second phase of the conference will be held.
Roselyn Brooks
worker-World Humanitarian Organization
Washington and Dakar, April 2009 (gho.conference.secretariatdesk@gmail.com)
Dear friend,
My name is Miss Abigail William, a staff of (GLOBAL HUMANITARIAN ORGANIZATION) Washington U.S.A. We are organizing a global combined conferences taking place from 20th 23rd April 2009 at Washington in the United States and in, Dakar Senegal from 27th -30th April 2009
In our request to invite people from various countries around the world, I went in search of e-mails on the web site as a means of contacting youths and organizations As a result, I picked your e-mail from an N.G.O`s website. If you are interested to participate and want to represent your country, you may contact the secretariat of the organizing committee for details and information.
Inform them that you were invited to participate by a friend of yours( Miss Abigail William), who is a member of the International Committee, of the Red Cross and a staff of (GLOBAL HUMANITARIAN ORGANIZATION). I believe that we may have the opportunity to meet if you may be willing to participate in this event. The benevolent donors from across the world and the
Organizing Committee will provide round trip air tickets and accommodation for the period of participants? Stay in the U.S, to all registered participants.
If you are a holder of passport that may require visa to enter into the United States you may inform the conference secretariat at the time of registration, as the organizing committee is responsible for all visa arrangements and travel assistances.
Below is the contact address of the conference secretariat .By email:gho.conference.secretariatdesk@gmail.com
You can also contact me on my private e-mail: abigailwill.william@gmail.com
Miss Abigail William.
Trouvez des internautes qui partagent vos centres d'intérêt grâce à Voila ! http://tchat.voila.fr/
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Subject: CONFERENCE INVITATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Dakar-Senegal, from May 27th - 29th 2009 (secretary.tcookman@gmail.com)
From: "tracy cole" <tracycole16@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2009 19:26
Subject: INVITATION................
Dear Friend,
My name is Trinace Queen female, working with (WORLD YOUTH ORGANIZATION FOR HUMAN WELFARE) California, U.S.A. We are organizing a global youths combined conferences taking place from May 20th - 22nd 2009 at California in the United States and
in Dakar-Senegal, from May 27th - 29th 2009.In our request to invite people from various countries around the world, I went in search of e-mails on the web site as a means of contacting youths and organizations .As a result, I picked your e-mail from an N.G.O`s website.
If you are interested to participate and want to represent your country, you may contact the secretariat of the organizing committee for details and information. You should also inform them that you were invited to participate by a friend of yours (Trinace Queen), who is a member of the American Youths 4 Peace and a staff of (WORLD YOUTH ORGANIZATION FOR HUMAN WELFARE).
I believe that we may have the opportunity to meet if you may be willing to participate in this event. You can also inform youths & NGOs in your country about these conferences. The benevolent donors of the Organizing Committee will provide round trip air tickets and accommodation for the period of participants? Stay in the U.S., to all registered participants.
If you are a holder of passport that may require visa to enter the United States you may inform the conference secretariat at
the time of registration, as the organizing committee is responsible for all visa arrangements and travel assistances. Below
is the contact address of the conference secretariat:
By email: secretary.tcookman@gmail.com OR t.secretarycookman@gmail.com
Trinace Queen
Dakar, Senegal (registra.secretariat@usa.com)
From: registra.secretariat@usa.com
Dear Participants,
We thank you for your interest to join hands with us to wage global war against racism and child abuse. We are working day and night to make these events a success.
We deem it necessary to inform you that, you have been duly registered to participate in these forth-coming events, you are only responsible for your hotel booking accommodation in Dakar Senegal, and our organization will be responsible for your accommodation here in the U.S. Together with your round trip air tickets which cover from the both countries. And all participant that require a visas.
Endeavor to furnish us with your forms duly filled with your hotel booking confirmation receipt before the dead line date and you should carefully follow the instructions of the two selected hotel management. You are to make your hotel reservation in Dakar Senegal, and forward us the booking confirmation receipt, which will be forwarded along side with other documents to the U.S.... Bureau of Immigrant Affairs.
DO NOTE: As soon as we receive your registration forms duly filled, together with the hotel booking confirmation receipt, your documents will be forwarded to the U.S. Bureau of Immigration Affairs/ U.S. Foreign Consular Department.....
You are advised to download the following attachments to view your registration files.
Contact any one of the two selected hotel managements in Dakar-Senegal to book rooms ASAP, and furnish us with your registration forms duly filled, as you have to print it out, fill it accordingly then scan it and send it back to us, by E-mail attachment, together with the hotel booking confirmation receipt not later than May 13th 2009.
Thanks for your co-operation,
Patrick Anthony.
Registration Desk.
GWCCN 09, June 26-30,2009 (conference@uku.co.uk)
On the behalf of the Organizing and Scientific Committee,the Global Warming and Climate Change Network
(GWCCN) is pleased to announce that the 3rd Global Warming and Climate Change Conference & Industry
Exposition (GWCCN 09) is going to be held in June 26-30,2009 at The Hyde Park Hotel,London in line with
the UN mission.
Date: June 26-30, 2009
Location: London, United Kingdom
Organized By:GWCCN
Conference Theme:''Bringing Sustainable Development Down to Earth''
Venue:The Hyde Park Hotel, 23-25 Leinster Square, Bayswater,London,England .
Entitled ''Bringing Sustainable Development Down to Earth'', the GWCCN 09 conference will highlight the
role of individuals,groups and grassroots efforts in ''green-building" initiatives. The conference will explore
what we can do as ordinary citizens in addressing the adverse effects of Global Warming and Climate
The GWCCN 09 Conference Committee welcomes ''green visionaries'',the academia,IOs and NGOs,
Professionals in relevant fields, Green Organizations, Women and Youth Organizations, Development
Groups, Governmental Agencies, Civil Society Organizations,Community Development Organizations and
Donor Agencies to submit papers, panel proposals, performances, audio-visual presentation, interactive
sessions or workshops broadly exploring the conference theme.
The presentations may be completed research, research in-progress or case studies, especially those
reflecting innovative ''green building'' practice. Generally the presentations will consist of a panel of three
or four presenters with similar topics. Each presenter will speak for ten minutes and after all of the
presentations are completed the floor will be opened for questions and discussion.
Presentations on additional aspects of Green Initiatives are also encouraged.Sub-themes could focus on,
but are not limited to:
a.Global Warming and Climate Change and the Oceans
b.Sustainable Environment, Health and Development
c.Remote Sensing and Global Surveillance
d.Water Resources Management
e.Carbon & GHG Management
f.Extreme Events and Impacts Assessment.
g. Greenhouse Gas & Ecosystems
h.Human Health In a Changing Climate
i.Agricultural and Forestry Resources Management
j.Clean Energy Technology
k.Low GHG Transportation
l.Education: Global Change & Sustainable Development
Submissions and/or questions may be made via email to conference@uku.co.uk. Submissions will be
acknowledged within 5 days of receipt. Notifications of acceptance of proposals will be sent as soon as the
reviewing process is completed, not later than June 12,2009.The deadline for proposals is Friday, June 19,
GWCCN had involved numerous donors to make it possible to offer access grants to as many participants as
possible to enable them to participate in the 3rd GWCCN 09 Conference.However, the limited support can
only be offered to any delegate or group of delegates who have submitted one or more abstract to the
scientific program and sent a motivation letter requesting such financial support to the GWCCN 09 Local
Organizing Committee. The deadline for submission of the abstracts as well as the motivation letters
requesting for financial assistance is Friday,June 19,2009 .Fax your application for access grant to
+44 870 471 8814 or E-mail:conference@uku.co.uk
For more information on registration/Call for Papers contact the GWCCN 09 Chair.
Dr John Snow
Tel: +44 703 196 2595, +44 703 199 4559,
Fax:+44 870 471 8814
30 East End Road,London,N2 OS LONDON.
Important Dates
Paper Submission June 12, 2009
Notification of Acceptance June 19, 2009
Conference Dates June 26-30, 2009
UN conference in June 2009 in London (un@unconference2009.org)
There is an actual UN conference on that date, but it takes place in New York City, not London. The domain names used for the email addresses are fakes created by the scammers.
From: un@unesctad.org
United Nations Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development (23 - 26 June 2009, London United Kingdom).
Dear Invited Delegate,
The United Nations is convening a four-day summit of Economists, Educationist, Administrators, Manufacturers, Researchers, Non-Governmental Organizations, Religious Leaders, Community Organizations and Individuals from the Public and Private Sector from 23-26 June 2009 in London (UK) to assess the worst global economic downturn since the Great Depression. The aim is to identify emergency and long-term responses to mitigate the impact of the crisis, especially on vulnerable populations, and initiate a needed dialogue on the transformation of the international financial architecture, taking into account the needs and concerns of all countries of the world.
The United Nations summit coming up in June was mandated at the Follow-up International Conference on Financing for Development, held in December 2008 in Doha, Qatar. Member States requested the General Assembly to organize the meeting at the highest level.
Registration to this Summit is "free". The United Nations General Assembly have made sponsorship available to support free travel costs and all-round return air flight ticket for all participant. Invited participants will take responsibility for their hotel accommodation expenses at the Hyde Park Hotels London UK, the designated hotel that will accommodate all participant for the Global Financial and Economic Crisis Summit. Contact Hyde Park Hotels for your accommodation: booking@hydepark-hotels.com
For registration details, to participate in the United Nations Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development contact Email: un@unconference2009.org
Register Now!
Copyright © 2000-2009 United Nations. All rights reserved.
GWCC 09 - London, UK, June 26, 2009 (unaidgwcc.com)
From: United Nation AID GWCC <info@unaidgwcc.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 9:36:01 PM
Subject: Call for Papers/Conference Invitation!
On the behalf of the Organizing and Scientific Committees, the United Nations Aid is pleased to announce that the 3rd Global Warming and Climate Change Conference & Industry Exposition (GWCC 09) is going to be held Friday 26th to Tuesday 30th June 2009 at The Mayfair Hotel, London in line with the UN mission.
Time: June 26, 2009 at 6pm to June 30, 2009 at 9pm
Location: London, United Kingdom
Organized By: UNAID
Conference Theme: Bringing Sustainable Development Down to Earth''
Venue: The Mayfair Hotel London, 15 Brook Street, Mayfair, London, England.
Entitled Bringing Sustainable Development Down to Earth, the GWCC 09 conference will highlight the role of individuals, groups and grassroots efforts in green-building initiatives. The conference will explore how we can take part in addressing various forms Climate Change.
The GWCC 09 Conference Committee welcomes Green visionaries, the academia, IOs and NGOs, Professionals in relevant fields, Green Organizations, Women and Youth Organizations, Development Groups, Governmental Agencies, Civil Society Organizations, Community Development Organizations and Donor Agencies to submit papers, panel proposals, performances, audio-visual presentation, interactive sessions or workshops broadly exploring the conference theme.
The presentations may be completed research, research in-progress or case studies, especially those reflecting innovative Green building practice. Generally the presentations will consist of a panel of three or four presenters with similar topics. Each presenter will speak for ten minutes and after all of the presentations are completed the floor will be opened for questions and discussion.
Presentations on additional aspects of Green Initiatives are also encouraged. Sub-themes could focus on, but are not limited to:
a. Global Warming and Climate Change and the Oceans
b. Sustainable Environment, Health and Development
c. Remote Sensing and Global Surveillance
d. Water Resources Management
e. Carbon & GHG Management
f. Extreme Events and Impacts Assessment.
g. Greenhouse Gas & Ecosystems
h. Human Health In a Changing Climate
i. Agricultural and Forestry Resources Management
j. Clean Energy Technology
k. Low GHG Transportation
l. Education: Global Change & Sustainable Development
Submissions and/or questions may be made via email to callforpapers@unaidgwcc.com Submissions will be acknowledged within 5 days of receipt. Notifications of acceptance of proposals will be sent as soon as the reviewing process is completed, not later than June 19, 2009. The deadline for proposals is Friday, June 19, 2009.
UNAID had involved numerous donors to make it possible to offer access grants to as many participants as possible to enable them to participate in the 3rd GWCC 09 Conference. However, the limited support can only be offered to any delegate or group of delegates who have submitted one or more abstract to the scientific program and sent a motivation letter requesting such financial support to the GWCC 09 Local Organizing Committee. The deadline for submission of the abstracts as well as the motivation letters requesting for financial assistance is Friday, June 12 2009. Fill access grant online form via www.unaidgwcc.com or fax your application for access grant to +448 704 956 487 or E-mail: conference@unaidgwcc.com
For more information on registration/Call for Papers contact the GWCC 2009 Chair.
Dr Wright Snow
Tel: +44 702 405 8619
Fax:+44 870 495 1965
Important Dates
Paper Submission June 12, 2009
Notification of Acceptance June 19, 2009
Conference Dates June 26-30, 2009
Message headers:
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by mta176.mail.sp2.yahoo.com with SMTP; Wed, 10 Jun 2009 19:36:07 -0700
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by smtp107.biz.mail.re2.yahoo.com with SMTP; 11 Jun 2009 02:36:02 -0000
Reply-To: <info@unaidgwcc.com>
From: "United Nation AID GWCC" <info@unaidgwcc.com>
Subject: Call for Papers/Conference Invitation!
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2009 19:36:01 -0700
USA and Italy, Aug/Sep 2009 (globaldeveloporg@mail2italy.com)
From: juliet.norman@yahoo.com
I'm so excited to received your reply, after reading your mail, i understood that you are interested to attend our Organization coming program that will first take place in USA AND ITALY EUROPE. This is the latest Development on the date for the up coming conference program. Due to the advancement in progress made by the International community on fight against RACISM AND CHILD ABUSE , I'm hereby inviting you as a friend to be part of us that will benefit from this great event. "SAY -NO" TO RACISM/VIOLENCE AND POVERTY.
Please note that this event is to orientate each group representing his/her country and bringing to light the danger behind these ACTS. I was contended about your mail immediately i received it. Please let me give you a full explanations about the conference program. As one of the organizers,I will be attending both conference,that will first take place in USA on the 28Th to 31st . August Follow by the one in ITALY, Europe on 8Th September to September 11Th 2009.
This conference is holding to educate people on advise effect of joining or helping to eradicate RACISM, CHILD ABUSE and to fight against poverty in developing countries and the entire world.This Organization is in conjunction with International Development Institute (IDI) and following their steps to fight global poverty, Over the past 15 years, G.D.O professionals have worked with the governments of over 15 developing countries,foreign aid agencies, and other partners to design and implement fundamental legal policy, and programmatic reforms resulting in large-scale transfers of land owner-ship or ownership-like rights to the worlds rural poor and Terms such as poverty eradication and poverty alleviation are often tackled in this organization and Commitments to poverty alleviation are dispersed throughout the Habitat Agenda to achieved its goal, This Organization have provided foods to many war affected countries and poor economic countries.
The Organization are also holding the conference to recruit people to work in UK,USA, CANADA,GERMANY,FRANCE and AUSTRALIA More over our organization have secured some contracts in US,Australia, Canada and some Asia Countries,Join me to attend the program and don't miss out. You will kindly assist us in relating this conference to any youths Organization or individuals in your country. contact the secretary of the Organization for the conference in USA and ITALY through this via email - globaldeveloporg@mail2italy.com and globaldeveloporg@yahoo.it
But before any applicant could be considered to participate in these most esteem events, their Org or group will have to forward to the above address the following requirements.
(1)The organization profile
(2)The aims and objectives or the org.
(3) Their achievement so far With these information being put Into consideration by the committee.
You as a single applicant or your group will be officially invited to participate, after all the procedures and requirements are been met our Independent and Recruitment donors will take care of all flight tickets,Visas to USA and Europe, the organization will also take care of all applicants accommodation only in USA through out their stays in the USA for the conference. While all applicants are responsible for their Hotel reservation accommodation in ITALY where the second conference will take place.
The Organization will recommend you to the hotel where you will make your hotel reservation and send your hotel reservation confirmation letter to organization for the processing your documents and visa for the program. The applicants will only take care of their accommodation during the second event in ITALY" the organization will only honor hotel reservation confirmation letter from the hotels they recommended to all applicants because the hotels was recommended by the Government of ITALY for the conference and for security reasons. Without the Hotel reservation confirmation letter from the recommended hotels in ITALY, the Organization will not process your documents for the visas and to attend the conference or to be recruited to work under the organization.
As one of the organizers, I could recommend any person, group or organization willing to attend to the program . Hence my recommendation will scale you through, i therefore ask you to count on me, further more i want to establish a good relationship with you. If you are interested to participate and want to represent your country,you should contact the secretary for registration and the procedures information to participate in the program, you have to inform the secretary that i recommended you to the Org. You do not need to forward the above requirement of your group or Organization to the G.D.O hence i will recommend you to the secretary.
You have to contact the secretary as soon as you receive this mail because all participants Visa requested will be forwarded to the USA. Department for Immigrant Affairs, and ITALY immigration authority for authorization for visa processing. Any single or group visa requested not forward on the same day with others, will miss the visa assistance. You can attend the conference alone or any group of numbers, maximum in a group is 5, Each group will not be more than 5, your group can be of different nation allies, but all should be living in the same country for easy visa processing and assistance for both conference and recruitment.. Hoping to hear and see you soonest. Keep me on line always, If you are interested in the Organization Job Recruitment after the conference, inform the secretary while contacting her so that your name or names will be recorded..
Do contact the secretary of the organization immediately and start the procedures because of the visa proceedings which will enable you to acquire visa for the program on time. Send this information below to the secretary while applying for the program.
Your name or group names--------
Number of applicant(s)------------
Country of Origin and residence------
Passport number(s)-----------------
Sweet love and dream from
Juliet Norman.
New York and Dakar, Aug 2009 (secretary.aay.org@googlemail.com)
Dear friend,
My name is Ms Nancy Raphael, a staff of African American Youth Organization For Human Welfare (AAYO) New York, We are organizing a global combine conference against racism and child abuse taking place from 17th - 20th August 2009 in New York,USA and from 24th - 27th August 2009 in Dakar Senegal, West Africa .
If you are interested to participate and want to represent your country, you may contact the conference secretariat via email secretary.aay.org@googlemail.com for more details and information.
If you are a holder of passport that may require visa to enter the United States of America and Dakar Senegal, you may inform the conference secretariat at the time of registration, as the organizing committee is responsible for all visa arrangements and travel assistance.
The benevolent donors from across the world and the Organizing Committee will provide round trip air tickets and accommodation for the period of participants Stay in the U.S, to all registered participants. Participants are only responsible for their own hotel booking accommodation in Dakar Senegal, African where the second phase of the event will be held, and note that there are no charges for registration.
Endeavour to inform them that you were invited to participate by a friend of yours (Ms Nancy Raphael), who is a staff of (AFRICAN AMERICAN YOUTH ORGANIZATION FOR HUMAN WELFARE)
Thanks for your response; you are all welcome to the forth-coming international conferences.
Office Hours: M - F 8:00 AM - 5:45PM
Best regards,
Ms Nancy Raphael.
Assistant Youth Leader,
African American Youth Organization.
Message headers:
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 03:23:32 +0200 (CEST)
From: Nancy Raphael <nancyraphael.009@ireland.com>
Reply-To: Nancy Raphael <nancy.rapael09@gmail.com>
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To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Dear Friend.
I am very glad to receive your mail. I will want you to contact the conference secretariat for more information. They will reach you with all the necessary information regarding this conference.
You should also inform them that you were invited to participate by a friend of yours (Miss. Cynthia Wilfrey), who is a member of the International Committee, of the Red Cross and a staff of the (GLOBAL AID ORGANIZATION).
Do know that delegates are welcome as individuals or group to represent their country. And as per stipulation of the conference Organizing Committee, any Organization or group of person's, willing to participate as a group must be within the range of two (2) and four (4). That is no group should be less than two (2) or more than four (4), to represent a country.
Be informed that the organizing committee is fully responsible for all registered participants traveling document (Visa), Round trip air tickets and their accommodation here in the states where the first phase of the event will be held. Registered participants are only responsible for their hotel booking accommodation in Africa, where the second phase of the conference will be held due to the inability of our partner organizations to mobilize enough funds to sponsor the number of expected delegates to attend both conferences.
Endeavour to update me with every step you take to enable me follow up the processing of your Documents, as I was the one who invited you so as to receive the entitled traveling documents on time.
Below is the contact address of the conference secretariat, I will also contact them on your behalf to ensure that you are accepted to participate in this event.
By Email; g.a.o.secretarydesk@teknopark.org
Hope to meet you at the conference venue.
Miss Cynthia Wilfrey.
Washington DC and Dakar, Senegal (wcarsecretary@usa.com)
Dear Friend,
My name is Sarah Johnson, female, working with World youth aid organization (WYAO) UNITED STATE WASHINGTON DC, We are organizing a global youths combined World Conference against Racism & Child Abuse taking place from 8th 11th September 2009 at Washington DC. In the United States and in Dakar Senegal from 15th 18th September 2009. In our request to invite people from various countries around the world, I went in search of your e-mails on the web site as a means of contacting youths and organizations As a result, I picked your email from an N.G.O`s website.
If you are interested to participate and want to represent your country, you may contact the secretariat of the organizing committee for details and informations. You should also inform them that you were invited to participate by friend of yours (Sarah Johnson) who is a member of the American Youths 4Peace and a staff of World youth aid organization (WCAR).
I believe that we may have the opportunity to meet if you may be willing to participate in this event. The benevolent donors from across the global and the Organizing Committee will provide round Trip air tickets and accommodation for the period of participants, Stay in the U.S., to all registered participants. If you are a holder of passport that may require visa to enter the United States, you may inform the conference secretariat at the time of registration, as the Organizing committee is responsible for all visas arrangements and travel assistance.
Phone: + 1-516-303-0035
Fax + 1-516-302-4714
Email: wcarsecretary@luxmail.com
Email: wcarsecretary@usa.com
You may get back to me with my email address below.
Email: sarahjohnson.washington.dc@gmail.com
Sarah Johnson
USA and Dakar, Oct 12-16, 2009 (danielleleonard.us@gmail.com)
I am Miss Danielle Leonard, a member of Humanitarian Welfare Organization (HWO) Washington D.C, U.S.A. and a staff of the international Red Cross. We are organizing a global combined conference against Racism and the Benefit
of Human Welfare in U.S.A and Dakar Senegal West Africa. It is my pleasure to invite you to participate in this global combined international conference, taking place from 5th to 9th October 2009 at Washington D.C in
the United States of America and in Dakar- Senegal Africa from 12th to 16th
October 2009.
In our request to invite people from various countries around the world, I went in search of e-mails on the Google web site as a means of contacting people and organizations and I picked your e-mail from an N.G.Os website. If you are interested to participate as an individual or want to represent your country or your organization, you may contact the conference
secretary-genera of the organizing committee for details and informations regarding registration for the international conference.
Inform them that you were invited to participate by a friend of yours (Miss Danielle Leonard) who is a staff of the International Committee of the Red Cross and a member of Humanitarian Welfare Organization (HWO)
I believe that we may have the opportunity to meet if you may be willing to participate in this event. The benevolent donors from across the world and the Organizing Committee will provide air round trip tickets, accommodation here in the United States and visa processing for all registered participants for the period of Staying in the U.S, If you are a holder of
passport that may require visa to enter into the United States you may inform the conference secretariat at the time of registration, as the organizing committee is responsible for all visa arrangements and travel assistance.
Below is the contact address of the conference secretariat .By email: hwo.secretary@insing.com
You can also contact me on my e-mail: danielleleonard.us@gmail.com
Yours secretly,
Miss Danielle Leonard,
9th - 12th of Febuary 2010 in ( California - USA ) and from 15th- 19th of Febuary 2010 in(Dakar Central Conference HALL,DAKAR-SENEGAL) (r.carter100@insing.com)
Dear Sir/Madam
You are welcome to participate in these International events. Which will be held from the9th - 12th of Febuary 2010 in ( California - USA ) and from 15th- 19th of Febuary 2010 in(Dakar Central Conference HALL,DAKAR-SENEGAL).
We have accepted you to participate among our list of participants since you were invited by one of our members so You may take the opportunity to participate in these International events.
The theme of the forth coming International Conference is to equip participants with the strategies and policies to wage a global war against Child Abuse & Human Trafficking.
The conference organizing committee in conjunction with the donor sponsoring committee has mapped out some financial rewards to group participants that distinguished themselves in their areas of discipline. Panel of Judges has been appointed to oversee and to select participants of merit and award them during the event both in USA and SENEGAL.
The Interested participants of the forth-coming International Conference should send the following information's via email to Miss Rosalynn Carter(Rosalynn100@insing.com)
1) Names exactly as in passport:
2) Passport Numbers:
3) Date of Birth:
4) Place of Birth:
5) Country of Residence:
6) country of Residence Dailing Code:
7) Direct Contact cell or tel.:
Send the above details to (rosalynn100@insing.com)and she will forward it to our Registration Desk:
REGISTRATION OF PARTICIPANTS: A minimum of one (1) and a maximum of four (4) persons are expected to participate together as a group or organization to represent their Country.
We also accepts individual registration for those who wish to attend alone in the forth-coming events.None of them should be less than eighteen 18 years of age and delegates must participate in both Conferences as it is mandatory.
They should be in possession of their international passports to enable them participate For registration to participate in this event, you may forward the names and passport numbers of your group members to us, as soon as possible, as all participants visa assistance request will be forwarded to the U.S Department of State for same day visa Authorization which shall be sent by fax to the consular section of the US Embassy, in your country of residence.
All registered participants are entitled to and free visa processing by us.... round trip air tickets, meals and accommodation which will be provided during their stay in the U.S.
Note again that delegates will only be responsible for their own hotel booking in Dakar Senegal for the second phrase of the event due to the inability of our partner organizations to mobilize enough funds to sponsor the number of expected delegates to attend both conferences.
For more information you can Contact our Office by Tel : +1 917 512 4138 Office Hours: M - F 8:00 AM - 5:45PM.
Dorris Walker
Conference Secretary - Tel.+1 917-512-4138
Seattle and Burkina Faso, 8-10 Feb 2010 / 12-15 Feb 2010 (y.secretary@secretary.net)
From: ambercox20001@yahoo.co.nz
Subject: 2010 WORLD YOUTH DAY
The conference is scheduled to hold in US first and follow by the one in Africa.
VENUE: Dolce Heritage Hall
3900 NW 21st Street
Seattle, WA 98101
VENUE:Leopold Senghor Conference Centre,
You will assist us in relating to one of the existing youths organization in your country to contact the conference secretariat in the US through this e-mail: y.secretary@secretary.net or our website www.helping-global-youth-conference.up-a.com
Send in your applications now.
Work with the YOUTH of TODAY. Be inpact today by contacting our secretary via this email address.
y.secretary@secretary.net .
I can't wait to meet you there.
From your Lovely AMBER COX.
California and Daker/Senegal, April 14th - 16th 2010 + April 21st - 23rd 2010 (ashantidaviss@hotmail.com)
Dear Friend,
My name is Ashanti Davis female, working with (WORLD YOUTH ORGANIZATION FOR HUMAN WELFARE) California, U.S.A. We are organizing global combined conferences taking place from April 14th - 16th 2010 at California in the United States and in Dakar-Senegal, from April 21st - 23rd 2010.Is our request to invite people from various countries around the world.
I went in search of e-mails on the web site as a means of contacting youths ,adults and organizations .As a result, I picked your e-mail from an N.G.O`s website. If you are interested to participate and want to represent your country or organization, you may contact the secretariat of the organizing committee for details and informations. You should also inform them that you were invited to participate by a friend of yours (Ashanti Davis), who is a member of the American Youths 4 Peace and a staff of (WORLD YOUTH ORGANIZATION FOR HUMAN WELFARE).
I believe that we may have the opportunity to meet if you may be willing to participate in this event. You can also inform youths, adults & NGOs in your country about these conferences. The benevolent donors of the Organizing Committee will provide Visas round trip air tickets and accommodation for the period of participants Stay in the U.S., to all registered participants.
If you are a holder of passport that may require visa to enter the United States you may inform the conference secretariat at the time of registration, as the organizing committee is responsible for all visa arrangements and travel assistance. Below is the contact address of the conference secretariat:
By email: ( secretarytomicookman@gawab.com )
Please get back to me with the e-mail: ashantidaviss@hotmail.com
Ashanti Davis
Staff Member and Youth Leader.
Washington D.C and Dakar, 21-25 Jun 2010 / 28 Jun-02 Jul 2010 (secretary_wvo@insing.com)
Dear friend,
I am Miss. Deborah Wilson, a member of (WORLD VISION ORGANIZATION) Washington D.C U.S.A. It's my pleasure to invite you to participate in our global combined conferences taking place from 21st 25th June 2010 at Washington D.C in the United States and in Dakar- Senegal West Africa from 28th June -2nd July 2010.
In our request to invite people from various countries around the world, I went in search of e-mails on the Google web site as a means of contacting people and organizations. If you are interested to participate and want to represent your country or your organization, you may contact the conference secretariat of the organizing committee for details and information.
Inform them that you were invited to participate by a friend of yours (Miss. Deborah Wilson) who is a staff of the International Committee, of the Red Cross and a member of (WORLD VISION ORGANIZATION) I believe that we may have the opportunity to meet if you may be willing to participate in this event. The benevolent donors from across the world and the Organizing Committee will provide round trip air tickets and accommodation for the period of participants Stay in the U.S, to all registered participants.
If you are a holder of passport that may require visa to enter into the United States you may inform the conference secretariat at the time of registration, as the organizing committee is responsible for all visa arrangements and traveling assistances.
Below is the contact address of the conference secretariat .By email: secretary_wvo@insing.com
you can also contact me on my private e-mail: deborah.wilson@insing.com
Miss. Deborah Wilson.
Message headers:
Received: from (X-Forwarded-For: by
mail08-sk.centrum.cz (Centrum Mail) with HTTP
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 10:50:32 +0200
From: "deborah wilson" <deborah.wilson@centrum.sk>
X-Mailer: Centrum Mail 5.0
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Subject: CONFERENCE INVITATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Athens, Greece, 21th Junly to 4th August 2010
Subject: Information About Conference
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2010 19:30:30 -0400
From: globalsymposium@europe.com
26th Global World Conference
"Rapprochement of Global Peace Index (GPI)"
Athens, Greece, 21th Junly to 4th August 2010
Global Symposium of Peaceful Nations (GSPN) are the largest gatherings of individual specialists world-wide, the best opportunity to showcase one's work to a wide audience of practitioners, dance teachers, choreographers, researchers, journalists and organizers. They are attended by hundreds of professionals from dozens of countries.
We are organizing a global World Conference, Global Peace Index (GPI). Taking place from 21th Junly to 4th August 2010 at Athens Greece. A 7-days Summer tour to Historic tourist attraction cities around Greece and Rome in Italy from 5th - 11th August 2010.
All forms of dance are represented. Strictly non-profit. Not to be confused with festivals, workshops, competitions or open conferences.
Under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affair, the Municipality of Athens and the National UNESCO Commission.
This Conference is organized by the Athens Section of Global Symposium of Peaceful Nations (GSPN)-UNESCO, in collaboration with the International Dance Council CID. It is placed within the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures, declared by the United Nations and entrusted to UNESCO.
The program includes:
- Presentation and discussion on World Peace, Occurrence of Natural Deserter,original research reports (papers)
- Classes, lecture-demonstrations, video projections
- Performances by dance companies, duos or solos,
- Exhibitions and sale of books, records, pictures, costumes, accessories etc.
- Visits to places of special interest.
- Evenings where members can discuss in a relaxed setting.
While intended primarily for professionals, it is at the same time a trade fair and a participatory event, facilitating contacts among colleagues in view of international cooperation projects.
Submitting a presentation (research report, lecture-demonstration, class, performance, exhibition) is optional. For each presentation a mail must be sent.
Absentee delegates can register also; their presentations will appear in the printed program and will be included in the proceedings.
Note: To apply for a visa registered participants who need a visa to travel to Greece and Italy should indicate and will receive an official visa registration form from our country Immigration office for processing of your travelling visa.Please make arrangements as early as possible.
GSPN-UNESCO Athens Section
Office: 99, Vouliagmenis Av.Athens, Greece. Postal/Zip Code, GR-11636;
tel. +30 695 8969908,
E-mails: globalsymposium@europe.com
Atlanta, Georgia USA and Saint-Louis Senegal
Dear Friend,
Am Isabella Anderson, a staff of Global child health care organization (GCHCO) we are organizing an international conference on Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology / Child Development and Public Health (MCHE CDPH) 2010, taking place from 21st - 24th September 2010 in Atlanta, Georgia USA and from 27th - 30th September in Saint-Louis Senegal.
If you are interested to participate and want to represent your country, you may contact the secretariat of the organizing committee by email (info_mchecdph@globomail.com) for more information.
You may get back to me with my email address below.
Isabella Anderson
New York and Dakar (13-16 Dec 2010, 20-23 Dec 2010)
From: Alisa Alfred <alisa_alfred@123mail.cl>
Date: Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 9:56 PM
Dear Colleagues,
You are cordially invited to participate in the forth-coming global
are organizing a global Youths combined conferences taking place from
(13th-16) December 2010, in United States and (20rd-23th) December 2010 in
Meridian Conference Hall Dakar Senegal, West-Africa.
If you are interested to participate and want to represent your
country, you may Contact the conference secretariat via E-Mail: (
gcofhrsecretary@globomail.com) for more details and Information.
Endeavor to inform them that you were invited to participate by Mrs.
Alisa Alfred. The Organizing Committee is responsible for the air ticket to
both country, and all visa issues, including your lodging accommodation here
in USA only.
You may get back to me via (gcofhr.alisa_alfred@globomail.com)
For more information contact us
601 Fifth Avenue New York,
NY 10103-0001. United States.
Tel: +1-516-303-0024
Best regards,
Alisa Alfred
London (27-31 Jan 2011)
Dear Colleagues,
You are invited to join the Climate Change Working Group (CCWG 2011), third annual Energy and Climate Change Conference focused on the practical applications of social and behavioral research to achieve viable solutions to energy/climate challenges. It builds on the overwhelming success of previous CCWG conferences at which 800 participants from universities, government, corporations and organizations discussed successful policy and program strategies, shared important research findings, and created dynamic new networks and collaborations.
Conveners: Climate Change Working Group-147 Stoke Newington High St N16 0NY, London, United Kingdom. Ph +447024031587, +447024062005, +447024061030
Call for Presentation Abstracts: The CCWG 2011 Organizing Committee requests proposals for presentations from policymakers, businesses, social scientists, researchers, media specialists, marketers, energy experts, program designers, implementers, and evaluators. We invite proposals for three types of presentations:
1.Oral Presentations (15-20 minute formal presentations and slides)
2.Lightning Talks (5-7 minute presentations - highlights of results, insights, or novel/transformative ideas)
3.Poster Presentations (informal presentations)
We are seeking well-documented, effective applications of behavioral approaches in energy/climate policies and programs; new behavioral research findings; successful programs/scale-ups; measured results; and best practices. We are also interested in thoughtful discussions of emerging policy/program issues, behavioral research methods, and selected novel/transformative ideas.
Topic Areas: Abstracts must be submitted online fewer than one of the following categories; if your topic doesn't fit easily into one of these categories (or if it fits into multiple categories) please choose the closest match.
·Climate Change and the Oceans
·Sustainable Development, Environment, Health and Development
·Remote Sensing and Global Surveillance
·Water Resources Management
·Carbon & GHG Management
·Extreme Events and Impacts Assessment
·Greenhouse Gas & Ecosystems
·Human Health In a Changing Climate
·Agricultural and Forestry Resources Management
·Clean Energy Technology
·Low GHG Transportation
·Education: Global Change & Sustainable Development
·Case studies.
Proposal Submission: Interested presenters should submit an abstract of less than 250 words of text summarizing the proposed presentation and a short bio (100 words, email: groupccwg11@gmail.com or fax on: +44 702, 402 7401 +44 844 774 5795 by January 07, 2010. Submissions will be judged on relevance to conference themes, clarity of thought, data/documented results, creativity, fit in conference program and other criteria. Deadline for notification of acceptance is January 14 2011.
Conference Registration: All presenters are expected to register online by January 07 2011. Registration is free of charge for delegates from developing countries. Also free flight ticket, travel insurance, visa fees and per diem to be provided for all paper presenters and participating delegates.
For more details on online registration, abstract submission, full papers and power point presentation, accommodation, flight, and venue, please email: groupccwg11@gmail.com or fax on +44 702 402 7401.
Important dates:
07 January 2011 Deadline for abstract submission
14 January 2011 Notification of acceptance/Full paper Submissions
27-31 January 2011 Conference Dates
We look forward to seeing you at the conference.
Kathryn Martins
Climate Change Working Group
147 Stoke Newington High St N16 0NY,
London, United Kingdom.
Ph: (+44) 7011.133.900,(+44) 7024.031.587
Message headers:
Message-ID: <883128.96402.qm@smtp114.biz.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
Received: from User (info@ with login)
by smtp114.biz.mail.mud.yahoo.com with SMTP; 30 Dec 2010 03:36:58 -0800 PST
X-Yahoo-SMTP: uV703pGswBCk7qUEcw49Q1ZJx6fwCScBNokjk0E.wLMA
Reply-To: <groupccwg11@gmail.com>
From: "Climate Change Working Group" <info@johnsonken.com>
Subject: Call for Papers:Energy and Climate Change Conference
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2010 03:36:51 -0800
Washington DC and Dakar, Senegal (21-24 Feb and 27 Feb-2 Mar 2011)
Dear Friend.
Invitation to join the International Humanitarian Hope Organization
As mentioned above, it is our great honor to inform you that the Staffs of Representatives' Council of the IHHO United States of America is organizing an international event named Hope for Human Right 2011 (HFHR). It is our pleasure to invite you to join hands with us to participate in this international symposium event. The details for the up coming event are as follows:
Date : 21st-24th February 2011 Washington DC USA
Date : 27th-2nd March 2011 Dakar Senegal West Africa
The main objective of this international event is to provide opportunities for participants from all over the world to openly exchange and evaluate viewpoints regarding global issues.
We hope to receive your reply regarding your interest for participation in order for us to make further arrangement. For further inquiries, please do not hesitate to reach us at
Head of secretariat
External Affairs Director of IHHO
Email: secretryscoffer@aim.com
For more information you can writing me directly with my mail address giving bellow. danielajohnson@globomail.com
Mrs. Daniela Johnson.
IHHO Staff
Msg sent via @Mail - http://atmail.com/
Message headers:
Reply-To: danielajohnson@globomail.com
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="=_f26eb9f72eda5c6be896c54756a2a962"
X-Atmail-Account: invitationevent@comfrut.cl
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2011 20:24:49 -0300
Subject: Symposium Invitation!!
From: Invitation Event <danielajohnson@globomail.com>
Anaheim and Kuala Lumpur (amandaeboney010@rediffmail.com)
My name is Amanda J. Eboney, working with (GLOBAL AIDS ORGANIZATION FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT)
California, U.S.A. We are organizing a global Youths combined conferences taking place from
MAY 3rd - 5th 2011 at Anaheim California in the United States and in, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
from 9th - 12th MAY 2011.
In our request to invite people from various Countries around the world. If you are interested
to participate and want to represent your country, you may contact the secretariat of the
organizing committee for details and information. I believe that we may have the opportunity
to meet if you may be willing to participate in this event. You can also inform Youths & NGOs
in your country about these conferences.
The benevolent donors and the Organizing Committee will provide round Trip air tickets and
accommodation for the period of participants Stay in the U.S., to all registered participants.
All Delegates and Participants will be responsible only for their hotel Booking where the
second phase of the Conference will be held in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
If you are a holder of an international passport that may requires visa to enter the United
States you may inform the conference secretariat at the time of registration, as the
organizing committee is responsible for all visa arrangements and travel assistances. Below is
the contact address of the conference secretariat:
Email: gaofhd@mail2California.com / gaofhd_secretary@mail2California.com
By TEL: +1 (209) 890-0443
ByFAX: +1 (209)-890-3781
You may get back to me with my email address below.
Amanda J. Eboney
New York and Accra, Ghana (6-12 Jun and 13-17 Jun 2011)
See also this scam warning from Veolia Environnement
Dear colleagues
The below invitation letter was sent to you since Nov. 4, 2010, we haven't heard your response since then. Please, let us know as soon as possible if you will attend the upcoming conference(s) at New York-USA and Accra-Ghana.
GSSDEV Conference Committee
6th 11th 2011 June in New York, USA
13 17th June 2011 in Accra-Ghana
General Distribution.
Nov 4, 2010
"While recently we have heard much about how problems on Wall Street are affecting Innocent people on Main Street, we need to think more about those people around the world with no streets. Wall Street, Main Street, no street the solutions devised must be for all. Almost two years after the Lehman Brothers collapsed, we are still struggling to come out of this meltdown as unemployment continues to rise. Are we any safer than we were a couple of year ago? How well paved is the road to recovery? Have we learnt our lessons from the global meltdown?" Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, UN General Secretary.
The recent United Nations Climate Change Conference has been widely perceived as a failure, while the consequences of global warming continue to mount. Weather patterns are changing radically, natural disasters grow more frequent and more devastating, sea levels rise, cultural and biological diversity becomes more endangered, and economic prosperity decreases. Despite two years of advance work, the meeting failed to convert a rare gathering of world leaders into an ambitious, legally binding action plan for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
More than 7,000 people responded to our June 2010 economic survey, which measured the impact of these difficult economic times on the nonprofit sector. Among respondents, nearly half were CEOs, executive directors, or presidentsour leaders in the nonprofit industry. The results are compelling:
- Some 40 percent of participants reported that contributions to their organizations dropped between January 1 and May 31, 2010, compared to the same period a year earlier.
- Eight percent indicated that their organizations were in imminent danger of closing.
- Sixty-three percent reported a total increase in demand for their organization's services between January 1, 2010 and May 31, 2010, compared to the same period a year prior.
The Global Strategies for Sustainable Development-GSSDEV is holding the first largest and most diverse international gathering, dedicated to The Economic Crisis in its implications on sustainable development with a theme: The Economics Of Climate Change : Impact and implications of the global economic crisis on sustainable development
You are cordially invited to contribute to the success of this event with your effective participation.
The international community is now challenged by the severe impact on development of multiple, interrelated global crises and challenges, such as increased food insecurity, volatile energy and commodity prices, climate change, and a global economic crisis. The Global Strategies for Sustainable Development offers by far the best analysis of how the financial crisis will affect humanitarian and development funding and how to develop a counter-cyclical strategy building. The conference programme is dedicated to the current situation and offers an open international forum for the discussion of this topic. The aim is to establish new design perspectives and actions through dialogue with representatives from civil society, politics, economics, and science, individuals, etc.
The First 2011 GSSDEV Annual Conference and Steering Meeting will take place from:
Conference dates and locations:
6th 11th 2011 June in New York, USA
13 17th June 2011 in Accra-Ghana
Participants are highly encouraged to attend the entire conference. This will give the best opportunity to exchange of ideas and to further develop the conference programme while enhancing the collaboration between the different participating institutions.
Venue: The conferences will take place in two selected different host countries: one in one in High Income Country (United States of America) and the second in a Middle and Low Income country (Ghana). The conference in New York USA will take place at NYC Seminar and Conference Center. The conference in Accra-Ghana will take place at Accra International Conference Center (AICC). There are excellent hotels in nearby distances from these venues.
GSSDEV Background: The Global Strategies for Sustainable Development - GSSDEV is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan research institution devoted to the study of world economy and Sustainable Development. The Centre provides timely analysis, and concrete solutions to a wide range of international economic and financial problems. The pursuit of sustainable development requires adequate attention and interactions among the environment, society and the economy. As such, GSSDEV explores how the environment is valued; how public policy instruments can be designed better; and how abject poverty can be addressed sustainably. Background documents and information are available on the GSSDEV website.
Conference Methodology: The conference is organized as an open discussion forum and provides scope for participants to explore the ins and outs of the economic crisis and it implications on sustainable development. Presentations by acclaimed experts from different fields of knowledge during the first half of the conference will form the starting point of the subsequent discussions. In the second half of the conference, participants will be divided into groups to work out the core issues from the focus points of the conference. The results and recommendations from the groups will be presented in plenum, discussed and finally made available to the participants;
The Conference will also provide various opportunities to engage participants in sharing experiences and articulating perspectives on how to enhance their activities in the financing of their various projects, especially the NGOs/CBOs including round table panel discussions and break-out sessions, interactive dialogue, workshops, caucuses and other activities.
Call for papers:
The conference will welcome submissions from non-profits, NGOs, CBOs, CSOs, scholars, financial experts, policy makers, and other practitioners. Participants will be able to enjoy shows, attractions, activities, and tours available in host cities.
The following topics can be covered in your submission and presentation:
# The Economic Crisis and the Climate Change
# Where does the worlds climate now stand with respect to global warming? Are we already at or beyond the tipping point beyond which there is no return?
# What can economists tell us about the costs and benefits of mitigation policies? What measures are most efficient from an economic perspective and in terms of carbon reduction?
# The Impact of the Financial and Economic Crisis on MDG's
# The Impact of the Financial and Economic Crisis on Developing Countries
# How can we best address the employment effects of these diverse climate proposals given the fragile states of the world economies?
# Proposals include cap and trade, carbon tax, development of renewable energy, new technologies, energy efficiency and changing the patterns of consumption.
# How does international policy ensure justice and fairness in global warming policy measures? To what extent do the proposed measures imply a just distribution of burdens and benefits for developing countries?
# If mitigation policies are too little and/or too late, what are realistic adaptation strategies that address the needs of poor countries and poor areas of rich countries burdened more than others?
# Any other related topic
Instructions for submission of papers:
# Please note that your submission is not limited to the above-mentioned topics and cross-disciplinary works are highly encouraged.
# The deadline for submitting papers is January 30, 2011 and early submissions are welcomed.
# Notification of acceptance of paper along with comments will be on or before February 15, 2011.
# Final papers expected by February 27, 2011 for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings.
# All papers should be submitted by email to devfund@vcn.bc.ca
Participation and target groups:
We expect participants from:
Governments and international organizations: Representatives of international organizations including the World Bank, IMF, WTO, the United Nations, top regional organizations and development banks, Government representatives including, ministers of finance and economy, and ministers of social welfare, Political decision-making bodies (parliamentary committees, ministries both national and foreign).
Civil society:
Leaders from national and international NGOs/CBO's, Activists and trade union leaders, Religious and faith community leaders, Human Right Organizations, Microfinance institutions, private philanthropists, foundations.
The business sector:
CEOs and board-level executives, Social Entrepreneurs, Leaders of the worlds most influential industry associations, particularly from developing countries.
Academics institutions and leaders:
Experts from a wide range of fields, Presidents of the worlds top universities, Leaders of the worlds top think tanks,
Individuals: interested in knowing how the economic crisis is impacting their daily lives and how to cope with it.
Media: Publishers, editors-in-chief, top columnists and economic editors
(i) Organizations: Delegates from NGOs and diverse not-for-profit organizations will benefit from the GSSDEV sponsorship package. These organization(s) can nominate up to three (03) of their members to benefit from the sponsorship package.
(ii) Individuals: It is not necessary to be affiliated to any organization before taking part in the summits(s). The Conference Sponsorship packages are available for individuals that are interested to attend the conference.
Financial Support Acknowledgement And Sponsoring: It is gratefully acknowledged that the Local Organizing Committee receives financial support from private philanthropists, foundations, banks, and international non-governmental organizations for the participation of civil society members from middle and low income countries (World Bank classification). As a result, the GSSDEV will provide sponsorship for up to three (03) International delegates from selected organizations and individuals in low income countries. However, each delegate is required to pay a registration fee of 290 Euro or its equivalent currency.
The sponsorship package covers accommodation, travel, access to the conference plenary meetings and parallel sessions, exhibition, Per Diem, meals and refreshment during the conference and a delegate bag with conference documentation. The sponsorship package excludes all other personal demands including medical expenses and recreation after the conference sessions.
The GSSDEV conference committee will assist delegates to acquire Visas and/or any other travelling documents where applicable.
Registration: Please email the conference Organizing Committee at: devfund@vcn.bc.ca with copy to intlconferences.secretariat@gmail.com and request for the registration form and the registration modalities. Further information including a detailed timetable with task distribution and materials for discussion will be communicated to you.
The extended deadline for late registration is before Monday 23rd May, 2011 to ensure timely receipt of registration forms, processing and allotting of sponsorship packages to eligible delegates.
We encourage NGOs that intend to submit projects for financing from the Veolia Sustainable Development to request the Project Guide at the Office of International Relations by Fax at 1-707-760-4284 or by Email devfund@vcn.bc.ca
In order to encourage a large participation in the forthcomng summits, we would greatly appreciate if you can circulate the Conference Invitation as widely as possible to individuals, groups, and networks who may show interest for the topics covered in the case you cannot personnaly take part in the events.
Due to time constraints, interested participants are urged to confirm attendance beforehand. In order to facilitate effective and interactive communication, we require you to provide us with your full contact details including your telephone (office, mobile) and fax number(s) when replying to this invitation.
While we anticipate your response at your earliest convenience, please do not hesitate to contact us for further information. We look forward to your participation in the upcoming conference(s).
Best Regards,
Veronique Rouzaud, (Mrs. Ph.D)
Conferences Organizing Committees' Coordinator
GSSDEV&Veolia Environnement
645 Howe Street,
Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA V6C 2Y9
Phone: +1-707-659-1571
Fax: +1-707-760-4284
Email: devfund@vcn.bc.ca
Website: www.veolia.com/en/
New York and Accra, GH (6-11 Jun, 13-17 Jun 2011)
Dear colleagues
The below invitation letter was sent to you since Nov. 4, 2010, we haven't heard your response since then. Please, let us know as soon as possible if you will attend the upcoming conference(s) at New York-USA and Accra-Ghana.
GSSDEV Conference Committee
6th 11th 2011 June in New York, USA
13 17th June 2011 in Accra-Ghana
General Distribution.
Nov 4, 2010
"While recently we have heard much about how problems on Wall Street are affecting Innocent people on Main Street, we need to think more about those people around the world with no streets. Wall Street, Main Street, no street the solutions devised must be for all. Almost two years after the Lehman Brothers collapsed, we are still struggling to come out of this meltdown as unemployment continues to rise. Are we any safer than we were a couple of year ago? How well paved is the road to recovery? Have we learnt our lessons from the global meltdown?" Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, UN General Secretary.
The recent United Nations Climate Change Conference has been widely perceived as a failure, while the consequences of global warming continue to mount. Weather patterns are changing radically, natural disasters grow more frequent and more devastating, sea levels rise, cultural and biological diversity becomes more endangered, and economic prosperity decreases. Despite two years of advance work, the meeting failed to convert a rare gathering of world leaders into an ambitious, legally binding action plan for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
More than 7,000 people responded to our June 2010 economic survey, which measured the impact of these difficult economic times on the nonprofit sector. Among respondents, nearly half were CEOs, executive directors, or presidentsour leaders in the nonprofit industry. The results are compelling:
- Some 40 percent of participants reported that contributions to their organizations dropped between January 1 and May 31, 2010, compared to the same period a year earlier.
- Eight percent indicated that their organizations were in imminent danger of closing.
- Sixty-three percent reported a total increase in demand for their organization's services between January 1, 2010 and May 31, 2010, compared to the same period a year prior.
The Global Strategies for Sustainable Development-GSSDEV is holding the first largest and most diverse international gathering, dedicated to The Economic Crisis in its implications on sustainable development with a theme: The Economics Of Climate Change : Impact and implications of the global economic crisis on sustainable development
You are cordially invited to contribute to the success of this event with your effective participation.
The international community is now challenged by the severe impact on development of multiple, interrelated global crises and challenges, such as increased food insecurity, volatile energy and commodity prices, climate change, and a global economic crisis. The Global Strategies for Sustainable Development offers by far the best analysis of how the financial crisis will affect humanitarian and development funding and how to develop a counter-cyclical strategy building. The conference programme is dedicated to the current situation and offers an open international forum for the discussion of this topic. The aim is to establish new design perspectives and actions through dialogue with representatives from civil society, politics, economics, and science, individuals, etc.
The First 2011 GSSDEV Annual Conference and Steering Meeting will take place from:
Conference dates and locations:
6th 11th 2011 June in New York, USA
13 17th June 2011 in Accra-Ghana
Participants are highly encouraged to attend the entire conference. This will give the best opportunity to exchange of ideas and to further develop the conference programme while enhancing the collaboration between the different participating institutions.
Venue: The conferences will take place in two selected different host countries: one in one in High Income Country (United States of America) and the second in a Middle and Low Income country (Ghana). The conference in New York USA will take place at NYC Seminar and Conference Center. The conference in Accra-Ghana will take place at Accra International Conference Center (AICC). There are excellent hotels in nearby distances from these venues.
GSSDEV Background: The Global Strategies for Sustainable Development - GSSDEV is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan research institution devoted to the study of world economy and Sustainable Development. The Centre provides timely analysis, and concrete solutions to a wide range of international economic and financial problems. The pursuit of sustainable development requires adequate attention and interactions among the environment, society and the economy. As such, GSSDEV explores how the environment is valued; how public policy instruments can be designed better; and how abject poverty can be addressed sustainably. Background documents and information are available on the GSSDEV website.
Conference Methodology: The conference is organized as an open discussion forum and provides scope for participants to explore the ins and outs of the economic crisis and it implications on sustainable development. Presentations by acclaimed experts from different fields of knowledge during the first half of the conference will form the starting point of the subsequent discussions. In the second half of the conference, participants will be divided into groups to work out the core issues from the focus points of the conference. The results and recommendations from the groups will be presented in plenum, discussed and finally made available to the participants;
The Conference will also provide various opportunities to engage participants in sharing experiences and articulating perspectives on how to enhance their activities in the financing of their various projects, especially the NGOs/CBOs including round table panel discussions and break-out sessions, interactive dialogue, workshops, caucuses and other activities.
Call for papers:
The conference will welcome submissions from non-profits, NGOs, CBOs, CSOs, scholars, financial experts, policy makers, and other practitioners. Participants will be able to enjoy shows, attractions, activities, and tours available in host cities.
The following topics can be covered in your submission and presentation:
# The Economic Crisis and the Climate Change
# Where does the worlds climate now stand with respect to global warming? Are we already at or beyond the tipping point beyond which there is no return?
# What can economists tell us about the costs and benefits of mitigation policies? What measures are most efficient from an economic perspective and in terms of carbon reduction?
# The Impact of the Financial and Economic Crisis on MDG's
# The Impact of the Financial and Economic Crisis on Developing Countries
# How can we best address the employment effects of these diverse climate proposals given the fragile states of the world economies?
# Proposals include cap and trade, carbon tax, development of renewable energy, new technologies, energy efficiency and changing the patterns of consumption.
# How does international policy ensure justice and fairness in global warming policy measures? To what extent do the proposed measures imply a just distribution of burdens and benefits for developing countries?
# If mitigation policies are too little and/or too late, what are realistic adaptation strategies that address the needs of poor countries and poor areas of rich countries burdened more than others?
# Any other related topic
Instructions for submission of papers:
# Please note that your submission is not limited to the above-mentioned topics and cross-disciplinary works are highly encouraged.
# The deadline for submitting papers is January 30, 2011 and early submissions are welcomed.
# Notification of acceptance of paper along with comments will be on or before February 15, 2011.
# Final papers expected by February 27, 2011 for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings.
# All papers should be submitted by email to devfund@vcn.bc.ca
Participation and target groups:
We expect participants from:
Governments and international organizations: Representatives of international organizations including the World Bank, IMF, WTO, the United Nations, top regional organizations and development banks, Government representatives including, ministers of finance and economy, and ministers of social welfare, Political decision-making bodies (parliamentary committees, ministries both national and foreign).
Civil society:
Leaders from national and international NGOs/CBO's, Activists and trade union leaders, Religious and faith community leaders, Human Right Organizations, Microfinance institutions, private philanthropists, foundations.
The business sector:
CEOs and board-level executives, Social Entrepreneurs, Leaders of the worlds most influential industry associations, particularly from developing countries.
Academics institutions and leaders:
Experts from a wide range of fields, Presidents of the worlds top universities, Leaders of the worlds top think tanks,
Individuals: interested in knowing how the economic crisis is impacting their daily lives and how to cope with it.
Media: Publishers, editors-in-chief, top columnists and economic editors
(i) Organizations: Delegates from NGOs and diverse not-for-profit organizations will benefit from the GSSDEV sponsorship package. These organization(s) can nominate up to three (03) of their members to benefit from the sponsorship package.
(ii) Individuals: It is not necessary to be affiliated to any organization before taking part in the summits(s). The Conference Sponsorship packages are available for individuals that are interested to attend the conference.
Financial Support Acknowledgement And Sponsoring: It is gratefully acknowledged that the Local Organizing Committee receives financial support from private philanthropists, foundations, banks, and international non-governmental organizations for the participation of civil society members from middle and low income countries (World Bank classification). As a result, the GSSDEV will provide sponsorship for up to three (03) International delegates from selected organizations and individuals in low income countries. However, each delegate is required to pay a registration fee of 290 Euro or its equivalent currency.
The sponsorship package covers accommodation, travel, access to the conference plenary meetings and parallel sessions, exhibition, Per Diem, meals and refreshment during the conference and a delegate bag with conference documentation. The sponsorship package excludes all other personal demands including medical expenses and recreation after the conference sessions.
The GSSDEV conference committee will assist delegates to acquire Visas and/or any other travelling documents where applicable.
Registration: Please email the conference Organizing Committee at: devfund@vcn.bc.ca with copy to intlconferences.secretariat@gmail.com and request for the registration form and the registration modalities. Further information including a detailed timetable with task distribution and materials for discussion will be communicated to you.
The extended deadline for late registration is before Monday 23rd May, 2011 to ensure timely receipt of registration forms, processing and allotting of sponsorship packages to eligible delegates.
We encourage NGOs that intend to submit projects for financing from the Veolia Sustainable Development to request the Project Guide at the Office of International Relations by Fax at 1-707-760-4284 or by Email devfund@vcn.bc.ca
In order to encourage a large participation in the forthcomng summits, we would greatly appreciate if you can circulate the Conference Invitation as widely as possible to individuals, groups, and networks who may show interest for the topics covered in the case you cannot personnaly take part in the events.
Due to time constraints, interested participants are urged to confirm attendance beforehand. In order to facilitate effective and interactive communication, we require you to provide us with your full contact details including your telephone (office, mobile) and fax number(s) when replying to this invitation.
While we anticipate your response at your earliest convenience, please do not hesitate to contact us for further information. We look forward to your participation in the upcoming conference(s).
Best Regards,
Veronique Rouzaud, (Mrs. Ph.D)
Conferences Organizing Committees' Coordinator
GSSDEV&Veolia Environnement
645 Howe Street,
Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA V6C 2Y9
Phone: +1-707-659-1571
Fax: +1-707-760-4284
Email: devfund@vcn.bc.ca
Website: www.veolia.com/en/
New York and Madrid (18-20 Aug and 22-26 Aug 2011)
Dear Sir/Madam,
It gives me a great pleasure to invite you to the forth coming international
seminar which the American Institute for Human Right (AIHR) is excited to
be hosting in August 18th to 20th 2011 first Phase at Elm Croft Manor New York
City USA, And then from August 22nd to 26th 2011, Second phase at Lagasca Madrid
The theme of the forth coming seminar is; Racism and Human Right.
Delegates who are interested in making a paper presentation are advice to make
a summary presentation on the above subject.
With this regard, I hereby request you to kindly extend your cooperation by
giving wide publicity to the aforesaid workshop by sharing this invitation among
your staff, members or relatives for their active participation in the workshop.
Note: the (AIHR) will be providing all delegates with to and fro Air ticket and
also visa's guidance for the seminar purpose. Looking forward for your
cooperation and support for the success of the workshop.
Registration is open now!
Contact the organizing secretary Mrs Grace J. Nicholas for more information.
Email: grace.j.nicholas1@globomail.com
See you in the Seminar.
Miss Katy Nelson
American Institute for Human Right (AIHR)
Atlanta and Dakar (20-23 Sep and 27-30 Sep 2011)
From: Ms. Theresa G. Harris [mailto:kolkata@jaypeebrothers.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 10:39 PM
Subject: Conference on racism/human trafficking and child abuse !!!
Dear Colleagues,
You are cordially invited to participate in a Global Combined conference taking place from (20th-23rd September 2011) in Atlanta-Georgia, United States of America at the Hilton Atlanta Conference Center, and from (27th-30th September 2011) in Olympic Stadium Hall Dakar Senegal.
Applicant that are interested and want to represent his/her country should Contact the conference secretariat via Email :{ secretariatgiyf@aol.com } { secretary.info.giyf@globomail.com } for more details and Information.
Endeavor to inform them that you were invited to participate by (Ms. Theresa G. Harris). Note that the Organizing Committee is responsible for the air tickets, visas and lodging accommodation in USA only.
Sincerely Yours,
Ms. Theresa G. Harris.
California and Senegal, 21-25 Nov, 28 Nov-1 Dec 2011 (wchtpsw_world_conf@mynet.com)
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate at the 2011 World Congress on Human Trafficking,Prostitution and Sex Work.The Conference will be held at the California University of Pennsylvania Steele Hall, 250 University Ave.,California, PA 15419 from November 21st - 25th 2011 and from 28th to 1st December 2011 at the BCEAO Salle de Conf & Multimedia in Senegal.
The Human Trafficking, Prostitution and Sex Work conference is been organized by the Global Women's Aid Organization (GWAO) and sponsored by (The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,The William J. Clinton Foundation and other benevolent donors worldwide
The aims of the conference are to bring together researchers and practitioners in an effort to lay the groundwork for future collaborative research, advocacy, and program development as well as to educate social service, health care, and criminal justice professionals on human trafficking and the needs and risks of those victimized by the commercial sex industry.
For more information contact the WCHTPSW conference organizing committee via email: wchtpsw_world_conf@mynet.com or phone +1-206-339-3727. We will return your call within 24 hours. You can also contact me via e-mail: hannah_joshua@globomail.com
Ms. Hannah Joshua
Global Generation Academy Digital Portfolio (GGADP)
E-mail: hannah_joshua@globomail.com
Seattle and Burkina Faso, 30 Oct-3 Nov and 6-10 Nov 2011 (interworld.youthc@ymail.com)
Compliment of the season's to you,it's my pleasure to invite you to our
Conference, the Developing of Leadership,which will take place in United State of
American and Bukina Faso in Africa.
DATE: 30th of Oct to 3rd Nov 2011. VENUE: Dolce Heritage Hall, 3900 NW 21st
Street Seattle, WA 98101 Washington D.C, U.S.A.
6th To 10th Nov 2011 VENUE: International Conference Centre,
You will assist us in relating to one of the existing youths organization in your
country to contact the conference secretariat in the US through this e-mail:
interworld.youthc@ymail.com or our website
www.academic-conference-worldwide.info , Send in your applications now.
Work with the LEADERS OF TOMORROW. Be impacted today by contacting our
secretary via this email address. interworld.youthc@ymail.com,
I can't wait to meet you there.
Yours With Love,
Sandra Sanchez
California and Senegal, Nov/Dec 2011 (wchtpsw_wor_conf@mynet.com)
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate at the 2011 World Congress on Human Trafficking,Prostitution and Sex Work.The Conference will be held at the California University of Pennsylvania Steele Hall, 250 University Ave.,California, PA 15419 from November 21st - 25th 2011 and from 28th to 1st December 2011 at the BCEAO Salle de Conf & Multimedia in Senegal.
The Human Trafficking, Prostitution and Sex Work conference is been organized by the Global Women's Aid Organization (GWAO) and sponsored by (The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,The William J. Clinton Foundation and other benevolent donors worldwide
The aims of the conference are to bring together researchers and practitioners in an effort to lay the groundwork for future collaborative research, advocacy, and program development as well as to educate social service, health care, and criminal justice professionals on human trafficking and the needs and risks of those victimized by the commercial sex industry.
For more information contact the WCHTPSW conference organizing committee via email: wchtpsw_wor_conf@mynet.com or phone +1-206-339-3727. We will return your call within 24 hours. You can also contact me via e-mail: michaelemily@globomail.com
Ms. Michael Emily
Youth organizing
Seattle and London, 17-20 Jul 2012, 23-26 Jul 2012 (doris_walter@ovi.com)
The worldwide concern about Domestic Violence; its impact on the fate of growing population of the world, has risen to unprecedented levels in the last few years. This explosion of information on Domestic Violence has made all of us much more aware of what is happening. But, the sheer magnitude of it can also be overwhelming. We often ask ourselves, in spite of all the media; are we really certain about what we need to know and are there anything we as average citizens can do about it?
Join our organization, International Forum for Women Affairs for our combine conference with Theme, VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND CHILDREN, as we learn the answers to those two important questions concerning Violence against women and children,
What Do We Know?
What Can We Do?
We aspire to:
1) Tackle this scourge of Violence against women and children.
2) Establish relationship between Groups, NGO's and Individuals that
fight against this scourge
the conferences are of two segments.
Firstly, one shall commence in Seattle, Washington, USA. On the 17th of July till the 20th of July, 2012 at Washington State Convention Center 800 Convention Place Seattle, WA 98101-2350
The second segment shall take place in UK and shall commence on the 23rd of July till the 26th of July, 2012 at The Sycamore Centre Sycamore Way, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG23 8AB United Kingdom
You must put many things into consideration before taking decision to participate in this workshop. Provisions have been made for participants all round flight tickets, feeding and accommodation in the US. This will be taken care of by our sponsors. The attendance of the two segments of the event is compulsory for any intending delegate. Delegates will take care of their hotel reservation in United Kingdom during the first workshop as our sponsors did not make provision for that. These will enable us know those that is coming for workshop really and must go back to their home country.
The organization is not providing fund for UK hotel service, but suggests some cheap designated hotels in UK. Contact our protocol office for the list of the approved hotels.
Delegates who need the authorization of the US or UK visas to participate in this workshop must indicate that while replying to this mail.
If you have considered this, then you should give us the go ahead by contacting us through this email with the particulars of your delegates in order to receive the conference materials as well as other information.
Send in your applications now (doris_walter@ovi.com)
yours faithfully,
Mrs. Doris Walter.
Message headers:
X-Originating-IP: []
Reply-To: <doris_walter@ovi.com>
From: Doris walter <doris-walt40@msn.com>
Date: Thu, 10 May 2012 12:11:55 +0000
Boston and Birmingham (jobeverfounfation@gmail.com)
From: "Ever Foundation" <foundationjob9@gmail.com>
To: <undisclosed-recipients:>
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 05:23
Subject: Funding Programme CDC-RFA-DP06-601.
Participation Invitation to the International NGOs Forum on
Development Financing
Invitation de Participation au Forum International des ONGs sur le
Financement du Développement.
==== ENGLISH TEXT =====
International NGOs' Forum on Development Financing.
November 16-21, 2009 : Boston - Massachusetts United States of America
November 23-28, 2009 : Birmingham, England.
General Distr.
October. 3rd, 2009
73 Rowes Wharf, Boston, MA 01324
Boston - Massachusetts
Tél.: +1 413 647 4791
Fax : +1 413 674 1070
Boston - Massachusetts
United States of America
Europe International Secretariat
854 Bickenhill Parkway,
Birmingham B40 1QA,
Tel. +44 703 599 9223
Fax. +44 700 596 3159
United Kingdom
Offices' Opening Hours: Monday to Friday: 8.00 AM - 6.00 PM GMT
Sirs and Madams,
Under the sponsoring of the Board of Director of the FOOD FOR ALL
FOUNDATION, of the municipalities of Boston - Massachusetts and
Birmingham and the co-organizers of the International NGOs' Forum on
Development Financing, we have the pleasure to invite you to take part
in an important activity in the framework of the fight for the human
and community development which will take place in Boston -
Massachusetts, USA from November 16-21, 2009 and in Birmingham from
November 23-28, 2009: The International NGOs' Forum on Development
The International NGOs' Forum on Development Financing organized by
the FOOD FOR ALL FOUNDATION intends to be a pioneer in international
meeting and is based on a network of several practitioners. The
programme offers an incomparable meeting and learning environment,
enriched with the experience of several human and community
development practitioners. The FOOD FOR ALL FOUNDATION invites you to
attend the International NGOs' Forum on Development Financing as
Delegation of your country. Microfinance Institutions (MFI's),
Nongovernmental Organizations (NGO's), donor agencies, consulting
firms, government agencies, central banks, commercial banks, socially
responsible investors and private individuals are invited to attend.
The forum's goal is to help reduce poverty and to raise the standards
of living by mobilizing resources inside as well as outside the
countries while providing a technical and financial assistance for
development projects and programs in the concerned countries.
With headquarters in Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, (USA) and
international secretariat in Birmingham (England), the FOOD FOR ALL
FOUNDATION is a United States based registered charity. The FOOD FOR
ALL FOUNDATION is a large and diversified Foundation that operates in
the fields of social field, healthcare, environment, finance (with a
particular accent on microfinance and microcredit). The FOOD FOR ALL
FOUNDATION manages an international portfolio of diverse assets that
provide its stakeholders with Value growth, Diversification, Strategic
As donator we contribute to the creation of a safe and sustainable
world by supporting community based organizations to overcome poverty,
violence and injustice in their communities. The FOOD FOR ALL
FOUNDATION operates in support of international grant making through
international representation and partnership with non governmental
organizations, community based organizations and highly credible and
valuable individuals. We work in the belief that community based
organizations are central to transforming the lives of families and
communities - through their own efforts and in collaboration with
local, national and international allies.
By the light of what precedes, we have the honour to announce to you
the International NGOs' Forum on Development Financing which will
bring together several representatives of Microfinance Institutions,
Nongovernmental Organizations, donor agencies, consulting firms,
government agencies and will take place from Novemver 16-21, 2009 in
Boston - Massachusetts, USA and from November 23-28, 2009, in
Birmingham, England; and we are writing to invite you as delegates of
your country.
The meeting sessions put a premium on the design of programmes based
on best practices, as well as on specific instruments which enable to
ensure the long-term financial increase. The sessions intend to
provide participants with the opportunity to expand their knowledge
and skills of the quality required for the advancement of the fight
for peace and, to provide a personal development experience tailored
to the needs of NGOs/CBOs that will enable participants to review and
assess their own capabilities with a view to identifying ways in which
they can increase the effectiveness of their contribution to the
organizations they work for and to the process of development.
The International NGOs' Forum on Development Financing is designed for
a wide range of organizations and backgrounds, including MFI's, NGO's,
donor agencies, consulting firms, government agencies, central banks,
commercial banks, socially responsible investors and private
The International Forum offers a well rounded overview of the critical
issues in development financing, micro finance and micro credit, in
financial management and analysis, and a larger and more diverse set
of sessions that allow participants to deepen their understanding in
particular subjects of greater interest.
The International NGOs' Forum on Development Financing is financially
supported with the objective of granting financial assistance and
sponsorship for the participation of members of organizations coming
from under-developed countries. In this way, many organizations
including yours have been selected and benefit from a complete
sponsorship covering the costs of transport and accommodation.
The FOOD FOR ALL FOUNDATION sponsorship covers the following charges:
- the means of travel (return airplane ticket) for selected delegates
from home country to the Forums sites,
- the accommodation for selected delegates,
- the per diem for selected delegates
- the medical insurance for the entire Forum duration.
The financial assistance and sponsorship is available for one (01) to
five (05) participants from each sponsored organization. In this way,
we are pleased to inform you that your organization has been selected
for sponsorship in order to take part in the conference.
You are therefore requested to nominate five (05) active members from
your organization to benefit from the sponsorship.
Please note that you are required to confirm the participation of your
organization in order to obtain the Invitation Reference Number of
your Organization. The confirmation of participation as well as the
request of the Invitation Reference Number of your Organization should
be addressed to :
1. Mr. Matthew Jerry Bruch
Europe International Secretariat
Europe International Secretariat
854 Bickenhill Parkway,
Birmingham B40 1QA,
Tel. +44 703 599 9223
Fax. +44 700 596 3159
United Kingdom
For purposes of registration in order to take part in the Forum,
please request the International Delegate Registration Documentation
which includes:
1- the Registration Form;
2- the Hotel Reservation Form;
3- the Airplane Ticket Order Form.
The request for Registration Documentation should be addressed to the
International Secretariat at:
1. Mr. Matthew Jerry Bruch
Europe International Secretariat
854 Bickenhill Parkway,
Birmingham B40 1QA,
Tel. +44 703 599 9223
Fax. +44 700 596 3159
United Kingdom
The registration documentation is received and registered at the Head
Office of the FOOD FOR ALL FOUNDATION. In this way, please return the
following documents no later than November 06, 2009 to the Head Office
of the FOOD FOR ALL FOUNDATION in USA by fax at +1 413 674 1070:
1- Completed and signed International Delegate Registration
Certification Form: This Form should be duly completed and properly
signed by the selected applicant in order to be submitted and
processed with the International Relation Office of the FOOD FOR ALL
FOUNDATION for being officially recognized and registered as
International Delegate.
2- Completed Hotel Reservation Form: This Form should be duly
completed and properly signed in order to guarantee accommodation for
the selected applicants.
3- Completed Airplane Ticket Order Form: This Form should be duly
completed and properly signed in order to guarantee airplane tickets
for the selected applicants.
Upon receipt of the required documents, we will quickly review your
documentation and notify you of your registration by email or fax.
We are equally anxious to inform organizations managers who intend to
submit a project for financing from the FOOD FOR ALL FOUNDATION to
request the Project Guide at the Office of International Relations by
Fax at +1 413 674 1070
While we anticipate your response at your earliest convenience, please
do not hesitate to contact us for further information. In the
meantime, you are advised to confirm your organization's acceptance of
the sponsorship offer.
We are waiting for meeting you and work with you as well as with your
Pr. Daniel Hamilton, PhD
Forum Chair
International NGO Forum
Forum International des ONGs sur le Financement du Développement.
16 au 21 novembre 2009 : Boston - Massachusetts, United States of America
23 au 28 novembre 2009 : Birmingham, Angleterre.
Distr. générale
3 Octobre 2009
Original : anglais
73 Rowes Wharf, Boston, MA 01324
Boston - Massachusetts
Tél.: +1 413 647 4791
Fax : +1 413 674 1070
Boston - Massachusetts United States of America
Europe International Secretariat
854 Bickenhill Parkway,
Birmingham B40 1QA,
Tel. +44 703 599 9223
Fax. +44 700 596 3159
United Kingdom
Heures d'Ouvertures des bureaux: 8h00 - 18h00 GMT
Messieurs et Mesdames,
Sous le haut patronage du Comité Directeur du FOOD FOR ALL FOUNDATION,
des municipalités hôtes de Boston - Massachusetts et de Birmingham et
des co-organisateurs de la Conférence Internationale sur le
Développement humain et communautaire, nous avons le plaisir de vous
inviter à prendre part à une activitémajeure dans le cadre de la lutte
pour le développement humain et communautaire, qui aura lieu à Boston
- Massachusetts, aux Etats-Unis, du 16 au 21 novembre 2009 et à
Birmingham, au Royaume Uni du 23 au 28 novembre 2009: Le Forum
International des ONGs sur le Financement du Développement.
La Conférence Internationale sur le Développement humain et
communautaire organisée par le FOOD FOR ALL FOUNDATION se veut
pionnière en matière de renforcement des capacités institutionnelles
et structurelles relatives au développement humain et communautaire
par l'accès aux programmes de micro financement et de micro crédit, et
s'appuie sur un réseau de plusieurs praticiens. Il propose un
environnement d'apprentissage et de rencontre à nul autre pareil,
enrichi par l'expérience de nombreux praticiens du développement
humain et communautaire. Le FOOD FOR ALL FOUNDATION vous invite à
prendre part au Forum International des ONGs sur le Financement du
Développement en tant que Délégation de votre pays. Les institutions
de micro finance et de micro crédit, les ONG, les bailleurs de fonds,
les sociétés de conseil, les organismes gouvernementaux, les banques
centrales, les banques commerciales, les investisseurs socialement
responsables et les citoyens de plusieurs y sont invités à prendre
part. L'objectif premier du Forum est d'aider à la réduction de la
pauvreté et au relèvement des niveaux de vie en mobilisant les
ressources tant à l'intérieur qu'à l'extérieur des pays en fournissant
une assistance technique pour des projets et programmes de
développement dans les pays concernés.
Avec son siège social à Boston - Massachusetts aux Etats-Unis et son
secrétariat international à Birmingham en Angleterre, le FOOD FOR ALL
FOUNDATION est une institution de charité basée sur des capitaux
propres privés; et intervenant dans plusieurs secteurs d'activités
comme donateur et financier. Le FOOD FOR ALL FOUNDATION est une
structure diversifiée qui opère dans le domaine social, des soins de
santé, de l'environnement, des finances (avec un accent particulier
sur la micro finance et le micro crédit), de la recherche et de
l'éducation ; et contrôle un panel international de capitaux divers
lesquels fournissent à ses dépositaires des rapports stratégiques de
diversification de la croissance. En tant que donateurs, nous
contribuons à la création d'un monde sûr et durable en soutenant les
organisations non gouvernementales et organisations communautaires de
base ainsi que les personnes hautement crédibles dans la lutte contre
la pauvreté, la violence et l'injustice au sein de leurs communautés.
Le FOOD FOR ALL FOUNDATION soutient les attributions de subventions
internationales à travers ses programmes de micro financement et de
micro crédit.
Nous oeuvrons avec la conviction que les organisations communautaires
de base doivent jouer le rôle principal dans la transformation de
leurs propres existences et dans l'existence de leurs familles et de
leurs communautés par leurs propres efforts et en collaboration avec
des alliés locaux, nationaux et internationaux.
A la lumière de ce qui précède, nous avons l'honneur de vous annoncer
le Forum International des ONGs sur le Financement du Développement
organisé par le FOOD FOR ALL FOUNDATION qui regroupera un nombre
important de représentants d'institutions de micro finance et de micro
crédit, d' ONG, de bailleurs de fonds, de sociétés de conseil,
d'organismes gouvernementaux, et aura lieu à Boston - Massachusetts,
aux Etats-Unis, du 16 au 21 novembre 2009 et à Birmingham, au Royaume
Uni 23 au 28 novembre 2009 et nous vous écrivons pour vous inviter à y
Les programmes proposés lors des diverses sessions mettent l'accent
sur la conception de programmes fondés sur les meilleures pratiques,
ainsi que sur les instruments spécifiques qui permettent d'assurer la
viabilité et la croissance financières à long terme des organisations.
Ils entendent donner aux multiples participants la possibilité de
développer et d'étendre leurs compétences dans la lutte pour le
relèvement du niveau et des conditions de vie de leurs populations
d'une part et d'autre part de leur permettre d'acquérir de nouvelles
techniques par lesquels ils pourront accroître l'efficacité de leur
rendement au sein des organisations dans lesquelles ils travaillent.
Le Forum International des ONGs sur le Financement du Développement
s'adresse à un vaste éventail d'organisations et de secteurs, y
compris les institutions de micro finance et de micro crédit, les ONG,
les bailleurs de fonds, les sociétés de conseil, les organismes
gouvernementaux, les banques centrales, les banques commerciales, les
investisseurs socialement responsables et les citoyens.
Le Forum propose un tour d'horizon complet et impartial des questions
essentielles qui se posent en matière de micro finance, de micro
crédit et de financement du développement, et de formation en gestion
et analyse financière, ainsi qu'un cursus plus général et plus varié
de sessions optionnelles qui permettront aux participants
d'approfondir leurs connaissances dans des domaines spécifiques.
Le Forum International des ONGs sur le Financement du Développement
est financièrement supporté dans l'objectif d'offrir des parrainages
et des bourses pour la participation d'organisations issues de la
société civile des pays en voie de développement. Ainsi un grand
nombre d'institutions dont le votre sont sélectionnés et bénéficient
d'un parrainage complet couvrant les frais de transport ainsi que les
frais de logement et de nourriture.
Le sponsoring du FOOD FOR ALL FOUNDATION couvre les charges suivantes:
- Le titre de voyage (billet d'avion) A/R des délégués sélectionnés du
pays de résidence vers les sites de conférences;
- Le logement et la pension alimentaire des délégués sélectionnés,
- Les pers diem des délégués sélectionnés,
- L'assurance médicale des délégués sélectionnés pendant la durée de Conférence.
Les bourses et subventions couvre la participation d'un (01) à cinq
(05) participants de chaque organisation parrainée. A cet effet, nous
avons le plaisir de vous informer que votre organisation est retenue
pour bénéficier de notre sponsoring afin de prendre part à la
conférence. Il vous est ainsi demandé de déléguer cinq (05) membres de
votre organisation pour prendre part à la conférence.
Veuillez noter que vous êtes requis de confirmer la participation de
votre organisation pour obtenir le Numéro de Référence d'Invitation de
votre organisation.
La confirmation de participation ainsi que la requête du Numéro de
Référence d'Invitation de votre organisation devra être adressée à
l'un de nos Secrétariats Internationaux au:
1. Mr. Matthew Jerry Bruch
Europe International Secretariat
854 Bickenhill Parkway,
Birmingham B40 1QA,
Tel. +44 703 599 9223
Fax. +44 700 596 3159
EUnited Kingdom
Heures d'Ouvertures des bureaux : Lundi à Vendredi: 8h00 - 18h00 GMT
Dans le but de vous enregistrer pour participer au Forum, veuillez
requérir le dossier d'enregistrement des délégués internationaux qui
comprend :
1- le Formulaire d'Enregistrement ;
2- le Formulaire de Réservation de Chambre d'Hôtel ;
3- le Formulaire de Commande de Titres de Voyage (Billets d'Avion).
Les demandes de documentation d'enregistrement des Délégués
Internationaux doivent être adressées à:
1. Mr. Matthew Jerry Bruch
Europe International Secretariat
854 Bickenhill Parkway,
Birmingham B40 1QA,
Tel. +44 703 599 9223
Fax. +44 700 596 3159
United Kingdom
Heures d'Ouvertures des bureaux: Lundi à Vendredi: 8h00 - 18h00 GMT
Les dossiers d'enregistrement sont reçus directement au Siège du FOOD
FOR ALL FOUNDATION. A cet effet, les documents cités ci-dessous
devront être envoyés avant la date limite du 06 novembre 2009,
directement par fax au Siège du FOOD FOR ALL FOUNDATION aux Etats Unis
au n°: +1 413 674 1070 :
1- Le Dossier d'Enregistrement de Délégué International rempli et
signé : Le Dossier devra être dûment rempli et proprement signé par
les délégués sélectionnés dans le but d'être traité par le FOOD FOR
ALL FOUNDATION fin d'être officiellement reconnu et enregistré comme
Délégué International.
2- Le Formulaire de Réservation de Chambre d'Hôtel: Le Formulaire
devra être dûment rempli signé dans le but de garantir un logement aux
délégués sélectionnés.
3- Le Formulaire de Commande de Billet d'Avion: Le Formulaire devra
être dûment rempli dans le but de garantir les titres de voyages
(billets d'avion) aux délégués sélectionnés.
Dès réception des documents requis, nous examinerons rapidement votre
dossier et vous informerons de son traitement par courrier
électronique ou fax.
Nous tenons également à informer les organisations qui désirent
soumettre un projet de financement à lFOOD FOR ALL FOUNDATION quil
pourront solliciter le Guide de Projet auprès du Bureau des Relations
Internationales de la FOOD FOR ALL FOUNDATION par Fax au +1 413 674
Dans l'attente de la confirmation de votre participation, nous restons
à votre entière disposition pour d'amples informations concernant
cette conférence.
Nous attendons de vous rencontrer et de travailler avec vous ainsi
qu'avec vos collègues.
Pr. Daniel Hamilton, PhD
Forum Chair
International NGO Forum
Seattle/US and Lome/TG
Dear friend,
I'm inviting you to the YFM2013 to build the world of today's youth together.
Connecting now for the future
Youth is the future. Youth is also the present. Half of the world's
population is a children or youth. In several cities of the world, they
are the majority In most countries, however, children and youth lack
formal positions within OUR society.
Let us rather focus on the potentials of youth capacities,
enthusiasm and new ideas as well as their tolerance and lack of
prejudice. We have to rely on the youth and children of today if we want
to change the world of tomorrow.
The rights and needs of children and youth are highly acknowledged
in many international conventions and resolutions. It is up to us all to
find ways to implement their rights and to offer them opportunities.
Global Youth Empowerment Organization invites all her members, Youth
Organizations, Sociology-Cultural Organizations, Non-profit
organizations, Educators, Scholars, Researchers, Health Organizations,
Professionals, Business Organizations,
Decision makers in the public & private sector,Representatives of
governmental and Non-governmental organizations (NGO'S), Religion
organizations, Human Right Organizations, Women Groups and intending
members all over the world to our
fourth-coming international conference.
The conference is scheduled to hold in US first and follow by the one in Africa .
VENUE: Dolce Heritage Hall
3900 NW 21st Street
Seattle, WA 98101
VENUE:Leopold Senghor Conference Centre,
will assist us in relating to one of the existing youths organization
in your country to contact the conference secretariat in the US through
this e-mail: yfmission@eml.cc or our website www.helping-global-youth-conference.up-a.com
Send in your applications now.
Work with the YOUTH of TODAY. Be impact today by contacting our secretary via this email address
yfmission@eml.cc here. Join the high YOUTH of TODAY
www.helping-global-youth- conference.up-a.com
Send in your applications now.
Work with the YOUTH of TODAY. Be impact today by contacting our
secretary via this email address.
I can't wait to meet you there.
From Rose.
California and Senegal
From: "Mrs Yasmina Diamante"
To: <undisclosed-recipients:>
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2013 21:25
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of California Human Right Foundation CHRF USA, It is a great privilege for us to invite you to global Congress meeting against Economic Crisis, Child Protection & HIV/AIDS Treatment, Prostitution, Sex Work and forced Labor. The aims of the conference are to bring together researchers and practitioners in an effort to
lay the ground work for future collaborative research, advocacy, and program development as well as to educate social service, health care, and criminal justice professionals on human trafficking and the needs and risks of
those victimized by the commercial sex industry.
The global Congress meeting against Economic Crisis, Child Protection & HIV/AIDS Treatment, Prostitution, Sex Work and forced Labor is scheduled to take place from
August 19th 23rd 2013 in California the United States and in Dakar-Senegal, from August 26th 30th of 2013. The global congress is hosted by the Campaign against Child Labor Coalition and sponsored by (The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The William J. Clinton Foundation and other benevolent donors worldwide.
Note that all interested delegates that requires entry visa to enter the United States to attend this meeting will be assisted by the organization, in obtaining the visa in their passport. Free air round trip tickets to attend this meeting will be provided to all participants. The Workshop welcomes paper presentation from any interested participants willing to present papers during the meeting.
For registration information you are to contact the conference secretariat via Email: roselyne@secretary.net
Please share the information with your colleagues.
Mrs Yasmina Diamante
(M.D) Activities Coordinator
Nov 24-29, 2014, Maryland, USA
Dear Sir/Madam
Warm greetings from Association for Human Rights Maryland U.S.A! We are organizing one week conference meeting on "Global Security and Human Rights" from November 24th to 29th, Lutherville-Timonium, Maryland MD USA. We take the pleasure of inviting you and your colleagues to the conference meeting. The conference meeting will contain various talks and mini workshops related to the issues of Human Rights and Global Security in our society.
The sponsors of the event will cover the cost of your round-trip airfare on a direct flight at the most economical fare. We will provide for your visa arrangement, and your ground transportation from the airport to the conference venue. Hotel accommodation costs will be your own responsibility. Please contact the conference secretariat office for more information and registration for participation: [secretarygro@aol.com],
Looking forward to your honorable presence,
Thanks and Regards
Dr. Tsega Belai
Coordinating Committee of Scientific Activities
February 23rd– 28th 2015 in California (hroregistrationdesk@aim.com)
Dear Friend,
The Human Rights Organization, invite you to participate in the International conference meeting on Women and Children Trafficking, Social Economic Crisis, Child Labour, Sex Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Women and Children hosted by the International Human Rights Organization. The Conference will take place from February 23rd 28th 2015 in California United States.
Human rights are commonly understood as being those rights which are inherent to the human being. The concept of human rights acknowledges that every single human being is entitled to enjoy his or her human rights without distinction as to race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion.
The International Human Rights Organization hosting the event is responsible for all visa arrangements, air tickets and traveling assistance to interested delegates wishing to attend the conference meeting. Registration is open and free to all interested participants; the interested participants should contact the conference registration office directly via email below for guidance and more information: hroregistrationdesk@aim.com
We hope to hear from you soon.
Ms. Paulina Silvado
International Human Rights Organization
California and Dakar, Jan 10-12 and Jan 17-19, 2015 (cwpho.sec@cwpho.org)
From: "Dr. Joffrey Dale" <first.stardinojee@yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2014 22:51
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of California Welfare & Peoples Health Organization (CWPHO),
It is a great privilege for us to invite you to global Congress meeting
against Economic Crisis, Child Protection & HIV/AIDS Treatment,
EBOLA Treatment, Prostitution, Sex Work, forced Labor, trafficking of
women and children, violence against women, women's economic issues,
critical issues affecting world in the 21st century-governance and law,
economic development, women's empowerment, environment, and regional
The meeting is scheduled to take place from January 10th - 12th,
2015 in the United States and in Dakar, Senegal, from January 17th -19th 2015,
all interested delegates that requires entry visa to enter the United States
to attend this meeting will be assisted by the organization, in
obtaining the visa in their passport. Free air round trip tickets to
attend this meeting will be provided to all participants.
The global congress is hosted by the Campaign against Child Labor Coalition and sponsored by
(The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The William J. Clinton Foundation and other benevolent donors
worldwide, The Workshop welcomes paper presentation from any interested participants
willing to present papers during the meeting.
The aims of the conference are to bring together researchers and
practitioners in an effort to lay the ground work for future
collaborative research, advocacy, and program development as well as to
educate social service, health care, and criminal justice professionals
on human trafficking and the needs and risks of those victimized by the
commercial sex industry.For registration information you are to contact the
conference secretariat via e-mail: cwpho.sec@cwpho.org
Please share the information with your colleagues.
Dr. Joffrey Dale
Principal Laison Officer
(CWPHO) California Welfare &
Peoples Health Organization.
Phone: + 1-206-888-6066
Fax: + 1-206-350-9271